West Hove Directory September 2018

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WEST HOVE September 2018 ISSUE 88


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From a simple door swap to a full replacement kitchen


From a simple door swap Est. to a full replacement kitchen 1999 Est. 1999 From a simple door swap to a full replacement kitchen Est. 1999






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Thinking of letting? Your FREE ‘Ultimate Guide for Landlords’ is available to download here: http://bit.ly/2vvyTU7

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to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021

WELCOME TO THE WEST HOVE DIRECTORY It’s time for most people to go back to work or school (although there are some of us who haven’t been away!) There’s plenty going on in September if you do have some free time, though. We are very excited about the first ever LagoonFest on 8th September. There are also two weekends of Heritage Open Days, the start of the annual Older People’s Festival, and the Brighton & Hove Triathlon, so make the most of the last days of the mild weather. To top off all this, there will be giant snails arriving on our streets!


Contents... Page 5

Local Person – Julia Basnett

Page 6/7

Old Photo

Page 9

Lagoon Fest

Page 11


Page 13

Heritage Open Days & Father Jerry’s Retirement

Page 15

Where in West Hove? and Councillor Details

Page 19

Friends of Stoneham Park & Older People’s Festival

Page 21

Sophie Sheinwald Photography

As well as details of all these events, we have news of future plans at Hove Museum from its Development Manager, Julia Basnett, and details of free PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) tests for men at Bishop Hannington Church – a great 3 opportunity for men to get themselves checked out.

Page 26/27 What’s On

Happy reading! The West Hove Directory Team info@westhovedirectory.co.uk www.westhovedirectory.co.uk Cover picture: Jane Galvin

Page 29

Health Tip

Page 33

Synagogue Plans & Portland Road Development

Page 35

West Hove Forum

Page 37

Free PSA Testing & Triathlon

Page 39

Community First Responders

Page 41

City Plan 2 & Pavilion Saloon

Page 42

Index of Advertisers

Publisher: Sussex Magazines Ltd.Ltd. 10 Hollingbury Road, BN1 7JA info@westhovedirectory.co.uk Printer: Gemini Distributors: Kempster The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.



For a FREE No Obligation Quotation e-mail or call:

Office: 01273 509870 Mobile: 07789 722 741 E-mail: atconstuctionltd@hotmail.co.uk Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


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Join the award winning youth theatre company. Clubs in the local area... Shoreham Academy Drama Studio Senior Club Year 7 – Year 11 at Shoreham Academy Drama Studio , Weds 17.30 – 19.30 Blatchington Mill School Clubs for 8-12 year olds and 12-16 year olds at Blatchington Mill Plus clubs all over Brighton and Hove

Trials available. Weekly classes and public performances.


“They develop a love of drama whilst having heaps of fun” “An intelligent club with the children’s creativity at the fore. My girls love it!” For info on all our other classes please visit: www.windmillyoungactors.com T: 07932776114

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


Meet Hove Museum’s Development Manager...

LOCAL PERSON – JULIA BASNETT Julia Basnett lives in Brighton but feels like West Hove is her second home. She is the Development Manager at Hove Museum. How long have you worked at Hove Museum? About five years I think, in different roles. What are the museum’s main attractions, for people who have never visited? Hove is the home of the moving image; much of the pioneering work in film work was carried out in the area. The museum has a gallery dedicated to these pioneers and the methods and equipment they developed. The earliest films ever made are shown. The museum5also displays contemporary craft of the South East Craft Collection. As well as this there is a gallery dedicated to toys from old to new, a local history gallery and a paintings gallery. Have you got any new exhibitions coming up? In September we will be displaying the final show of the University of Brighton’s MA Craft students. This will be up for seven weeks and will be followed by Storyland. This exhibition features the magical fairy tale work of


Doors and Conservatories

Fabula, an illustration collective, and an advent calendar of wintery items from the collections. We will unveil a new item each day! The café sadly had to close last year. We hear there may be an occasional pop-up café? Yes. We are happy that we will be able to pilot a pop up café on each activity day of the October half term. Parents and carers on these activity days really miss the café as it means they can take a break, stay in the museum longer and feed the kids!


Factory & Showroom: Units 4, 5 and 6, Southern Cross Industrial Estate, Freemans Road, Portslade. BN41 1GS www.premier4windows.co.uk

What plans are there for the future of Hove Museum? We are very keen to develop Hove Museum as a local amenity. We are in a new phase of funding and are working on developing Hove Museum as a museum of making. In the first instance we will centre this around the craft collections as a way of providing activities for many different groups of people, especially from the local area and to work with different sections of the community. Working with The University of Brighton is high on the agenda, to bring cutting edge art and craft exhibitions to the museum. For more information, visit: brightonmuseums.org.uk/hove

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk



Whether you’re an old hand at bidding the hands or want to learn this fascinating card game, pop along to your local Bridge club at 15 Third Avenue, Hove. From 7.30 pm every weekday and 1.30 pm Wednesday afternoon. Partners available.

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Breakfasts light lunches, soup, pasta and hot special of the day Ideal meeting place and also available for private functions 9am - 5pm Mon to Sat

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More than 10,000 vinyl records, CDs, books, DVDs 63 Queen Victoria Avenue, Hove BN3 6XA

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WESTBOURNE GARDENS This photo, dating from around 1950, was kindly provided by local resident Eileen Odom. It shows Westbourne Gardens, looking north towards Portland Road. In the car outside 65 Westbourne Gardens are Eileen’s sister Audrey and her boyfriend Ron (later Audrey’s husband).



Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


Quality Kitchen Facelifts

Spring into action Brighten your Brighten upup your kitchen this summer and re-fresh kitchen! kitchen for your the Summer!!

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Visit our Showroom: Dream Doors Hove & Brighton, 50 Boundary Road, Hove, BN3 4EF



to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


This is going to be a big event...

