WEST WEST HOVE November 2019 ISSUE 99
Green Wright Chalton Annis SOLICITORS
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Contents... Page 5
Community First Responder
The days are getting shorter and pre-Christmas events are already fast approaching, including the Christmas Artists Open Houses festival, which starts on 23rd November – a great place to start your Christmas shopping.
Page 6
An Odyssey To West Hove
Page 8
Old Photo
There will also be festive tunes, along with other classics, at the concert by Martlets’ Good Vibrations Choir at Hove Methodist Church on 30th November. This month we feature a local Community First Responder, Angelique Van Gils Henderson, who many people will know for her role leading the Hove Seafront Residents Association. Community First Responders are volunteers who do an amazing job for the Ambulance Service. 3 Have a great November!
Page 13 Big Sleep Out At Hove Lagoon
The West Hove Directory Team info@westhovedirectory.co.uk www.westhovedirectory.co.uk
Page 33 Dreaming Of A Musical Christmas
Page 11 Earthworks Page 13 Win Tickets To See Dick Whittington Page 15 Where In West Hove? Page 15 Councillors For Wish And Westbourne Page 17 Councillor News Page 19 Local Art Classes With Emily Boyce Page 25 It’s All About Prevention! Page 26 What’s On In West Hove… Page 33 Friends Of Stoneham Park Page 35 Friends Of Davis Park Page 35 Public Consultation On Graffiti
Cover artwork: Sue Ross - Instagram: @suerosscollageart See more of her work at Jule’s Emporium in Portland Road
Page 37 A Prince’s Treasure Page 37 World War Two Roll Of Honour
Publisher: Sussex Magazines Ltd.Ltd. 10 Hollingbury Road, BN1 7JA info@westhovedirectory.co.uk Printer: Gemini Distributors: Kempster The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.
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Office: 01273 509870 Mobile: 07789 722 741 E-mail: atconstructionltd@hotmail.com See local reviews of this business at Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
Attic Solutions Hove Ltd
The Specialists in Domestic Loft Conversions
We guarantee to beat any like for like quote
Gemini House, 136-140 Old Shoreham Road, Brighton, BN3 7BD
Telephone 01273 282383 Mobile 07915 415007 www.atticsolutionshove.co.uk 4
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Meet a local volunteer who provides vital lifesaving skills...
ANGELIQUE HENDERSON VAN GILS Angelique Henderson van Gils lives in Sackville Gardens and is a Community First Responder for the South East Coast Ambulance Service. She also runs the Hove Seafront Residents Association. What is a Community First Responder? CFRs are volunteers, recruited by the Ambulance Service and trained to provide immediate and vital lifesaving skills to patients within our community, where our proximity means we can respond quicker than an ambulance might be able to get there. We are sent as part of a team response by the Ambulance Service, so a regular crew will always be sent too, but our early arrival can often make a huge 5 difference. We carry first aid equipment, a defibrillator and can provide oxygen therapy. I’m part of a wonderful team of 20 CFRs for the Brighton and Hove area led by Dan MayJones and Jon Mulhern, our team leaders. Why did you decide to volunteer? I’ve often looked after sick or elderly people in my neighbourhood and have always been cool and calm in any medical emergency; seeing the relief in people’s eyes when someone medically trained takes control and alleviates the panic is very rewarding.
Doors and Conservatories
What training do you have? The South East Coast Ambulance Service provide us with all our training; it took about a year from start to being on the road, interviews, lots of paperwork, police checks, online training modules, medicals, an intense training course, many mentoring hours and being on the road with the ambulance crews. We also have compulsory monthly training sessions to keep us up to date. What sort of calls do you deal with? We respond to a wide range of medical emergencies, everything from patients who have fallen, to those in cardiac arrest. We often see patients suffering with issues such as cardiac problems, seizures or diabetic problems, patients who are unconscious or who are exhibiting signs of a possible stroke. What is your day job?
FREEPHONE 0800 0961696
Factory & Showroom: Units 4, 5 and 6, Southern Cross Industrial Estate, Freemans Road, Portslade. BN41 1GS www.premier4windows.co.uk
My most important job is bringing up three kids and turning them into good, well-mannered adults. I’m a business consultant by trade, working with developers and local businesses, trying to make sure changes to our seafront is something our community wants. I also Co-Chair WHSAG (West Hove Seafront Action Group), working with the council and councillors to get our seafront shipshape, beautiful and safe again. I teach yoga and am a make-up artist for magazines, film and TV… I like to keep very busy! For more information visit www.brightonresponders.org.uk
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
Local history from Rachel Bridgeman...
AN ODYSSEY TO WEST HOVE... 80 years ago, in September 1939, the double occupation of Poland by Germany and Russia began. For one West Hove resident, these events would have chilling consequences. 83-year-old Mr Tadeusz Filipowicz-Phillips kindly recounted his memories to me. The terrifying ordeal began at 5 o’clock in the morning on 10 February 1940 when Russians came for his family. Given just one hour to pack, they were herded into cattle trucks for the harrowing 3-week journey to Siberia. On arrival at the forced labour camp, they were greeted by the Kommandant - “You are here for life. You work, you eat. You don’t work, you don’t eat.” His parents worked logging, temperatures dropped to minus 50°, food was scarce, disease killed off the weak. When Germany invaded Russia in June 1941, the Polish Government-in-Exile negotiated with Stalin the release of some slave labourers to form a Polish army to fight Hitler, but on condition that their families be freed alongside them. Mr Filipowicz-Phillips was one of the 160,500 liberated from the camps. However, his ordeal was far from over. His family had to travel from Siberia to south Russia to join the fledgling Polish army, unaided and with no provision for food. Once there, conditions improved little: thousands died before being evacuated to British-controlled Persia. His father joined the Allied forces fighting in Europe; his family were moved to a Polish camp in Tanganyika, East Africa - other camps were established across the British empire. They were reunited with his father in Britain in 1948, by which time, the “Iron Curtain” had fallen on Poland. Mr Filipowicz-Phillips moved to Hove in 1962 where he was President of the Hove Rotary Club in 1994. 2020 will feature an article on his fascinating career as Managing Director of Caldra House (Coleridge Street) which printed Britain’s Polish Daily and Weekly newspapers. Of the 1.7 million Polish men, women and children deported to Siberia only a third survived.
Polish Weekly newspaper commemorates the outbreak of war in Poland on 1st September 1939 and the sacrifice of the Polish armed forces. This newspaper was printed by Mr FilipowiczPhillips at Caldra House (Hove) from 1962 to 2001.
