West Hove Directory November 2018

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WEST HOVE November 2018 ISSUE 88

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WELCOME TO THE WEST HOVE DIRECTORY The nights are drawing in now, but we’ve got Guy Fawkes Night to look forward to and we have details of the Christmas Artists Open Houses festival which can help you with your gift shopping. 11th November is the centenary of the end of the First World War, which will be marked by “Battle’s Over”, a nationwide day of commemorative events. St Leonard’s Church will be participating and we have details of their special service, which will be attended by the Mayor. To make the publication even more useful for you we are proud to introduce to you this month www.trustedandlocal.co.uk. When you see an advert with the Trusted and Local logo on it, go to the website to read local reviews of that business.3 The West Hove Directory Team info@westhovedirectory.co.uk www.westhovedirectory.co.uk Cover picture: New Church Road by Jane Galvin


Contents... Page 5

West Hove Person – David Taggart

Page 6/7

Old Photo

Page 9

Artists Open Houses Christmas Festival

Page 11

The Secret Princes

Page 13

Local Firework Displays

Page 15

Where in West Hove? and Councillor Details

Page 19

Hove Fish Shack

Page 21

Mister Smith Interiors

Page 26/27 What’s On In West Hove… Page 29

Cholesterol Tips

Page 33

Wharf Road Embankment Art Project

Page 35

Get Fit for Skiing

Page 37

News From The West Hove Forum

Page 39

Snailspace Festive Farewell

Page 41

The Snowman™ Exhibition

Page 42

Index of Advertisers

Publisher: Sussex Magazines Ltd.Ltd. 10 Hollingbury Road, BN1 7JA info@westhovedirectory.co.uk Printer: Gemini Distributors: Kempster The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.



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Meet a local musician...

WEST HOVE PERSON – DAVID TAGGART David Taggart lives in New Church Road and runs Little Pickles music classes for parents and toddlers at Hove Methodist Church in Portland Road. He is also a long-standing session musician and has played guitar and backing vocals for Belinda Carlisle for the last 18 years. How long have you lived in West Hove? My wife Laura and I moved from the North East about 20 years ago. Both kids are born and bred Hoverians. What do you like about the area? What is there not to like? Beach at the end of the street, great facilities, shops, eclectic atmosphere and of course we’ve made lots of great friends. Tell us about your Little Pickles classes...


My Little Pickles sessions have been entertaining children and parents for a good few years now. A typical Little Pickles session consists of songs and rhymes played on a variety of instruments, i.e. guitar, mandolin, ukulele. At one point I even had a black guitar with so many purple LED lights on that a parent insisted on buying it off me. The children also have a chance to play themselves from the large box of percussion instruments supplied. Great songs from rockers to soul to old faves, then we


Doors and Conservatories

move on to the animal box and various puppets and we sing animal songs etc. To keep the parents awake and attentive, I normally like to update a few old nursery rhymes and throw in a few one-liners. We have a five minute ‘quiet time’ with gentle songs, then it’s up on our feet for the finale of sleepy rabbits or whatever. Then it’s biscuits and breadsticks for the little ones and tea/coffee for the grown-ups. Children are astute little things and they know when you’re faking it so I don’t do ‘twee’ or cheese. Do you play an instrument yourself? Yes, as well as being a professional singer, I play acoustic and electric guitar, mandolin, uke, banjo, keyboards, harmonica and also write and perform my own music.

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Factory & Showroom: Units 4, 5 and 6, Southern Cross Industrial Estate, Freemans Road, Portslade. BN41 1GS www.premier4windows.co.uk

What do you like to do when you’re not working? Come the spring it’s a beach life when possible, plus reading, but mostly it’s music, both playing and listening as well as a bit of instrument making and repair work. Music for me is a passion. David will be out on the road with Belinda Carlisle on the Culture Club arena tour starting November 9th, including the Brighton Centre on Tuesday November 13th. Little Pickles classes are on Mondays at Hangleton Oasis Church, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Hove Methodist Church, and Fridays at South Portslade Community Centre (all at 10am). Visit littlepicklemusic.co.uk or find LittlepickleMusicMakers on Facebook.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


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HOVE STREET Diversion of gas mains in the new straight line of Hove Street, in progress. New mains and siphon boxes were being laid. Hove Street was formerly an old winding street. At the foot of the street is one of the old cottages with a large tree in its back garden. Beyond is the new Ship Inn, under construction (now The Ginger Pig), and away to the left the backs of the Coastguard cottages. Date: 1915 Credit: the James Gray Regency Society

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A great way to buy Christmas gifts…

Do you know a care home resident who deserves a treat?