LAGOONFEST.... 8 SEPTEMBER 2018, 11am-4pm Friends of Hove Lagoon’s (FoHL) first ever community festival is coming at last. After many months of hard work by volunteers, much advice from WishFest and generous support from our sponsors, LagoonFest is ready to roll! The event will be officially opened by Norman Cook and the Mayor will be starting the Paddle Board Race. The day will be crammed with activities for adults and children. There will be skateboard competitions, Cassette Lord, renowned local street artist, will be creating a mural on wood, there will be model yachts, pilates, 9 tai chi, fitness and science taster sessions, theatre performances, face-painting and story-making with Abie Longstaff, successful local children’s author. There will be a dog show with a variety of categories, live bands and dancing with Jivin Jim Dandy, and food and drink from the Big Beach Café, Bus Stop, Curry Leaf, Old Port and the Bugbar. There will be stalls selling goods and promoting organisations, games for adults and children, and a tombola. We will be selling raffle tickets on the day for a

A complete of A completerange range ethical tree services of ethical provided bytree a qualified and experienced services provided Arborist by qualified and experienced Please call Iain on: Arborists.

wonderful list of donated prizes, including i360 flights, Zip Line and Lagoon pirate rides, Lagoon watersports lessons, vouchers for restaurants, spa treatments, swim lessons, sports goods, theatre tickets, hairdressers and John Lewis, signed Abie Longstaff children’s books and a signed limited edition print of Shoreham. We will provide details of the donors in future publicity. Our sponsors are Shoreham Port, Chandlers Building Supplies, Brighton & Newhaven Fish Sales, Big Beach Café, Lagoon Pirates and Lagoon Watersports. Martin Webb at The Stoneham Pub and Matt Harper at Cales have contributed to the publicity and Sadie Graham (Whatbox) has designed it.

01273 275726 thearborbarber.co.uk info@thearborbarber.co.uk

Later in the year we will be auctioning fabulous donations from Norman Cook and David Walliams, plus Cassette Lord’s artwork from LagoonFest. The purpose of LagoonFest is to provide a fun day out for users of Hove Lagoon and to raise funds for a planting scheme. The landscaping has been designed by Nicholas Dexter and the planting by Nigel Bowcock of Acre Landscapes, who are volunteers. They will be available at LagoonFest to provide more information. It will require match funding and will be FoHL’s next big project. We will consult widely before taking decisions. Please do join us!

The Arbor Barber

Professional Tree care

Sue Johnson Secretary, Friends of Hove Lagoon Friendsofhovelagoon@gmail.com @Lagoonhove (Twitter) Lagoonfest2018 at Hove Lagoon (Facebook)

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


10 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


Look out for a snail near you...

SNAILSPACE ARRIVES... 50 giant snails, individually decorated by different artists, and over 50 junior snails painted by local schoolchildren, will be located all over the city, sponsored by local businesses. #BeMoreSnail is the motto of Snailspace, which is being organised by Martlets Hospice in conjunction with Wild in Art. The idea behind #BeMoreSnail is to 11 encourage people to slow down, enjoy the moment and spend more time with the people they love. It resonates with the philosophy behind the life-changing care provided by the hospice, and, at the end of the event, the sculptures will be auctioned off to raise money for it. The event has the backing of some of the city’s celebrities. Superstar DJ Norman Cook, AKA Fatboy Slim, will

We are the Ralli Hall Lunch & Social Club and have been running for 17 years, serving the senior community of Brighton and Hove. We are conveniently located in Denmark Villas, just opposite Hove railway station. • Are you fed up with sitting home alone? • Want to socialise? • Want a hot meal? • Something other than daytime telly? Well, we’re here twice a week Tuesdays and Thursdays offering good company, a hot three course lunch, bespoke exercise classes, discussions, games for the mind and body, art and more. We are also looking for volunteers, young and young-at-heart, ladies and gentlemen to help out. You don’t have to commit to both days or every week. We would love to have a rota of occasional volunteers to support our efforts. Is this for you? Member or volunteer? If so, give Jacquie a call to find out what’s involved on 01273 739999

Photo by Simon Dack/Vervate

The Snailspace art installation will be coming to the streets of Brighton & Hove from 15th September until 18th November.

have his very own snail designed by street artist Cassette Lord. Best-selling crime author Peter James will have a snail based on his highly acclaimed Roy Grace series and popular vlogger and boyfriend of Zoella, Alfie Deyes, will also have a giant snail on the route. A comprehensive map and an interactive app will also support the sculpture hunt. The app will encourage visitors to ‘bag’ as many sculptures as possible by tracking how many snails they have found, enable them to vote for their favourites, and unlock special rewards each time a sculpture is found. The map will be available on the Snailspace website, at Martlets shops across the city and at Churchill Square. There will also be a series of special events during the nine weeks. On Friday 12th October Martlets are organising a Snailway Safari, a sponsored walk with a difference. For one night only the Snailway will become an evening spectacular, with sights, surprises and entertainment along the way. Then, on Oct 19th there will be a citywide #BeMoreSnail day, when Martlets will challenge people to do something which resonates with the idea of being more mindful. Snails will be placed at some of the locations used for the Snowdogs, and a few new locations have been added, including Stoneham Park and George Street. All will be revealed on 15th September! For more information and to keep up to date with all details of the campaign, visit: www.snailspacebrighton.co.uk or follow @snailspacebh on social media.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


Funeral Director of the Year 2014

01273 621444 Traditional and Green Cremations & Burials At ARKA Original Funerals we make sure that you feel comfortable and unpressured about making decisions for the funeral of a loved one. Our team has a wealth of experience arranging unique ceremonies with sound environmental practices and sustainably sourced coffins. 136 Islingword Road BN2 9SH • 01273 621444 or 39-41 Surrey Street BN1 3PB • 01273 766620 www.arkafunerals.co.uk • info@arkafunerals.co.uk

THE ARTS SOCIETY EAST SUSSEX....UPCOMING LECTURES Join us for our monthly illustrated lectures from 6.45pm on the last Wednesday in the month, at the Boundary Rooms, Sussex County Cricket Ground and for our frequent Outings, Special events and Holidays. Annual Membership Fee £50 includes all nine ILLUSTRATED LECTURES... lectures, Guests are welcome to attend no more than two lectures at £5.00 per lecture. Wednesday 26th September The Arts Society Magazine , an Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Man of the Renaissance opportunity to expand your Guy Rooker MB BS FRCS Eng FRCS Ed (Orth) knowledge of Fine and Decorative Arts and meet new friends. Wednesday 31st October Contact our Membership Secretary for full details at jessica.rosenthal958@gmail.com or phone 01273 206456.