To learn more about the history of Hove, join a guided historical walking tour led by a local historian. Hove Actually Walking Tours are fun, informative and best suited to the incurably curious. Whether it’s your first visit or you have lived here your whole life, the tours are a great way to discover and uncover the area. For information, email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com or visit Facebook (Hove Actually Walking Tours). Rachel Bridgeman - local historian & tour guide
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The Stoneham Pub . Portland Road . Hove
Staff give bar stunning new makeover All hands on deck! Bar staff and owner of The Stoneham get stuck in to transform the function room into a luxury, industrial style bar, all in time for Christmas parties! Bar managers Sadie & Claire, along with owner Warrick and friends worked for months sanding, painting and building a beautiful new bar and room, which now holds up to 24 for a private dining experience or 50 for a full on knee’s up, and best of all? It’s totally free to hire. The whole bar is entirely self contained, with its own on street entrance, part of The Stoneham Pub on Portland Road in Hove, staff are known for going above and beyond. Donating their tips to local causes, collecting clothes for the homeless community as well as transforming the main pub
Old Port Function Bar into a warm, quirky and welcoming space. The Stoneham is also now host to one of the best pub flower garden’s Hove has to offer thanks to our green fingered Jules. Book your shin dig, fancy sit down meal or get together in our new function room bar “The Old Port” now by calling 01273 383840 or visiting The Stonehams website www.thestoneham.co.uk for more information on catering and booking!
VISIT: www.thestoneham.co.uk
Old Port Function Bar WHD November 2019
Historical Hove...
Both school are rated "Good" by Ofsted
Applying for a school for September 2020? Join our Headteacher's tour to look around our schools and see our fantastic children in action. Benfield Primary School
Please contact school to arrange a tour. 255 Old Shoreham Road BN41 1XS office@benfield.brighton-hove.sch.uk
01273 294950
Hangleton Primary School Tours every Tuesday from 24th September @ 10am
Evening parents meeting on Wednesday 6th November 2019 @ 7pm Please contact the office to book a place. Dale View Hove BN3 8LF admin@hangleton.brighton-hove.sch.uk
01273 294874
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Item - Fascia sign
KING ALFRED LEISURE CENTRE The King Alfred Leisure Centre on Kingsway, c1950. The building was constructed in 1938 but was requisitioned during World War Two and used as a training centre for naval officers.
© Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Gallery and shop on Portland road showcasing a collection of original works including cards, jewellery, ceramics, textiles, paintings, decorative plant displays, home decor and clothing. Relaxed and informal in style, we offer something for everyone. Come and see us during The Artists Open Houses Christmas festival from 23rd November- 8th December where we will have lots of new and exciting work by local artists. Buses 49, 46, and 2 stop right outside.
All designs © 2018 TJ
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Jule’s Emporium
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Best Care of The Deceased 2017 Funeral Director of the Year 2014
01273 621444 Traditional and Green Cremations & Burials At ARKA Original Funerals we make sure that you feel comfortable and unpressured about making decisions for the funeral of a loved one. Our team has a wealth of experience arranging unique ceremonies with sound environmental practices and sustainably sourced coffins. 136 Islingword Road BN2 9SH • 01273 621444 or 39-41 Surrey Street BN1 3PB • 01273 766620 www.arkafunerals.co.uk • info@arkafunerals.co.uk
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A bereavement group for men...
MARTLETS EARTHWORKS Earthworks is a space for bereaved men to meet and get together to grow, harvest, tend and maintain Martlets’ new allotment. Throughout the year Martlets will be offering sessions on mornings, afternoons, evenings and on a Saturday. Previous gardening experience is not required and attendees are free to take on whatever jobs interest them, be it lighter work pricking out seedlings or getting stuck into digging and clearing. 11
The course will run for 12 weeks from the beginning of November and any bereaved man is welcome to attend; you do not need a connection with Martlets. The session starts with a cuppa in the allotment shed around the wood burner. Sharing experiences of loss while working with the natural cycle of life through the seasons can be a healing experience. For more information, please contact Martlets’ Patient and Family Support Administrator on 01273 273400, or email bereavement@martlets.org.uk.
THE ARTS SOCIETY EAST SUSSEX Annual Membership Fee £50 includes all nine lectures. The Arts Society Magazine. Guests are welcome to attend no more than 2 lectures at £8.00 per lecture.
Contact our Membership Secretary for full details at jessica.rosenthal958@gmail.com or phone 07919 578968.
By Dr Tobias Capwell FSA
Join us for our illustrated Lectures from 6.45pm for 7.45pm on the last Wednesday in the month, at...
The Hove Club. 28 Fourth Avenue, Hove, BN3 2PJ We have frequent outings, special events and holidays.
Wednesday 29th January 2020 By Tim Redmond Wednesday
26th February 2020 TREASURES OF THE FAN MUSEUM By Jacob Moss . MA
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We can match your quote with a better product. 152 Portland Road, Hove, BN3 5QL
01273 275 951 brightonandhovekitchens.com We offer the complete tailored service from design to final installation. Offer subject to terms & conditions 12
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The family pantomime is coming back to the Windmill Theatre this year...
WIN TICKETS TO SEE DICK WHITTINGTON Showtime Productions and Music Theatre 2000 are back with a traditional family pantomime at the Windmill Theatre in Nevill Avenue, performed by a first-rate cast of singing actors, dancers and a live band. Their production of Dick Whittington, in support of the Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice, promises to be an unmissable festive treat for the whole family to enjoy! Join Dick (and his trusty cat) as he seeks fame, fortune and happiness. Guided by the magical Fairy Bowbells, this exciting journey will whisk you away from the golden-paved streets of London on a perilous journey across the seven seas to the shores of Morocco! Dick Whittington is on from 22nd to 29th December, with 13 matinées and evening performances, and you can get tickets at ticketsource.co.uk/showtimeproductions or call the box office on 01273 565130. Group discounts are available and early booking is advised. Early bird offer: no booking fees when ordering tickets before 30th November – quote “Dick” for this special offer. An event in support of homeless people around the world...
COMPETITION We have one prize of four tickets to give away. To enter, answer the following question: In which city did Dick Whittington seek his fortune? Please email your answer to info@ westhovedirectory.co.uk with your name, address and phone number. The winner will be selected at random. Competition Terms & Conditions: Tickets are valid to see Dick Whittington at the Windmill Theatre. They are allocated subject to availability and are non-exchangeable. Closing date for entries is 20th November.