ARTISTS OPEN HOUSES POLLARD’S PROMISES CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL The Brighton & Hove Artists Open Houses Festival 2018 kicks off on November 24th and will run over the following three weekends, ending December 9th. Hundreds of artists and makers will be opening their houses and studio spaces, offering the opportunity 9 to buy a diverse selection of arts and crafts. Many of the houses also offer mince pies and mulled wine. One local Art at Cat-arzyna, 11 St Keyna Avenue highlight is Cat-arzyna at 11 St Keyna Avenue: Polish designer Catarzyna transforms everyday objects with her unique blend of Polish-meets-French vintage chic. Expect decorations, homewares, dolls, needle felted sculptures, shabby chic painted furniture and much more. Other local houses exhibiting include: Bluebell Would at 45 Westbourne Gardens; A Journey from Hove to Sagra at 69 Grange Road; Villa LVI at 56 Payne Avenue; and 12 Scott Road. For more information on all the open houses, visit www.aoh.org.uk.

Quality Care Insurance Services, a local business in Kingsway providing insurance for care homes, have begun a new project, Pollard’s Promises, with the aim of making a resident’s dreams come true! David Barrell with QCIS Managing Director Darren Pollard

They recently surprised 94-year-old David Barrell with a trip on Brighton’s i360, after David’s home nominated him for the experience. David loved his day, soaking in the views from 450ft! Prior’s Mead Residential Home kindly nominated David due to his passion for aeroplanes, the fact he still attends numerous aeroplane clubs, as well as previously flying scout children in his very own plane! Quality Care felt that a flight of a different kind on the i360 would be a perfect experience for David, and he loved every second of being in the sky once again. If you work within a care sector or know someone in a home that deserves a treat, please get in touch with Quality Care on info@qcis.co.uk to nominate the resident! More info at www.qcis.co.uk



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On the centenary of the Armistice, a local history article by West Hove resident Rachel Bridgeman...


THE SECRET PRINCES In 1916, Mametz Wood was the scene of one of the bloodiest battles of The Somme. Ordered to take the wood in a frontal daylight assault, soldiers of the Welsh divisionwere machine-gunned as they crossed open fields. Those who made it into the woods faced brutal hand-to-hand combat in which they were outnumbered three-to-one. Casualties were severe and for Wales the battle came to stand for the bloodshed of the entire war. But the fighting was significant for another reason; one young private would go on to write a literary masterpiece about his experiences which would win the major literary award of its day. WH Auden called it “the greatest book about the first world war” and TS Eliot thought it a “work of genius”. He was the poet who spent the longest time in action during the war and his name is among the 16 Great War poets commemorated 11 in Westminster Abbey.

David Jones

Yet few have heard of him. His name is David Jones. He suffered a series of breakdowns and was nearly always poor. The poet himself reflected: “Part of me, the artist within me, has never left the trenches.” In 1928, this survivor of the war came to stay at Hove Seaside Villas (“Millionaires’Row”). And it was not until he was here, 10 years after the war had ended, that he could face writing about his horrific experiences, in his epic poem “In Parenthesis”. A work utterly unlike




anything that had gone before it. It is dedicated to “my friends; in mind of all common and hidden men and of the secret princes”. That is to say, to the ordinary soldiers he wanted to honour through his writing. Already a renowned artist, he painted a dozen sea and beach scenes from his window in West Hove; one of which is among his 13 paintings hanging in The Tate. David Jones is just one of the fascinating individuals I talk about on my ‘Soldiers, Saints, Celebrities and Saxons’ guided historic walking tour of West Hove. David Jones’ dedication also moved me to write a guided historic walking tour of Poets’ Corner - ‘1918-2018: the war is over’ - commemorating the end of the Great War and remembering those in our community who made such a huge sacrifice a century ago. The tour conveys the pride, bravery and enthusiasm as well as the horror and sadness. It tells the story of these men and the community in the years 1914-18, includes poetry and art, and has lighter aspects such as Jelly Babies! For further information, email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com or visit Facebook “Hove Actually Walking Tours”. Rachel Bridgeman (tour guide and local historian)

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk



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A nationwide commemoration of the First World War Armistice...

