Bay Area Women Magazine - Annika Sorenstam

Page 81

T or i ' sr eales t at ecar eerbegani n1986and hasencompas s edoverf i f t eenhundr ed RealEs t at et r ans act i onswhi chr angef r om s mal lcondomi ni umst omul t i mi l l i ondol l ar homes .T or iof f er smany" s t r ong"poi nt st o hercl i ent s ,andal t houghwel lver s edi nt he ar tofas s i s t i ngBuyer sandRealEs t at eI nves t or si npr oper t yacqui s i t i on,T or i ' st r uel ove ands ki l l scomei nt heas s es s mentofpr oper t yval ue,t heknowl edgeofwhatcanbe donet oapr oper t yt omaxi mi z ei t sval ue ( andmar ketpos i t i on) ,andheradvanced mar ket i ngs ki l l swhi chgof araboveand beyondwhatcannor mal l ybeexpect ed f r om aRealEs t at eBr oker . Whenyouhi r eT or i ,yougetT or i !Noas s i s t ant sorunder l i ngswi l lbewor ki ngwi t hyou; T or iper s onal l yhandl esALLas pect sofyour RealEs t at epur chas eors al e;f r om t hemar ket i ng,f i el di ngofcal l s ,negot i at i ng,paper wor kandt hehundr edsofl i t t l ebehi ndt hes cenesdet ai l s .T or iwant syour t r ans act i ont onotonl ybepr of i t abl ef or you,butapos i t i veexper i ence! T or ihast heexper i enceofwor ki ngi nt he f ol l owi ngmar ket s :LosAl t os ,Mount ai n Vi ew,Menl oPar k,Pal oAl t o,Sunnyval e, Sant aCl ar a,Ros eGar den,Wi l l ow Gl en andNagl eePar k! Remember ,whenyouwor kwi t haReal Es t at eAgent[ orBr oker ]youar er eal l y hi r i ngt hatAgent ' sr eput at i on,orl ack t her eof ,i nt hei ndus t r y.YourAgent ' sr eput at i onwi l ldi r ect l yr ef l ectpos i t i vel yornegat i vel yonyou;T or ii shi ghl yr es pect edi nt he RealEs t at eCommuni t yi nwhi chs hewor ks , andi nt ur nbr i ngst hatl evelofr es pectt o youasei t heraBuyer ,orasaSel l er .Never under es t i mat eorover l ookt heval ueof yourAgent ' sr eput at i on! T or il ooksf or war dt odemons t r at i ngt oyou whatt r ue" f ul ls er vi ce"i sl i keandgi vi ngyou t heoppor t uni t yt omakeyourr eales t at e endeavorass moot haspos s i bl e.

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