BIG SLEEP OUT AT HOVE LAGOON The World’s Big Sleep Out is taking place on 7th December at venues across the globe. 50,000 people will sleep outside in 50 cities to call for an end to global homelessness and to raise money for charities helping homeless or displaced people. Participants around the world will include actors Will Smith and Helen Mirren. Brighton’s event will be at Hove Lagoon, where money will be raised for charities including Sussex Homeless Support. You can register to take part at: www.bigsleepout.com/ join-a-sleep-out/brighton
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We offer incredible new versions of food and drink that you might find familiar. We have sodas made in house with some help from our centrifuge machine. They have around one tenth of the sugar of regular sodas. Our cocktails are crafted with loving care using house made essences, bitters and artisanal spirits. Some of our cakes have no added sugar. Some are completely dairy free. We are really proud of our velvety, house made, organic cashew and tiger nut milk blend.
Our coffee has to be tasted to be believed. We only use the best butter, virgin coconut oil (for our many non dairy/vegan creations) and extra virgin olive oil for dressing. Our tea is brewed in clean glass, to the perfect temperature.
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BAKERY Coming soon... 24 Sydney street, Brighton, BN1 4EN
St George pl St Peter Church 14
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Where in West Hove were these photos taken?
See page 37 for this month’s answers.
Your local representatives...
COUNCILLORS FOR WISH AND WESTBOURNE The Conservative councillors for Wish ward, Garry Peltzer Dunn and Robert Nemeth, hold an advice surgery on Saturday 9th November (the second Saturday in the month) as follows: 9am-10am : 234 New Church Road 10am-11am : Sanders House, Ingram Crescent 11am-12 noon : The Snug café, Stoneham Park No appointments are required and if anyone is unable to get to the surgery venues the councillors are very happy to visit your home.
To advertise your business from £1 a day call 01273 551021
You can also contact them at: Robert.Nemeth@brighton-hove.gov.uk / 01273 291819 Garry.Peltzerdunn@brighton-hove.gov.uk / 01273 291186 You can contact the Labour councillors for Westbourne, Carmen Appich and Chris Henry, at: Carmen.Appich@brighton-hove.gov.uk / 07562 437632 Christopher.Henry@brighton-hove.gov.uk / 07395 282745
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News from Wish ward councillor Robert Nemeth...
COUNCILLOR NEWS... The news in October that yet another King Alfred Leisure Centre deal has collapsed came as no surprise to me and Cllr Garry Peltzer Dunn – but, trying to be as positive about it as possible, we see the sad news as a chance to now do things properly. Looking back, the commencement of the project in 2012 would have been a wonderful opportunity to ask the public what they wanted. Instead, a leisure specification from 2003 went through on the nod and an unpopular design was picked in secret. Transparency is paramount. Sport has changed so much since 2003. Not only has an Olympic Games been hosted in this country since then, we’ve seen the explosion of parkrun, CrossFit, and Ironman. Locally, there’s now the Brighton Marathon and Brighton Triathlon. The Amex Stadium has opened, Saltdean Lido has reopened and Sea Lanes isn’t too far off. Trends have changed so the specification must be reviewed. Rather than three separate small pools, a new leisure centre in Hove should undoubtedly feature a flexible 50m pool with moveable floors and adjustable booms. Such an arrangement costs less and can do more. Getting a 50m pool for Hove and Portslade is a huge priority for me as Parliamentary Candidate. Not having one is letting down local kids in a big way. More generally, a new development should be about sport first and foremost. The Council seems to view the
Looking for a care home and need some friendly expert advice? Put your trust in us to help you. We understand that choosing the right care home can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. But rest assured we are here to help. Come and take a look around and get some guidance on those things that are concerning you. It’s the best way to feel more confident about your next steps. To find out more visit www.fshc.co.uk Bon Accord Care Home – 01273 769093
site as a potential housing estate with sports below as an added extra. It should be all about sport though with just enough enabling development to pay for it. Other sites for a sports centre are now being looked at which I think is a huge mistake. Worthing’s Splash Point works incredibly well on the seafront. Our sports centre should stay put. In terms of deal structure, the last attempt was clearly a disaster. Crest Nicholson, when picked as developer, were able to keep the city on the line for three years without paying any sort of deposit or paying any fines. This is wrong. A deposit must be taken as soon as a buyer, partner or developer is picked. Finally, not only are the public being messed around, so are existing King Alfred clubs and tenants. Garry and I would like to see assurances given that the Shiverers, Marlins, Cheetahs, boxing and kickboxing gyms, and all of the other clubs and tenants, are given a proper voice in the process – whatever form it takes and whenever it happens. Cllr Robert Nemeth, Wish Ward
ALAN PATCH Painting and Decorating 20 years experience
07796 094760 Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
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ALL WORKS INSURED & FULLY GUARANTEED Call Paul on 01273 541791 or 07710 854421 twistof silver@gmail.com Read reviews of this business by local residents at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk 18
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Learn art techniques in a small, friendly group...
LOCAL ART CLASSES WITH EMILY BOYCE Emily Boyce of Chelston Avenue gives adult art classes in her own home. What do you teach in your classes? I teach structured classes with art techniques and skills. They are interwoven into my “Calm Artful Classes” where I show people how to use creativity in times of stress, anxiety or pure enjoyment. Making art can focus our minds and help us relax. I sincerely believe that people are creative and we all can paint and draw; it is purely learning a skill in the same way as we learn an instrument or a sport. If there is an interest to do it, then, with practice and experience it will develop into an ability. Drawing is a small part of art. I teach many ways of producing superb individual images without drawing! I teach different techniques eg gridding, stencilling, abstraction, collage, typography etc and mix them around designing courses like “Passionate Portraits” or “Mixtape Paintup” for all levels of experience. Emily at LagoonFest I have two classes each week and one Saturday a month. Tuesday evenings are my courses. Fridays and monthly Saturdays are “Open Classes” - full/half day where students choose one of my courses and work on it with ONE ROOF ONE NAME me or I tutor them with their own project ideas. I ONE also support with scholarship applications, portfolios, ROOF ONE NAME drawing skills, and 1-1 tutoring on request.