BATTLE’S OVER Battle’s Over is a nationwide day of commemorative events on Sunday 11th November, marking the centenary of the end of the First World War and paying tribute to the millions killed or wounded in battle, and those on the home front who helped ensure freedom survived. At 6am 1,000 pipers around the world will commence the day’s commemorations with the traditional Scottish lament played at the end of battle – Battle’s O’er. At 6.55pm buglers will sound the Last Post at more than 1,000 locations, where at 7pm World War One Beacons of Light will be lit in a tribute signifying the light of peace that emerged from the darkness of four years of war. Then at 7.05pm 1,000 churches will ring out their bells in celebration of peace and more than 140 town criers will join in an International Cry for Peace around the13 world. St Leonard’s Church has the last active peal of bells in Hove and eight new members have recently been recruited to the bellringing team. They will be present on 11th November to ring half-muffled bells in the morning in memory of those who died in the Great War. St Leonard’s will also be holding a short service for Battle’s Over at 6pm on November 11th, led by the Archdeacon of Brighton & Lewes, in the presence of civic dignitaries including the Mayor. The Last Post will be sounded on the bugle at 6.55pm, the service will include

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the lighting of a symbolic beacon and candles, and the bell ringers will join in with the Ringing Out for Peace at 7.05pm. There will also be a display about the men whose names are recorded on the church’s Roll of Honour. Everyone is welcome to attend this special service. Where to find a fireworks display...

LOCAL FIREWORK DISPLAYS The Nevill Fireworks 2018 7pm on Saturday 3rd November (gates open 5pm) Nevill Sports Ground, Nevill Road opposite the Greyhound Stadium Formerly the Family Firework Spectacular, the name has changed but everything else is the same. Buy your tickets in advance to save queueing on the night. www.familyfireworks.co.uk Sussex Cricket Fireworks Night 7.30pm on Saturday 3rd November (gates open 6pm) 1st Central County Ground, Eaton Road Live music; adults £10, under-16s £5. www.sussexcricket.co.uk

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


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Where in West Hove were these photos taken?


Answers for last month’s pictures: 1. Martello Lofts, Portland Road 2. Shelter at Hove Lagoon 3. Viceroy Lodge, Hove Street

COUNCILLORS FOR WISH AND WESTBOURNE The Conservative councillors for Wish ward, Garry Peltzer Dunn and Robert Nemeth, hold an advice surgery on Saturday 10th November (the second Saturday in the month) as follows: 9am-10am

234 New Church Road


Sanders House, Ingram Crescent

11am-12 noon The Hive cafĂŠ, Stoneham Park No appointments are required and if anyone is unable to get to the surgery venues the councillors are very happy to visit your home. You can also email them at garry.peltzerdunn@brightonhove.gov.uk or robert.nemeth@brighton-hove.gov.uk. The Westbourne councillors hold a surgery on Friday 9th November (the second Friday of each month) at Hove Museum: 4pm-5pm

Cllr Tom Bewick (Labour)


Cllr Denise Cobb (Conservative)

You can also email them at: tom.bewick@brighton-hove. gov.uk or denise.cobb@brighton-hove.gov.uk. Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


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Local fresh fish shack re-opens....

HOVE FISH SHACK Many of those who have lived in Hove for a number of years will remember the Fish Shack on the Western Esplanade of Hove seafront. Since the 1970s, Ross and friends would pull their boats up onto the beach at Hove and sell their haul of freshly caught fish. When Ross retired, Connor and husband Sean continued the enterprise. Unfortunately increased regulation surrounding fishing quotas and licences, coupled with the improvement of local harbours, has brought about a demise of such practices, which in turn resulted in the closure of the Fish Shack on Hove beach. In June of this year, following a full refurbishment, the Fish Shack was re-opened by a local retired fisherman and his partner. Open all year round, from Thursday through to Sunday, they offer a wide range of fresh fish, frozen fish products, shellfish and seafood. Where possible, Hove Fish Shack source as much as they can locally, but they will also buy from markets further afield such as Brixham and Plymouth, to ensure that they have the freshest and most sustainable produce available to meet their customers’ needs. Committed to reducing the amount of plastic in our oceans, Hove Fish Shack strives to be plastic free. Fish is wrapped in waxed paper and seafood produce is only sold in pots which are made of plant/vegetable matter and are 100% compostable. Paper carriers are available for those without their own carriers, or trendy Fish Shack cotton shoppers are available to buy.