From Downtown to Gatsby: Jewellery and Fashion from 1890 to 1929

Details of Lectures, special events, visits and holidays, booking and application forms are on our website.

Wednesday 28th November

THE ARTS SOCIETY East Sussex. Member Society of The Arts Society www.eastsussexarts.org.uk

Andrew Prince Contemporary Artists: Antony Gormley & Anish Kapoor

Rosalind Whyte BA (Hons) MA MA

12 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


A chance to visit new places...

HERITAGE OPEN DAYS Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture. Every year in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE. This year’s Heritage Open Days will be 6-9 and 13-16 September. St Leonard’s Church will be open on 8th September, from 11am to 4pm. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the death of Sir Charles Aubrey Smith, the only Test cricketer to have his name on a star in Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, whose ashes lie in the churchyard. Thanks to Sussex County Cricket Club, the church will have a small display of items relating to him. To mark the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, the church will also be looking at women with a local link who have made a difference, and on the centenary of the end of the Great War, 13they will revisit their previous display about those recorded on their Roll of Honour for World War One. You can also visit the Secret Garden behind the church on 8th September between 11am and 2pm. As well as a vegetable garden, you will see a wildlife haven with a pond; bird and bat boxes; honey bees; bumble bees; butterflies; dragonflies; frogs; a bug hotel and a wormery. There will be demonstrations of the Foredown Tower Camera Obscura (Foredown Road, Portslade) on Thursday 13th (11am, 12pm, 1pm) and Saturday 15th September



Sir Charles Aubrey Smith

(11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm), no booking required. This iconic Edwardian water tower has featured a camera obscura since 1991 – the largest in the South-East. A lens at the summit of the converted tower projects views of the surroundings onto a convex dish. For further details and updates of these and many other events, visit www.heritageopendays.org.uk.



Local news...

FATHER JERRY TO RETIRE Father Jerry O’Brien of St Peter’s Catholic Church in Portland Road is to retire in September, having celebrated 50 years as a priest in July. Father Jerry is likely to move to Surrey, where he will help out as a supply priest. He will be replaced by Father Alexander Lucie-Smith, who is currently at St Hugh of Lincoln church in Knaphill near Woking.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


Timeless Toys

Store opening this month on Portland Road. Handcrafted wooden toys that are sustainably and ethically made, using waterbased dyes and paints. Independently produced and loved by all children.

01273 303842

www.bellavistashutters.co.uk 14 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


Where in West Hove were these photos taken?


Answers for last month’s pictures: 1. Aldrington Close, off New Church Road 2. The Jaipur Gate at Hove Museum 3. Front entrance to RMBI Barford Court on Kingsway/Princes Crescent

Local councillors...

The BCCC is an award winning business based just on the edge of the City We make our own High Quality garden and horticultural products including Organic Compost, high grade Top Soil, Mulches, Bark Chip and Woodchip We also provide Brighton & Hove residents with a reasonably priced and efficient Garden Waste and old soil collection and clearance service


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COUNCILLORS FOR WISH AND WESTBOURNE The Conservative councillors for Wish ward, Garry Peltzer Dunn and Robert Nemeth, hold an advice surgery on Saturday 8th September (the second Saturday in the month) as follows: 9am-10am: 234 New Church Road 10am-11am: Sanders House, Ingram Crescent 11am-12 noon: The Hive café, Stoneham Park No appointments are required and if anyone is unable to get to the surgery venues the councillors are very happy to visit your home. You can also email them at: garry.peltzerdunn@brighton-hove.gov.uk or robert.nemeth@brighton-hove.gov.uk. The Westbourne councillors hold a surgery on Friday 14th September (the second Friday of each month) at Hove Museum: 4pm-5pm: Cllr Tom Bewick (Labour) 5pm-6pm: Cllr Denise Cobb (Conservative) You can also email them at: tom.bewick@brighton-hove.gov.uk or denise.cobb@brighton-hove.gov.uk.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


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COUNTRYMAN Energy Efficient Windows, Doors and Conservatories uPVC, Hardwood and Aluminium

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Simon 07810751499 Neil 07711092582 info@kingswaytravel.co.uk www.kingswaytravel.co.uk 357 Kingsway, Hove, East Sussex. BN3 4PD 18 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


A citywide event...

OLDER PEOPLE’S FESTIVAL 2018 Impact Initiatives is delighted to be putting together the very successful Older People’s Festival for the third year running, with over 100 events going on over two weeks all over Brighton & Hove, from 24th September to 7th October, celebrating people aged 50+. The festival encourages people to come together and try something new, meet others and participate in city life. Please go to the website www.opf. org.uk for all of the event listings and details of where you can pick up the festival brochures. You can also attend the Festival Launch Event at the Hop50+ in Palmeira Square on Monday 24th September, 10.30am to 3.30pm, to celebrate the start of the festival with a glass of bubbly and light refreshments. Sing for Better Health will be marking the launch with a fun group singalong and you can enjoy an afternoon of dancing to the famous Brighton Beach Boys playing all your favourite Beach Boys hits.


M ERIDIAN PLUMBING & HEATING Local Hove based Engineer 25 years experience. Advanced Craft City and Guilds qualified and a Qualified Legionella Management Tester for domestic properties No job is too small!! All my work is fully guaranteed Call out charge is £45; this includes the first hour’s labour and diagnosis of the problem. Call Adam on

Mobile 07989442508 Office 01273 730653 Email meridianphs@gmail.com Web: meridianplumbing.co.uk

Local news...