How large are the groups? From leaking roofs to removing moss, we have I have small friendly groups of up to six people to give the toolsWARRANTY and the expertise to welcome any type AFFORDABLE IS OUR NAME, SAVING YOU MONEY IS OUR AIM everyone my time and guidance. My home is a peaceful, WARRANTY From leaking roofs to removing moss, we have WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT ANY GENUINE LIKE FOR LIKE QUOTE cosy environment to with fully trained team handle yourfocus, enquiry fromsoft music, tea...and From leaking roofs to removing moss, we have theOur tools and the expertise to welcome any type AFFORDABLE IS OUR NAME, SAVING YOU MONEY IS OUR AIM the tools and the expertise to welcome any type biscuits! Commercial Domestic AFFORDABLEor IS OUR NAME, SAVING YOU MONEY IS OUR AIM
we have any type
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is very g in the we intend
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fully trained team handle your enquiry from
Our fully handle enquiry from Youtrained alsoteam host artyourparties... Commercial or Domestic Commercial or Domestic Yes! ‘Artful Days’ are an immersive experience of art, (uPVC) subcontractors because reputation is very ONE ROOF ONE NAME where three orour more adults customize their day in & Pitched Roofs (uPVC)important to us. We have been working in the advance for a personal project, eg painting, collage or Flat Roofs (uPVC) subcontractors because our reputation is very subcontractors because reputation is very Re-pointing, Flat Roofs & Pitched Roofs important to us. Wewith haveour been working in the Chimney Lead work drawing, lunch and wine to finish! And kids parties WARRANTY Flat Roofs & Pitched Roofs Lead work important Wefamily have since been working theintend has beentoinus.our 1988 andin we Chimney Re-pointing, for over-10 year olds, also personally tailored to a From leaking roofs to removing moss, we have has been in our family since 1988 and we intend Fully insured, for piece of mind to keep it this way. theLead tools and the expertise to welcome any type ChimneyRe-pointing, work WE ACCEPT ALL Fully Insured, insured, for piece of mind Peace of Mind theme, in their orwe mine. to keep this family way. has been initour since home 1988 and intend WE ACCEPT ALL CREDIT CARDS MAJOR Insurance Work Undertaken Our fully trained team handle your enquiry from MAJOR CREDIT CARDS We offer a personal service, deliver projects on Fully insured, for piece of mind Insurance Work Undertaken to keep it this way. We offer a us personal service, deliverown projects on Commercial or Domestic WE ACCEPT ALL Tellon about your art... time and at affordable as Free Quotation & Advice timeand and on budget budget and at affordable pricesprices as MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Work Free Quotation & Advice Insurance Undertaken Weour offer a personal service, deliver on our company name suggests. Here is aprojects I’ve exhibited and sold my and pen and ink company name suggests. Here is a illustrations subcontractors because ourinsurance reputation istime very comprehensive All work comes with a 10-year list ofoftheat services we offer tooffer and on budget affordable prices astothe last year I’m practising All work comes with a 10-year insurance comprehensive listand the services we Free Quotation & Advice internationally. Over Flat Roofs & Pitched Roofs important to us. We have been working in the bothportraits home and business owners in the local area.
(uPVC) backed guarantee ourboth company name suggests. Here isinaathe home business owners local area. Chimney Re-pointing,backed Lead work guarantee whatand I teach; painting series about my own journey has been in ourinsurance family since 1988 and we intend All work comes with a 10-year comprehensive list of648567 the services we offer to Call with us on: 01394 Fully insured, for piece of mind to keep it this way. pain a wonderfully cathartic experience. WE ACCEPT ALL 01273 808219 / 07745 728540 Call us on: 01394 648567 both home and business owners in the local area. MAJOR CREDIT CARDS backed guarantee Insurance Work Undertaken We offer a personal service, deliver projects on time and on budget and at affordable prices as affordable-roofing1@outlook.com ACCEPT ALL Who are your favourite artists? WEFree Quotation & Advice
our company name suggests. Here is a
Call us on: 01394 648567
www.affordableroofingcontractors.co.uk All work comes with a 10-year insurance comprehensive list of the services we offer to both home and business owners in the local area. backed guarantee - ONE CallONE us on: ROOF 01394 648567
We guarantee to beat any genuine like for like quote
There are so many! An awesome local artist, Ian Hodgson, Grayson Perry, Jenny Saville, Njideka Akunyili Crosby - and you can’t beat Frida Kahlo! To find out more visit emilyboyceillustrations.com or Facebook, Meetup or Instagram. emilysboyce@gmail. com / 07584 309689 WHD November 2019
Dedicated caring service from Richard Whittle & Ben Day
We are an independent, fifth generation family business dedicated to serving the communities of Brighton & Hove and surrounding areas in Sussex with a professional, respectful and personal funeral service. We have been supporting the bereaved in our community for 113 years. We can also help you plan ahead for the future. We recommend funeral plans from Golden Charter, the UK’s largest provider of plans to independent funeral directors like us.
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01273 303842
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www.bellavistashutters.co.uk 20
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Seymours+solicitors Specialist family & matrimonial lawyers Expert resolution by experienced solicitors & barristers • • • • • • • •
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KITCHENS - BATHROOMS - BEDROOMS Fully planned & supplied, colour co-ordinated kitchen furniture to match doors Full fitting service to include: Electrics Plumbing Tiling Associated building works We are happy to visit you at home to discuss and plan the right kitchen or bathroom for you.