In addition to regular stock items and daily catch, almost any fish or seafood product is available to order. Simply contact the Fish Shack by telephone or email to discuss your requirements. Orders can also be placed in the same manner to ensure that your fish is packed and ready for collection by you should you be in a hurry. So whether looking for fish for your supper, that special occasion meal, or simply just a pot of cockles or fresh oysters to eat on the beach or while out for a stroll, you will find the Fish Shack situated on the beach directly behind Hove Bowls Club, or approximately 300 metres west of the King Alfred. The facility to make payment by card is also available. You will always be greeted with a smile, and not only are they happy to advise on cooking methods or recipe ideas, they are also keen to hear yours! See you soon!!

Offering a range of fresh fish, shellfish and seafood products. Committed to being plastic free so only use 100% compostable pots made of veg/plant based matter, waxed paper and paper bags. Open Thurs through to Sun 10am - 4.30pm.

Western Esplanade, Hove Seafront • 07412 118115 • hovefishshack@icloud.com Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


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MISTER SMITH INTERIORS Hello! We’re Ben and Saskia Smith – together we own and run Mister Smith Interiors, a third generation family-run interiors business. Ben does all the measuring and quoting – he’s a tall chap with a tape measure and a friendly smile. Saskia stays behind the scenes and is currently busy looking after our young daughter, uploading products onto our new website and keeping up to date on the social media. We have two shops, one in Crowborough and the other in Brighton; both shops hold samples of all the latest and best fabrics, flooring, wallpaper and more. We measure, design, fit and install curtains, blinds, sofas, chairs, headboards, carpets, vinyl flooring and stair runners. So if it’s curtains you need or a blind or you’d like21 some new carpet or a stair runner… get in touch with us, visit our shops and our friendly and knowledgeable teams will help you choose a simple fabric update or design a full house redecoration. We simply offer our experience and friendly advice to help you create the living spaces you want. www.mistersmith.co.uk A reader’s letter in response to last month’s health tip...


We are a Hove based brickwork and hard landscaping company. We pride ourselves on a reliable, high quality and personal service. We provide a full range of services with no job being too small. Our Services include All Brickwork • Patios • Garden Designs • Block Paving • Re-Pointing • Driveways Tidy, quick and efficient service guaranteed See local reviews of this business at

Please call Joseph for a free quotation on

07539280253 / 01273 832558 Instagram J.H.BRICKWORK

In reply to Nathalie Sansonetti (October issue West Hove Directory p29), I’m an Independent Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant in Hove so my business is low calorie diets. I would like to point out that our products are nutritionally balanced, I see clients once a week as part of my oneto-one ongoing support to them, I make a medical assessment, and my amazing clients follow a Six Step Plan, so this is a proven method to help people to lose weight. As such, like Nathalie I am a business and I have great results from my clients. Please see the feedback on my web page to see how happy people are with the results. Also with regards to low calorie diets, there has been a much publicised positive outcome from the recent DROPLET research. Please see the links to press coverage below:www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45653279 www.independent.co.uk/news/health/crash-dietmeal-replacement-lose-weight-healthy-eating-oxforduniversity-bmj-a8556401.html www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/obese-shed-a-stoneon-diet-of-shakes-and-soup-gps-told-m0fx7n625 Best wishes John Williams www.cambridgeweightplan.com/JohnW

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Funeral Celebrant


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01273 934991 brightandbeautifulhome.com/hove

 WHD November 2018


Please send your events to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk...