FRIENDS OF STONEHAM PARK Pride celebrates equality and inclusivity so well. The people of this city are rightly proud of its reputation as a tolerant and welcoming place. Our parks and open spaces in this great city have to be inclusive places, too. But are they as good at showing equality as they ought to be? Are our parks accessible to wheelchair users, to the blind and partially sighted, to the elderly and infirm? Should a park not be equally inclusive of very young children as well as teenagers? How does one balance the needs of boisterous kids and energetic new mothers with those practising the silent and contemplative art of t’ai chi, as I have often spotted by the pigs’ sculpture in Stoneham Park? How does the park succeed in balancing the needs of its visitors with the needs and sensitivities of residents facing its boundaries? The best way to balance these competing interests is to come along to our meetings, or at least the next one. I think you would enjoy it. They only last 90 minutes and you might make some new friends. So why not come to our next meeting at 7.30 on Monday, 17 September, in the garden of the George Payne pub? See you there, I hope. Richard Hearnden

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk



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20 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021

£13 a bottle - see you fr iday ;) 153 Portland Rd, Hove BN3 5QJ

Sophie Sheinwald tells us about her passion for photographing dogs...


SOPHIE SHEINWALD PHOTOGRAPHY What do you most like about living in Brighton & Hove? What I love is that there’s about two degrees of separation when I meet people out and about. Despite being a city, Brighton & Hove offers a real sense of connection and community. We see you are a photographer specialising in dog photography... what do you like most about working with dogs? 21 I’ve been an established photographer since 2011, but those who know me know I’m mad about dogs. My obsession became greater recently since borrowing dogs, so I decided to officially offer dog photography services. I plan to create tangible artwork for people to celebrate this unique fluffy relationship. Dogs play a vital role in people’s lives. I love how their unconditional love provides a much needed connection with humans. I started a ‘Street Dog’ photography project in Manhattan nine years ago which rolled out a series of exhibitions called ‘8 Reasons I Ought to Get a Dog’ - it was a giggle and I may do it again.

What is the biggest challenge when photographing dogs? With many dogs it’s their unpredictability. For a photo shoot, it’s ideal for me to know about the dog’s personality and characteristics. I’ve been getting a bit of help from dog trainer Lorna of Eli Manoeuvres. She helps me tap into the human-canine relationship. What would a typical shoot consist of? Initially, I like to establish the lifestyle and interests of the dog and family, this directs the style and location of the shoot. The relationship people have with their

pets is unique, so there is no typical shoot - it’s a collaboration of ideas worked out with the owners. A shoot can go from artistically dramatic - the studio setting - to casual and fun out and about. I’m all about the visual story and I’ve decided to offer some packages with a dog story book - I’m excited about that! The relationship with pets is a treasured one, having that encapsulated with photography is wonderful. You said you borrow dogs but will you ever get a dog of your own? One day I’ll probably get a dog but in the meantime I’m happy to play aunty! Is there somewhere we can see your work? Yes, my website sophiesheinwald.com with my dog gallery and sophie_snap on Instagram. Also I have recently brought back to life my ‘8 Reasons Why I Ought to get a Dog’ Facebook page and invite all dog lovers to contribute their dog stories.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


22 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


Teacher led pre-school education Open 7.30am - 6.30pm (flexible hours) Home cooked food ( prepared on site) Large garden - Open Plan rooms I Term time childcare available Competitive rates I Music I drama and sports groups available 3 & 4 year funding both 15 & 30 hours 2 year funding

For over 13 years we have been sourcing and High quality childcare beautiful, hand-selected homewares, and education for children gifts, and clothes. Teacher led pre-school education Open 7.30am – 6.30pmbags also flexible hours

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The Garden Nursery and Pre-School, 201 New Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 4Ed.

WHD September 2018



Funeral Celebrant

24 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021

Grooming your dog is all about caring and should be a happy experience. The Dog’s Corner is soothing, calming, and stress free. Looking after your dog’s well-being is our top priority.

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WHD September 2018


Please send your events to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk...

Orpheus Young Singers Love singing?

Aged 9-14?

Join our choir!

Rehearsals during term time

Wednesdays 5.30-6.30pm

at Balfour Primary School, BN1 6NE Several concerts a year on our own and with Brighton Orpheus Choir, professional soloists and orchestra.

Free trial rehearsal then only Orpheus Young Singers is led by £40 per term

Stella Hull, BMus PGCE and Shona Knight, BA PGCE

For more information contact Stella: 07783 909 629 musicaldirector@brightonorpheus.org www.brightonorpheus.org OYS are supported by Brighton & Hove City Council

Brighton Orpheus Choir Registered charity no 260887

WHAT’S ON IN WEST HOVE… 15th Sept to 12th Oct Modern Marvels Pioneering early local films reimagined by young people from SEN schools 15th Sept to 6th Nov University of Brighton MA Craft Graduation Show 10am-5pm (Sundays 2-5pm) Daily, except Wednesdays Hove Museum 19 New Church Road


Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Speech & Drama LAMDA Classes Age 5-12; 4.30 & 5.30pm (term time) All Saints Church jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Pilates Mat Classes Beginners Plus: 6.30pm-7.25pm Int/Adv: 7.30pm-8.25pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Holistic Yoga 6.15-7.45pm; The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com Brighton Theatre of the Air Radio Drama Meetup group 8pm Goldstone Ex Service Club, 20 Shirley Street btota.co.uk / 07818 118062 Beginners Flamenco Dance 7.30-8.30pm The Dance Station, 57 North Street, Portslade Ana: 07939 938565 www.flamencodance.co.uk Hove Museum Minis Fun with craft and storytelling Age 2-5; £2 per child; drop-in 10am-12 noon (term-time only) Hove Museum 3rd September Portslade & West Hove Carers Afternoon Tea 2-3.30pm The Railway Inn, 2 Station Road For more information, call Pam on 01273 746222

