Life and Security | Sustainable Economy 9. Sayı

Page 31

Eurobank Tekfen General Manager

Mehmet Sönmez

sermaye bu, flu kadarda iflletme sermayesi için krediye ihtiyac›n var. Bu kredi e¤er ihracat yap›yorsan döviz cinsinden, yurtiçi için tl cinsinden olmas› laz›m. Ayn› zamanda sigortalanmas› laz›m. ‹flte tüm bu konularda siz bir bilenden destek ve yard›m al›yorsunuz. Bu bir paket. Eurobank Tekfen’i di¤er bankalardan ay›ran en büyük özellik budur. Biz her kesime ve sektöre odaklan›p ihtisaslaflmamak yerine sadece reel sektöre, küçü¤üyle, ortas›yla, büyü¤üyle odaklan›p onlar›n bir bileni olma misyonu edindik. O nedenle biz reel sektör öncelikli bir bankay›z. Arabadan inmeden para çekilen ya da elektrik, su faturas› yat›r›lan o banka de¤iliz. ‹çeri girip projesini anlatacak müteflebbislerin bankas›y›z. Bu müteflebbislerin, yani birisine bir sat›fl yapan, fatura kesen, reel ekonomiye dönecek yat›r›mlara girenlere komple paket servisi sunan reel sektörün doktoru durumunda bir bankay›z. Uzmanlaflm›fl, çok iyi e¤itilmifl bir kadroyla ihtisas bankac›l›¤› yap›yoruz. Ama bizle çal›flmaya bafllayan müflterilerimize bütün flahsi mevduat, yat›r›m fonu, kredi kart›, atm hizmetlerini de sunuyoruz. Türkiye’nin en iyi internet bankac›l›¤› yapan bankalar›ndan biriyiz ve biz 16 Temmuzda tüm teknolojimizi de¤ifltirdik. Çok ciddi bir yat›r›mla bizi 10 y›l daha tafl›yacak bir altyap› kurduk. Önümüzde 4-5 y›l içinde de orta ölçekli bir banka haline gelip sadece bu kesimlerde büyüyerek, Türkiye’de reel kesimi bilen banka diyince akla gelen ilk banka olmak istiyoruz. Herkes kriz de küçülürken Eurobank Tekfen olarak altyap›ya çok büyük yat›r›mlar yapt›k ve sürdürülebilir karl›l›kla büyümemiz devam edecek. Bizim misyonumuz bu. Bugün Gsmh yüzde 65’ini 25 il oluflturuyor. Geri kalan illerinde kalk›nmaya geçece¤ini düflünürseniz, e¤er iyide bir kobi bankac›l›¤› yapmak istiyorsan›z, bu 25-26 ilde mutlaka olman›z laz›m. Biz özellikle son 2 y›lda yapt›¤›m›z at›l›mlarla flu anda 18 ile yay›ld›k ve flimdi bulundu¤umuz illerde daha derinleflmeye bafll›yoruz. Dolay›s›yla tek yapmam›z gereken fley yay›lmak ve buralarda misyonumuzu anlat›p büyümek.”

A New Economic System is being built in the World So nothing will be the same as before. It is not an economical shift as it was being discussed. New system has been designed in the World. World is reconstructed in the sense of economy. There is a great opportunity for Turkey in such an environment. Therefore we will not talk about USA or Europe in following 10-15 years at the frame of economy. We will talk about what we can do with those emerging countries. We will see that Turkey will become a real power in the following 15-20 years. It will be the tenth largest economy. We will even see that EU membership process will reverse. Why? Because there are cultural potential, custom, folkway, tradition and hardworking in Turkey. The West is nearly lack of these. Secondly, Turkey has many entrepreneurs. We can go to other countries to export without speaking their language. We can work glorious miracles by contacting them. Our geographic opportunities do not exist in other countries. Thirdly, there is a robust finance sector. But it is not adequate to finance the following ten years. When our country develops, we shouldn’t rely upon only the banks. We have to put other finance mechanisms into action. Companies have to export bonds,bill of exchange and make their borrowings by themselfs not only via the banks. Development of a country is not possible with relying upon only banks. Because, the capital may be clogged. Therefore, our companies should export bill of exchange and list on the stock exchange and find foreign partners in order to goprivate. We have Istanbul Finance Center vision in order to encourage that as you know and that will provide all of these. When we say that Istanbul Finance Center, we actually don’t mean all finance mechanisms are in Istanbul as only buildings. When we mention Istanbul Finance Center, we want that it to become a center of bill of exchange, bond, exchange operations and derivative transactions, all of the region to use that and become like Hong Kong. I think Istanbul Finance Center is a mechanism which will support Turkey’s development in the following 10-15 years. So we have to establish Istanbul Finance Center. Also fiscal rule in the medium term has to be put in practice. I’m one of the top supporters of fiscal rule. Because whoever comes, they will know to act according to those rules and so one step forward, two steps back will stop. And this will definitely start because current authority is precise about this. As Turkey Banking Association, we announced our view. The subject was notified to public and consensus was achieved. We are waiting for that to be put in practice. Briefly, growth rate will be faster relatively to other countries with following fiscal rule, finance center and stabilized policies Full Text:

29 Life&Security •Eylül/2010


Biz reel sektöre, küçü¤üyle, ortas›yla, büyü¤üyle odaklan›p onlar›n bir bileni olma misyonu edindik. O nedenle biz reel sektör öncelikli bir bankay›z. ‹çeri girip projesini anlatacak müteflebbislerin bankas›y›z. Sat›fl yapan, fatura kesen, reel ekonomiye dönecek yat›r›mlara girenlere komple paket servisi sunan reel sektörün doktoru durumunda bir bankay›z.

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