WHAT’S ON IN WEST HOVE… University of Brighton MA Craft Graduation Show (until 6th November) Magical Story Land (from 16th November) Festive display of paper sculptures 10am-5pm (Sundays 2-5pm) Daily, except Wednesdays Hove Museum 19 New Church Road

Mondays Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/Hove-Weekly-Beach-Walks Speech & Drama LAMDA Classes Age 5-12; 4.30 & 5.30pm (term time) All Saints Church jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Pilates Mat Classes Beginners Plus: 6.30pm-7.25pm Int/Adv: 7.30pm-8.25pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Holistic Yoga 6.15-7.45pm; The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com Brighton Theatre of the Air Radio Drama Meetup group 8pm; Goldstone Ex Service Club, 20 Shirley Street btota.co.uk / 07818 118062 Beginners Flamenco Dance 7.30-8.30pm The Dance Station, 57 North Street, Portslade Ana: 07939 938565 www.flamencodance.co.uk Hove Museum Minis Fun with craft and story-telling Age 2-5; £2 per child; drop-in 10am-12 noon (term-time only) Hove Museum 5th November Portslade & West Hove Carers Afternoon Tea 2-3.30pm, The Railway Inn For more information, contact Pam on 01273 746222


Tuesdays Badaboum! French music playgroup Drop-in; £5 9.30-10.30am The Snug, Stoneham Park 07917 282679 badaboum@talktalk.net Music for Aardvarks 6 months to 5 years 10am; Glebe Villas Hall emily@uk-aardvarks.co.uk Get Active for Older Adults (age 50+) 10.30-11.30am; £5 St Barnabas Church Contact suzy.hawker@ntlworld. com 01273 726507 to reserve a place Pilates Mat Classes Gentle Beginners: 9.45-10.40am Beginners: 10.45-11.40am Beginners Plus: 11.45am12.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Oh Sew Ditsy Sewcial 11am-1pm; £12.50 per session The Snug, Stoneham Park Book at www.ohsewditsy.co.uk Food & Friendship Lunch Club 12.30pm; £2 Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Parent and Baby Massage 1.30-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park togethertouch@gmail.com Or call Hayley 07528833166 Singing for Pleasure 2pm; (Taster £3.50) Hove Methodist Church Corinne 01273 565130 Singingforpleasure@hotmail. co.uk Well Balanced Kids Yoga Ages 5-11; 3.45-4.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park info@wellbalancedkids.co.uk Antenatal classes 6.45pm Holy Cross Church, Tamworth Road To pre-book call 07494002577 or visit www.babies.uk.com

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Wednesdays Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/Hove-Weekly-Beach-Walks Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session between 9.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279 Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Music with Mike 1.15-1.45pm & 2-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park musicwithmike.co.uk General Level Pilates 6-7pm Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Holistic Yoga 7.30-8.45pm The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com Fun Cake Decorating for all 7-9pm; 49 Langdale Road Pat Ashby 01273 736722 Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 6.45-7.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com The Creation Station Age 15 months to 5 years £7; booking essential 10.30-11.15am The Snug, Stoneham Park jenelfverson@thecreationstation.co.uk 07902 967709


Body Control Pilates 10.40-11.40am The Snug, Stoneham Park rachelnessmartin@gmail.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 11-11.55am Intermediate: 10-10.55am Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Beginners Pilates 11am-12 noon Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Mum & Baby Physio-Led Pilates 12-12.45pm Physio-Led Pilates 27 12.55-1.55pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Emma: 07545445656 physiotone@gmail.com Food & Friendship Lunch Club For people with learning disabilities and over-50s (term-time only) 12.30pm; Hove Methodist Church cookingcaroline@outlook.com

10th November Abba Party Night 7.30pm The Circle Arts Centre North Street, Portslade Tickets from www.skiddle.com

Chi Gong 9.30-10.30am The Hive, Stoneham Park dervish.terminal@gmail.com

17th November Writing Monologues in Stage Plays Workshop with Gail Louw Open to all; £2 12.30-2.30pm Vallance Centre, 2 Conway Court thehatcherywritersgroup. wordpress.com 07818 118062 or hatchery.writers@gmail.com

Mindful Body Yoga 10:30am - 11:30am Drop in; pay by donation The Snug, Stoneham Park info@mindfulbodyyoga.co.uk General Level Pilates 12.15pm Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Friday Fun and Toy Swap Term time 3.45–5.30pm; £3 Shoreham Port Soul Kitchen Baltic Wharf, Wellington Road Enquiries 07814 736486 Vital Danza 8.15-9.45pm; £10 The Float Spa, Third Avenue www.helenthatcher.com