26 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


Badaboum! French music playgroup Drop-in; £5 9.30-10.30am The Snug, Stoneham Park 07917 282679 badaboum@talktalk.net Music for Aardvarks 6 months to 5 years 10am; Glebe Villas Hall emily@uk-aardvarks.co.uk Get Active for Older Adults (age 50+) 10.30-11.30am; £5 St Barnabas Church Contact suzy.hawker@ntlworld.com 01273 726507 to reserve a place Pilates Mat Classes Gentle Beginners: 9.45-10.40am Beginners: 10.45-11.40am Beginners Plus: 11.45am-12.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne St. 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Oh Sew Ditsy Sewcial Informal sewing sessions 11am-1pm; £12.50 per session The Snug, Stoneham Park Book online at www.ohsewditsy.co.uk Food & Friendship Lunch Club 12.30pm Three courses for £2 Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Parent and Baby Massage (from 11 September) 1.30-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park To book: togethertouch@ gmail.com Or call Hayley 07528 833166 Singing for Pleasure 2pm; (Taster £3.50) Hove Methodist Church Corinne 01273 565130 Singingforpleasure@hotmail. co.uk Well Balanced Kids Yoga (from 11 September) Ages 5-11 3.30-4.15pm; £30 per half term The Snug, Stoneham Park info@wellbalancedkids.co.uk

WEST HOVE Antenatal classes 6.45pm Holy Cross Church, Tamworth Rd. To pre-book call 07494 002577 or visit www.babies.uk.com 11th September Spiritual Book Group 6.30pm; £3 Uniquely Organic EcoSpa 40 Church Road Contact Rachel: 07515 813364


Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session any time between 9.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279 Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Music with Mike 1.15-1.45pm & 2-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park musicwithmike.co.uk General Level Pilates 6-7pm Tree of Life Centre, Portland Rd. Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Holistic Yoga 7.30-8.45pm The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com Fun Cake Decorating for all 7-9pm; 49 Langdale Road Pat Ashby 01273 736722 Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 6.45-7.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne St. 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com The Creation Station (from 12th September) Age 15 months to 5 years £7; booking essential 10-10.45am The Snug, Stoneham Park jenelfverson@thecreation station.co.uk. 07902 967709


Speaking Works (from 13 September) Active Story-telling Classes (age 2½ to 5) 9.30-10.30am The Snug, Stoneham Park Jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Body Control Pilates 10.40-11.40am The Snug, Stoneham Park rachelnessmartin@gmail.com Pilates Mat Classes 27 Beginners: 11-11.55am Intermediate: 10-10.55am Masons Yard, Westbourne St. 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Beginners Pilates 11am-12 noon Tree of Life Centre, Portland Rd. Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Food & Friendship Lunch Club For people with learning disabilities and over-50s (term-time only) 12.30pm; Hove Methodist Church cookingcaroline@outlook.com Speech & Drama Class with LAMDA Preparation 5-8 years; 4.30-5.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Pilates Improvers 6.15pm Intermediate 7.30pm Hove Methodist Church Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Wish Wudang Tai Chi Club Beginners class starts 13th Sept 8-9pm; King Alfred Leisure Centre Contact Tim on 07914 388290 wishwudangtaichi.org.uk 6th September Social Club for over 50s 2.30-4.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church 6th September Roots Night Music from Wob and Joseph Porter 8-11pm; The Railway Inn www.railwayroots.co.uk


Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session any time between 8.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279 Chi Gong 9.30-10.30am The Hive, Stoneham Park dervish.terminal@gmail.com Mindful Body Yoga (from 7 September) 10:30am - 11:30am Drop in; pay by donation The Snug, Stoneham Park info@mindfulbodyyoga.co.uk General Level Pilates 12.15pm Tree of Life Centre, Portland Rd. Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Over 55s Croquet 2pm; £3 per person Hove Beach Croquet Club Hove Lawns hovebeachcroquetclub.co.uk Friday Fun and Toy Swap Term time 3.45-5.30pm; £3 Shoreham Port Soul Kitchen Baltic Wharf, Wellington Road Enquiries 07814 736486 Vital Danza 8.15-9.45pm; £10 The Float Spa, Third Avenue www.helenthatcher.com


Fitbods Fit Camp Outdoor circuits/HIIT class 10-11am Wish Park Tel Sara: 07812 093378 YogaFrogs Age 5-11; 10am-11am; £7 The Snug, Stoneham Park Booking essential: info@yogafrogs.co.uk or 07920403657 Gentle Exercise Class for older or unfit people 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church 1st Saturday of the month (1st September) Vestry Café 10.30am-12.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church

1st September Hove Actually Walking Tour 3pm-4.30pm; £7 (£6 concession) Meet at Portslade Station and finish at Hove Lagoon To book or for more information, email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com 8th September LagoonFest Community festival 11am-4pm Hove Lagoon 8th September Heritage Open Day 11am-4pm St Leonard’s Church 15th September Let’s Write Crime Workshop with Eugene Doyen Open to all 12.30-2.30pm Vallance Community Centre 2 Conway Court, Sackville Rd, BN3 3WR thehatcherywritersgroup. wordpress.com 15th, 22nd and 29th September Arty Crafty Club £6.50 per child; drop-in; 8-12 years 2-4pm (term-time only) Hove Museum


2nd September Starr Water Wars Charity watersport event Hove Lagoon 30th September Choo Choo Ch’Boogie Dance to music from the 30s, 40s and 50s with DJ Jivin’ Jim Dandy 4-7pm; free entry; The Railway Inn, 2 Station Road This is not a definitive list of events. If you would like to add your event, please email us at: info@westhovedirectory.co.uk . We try to ensure the listings are correct, but please check with the organisers of activities when attending for the first time. Some events may be term-time only.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


Recruiting Now! GUARANTEED HOURS CONTRACT, USE OF COMPANY CAR, FUEL CARD & PHONE, 34 HOURS A WEEK, WEEKENDS INCLUDED • Help us to make a difference to someone’s life. • Experience not essential - just warm, compassionate, committed and a car driver. • We can offer you competitive rates of pay, uniform, full training and on-going support. • Vacancies in Brighton & Hove, Worthing, Burgess Hill & Peacehaven. T&C’s apply.