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1 hour fixed fee advice on any Family Law matter from a senior solicitor at the Hove office for £125 + VAT during JUNE November
Please contact 01273 253500 to arrange your initial fixed fee appointment with Mr Simon Rowe
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
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Boiler servicing and Breakdowns Boiler servicing andBoiler Breakdowns servicing and Breakdowns Heating installations and alterations Boiler servicing Boiler servicing and Breakdowns and Breakdowns hour emergency service heating | and All plumbing work undertaken Boiler servicing and24 Breakdowns Heating installations Heating andUnderfloor alterations installations alterations Heating installations Heating installations and alterations and alterations 24 hour24 emergency hour emergency serviceservice | Reliable | Reliable & Friendly & Friendly | Fully Qualified | Fully Qualified Kitchens and Bathrooms inc. tiling Heating installations and alterations Underfloor heating Underfloor | All plumbing heating work| undertaken All plumbing work- undertaken
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Nathalie’s monthly health tip…
IT’S ALL ABOUT PREVENTION! For personal and professional reasons, I’m always interested in the latest research on treatments available to cancer patients. But before you start thinking I might advocate deep breathing and meditating while eating a bunch of superfoods instead of opting for ‘western’ treatments, I wanted to highlight that this article is about prevention rather than about the treatment of disease. More specifically, what can we learn from cancer patients who have survived the worst diagnoses, far beyond the prognosis they were given? I recently came across one researcher Dr Turner, who studied over 10 years the radical remissions of over 1,000 cancer patients who survived all kinds of terminal cancers against all odds. She studied and compared all the treatments they used, which were more or less successful across the board. But the most important finding, I thought, was that these survivors all had nine ‘points’ in common. They had: Radically changed their diets Taken control of their health Followed their intuition Used herbs and supplements
Released suppressed emotions Increased positive emotions Embraced social support Deepened their spiritual connection Had a strong reason for living. It struck me on reading this that these ‘points’ might actually be a great base to start from to help prevent disease. With rare risks or side-effects, potentially increased energy, improved symptoms and why not – more contentment in life – what’s there to lose? Food for thought... Nathalie x Nathalie Sansonetti, Health & Nutrition Coach Want some clarity on your health and gut issues? Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation today! Email: nathalie@newleafnutrition.co.uk newleafnutrition.co.uk
WHD November 2019
WHAT’S ON… Mondays Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/Hove-Weekly-BeachWalks Hove Museum Minis Fun with craft and story-telling Age 2-5; £2.50 per child; drop-in 10am-12 noon (term-time only) Hove Museum Holistic Yoga 6-7.15pm; The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners Plus: 6.30pm-7.25pm Int/Adv: 7.30pm-8.25pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com
Wills Powers of Attorney Probate Funeral Plans • We offer help & advice • • Home visits • • Fees agreed before you proceed • Contact: Lucy Camrass BSc Aff.SWW
01273 976967
www.camrasswills.co.uk 26
Lunch Club 12.30pm; £4 Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Singing for Pleasure 2pm; (Taster £3.50) Hove Methodist Church Corinne 01273 565130 Singingforpleasure@hotmail.co.uk Antenatal classes 6.45pm Holy Cross Church, Tamworth Road To pre-book call 07494 002577 or visit www.babies.uk.com Beginners Yoga 7-8pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Contact Charlie Nash info@mindfulbodyyoga.co.uk
Beginners Flamenco Dance 7.30-8.30pm The Dance Station, 57 North Street, Portslade Ana: 07939 938565 www.flamencodance.co.uk
JOY Choir Collective Fun, friendly choir for all singers Drop-in and free taster sessions 7.30-9pm St Philip’s Church Hall New Church Road injoychoir@gmail.com Kate 07786 704322
Brighton Theatre of the Air Radio Drama Meetup group 8pm; Goldstone Ex Service Club, 20 Shirley Street btota.co.uk / 07818 118062
Ninjutsu and Jujutsu Traditional Japanese martial arts 8-9.30pm; 16+ 07719 510749 shinobi1957@gmail.com
Quiz Actually Weekly quiz 8-10.30pm, The Railway Inn, 2 Station Road Call 01273 271220 or email railwayinnquiz@gmail.com to book
5th November Sussex Cricket Fireworks Night 7.30pm (gates open 6pm) 1st Central County Ground, Eaton Road Tickets at www.sussexcricket.co.uk
4th November Portslade & West Hove Carers Afternoon Tea 2-3.30pm, The Railway Inn For more information, contact Pam on 01273 746222
Tuesdays Badaboum! French music playgroup Drop-in; £5; term-time only 9.30-10.30am The Snug, Stoneham Park 07917 282679 badaboum@talktalk.net Get Active for Older Adults (age 50+) 10.30-11.30am; £5 St Barnabas Church Contact suzy.hawker@ntlworld.com 01273 726507 to reserve a place Pilates Mat Classes Gentle Beginners: 9.45-10.40am Beginners: 10.45-11.40am Beginners: 6-6.55pm Beginners Plus: 11.45am-12.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Food & Friendship
5th November Life Drawing Supervised class by local artist Dan Palmer £7, pay on the day, all materials provided; 7pm – 9pm The Railway Inn, 2 Station Road Call 01273 271 220 or email info@therailwayinnportslade.co.uk to book your place 12th November Pottery & Pints Pottery workshop for beginners 7-9pm, The Railway Inn Visit www.potteryandpints.co.uk to book your place or call 01424 252468 for more information 26th November Paint Club A highly sociable and accessible painting class, all materials are provided, no experience required 7pm – 9pm, The Railway Inn Visit www.thepaintclub.co.uk/book or call 07821 059464 for more information
Wednesdays Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park. Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session between 9.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279 Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Music with Mike 1.15-1.45pm & 2-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park musicwithmike.co.uk General Level Pilates 6-7pm. Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Holistic Yoga 7.30-8.45pm. The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 9.45-10.40am and 6.45-7.40pm Intermediate: 7.45-8.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Martial Arts An introduction into the martial arts, of the samurai and ninja of old Japan, traditional arts for the beginner. 16+, 7.30pm 07719 510749 Shinobi1957@gmail.com 13th November Creation Station Creative Crafters Adult crafting supervised by the talented Jen Elfverson 7.30–9.30pm The Railway Inn www.thecreationstation.co.uk/ kids-art-classes-and-parties/ hove-east-sussex to book or call 07902 967709 27th November Cult Milk – Macrame Plant Hangers Making 7.30–9.30pm The Railway Inn Visit https://www.cultmilk.com/ for tickets or call 07950 412654 or email hello@cultmilk.com for more info
Thursdays Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk
WEST HOVE Body Control Pilates 10.45-11.45am The Snug, Stoneham Park mypilatesbrighton@gmail.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 11-11.55am Intermediate: 10-10.55am Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Beginners Pilates 11am-12 noon. Tree of Life Centre, Portland Rd Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk
28th November Gaming Retro-bution 7pm – 10pm, The Railway Inn Call 01273 271 220 info@therailwayinnportslade.co.uk
to book a table
Fridays Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/ Hove-Weekly-Beach-Walks