Speech & Drama Class with LAMDA Preparation 5-8years; 4-5pm The Snug, Stoneham Park jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900301375


Pilates Improvers 6.15pm Intermediate 7.30pm Hove Methodist Church Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk

Yoga Frogs Age 5-11; 10am-11am; £7 The Snug, Stoneham Park Booking essential: info@yogafrogs.co.uk or 07920403657

Wish Wudang Tai Chi Club 8-9pm; King Alfred Leisure Centre Contact Tim on 07914388290 wishwudangtaichi.org.uk 1 November Social Club for over 50s 2.30-4.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church st

Young Storytellers (age 2½ to 5) 9.30-10.15am, term time only The Snug, Stoneham Park Contact Jude for free trial Jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900301375

8th November Roots Night Music from Pete Atkin 8-11pm; The Railway Inn www.railwayroots.co.uk

Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk

Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/Hove-Weekly-Beach-Walks



Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session Between 8.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279

Fitbods Fit Camp Outdoor circuits/HIIT class 10-11am Wish Park Tel Sara: 07812 093378

Gentle Exercise Class for older or unfit people 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church 1st Saturday of the month Vestry Café 10.30am-12.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church 10th, 17th and 24th November Arty Crafty Club £6.50 per child; drop-in; 8-12 years 2-4pm (term-time only) Hove Museum 10th November Poets Corner: The War is Over – 1918-2018 A guided walking tour £8 (£6 conc); 11am-12.30pm Email hoveactuallywalks@ gmail.com or visit Facebook “Hove Actually Walking Tours”

24th November Ecobrick Workshop 10am-12pm Hove Enterprise Centre Basin Road North BN41 1UY Contact: Mary@pass1on.org 1st December Christmas Market Friends of Stoneham Park 11am-3pm Stoneham Park & Holy Cross Church Hall

Sundays 4th November Poets Corner: The War is Over – 1918-2018 A guided walking tour £8 (£6 conc); 11am-12.30pm Email hoveactuallywalks@ gmail.com or visit Facebook “Hove Actually Walking Tours” 11th November 10.45am: Remembrance Service 6pm: Battle’s Over & Ringing for Peace (Armistice centenary commemoration service) St Leonard’s Church This is not a definitive list of events. If you would like to add your event, please email us at: info@westhovedirectory.co.uk . We try to ensure the listings are correct, but please check with the organisers of activities when attending for the first time. Some events may be term-time only.

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Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk



Teacher led pre-school education Open 7.30am - 6.30pm (flexible hours) Home cooked food ( prepared on site) Large garden - Open Plan rooms I Term time childcare available Competitive rates I Music I drama and sports groups available 3 & 4 year funding both 15 & 30 hours 2 year funding

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The Garden Nursery and Pre-School, 201 New Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 4Ed.


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Nathalie’s monthly health tip...

CHOLESTEROL TIPS October was Cholesterol Awareness Month so how about some clarity on one of the most misunderstood aspects of heart health? Firstly, all your cells produce cholesterol, which plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular health and survival. When inflammation is present in the body, however, caused by poor diet, stress, and other individual sensitivities, ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) increases, raising your chances of heart disease. HDL, on the other hand, aka ‘good’ cholesterol, lowers the negative impact of LDL and can be increased through diet and healthy lifestyle habits. Some guidelines for a healthy HDL/LDL ratio: 29 Increase: Good fats, particularly omega 3 fats found in oily fish, nuts, seeds, eggs (yes!) plus other fats: avocados and olive oil Fibre: helps to excrete excess cholesterol - oats, wholegrain, legumes, vegetables, fruit Good bacteria in organic full fat natural yogurt, unpasteurised fermented foods and quality probiotics Water - to ensure good elimination and help reduce inflammation

Reduce/cut out: Hydrogenated/trans-fats and processed vegetable oils in packaged foods Poor quality meats Refined ‘white’ carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol and caffeine Pasteurised, homogenised non-organic dairy products Good dietary habits paired with regular exercise will go a long way to help with heart health – but stress also plays a major part in increasing inflammation. So remember to simply stop, breathe, be grateful and do nothing! Nathalie X Nathalie Sansonetti. I help people who struggle with chronic health issues while juggling kids, work, life. I offer effective, powerful ways to regain health and vitality through custom nutritional guidance, mealplans and full support, so you can live life to the full. newleafnutrition.co.uk See local reviews of this business at

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A funeral plan from Bungard Funeral Directors makes perfect sense. Dedicated caring service from Richard Whittle & Ben Day

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Ben Day is the Principal Funeral Director of Bungard Funeral Directors. Ben lives in Hove with his wife and two children. Ben and his wife Leila are keen to support the local community and be as involved as much as possible.