Telephone: 01273 410471 (Brighton & Hove) or 01903 246651 (Worthing) www.coastalhomecare.co.uk 28 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


Nathalie’s monthly health tip…

IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH SPAN Some may call the results from a recent OBH (Outcomes Based Healthcare) report deliberately fear-mongering, but facts are facts: one fifth of all Britons are expected to suffer from long-term health problems by the age of 30. The study calculated people’s health span by using data from GPs and hospitals, and included diseases such as asthma, cancer, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. So what can you do right now to make a difference to your health? 1. Take responsibility: Recognise that the health you have isn’t a matter of ‘bad luck’ – it’s mostly down to the choices you make every day. 2. Take stock: Take an objective look at what you feel is working and what isn’t. Are you sleeping with the TV on? ‘Pushing’ yourself at the gym so you can eat any ‘naughty’ foods you please? 29 3. Take charge! Set three goals in easy-to-implement chunks of three months. What do you want to achieve to improve your health in the next 90 days? List specific actions you can take daily towards these goals. Small changes can bring the biggest transformation ultimately. 4. Take a deep breath: From my nine years of experience as a Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach, my biggest take-away is this: stress is the biggest cause of all ills. So slow down. Everything. You’ll be far more efficient, clearer-minded and you’ll enjoy life more – for longer.

Nathalie Sansonetti BA, MA, DNN, Dip AIT, HCI, is a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist & Certified Health Coach. FB: thegutlovinglife - Instagram: thegutlovinglife newleafnutrition.co.uk

ADVERTORIAL advertorial

Has Your Double Glazing Steamed Up? Established for over a decade Cloudy2Clear windows have become a leading company for glass replacement. Issues with double glazing can often be gradual and may only be noticed during a clear sunny day or during the winter. A failed glass unit may no longer provide you with the protection you need or be energy efficient. Why not spend a few minutes checking your home to see if you

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have any failed double glazing? If you act now you can avoid these problems. Now, you may think you need to replace the whole window including the frames and all the hardware, however Cloudy2Clear have come up with a simple and cost saving solution… Just replace the glass!! If you see condensation in your windows just visit our website or give us a call on 0800 61 21 118.

We will send out our highly experienced engineers for a free no obligation quote. A Cloudy2Clear quote takes on average no longer than 20 minutes. Once the quote is completed, we will sit down with you and explain the problem and tell you how we can fix it. With years of experience Cloudy2Clear have a wealth of knowledge and are recognised as a Which Trusted Trader, plus our

work is backed by an industry leading 25 year guarantee. Cloudy2Clear also replace faulty locks handles and hinges on all windows and doors. Your friendly local Cloudy2Clear specialist is Aaron Smith and he services Brighton, Hove and surrounding areas. So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Aaron a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118.

Cloudy2Clear Windows... Service With A Smile!

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


30 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021

SuSSex Funeral ServiceS independent Funeral directorS ‘For caring, compassion and choice’ www.sussexfunerals.com Proprietors: Phil and Sallie

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A funeral plan from Bungard Funeral Directors makes perfect sense. Dedicated caring service from Richard Whittle & Ben Day

Our Funeral Plan for your peace of mind Not every funeral plan provider is independent. Make sure that you plan your funeral with an Independent Funeral Director. • Guaranteed peace of mind • • Create a plan to suit you • • Best value and service • • Independent Golden Charter trust fund guarantees financial security • • Guaranteed no more to pay for our services - no matter how high prices rise •

To discuss your funeral plans please call Richard or Ben on 01273 820018

Richard Whittle is the great, great grandson of the founder and Managing Director of Bungard Funeral Directors. Richard and his wife have recently had a son whom he hopes will one day join the family business.

Ben Day is the Principal Funeral Director of Bungard Funeral Directors. Ben lives in Hove with his wife and two children. Ben and his wife Leila are keen to support the local community and be as involved as much as possible.

90 Sackville Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3HE 01273 820018 (24 hour number) info@bungards.co.uk @BungardandSons

The UK’s largest independent funeral plan provider

Brighton & Hove’s oldest independent family funeral directors 32 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021



Local news...

LATEST PLANS FOR NEW SYNAGOGUE DEVELOPMENT The latest plans for the redevelopment of the synagogue at 29-31 New Church Road are now available to view on the council’s website. The proposed development


Brighton & Hove Hebrew Congregation are now planning a mixed use development comprising a central singlestorey synagogue and buildings of four, five and six storeys for a replacement children’s nursery, a social hall, two classrooms which could be shared with St Christopher’s School, a start-up office space/meeting rooms, a community café selling kosher food, an underground car park with 57 spaces, 35 flats and a terrace of 10 houses to the

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rear. The community facilities would be open to all. The existing buildings on the site would be demolished. The city’s Jewish population has fallen in recent years and the existing buildings on the site are becoming increasingly costly to maintain as a result of their age. The developers say in their Planning Statement: “This development is aimed at retaining and attracting young families to the area to secure the future of the Jewish community in the city.” The funding for the development would be made available by the Bloom Foundation, chaired by Tony Bloom who also chairs Brighton & Hove Albion FC. Hundreds of comments have been received by the council. Many of the synagogue’s neighbours have objected to the proposals – the size of the buildings is the main objection. There are also concerns about overlooking and overshadowing. However there have been many comments of support, saying that the development will enhance the quality of life of the Jewish community. The deadline for determination of the application is 4th October. To see the plans, visit planningapps.brightonhove.gov.uk and search for BH2018/02126.

Local news...

PORTLAND ROAD DEVELOPMENT MEETING Wish ward councillors Robert Nemeth and Garry Peltzer Dunn have called a public meeting to discuss a planning application (BH2018/01622) to build a six-storey development at 295-305 Portland Road, replacing six houses. The meeting will be held on Monday 3rd September at Portslade Town Hall, Victoria Road. Doors will open for an exhibition at 5pm, followed by the meeting at 6pm.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


15 & 30 Hours Funded Childcare Available Use your free hours between 8:30am-5:30pm

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St. Philips Church Hall Church Hall available for parties, events, wedding receptions & family parties

Use of kitchen

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Tables and chairs available

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Please call the Church Hall Lettings Department on 07808 154203 St. Philips Church Hall

New Church Road, Hove

34 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021



Update from your Local Action Team...