Mum & Baby Physio-Led Pilates 12-12.55pm and 1-1.55pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Emma: 07545 445656 physiotone@gmail.com
Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session Between 8.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279
Food & Friendship Lunch Club For people with learning disabilities and over-50s (term-time only) 12.30pm; Hove Methodist Church cookingcaroline@outlook.com
General Level Pilates 27 12.15pm Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk
Speech & Drama Class with LAMDA Preparation 5-8 years; 4-5pm (term-time) The Snug, Stoneham Park jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Pilates Improvers 6.15pm Intermediate 7.30pm Hove Methodist Church Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Tai Chi Beginners Course 8-9pm King Alfred Leisure Centre 6 weeks @ £10pw To book contact tim@ wishwudangtaichi.org.uk or 07914 388290
Friday Fun and Toy Swap Term time 3.45–5.30pm; £3 Shoreham Port Soul Kitchen Baltic Wharf, Wellington Road Enquiries 07814 736486 Vital Danza 8.15-9.45pm; £10 The Float Spa, Third Avenue www.helenthatcher.com 1st November Textile Group: Re-fashion, Re-use, Re-love Practise upcycling – some equipment is available Free; drop-in; 1.30-3.30pm Hove Museum 1st November Kids Spooky Gelato Decorating 2pm, The Railway Inn Call 01273 271 220 or email info@therailwayinnportslade.co.uk
Wind-down Hatha Yoga 7.15-8.15pm & 8.15-9.15pm, The Snug Contact Anya Patterson on 07725 162831 or email anyalily@hotmail.com Ninjutsu and Jujutsu Traditional Japanese martial arts 8-9.30pm; 16+ 07719 510749 shinobi1957@gmail.com 1st Thursday of the month Social Club for over-50s 2.30-4.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church 7th November Roots Night Music from Roger Stevens £7; pay on the door 8-10.30pm; The Railway Inn Call 01273 271220 or email info@irregularrecords.co.uk for more information
to book 1 November Howling Crow Comedy Professional stand-up comedy 7.30-10pm The Railway Inn, 2 Station Road st
1st November Mid-Life Niceness An amazing evening of funk, soul and disco 8pm – midnight The Railway Inn Call 01273 271220 or email info@therailwayinnportslade.co.uk
to book a table 8th November DJ Daddy Marcus Soul, funk, rare groove and disco tunes. 8pm – 11pm, The Railway Inn Call 01273 271 220 or email
15th November DJ Dumani Disco, funk and soul classics 8pm – 11pm, The Railway Inn Call 01273 271220 or email info@therailwayinnportslade.co.uk
to book a table 29th November Club Tropicana 8pm – 11pm, The Railway Inn Call 01273 271 220 or email
9th November Writing for Competitions Award-winning author will share her top tips Open to all; £3 non-members; £1 refund if you buy a drink from Hove Library café; 10.50am-1pm, Hove Library thehatcherywritersgroup. wordpress.com or hatchery.writers@gmail.com
16th November Rox-a-bit Playing the best rock ‘n’ roll and folk music. 8.45–10.45pm The Railway Inn
HIP (High Intensity Power) Pilates £48 for 6-week course or £10 drop-in, 8.15-9.05am Tree of Life Centre, Portland Rd Contact Rachel on 07941 092612 or attmerepilates.com
30th November Making Day: Christmas Crafters Christmas craft making for all the family. Free, drop-in, all ages; 11am-4pm. Hove Museum
Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 9-9.55am High Intensity Power Pilates: 10-10.50am Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com
4th Saturday of the month Scribblers - Hatchery Writers subgroup. Share and critique one another’s work on a regular basis. 1- 3pm, Wolseley Room Hove Library. Contact Vicky: scribblers.hove@gmail.com
Fitbods Fit Camp Outdoor circuits/HIIT class 10-11am Wish Park Tel Sara: 07812 093378
30th November Martlets Good Vibrations Choir concert 3pm for a 3.30pm start Hove Methodist Church www.themartlets.org.uk/events Or phone 01273 273400
to book a table
YogaFrogs Age 5-11; 10am-11am; £7 The Snug, Stoneham Park Booking essential: info@ yogafrogs.co.uk or 07920 403657 Gentle Exercise Class for older or unfit people 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church 1st Saturday of the month Vestry Café 10.30am-12.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church 2nd November RepTyler Reptile handling session (children only) 11.30am & 1.15pm The Railway Inn Call 01273 271220 or email info@therailwayinnportslade.co.uk
to book 2nd November The Nevill Fireworks 2019 Gates open 5pm Fireworks at 7pm Nevill Playing Fields, Nevill Road 9th, 16th & 23rd November Arty Crafty Club £6.50 per child; drop-in; 8-12 years, 2-4pm Hove Museum
Sundays Hove Lagoon Model Yacht Club New members welcome; come along and have a try 10am--1.30pm. Hove Lagoon 10th November Remembrance Service 10.15am, St Leonard’s New Church Road, BN3 4ED 10th November Sunday Blues – a Sunday afternoon of live blues music 3–6pm, The Railway Inn Call 01273 271 220 or email info@therailwayinnportslade.co.uk
to book a table
This is not a definitive list of events. If you would like to add your event, please email us at info@ westhovedirectory.co.uk . We try to ensure the listings are correct, but please check with the organisers of activities when attending for the first time. Some events may be term-time only
to book a table
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
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Funeral Celebrant
 WHD November 2019
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SUSSEX FUNERAL SERVICES INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS ‘For caring, compassion and choice’ www.sussexfunerals.com Proprietors: Phil and Sallie
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Local news
A concert in aid of Martlets hospice...
FRIENDS OF STONEHAM PARK We always put a big effort into our festivals. The brilliant Halloween festival has just passed, after we went to press. Next, we have our Christmas Market on Saturday 7 December between 11am and 3pm. Please put it in your diaries. Last year the weather was dreadful, with pouring rain half the day. But the fair still went ahead, undaunted. Once again, we will have stalls inside the Holy Cross Church hall and in the park, a fabulous Santa’s grotto in the room above the café, live music, street food and mulled wine. In the next couple of weeks, look out for our fabulous prize draw tickets on sale in local shops and businesses. Richard Hearnden
The Martlets Good Vibrations Choir will be bringing tuneful Christmas cheer to Hove Methodist Church on Saturday 30th November. The members include hospice patients, family members, staff and volunteers who sing under the musical direction of local singer and voice coach Aneesa Chaudhry. The choir will be singing songs from Les Misérables and the classics, along with a sprinkle of festive tunes. There will be tea and cake, plus a prize raffle. Doors open at 3pm for a 3.30pm start. Tickets are £10/£8 concs and children are free; book online at www.themartlets.org.uk/events, email ann.borg@martlets.org.uk or telephone 01273 273400 ext 746. Hove Methodist Church, Portland Road, BN3 5DR
KINGSWAY TRAVEL Chauffeur Driven Private Hire Service
AIRPORT TRANSFERS Gatwick Call Simon or Neil on 01273 640480 www.kingswaytravel.co.uk kingswaytravelbrighton@gmail.com
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
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Page 1
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St. St. Philips Hall PhilipsChurch Church Hall
hurchChurch Hall available forfor parties, wedding receptions & family Hall available parties,events, events, wedding receptions & family partiespartie
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Please call the Church Hall Lettings Department on 07808 154203 St. Philips Church Hall
New Church Road, Hove
Please call the Church Hall Lettings Department on 07808 154203 34 to advertise in the WEST HOVE DIRECTORY please call 01273 551021
A gardening event on 9th November...