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Local news...

WHARF ROAD EMBANKMENT ART PROJECT Millimetre, a company of designers and makers based in Portslade, are installing an artwork and wildflower meadow on Wharf Road Embankment (just north of Hove Lagoon). They have partnered with Brighton & Hove Environmental Education (BHee) and hope to involve children from St Peter’s Community Primary School in the project. The scheme will be paid for with money from Section 106 Developer Contributions.

Artist’s impression of the Wharf Road Embankment design


The first stage of the groundwork has been done and the couch grass (an invasive species) that populated the site has been removed. It is hoped that the project will be completed around the end of November, although for the first two years it will be tricky to get the plants established.

Local news...


This is a different scheme from the one originally chosen last year, which fell through. The artwork, designed by Adam Harris, is a structure based on a maritime design tool known as a ‘spline’ to create smooth curves made from long strips of galvanised steel. The wildflowers will be planted around it to attract butterflies, bees and other pollinators and will be relatively low maintenance. Chalk has been spread over the site, as the soil needs to be infertile for wildflowers to establish. Wildflowers have been selected that provide a nectar source, visual attraction for passers-by and which will survive close to the sea. Grasses and some ornamental perennials are also added to the selection for variation. Brighton & Hove’s Cityparks department has been busy creating butterfly havens all over the city over the past few years, as pollinators are in decline.

With Christmas shopping lists being written, where better to come and stock up on gifts, luxury food and to enjoy a festive atmosphere than the Friends of Stoneham Park’s Christmas Market? This year the Christmas Market will be on Saturday, 1 December, between 11 and 3 o’clock. Last year’s event was good but this year’s will be even better. We’ll have mulled wine and hot chocolate, tasty street food and filling winter warmers all for you to enjoy. There will be live music and another phenomenal prize draw. And best of all, Santa will be popping by for the duration with a splendid grotto in The Snug café. See you there! Richard Hearnden

You can read reviews of advertisers with the Trusted and Local logo on their adverts at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk We have just had a patio laid with some Indian sand stone in mixed sizes and we are very pleased with the outcome, creating the impression of a larger space. We have no hesitation in recommending Joseph S. Davis reviewing J.H.Brickwork

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15 & 30 Hours Funded Childcare Available Use your free hours between 8:30am-5:30pm

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This article is by local physiotherapist Nigel Howell...



I know it sounds early, the start of November, but ski resorts will now be in full swing; busily getting ready, checking the cable cars and button lifts, stocking the hire shops and bars, in preparation for all of you heading their way!

Getting ready is exactly what you should be doing - if you’re returning to the slopes, for the umpteenth time, or it’s your very first visit! If you are fit and prepared, you are far less likely to suffer from injury on the slopes. Try and focus your preparation towards working groups of muscles which will be used in skiing or snowboarding. Exercise bikes or cycling and cross trainers are good, mixed with balance and control exercises, to prepare your nervous system, such as single leg balance and squats. Make sure you are well hydrated on the slopes to keep alert, and learn some basic rules, such as wear a helmet, as head injuries account for 13% of all injuries in snowboarding and 8% in skiing. Also stop in a safe place and after stopping look up the mountain and yield to those coming down, before setting off. If hiring, know your body weight, so the staff can adjust bindings properly. The predominant body part injured in skiing is the knee, accounting for about 33% of injuries. Thigh, ankle

and lower leg injuries are also more common in skiing, compared to snowboarding. In contrast, only about 7% of snowboarding injuries involve the knee, but 27% the wrist (compared with only 5% for skiers). Snowboarders are also more likely to suffer shoulder injuries than skiers (17% for snowboarders, 12% for skiers). Snowboarders also suffer more arm and elbow injuries and would be well advised to wear elbow and wrist pads. Most ski resorts have good medical facilities and can help with diagnosis of injuries, but you need to follow up on physiotherapy, for proper rehabilitation and/or advice, on your return. Injury is very unlikely, especially if you follow the advice set out above, so enjoy yourself with the exhilaration of skiing and snowboarding. Nigel Howell is a chartered physiotherapist and works at the Circle Studios in North Street, Portslade (01273 911331), Havelock Road Physiotherapy Clinic in Brighton and The Physiotherapy Centre in Haywards Heath.