NEWS FROM THE WEST HOVE FORUM Healthy Neighbourhood Fund Grants The West Hove Forum now has £3,000 to spend from the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund. Small, not-forprofit community groups in West Hove can bid for up to £500 to spend on a project with a clear health outcome – please email us at westhoveforum@ gmail.com if you’d like an application form (or phone 07809 830029). The deadline for completed applications is 30th September. Travellers on Hove Lawns At our last meeting at the end of July, our local PCSOs were questioned about the issue of unauthorised encampments on the Western Lawns, next to the King Alfred Leisure Centre car park. Posts at the edge of the lawn had been removed; however there


Blocks have been placed on Hove Lawns to restrict access by vehicles

Hove Junior School Swimming Pool

Pavement Parking on Portland Road A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) banning pavement parking in part of Portland Road (from Wish Park Surgery to St Peter’s Church) was introduced on 23rd July. It has already produced its first booking, so Wish ward councillors Garry Peltzer Dunn and Robert Nemeth believe it has been a success. They have asked for a report on enforcement. Other Forum members commented that the situation had greatly improved since its introduction.

The future of the swimming pool at Hove Junior School is uncertain. Five years ago £27,000 was raised to maintain it. West Hove Infant School are no longer using the pool and the junior school now have a dilemma over whether to try to keep it going – swimming is part of the curriculum that junior schools have to follow.

West Hove Forum meetings are attended by ward councillors and a wide range of community representatives. The next meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday 26th September, venue to be confirmed. If you would like to attend on behalf of a group or business, please email westhoveforum@gmail.com.

was no evidence against a specific person and trespass is now only a civil offence. PCSO Jodie Sullivan told the meeting that the police are working with the council’s Traveller Liaison Team to address the problem. Since our meeting, some blocks have been put in place on the edge of this lawn, including very large pieces of tree and concrete cubes, which should restrict access by caravans and other vehicles.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


Higgins Joinery Units 2-6 Lion Mews BN3 5RA 01273777785 Bespoke Joinery Manufacturers Replacement doors and windows to match your existing and double glazed to latest regulations Listed building and conservation joinery Period moulding. Skirtings and architraves Bifold door sets Staircases.

Email: steve@higginsjoinery.co.uk ‘Higgins Joinery’

Southern extensions From your basic shell to the complete project • • • •

Loft conversions Extensions Basements New build

All work guaranteed Fully insured



36 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


A chance for men to get themselves checked out...

A great sporting event...



One in every two men will have a health problem with their prostate at some stage of their lives and one in eight men will develop prostate cancer. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is a simple blood test that measures the amount of antigen, produced by the prostate, entering the blood. It is not a direct test for cancer; a high reading should trigger further tests. Some clinicians believe all men over 50 should know their PSA and have yearly tests. The Prostate Cancer Support Organisation (PCaSO) are planning an all-day free test event in Hove in partnership with the Brighton Lions, who are funding the event, 37 for men aged between 45 and 80 at: Bishop Hannington Church, Nevill Avenue, on Saturday 29th September 2018 The testing will be conducted by trained phlebotomists taking blood from a vein in the arm; this will be analysed and the result posted to men within 7 to 10 days. It is essential to BOOK AN APPOINTMENT TIME phone: 01273 587357 or email: brightonlions.psatests@gmail.com

J. H. Brickwork

All forms of brickwork welcome, no job too small Services include: Brickwork and Repairs • Repointing • Patios Shed Bases • Block Driveways Repairs Tidy, quick and efficient service guaranteed

Contact Joseph on 07539 280 253 or 01273 832558 j.h.brickwork@outlook.com

The Sebamed Brighton and Hove Triathlon is back for its third year on 16th September and participant numbers are well up on last year and close to closing, so get in there quick if you still want to take part. There will be a new Event Village on Hove Lawns this year which is FREE to all and open from 10am-5pm on Saturday 15th and 8am-5pm on Sunday 16th September, so get down there! Adult distances range from beginner level (Super Sprint: 400m swim, 5km bike and 2.5km run) to a more experienced athlete distance (Olympic: 1.5km swim, 40k bike and 10k run), and there are children’s distances as well as a Scootathlon on the Saturday. Over 40% of entrants will be doing their first triathlon EVER with some competitors coming from as far as Dubrovnik and Scotland. As usual, they expect residents to be out in force on the morning of the race but they are also still looking for volunteers, who they wouldn’t be able to do the event without. If you’re able to help, please sign up on the website. www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com

This publication is made entirely possible through the support of its advertisers!! Support them where you can!!

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


Attree & Kent Funeral Directors

Because every life is unique 2 Hollingbury Place, Brighton 01273 542454 108 Church Road, Hove 01273 821985 www.cpjfield.co.uk

FREE Collection & Delivery! We’ll take the hassle out of laundry & dry cleaning... Collecting it & delivering it back for FREE

Book your collection NOW: 01273 461 942 38 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


This team of volunteers provides a lifesaving service…

BRIGHTON & HOVE COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS If you’ve ever called 999 for an ambulance, and a red uniform has arrived ahead of the familiar crews in green, you may not have realized that you’ve been attended to by a volunteer Community First Responder, working on behalf of the Ambulance Service. Launched in September 2013 to provide a lifesaving service to our local community, the Brighton and Hove Community First Responder scheme now attends over 1,000 emergency calls a year including 39 dozens of cardiac arrests. The small team of volunteers have provided nearly 10,000 hours of voluntary cover in the last 12 months. First Responders are trained by the South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust (SECAmb) and work under their control. Their volunteers go through an extensive application process, before attending a five day training course, which focuses on the treatment of cardiac arrest, diabetic emergencies, strokes, respiratory and cardiac conditions, minor trauma, breathing difficulties and allergic reactions. Volunteers ‘book on’ with SECAmb’s control room and then if any of these ‘category A’ calls are received within three miles of their homes, they are dispatched at the same time as the ambulance. With ambulances often having to be deployed from across the city, or worse, it means the volunteer crews can often arrive ahead of the professional crew. This allows them to start treatment, and reassure the patient and their family. In the case of a cardiac arrest, this is literally the difference between life and death. There have been numerous examples of CFR volunteers being on


We can Clear, Clean, Repair or Replace

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scene at the highest priority calls, several minutes before the SECAmb crew. Given that, in a cardiac arrest, your chance of survival falls by 15% for every minute a defib is delayed, this really is a life-saving service. The Brighton and Hove team covers an area stretching from Shoreham to Rottingdean. They train regularly as a team and volunteers all spend time on shift with full time crews too, to build experience and confidence. The team is responsible for all of its own fundraising and needs to raise around £10,000 a year to keep them on the road. To find out more, to volunteer or to help with fundraising, visit www.brightonresponders.org.uk.