FRIENDS OF DAVIS PARK We are a group of residents who live close to Davis Park in Hove. We are dedicated to caring for and improving our local park for all the community. The park is located in the centre of Hove accessible from St Heliers Avenue via the newly painted gates. We would like to thank Mark and the community payback team for bringing them back to their former glory. The park is for everyone to enjoy whether you are walking your dog, going for a picnic or interested in the flora and fauna and want to visit our wildlife corner. We
want to openly encourage people to come and visit Davis Park; it really is a magical place. The park has been around since the 30s and was formerly a rose garden; sadly over the years it has become overgrown. If you are interested in gardening and/or helping us maintain the park we would like to invite you to join us for our open day on Saturday morning, 9th November, 10 till 12. For more information, see Facebook: Friends of Davis Park
News from the council...
Darren Hallett, Middleton Avenue, Hove dhcarpentry@yahoo.co.uk 07766 977 181 01273 710 097
PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON GRAFFITI Brighton & Hove City Council have launched a public consultation on their proposals to tackle graffiti. At present the council are only responsible for removing graffiti from their own buildings and equipment. They are not responsible for removing anything on private property, unless it’s offensive. Cllr Anne Pissaridou, chair of the council’s Environment, Transport & Sustainability committee, acknowledged that the council needs to clean up its own buildings and said: “Some of the consultation is quite controversial as we’re asking people if they think businesses, private homeowners and landlords should remove graffiti from their buildings or pay the council to do so.” The consultation is open until 15 December at: https:// consultations.brighton-hove.gov.uk/rubbish-recyclingand-streets/graffiti-removal-enforcement-consultation/
Offering shellfishand andseafood seafoodproducts. products. Offeringaarange rangeof of fresh fresh fish, fish, shellfish Committed being plastic plasticfree freesosoonly onlyuse use100% 100% Committed to to being compostable pots made of veg/plant based compostable pots made of veg/plant based matter, waxed matter, waxedpaper paperand andpaper paperbags. bags. Open Thurs through Open throughtotoSun Sun10am 10am- 4.30pm. - 4.30pm.
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NY care TE and treatment awns PING
& Shrub Work All work comes with Quality Assured Painters & Decorators s all types Driveways and paths WEWE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE TO BEAT BEAT ANY ANYand treatment TOLawncare GENUINE GENUINE LIKE LIKE FOR FOR LIKE LIKE QUOTE QUOTE ral Gardening BEAT ANY Resen or tarmac paths WE& GUARANTEE driveways New lawns ONTO ON DRIVEWAYS DRIVEWAYS OROR LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING GENUINE LIKE FOR LIKE ANY QUOTE Competitive WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT ON DRIVEWAYS ORLIKE LANDSCAPING ng & Gates AllAll work work comes comes with with Quality Quality Assured GENUINE LIKE FOR QUOTE Block paving paths &Assured driveways Tree & Shrub Work All work comes with Quality Assured ON DRIVEWAYS OR LANDSCAPING All work comes and with Quality Assured Driveway and Patio cleaning Reliable landscaping patios all types Driveways Driveways and paths paths Lawncare Lawncare and and treatment treatment Driveways and paths Lawncare and treatment Driveways and paths Resin driveways & patios Resen or tarmac paths & driveways Lawncare and treatment New lawns New Resen Resen or or tarmac tarmac paths paths & driveways & driveways Fully insured New lawns lawns General Gardening Quotation & Advice Resen or tarmac paths & driveways Block paving paths & driveways New Treelawns & Shrub Work Professional
Block Block paving paving paths && driveways driveways Tree Tree && Shrub Shrub Work Block paving driveways & Shrub Work Driveway andpaths Patio &cleaning Fencing &paths Gates Tree patios all types Work Fencing & Gates Driveway Driveway andand Patio cleaning all types Driveway and Patio Patio cleaning cleaning patios Fully insured General Gardening patios patios allall types types Fully insured Hard landscaping General Gardening ance backed guarantee Fencing & Gates Hard landscaping Tarmac driveways Fencing & Gates Fully insured General General Gardening Gardening Fully Fencing &insured Gates & Gates Hard landscaping Indianlandscaping sandstone Fencing Hard scapes business. thisFree is howQuotation we are and advice Hard landscaping Fencing Fencing && Gates Gates Free Quotation & Advice Free quotation and advice Fencing && Gates Gates Free Quotation and advicefor Hard Freelandscaping Quotation &Fencing Advice n. private and commercial catered peace Freepiece Quotation and advice Advice of mind for ofpiece mind for offor.mind Free Quotation& All Hard Hard landscaping landscaping Hard Hard landscaping landscaping for piece of mind stomers from maintaining small Driveways & Patios comes with a 10-year insurance backed guarantee All Driveways & Patios a 10-year guarantee We stock most of our materials for ourcomes contracts,with for our affordable drivesinsurance and landscapesbacked business. this how we are Free Free Quotation Quotation and and advice advice mmercial businesses. All Driveways Patios comes with aisFree 10-year backed guarantee Quotation &insurance Advice & Advice We stock materialsthe forbest our contracts, for ourbyaffordable drives and landscapes business. thisFree is how we are Quotation able to givemost you of theour customer quote& possible cutting out the middle man. private and commercial catered for. able to give yourange the customer best by cutting thecommercial middle man.customers private and commercial catered for. we offer a for wide of services in mind thequote areapossible to suit both privateout and from maintaining small for piece piece of of mind We most ofthe our materials for our contracts, for our affordable drives and landscapes business. this is how we are we offerstock a wide range inpublic the area to suitgrounds both private and commercial customers frombusinesses. maintaining small gardens and lawns for of theservices general to large gardens and lawns for commercial 01273 808219 07933360268 gardens and lawns for the general public to large grounds / gardens and lawns for commercial businesses. able to give you&the customer the best quote byinsurance cutting out the middleguarantee man. private and commercial catered for. AllAll Driveways Driveways & Patios Patios comes comes with with a 10-year apossible 10-year insurance backed backed guarantee
we offer a wide range of services in the area to suit both private and commercial customers from maintaining small
Email: affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk affordabledrivesandlandscapes@outlook.com We We stock stock most most of our of our materials materials for for ourour contracts, contracts, for for ourour affordable affordable drives drives and and landscapes landscapes business. business. thisthis is how is how we we areare Email: affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk @live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk ableable to give to give youyou thethe customer customer thethe bestbest quote quote possible possible by cutting by cutting outgrounds out thethe middle middle man. man. private private and commercial commercial catered catered for.for.businesses. gardens and lawns for the general public to large gardens andandlawns for commercial
e are ed for. ll
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The Royal Collection has returned to Brighton...