September Beauty Offers Lycon Hot Wax - £10 off Lash Lift + Free Eyelash Tint £35 (save £5) Shellac™ mani + IBX® Treatment £39 (save £5) Please mention this ad when booking! Conditions Apply Rocksea Beauty | 01273 772338 21 Richardson Road Hove BN3 5RB Mon-Sat 9:00-5:30

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


40 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021


News from the council...

COMMUNITY CONSULTATION ON CITY PLAN PART 2 Communities across Brighton & Hove now have a further opportunity to comment on the second part of the city’s local development plan. City Plan Part 2 will sit alongside the adopted City Plan Part 1 to support the provision of more new low-cost homes, local jobs and transport, and health facilities over the next decade. Take part in the consultation online at 41 www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/cityplan-part2 City Plan Part 2 focuses on good management of development and ensuring good design, high quality and sustainable development. Its housing policies propose tougher controls on houses of multiple occupation (HMOs). The Plan ensures well designed, purpose-built student accommodation and identifies two further sites where it can be built. A total of 85% of housing sites will come forward on brownfield sites and some urban fringe sites have been identified to provide a positive opportunity to build family and affordable homes, as well as create improved and publicly accessible open space. Most of the urban fringe will however be protected as green space and there will be four new local green spaces. Encouraging new and safeguarding community facilities is also at the heart of City Plan Part 2. A new policy will help protect public houses as community benefit. Important shopping parades that provide people with access to facilities like newsagents and pharmacies within walking distance of home are recognised. City Plan Part 2 identifies sites for 3,611 new homes to help meet the city’s housing target. When adopted, it will become part of the formal decision-making process of deciding planning applications. The consultation is open until 13 September.

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s &s iorrior r te e In Ext

ROYAL PAVILION SALOON The Saloon at the Royal Pavilion has been restored to its 1823 glory and is to re-open to the public on 8th September.

©Royal Pavilion & Museums/Jim Holden

It has been closed to the public for nearly three years while work has been carried out. George IV commissioned a radiant principal reception room, conveying his regal splendour in gold, silver and crimson. “We are hugely looking forward to re-opening the magnificent Saloon to visitors”, said Janita Bagshawe, Head of Royal Pavilion and Museums. “It is a room of immense historical importance and plays to the original theatricality of King George IV’s vision for the palace.”

This publication is made entirely possible through the support of its advertisers!! Support them where you can!!

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk




Hall Hire

Plumbing & Heating

Arts Society East Sussex .....12

Dog Groomer

St Philips Church.................34

Fired Up Plumbing &


The Dog’s Corner.................25

Job Opportunity


Old Port...............................20

Domestic Appliances

Coastal Home Care.............28

R.K Plumbing & Heating.....23





Dry Cleaners

Higgins Joinery....................36

Public House



Dream Doors........................8

Railway Inn.........................40

Eurotiles & Bathrooms........22 Beauty


Rocksea...............................39 Blinds & Shutters Bella Vista............................14 Brickwork

Electrical Installations Cox & Taylor........................16 PES......................................31 Rainbow................................1

JH Brickwork.......................37 Bridge Avenue Bridge Club...............6 Builders AT Construction Ltd...............3 Walder Construction.............8 Rainbow................................1 Southern Extensions...........36 Café Viva Vinyl...............................6 Chiropractor Best Practice..................Cover

Estate Agent

Laundrette West Hove Laundrette........13 Logs Brighton Log Centre............16 Lunch and Social Club

Roofing Clarkes of Brighton.............33 Schools St Christopher’s..................10 Solicitors

Healy & Newsom................44

Ralli Hall..............................11




Lee’s Locks..........................25

Lagoon Fest..................1 & 43


Kingsway Travel..................18

Football Club

More than Loft Ladders......17

Theatre Company

Whitehawk FC.....................16


Windmill Young Actors.........4

Funeral Services



Garden Nursery...................23

Pentagon Tiling...................26

Hove Village..........................4


La Casita..............................35

Timeless Toys......................14

ARKA Funerals.....................12 Bungards.............................32 C.P.J. Field............................38


Jefferies Funerals................24

Orpheus Young Singers......26

Sussex Funerals...................31



Brighton Community

Sussex Tree & Lawn Co.......25

Compost Centre..................15

The Arbor Barber...................9


Gutter Services

Premier Windows.................5

Sussex Gutters.....................39

Painting & Decorating Queens Park Decorators.....41 The Paint Project................42 Photography Sophie Sheinwald...............21 Plastering Lewis Byard........................42

Call Kevin: 07514 200957 kevbythebeach@yahoo.co.uk www.thepaintproject.co.uk 42 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021

Crosby and Woods.............25 Travel

Tree Surgeon Arbor Barber........................9 Windows Cloudy2Clear......................29 Premier Windows................5 Countryman.......................17

 o  Lg  s  SAT 8TH SEPT F






Skateboard Display & Children’s Lessons Paddle board Race , Model Yacht Display Dog Show , Cassette Lord Street Artist Live Music , Food & Bars Tombola & Raffle . Children’s Games & activities, face painting, story making, etc Tai Chi & Pilates demonstrations & taster sessions

Designs by www.whatboxcreativedesign.co.uk

11AM - 4PM

lagoonfest2018@gmail.com www.lagoonfest.co.uk Facebook: Lagoonfest 2018 at Hove Lagoon big beach cafe . Lagoon water sports Chandlers Building Supplies . Shoreham Port Brighton & Newhaven Fish Sales . Pirate boats at hove lagoon

WHD September 2018


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