A PRINCE’S TREASURE Exquisite items of art and furniture owned by George IV have returned to the Royal Pavilion for the first time in 170 years, until autumn 2021. More than 124 decorative items lent by the Queen from the Royal Collection include majestic 15-foot high porcelain pagodas and the Kylin Clock, an extraordinary golden extravaganza featuring turquoise Chinese lions. They have returned to the Royal Pavilion while extensive building work is being carried out at Buckingham Palace. This unique project shows the Royal Pavilion as it looked before the items were moved to Buckingham Palace by Queen Victoria in 1847 when it was thought the Royal 37 Pavilion might be demolished. For further information, visit brightonmuseums.org.uk
The Kylin Clock from the Royal Collection Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019
WHERE IN WEST HOVE? Answers from p15 Picture 1: Window of former Tranquility in the City, Boundary Rd Picture 2: Corner of Pembroke Crescent and Sackville Rd Picture 3: Wall by Hove Lagoon Pitch & Putt
Do you have any information on local residents killed in World War Two?
WORLD WAR TWO ROLL OF HONOUR • Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships • Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial disputes, Children matters) • Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships Residential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyancing, shop & lease sales Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial • • Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships • Personal injury - all forms of accident claims • • Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships disputes, Children matters) Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships • Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial • Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews disputes, Children matters) • • Residential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyanc• Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial disputes, Children matters) under caution & Prosecutions • Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial ing, shop & lease sales disputes, Children matters) Residential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyanc• • disputes, Children matters) Residential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyancdisputes, Children matters) Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice ing, shop & lease sales Personal injury - all forms of accident claims • • • Residential Conveyancing and Commercial ConveyancResidential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyancing, shop & lease sales • Residential Conveyancing and Commercial ConveyancCivil litigation / Debt recovery ing, shop & lease sales Personal injury - all forms of accident claims • • ing, shop & lease sales Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews Personal injury - all forms of accident claims ing, shop & lease sales under caution & Prosecutions • • Personal injury - all forms of accident claims Personal injury - all forms of accident claims Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews • • Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews Personal injury - all forms of accident claims under caution & Prosecutions Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice • Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews • • under caution & Prosecutions • Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews under caution & Prosecutions Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice • • under caution & Prosecutions Civil litigation / Debt recovery Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice under caution & Prosecutions • • Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice Civil litigation / Debt recovery • • Civil litigation / Debt recovery • Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice Civil litigation / Debt recovery • • Civil litigation / Debt recovery • Civil litigation / Debt recovery See local reviews of this business at
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email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk Call or email us today on: 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB
Call or or email email us us today today on: on: Call tel: 01273 734 600 Call or email us today on: email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk tel: 01273 734 600 Call or email us today600 on: tel: 01273 734 Call or email us today on: 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk tel: 01273 734 600 email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk tel: 01273 734 600 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB tel: 01273 734 600 email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB
email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB
As we mark Remembrance Sunday in November, I thought people might be reminded of relatives who sadly may have been killed in World War II. I’m researching the names on this Roll of Honour at St Leonard’s (as I did for those on the World War I Roll), and wonder if any readers have information they would be willing to share with me, possibly for a display around VE Day next year. I realise that this Roll does not include many of the people from the area who were killed in the war - I presume it only lists people who had some connection with St Leonard’s. I have found quite a good amount of information about several of the people recorded and have also been in contact with others, whose relatives are named on the Roll, but I would like to discover more about these people, if anyone would be willing to provide it. A full list of the names can be found on local historian Judy Middleton’s site - Hove in the Past: Aldrington - St Leonard’s War Memorials at http://hovehistory.blogspot.com If anyone has information they would be willing to share, I should be very grateful. I can be contacted at aldringtonslsearch@gmail.com. Jenny Watts
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
Plumbing & Heating
Alpine Aerials......................30
Premier Windows..................5
Tree of Life..................... Cover
Job Opportunity
Brighton and Hove Plumbing....................24
Garrick Architects................25
Domestic Appliances
Home Instead......................26
Art Group
East Sussex Arts Society......11
Cox & Taylor.........................24
Dough Lover........................14
Bath Restoration
The Bath Business...............13
Estate Agent
Blinds & Shutters
Healy & Newsom.............Back
Bella Vista............................20
Brighton Log Centre.............22
AT Construction Ltd...............3
Fresh Fish
Braiden Construction...........32 Rainbow................................1 Clarkes of Brighton.............30 Café Viva Vinyl.............................36 Care at Home Alina Homecare...................32 Home Instead.....................24 Carpenter DH Carpentry.......................35 Charity
The Fish Shack.....................35 Funeral Services ARKA Funerals.....................10 Bungards..............................20 Jefferies Funerals.................29 Sussex Funerals...................31 Gardens Affordable Drives & Landscapes..........................36 Garden Machinery
Joinery Lion Mews Joinery...............10 Kitchens Brighton & Hove Kitchens...12 Paul Vincent........................22 Laundrette West Hove Laundrette.........22 Locksmith Lee’s Locks...........................30
Rainbow..........................cover Paul Yeates..........................18 Public House The Gather Inn......................2 The Stoneham.......................7 Record Store Viva Vinyl.............................36 Reflexology Ambience Reflexology.........24 Roofing Affordable Roofing..............19
Loft Conversions
Creative Attic Solutions.........4
Mini Coach Hire
Benfield Primary School........8
Sussex Mini Coach...............18
Crosby and Woods...............37
Clearwell Mobility...............16 Nursery La Casita................................6 Nursing Home Bon Accord..........................17 Painting & Decorating The Paint Project.................36
AMP Services.......................34
Gilmour Decorating.............15
Alan Patch...........................17
Fun In Action.......................36
Jule’s Emporium....................9
Pet Services
Chimney Sweep
Gutter Cleaning
Dapper Dogs........................28
Andy Sweeps................. Cover
Sussex Gutters.....................38
Halls to Hire
Little Miss Do it All . ............15
St. Philips Church Hall..........34
Plastering Lewis Byard..........................38
GWCA............................ Cover GWCA..................................23 Seymour Solicitors...............21 Tiling Pentagon Tiling....................22 Transportation Kingsway Travel...................33 Waste Clearance Fully Cleared........................30 Will Writing Camrass Wills......................26 Windows Premier Windows..................5 Countryman.........................23
We can Clear, Clean, Repair or Replace
0790 002 0039
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www.sussexgutters.co.uk 38
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