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Friendly. Professional. Exceptional Service.


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Update from your Local Action Team...

NEWS FROM THE WEST HOVE FORUM Waste and Recycling: Our last meeting was attended by a representative of Cityclean, who explained how the council’s waste and recycling system works. The operation is managed by Cityclean, a council department. Cityclean run the refuse and recycling collections and have a contract with Veolia, a French company, to deal with the waste after the council tips it. It’s Veolia’s job to sift through the recycling. The main issue with recycling is contamination. The contract’s guidance allows no more than 10% contamination of the recycling, but as a city we are not consistently below this percentage, with contamination often reaching 15-20%. If recycling bins are contaminated, the whole process costs more as it all ends up as refuse. This makes it difficult to introduce recycling litter bins in places like the seafront, where there are a lot of visitors who don’t know what can be recycled. The trial recycling 37 litter bin scheme at Hove Lagoon is supported by the Friends of Hove Lagoon, who check that there’s not too much contamination, and this sort of scheme might work in other more residential areas. It seems to many of us that other councils recycle more and it’s very likely that councils with food waste collections can have a higher recycling rate. With regard to plastic, however, other councils who collect the types of plastics that Brighton & Hove City Council do not, cannot always recycle these plastics as there may not be any end

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The Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility

market for this material. This could result in these plastics being sent to incineration. We need more information on what can and can’t be recycled. For example, the only plastic that can be recycled in Brighton & Hove is plastic bottles (all plastic bottles including drinks, milk, detergent, shampoo and washing-up liquid bottles), without the lids. The only plastic lids that can be recycled are those from plastic milk bottles - those bottles should first be flattened and then the bottle top screwed back onto the bottle. Any refuse which isn’t recycled goes to the Newhaven incinerator, an “energy from waste facility” which produces energy from waste. A positive point is that Brighton & Hove has a very low percentage – less than 5% - of waste ending up in landfill, which is the worst place environmentally to which you can send waste. Healthy Neighbourhood Fund: Grants of up to £500 are still available. Any small not-for-profit groups should email us as soon as possible if you have a project with a clear health outcome and would like to apply. The next West Hove Forum meeting will be at 2pm on 28 November at Hove Methodist Church. If you would like to attend on behalf of a group or business, email westhoveforum@gmail.com.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk



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A chance to say goodbye to the giant snails…

Local news...


SNAILSPACE THE GARDEN NURSERY FESTIVE FAREWELL IS BLOOMING! The Snailspace public art trail has been in the city since mid-September and will end on 18th November. The trail is raising money for the Martlets Hospice. At the end of the event, there will be a Snailspace Festive Farewell - the chance to say goodbye to all 107 large and small snails as they gather in Brighton for a final sendoff before they are auctioned. This is a great opportunity to see the entire collection of snails together. The event will take place on Friday 30 November, Saturday 1 December and Sunday 2 December (there will be one hour timeslots) at St Augustine’s Church, Stanford Avenue in Fiveways. Entry costs £6 per adult and £3 per child. Under-twos are free. Tickets will be available via the Snailspace website (www.snailspacebrighton.co.uk) or via a link on the Facebook page.

The team from The Garden Nursery in New Church Road have been inspired by the Blooming Boundary Campaign which has brightened up Boundary Road with planters. They’ve been very busy in their front garden in a start to bring the scheme along New Church Road.


07979 987 467 kellie@electricqueenz.co.uk www.electricqueenz.co.uk Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk



Whether you’re an old hand at bidding the hands or want to learn this fascinating card game, pop along to your local Bridge club at 15 Third Avenue, Hove. From 7.30 pm every weekday and 1.30 pm Wednesday afternoon. Partners available.

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A chance to see the original Snowman illustrations...

THE SNOWMAN™ EXHIBITION UNTIL 6 JANUARY 2019 A new exhibition of the original illustrations for the much-loved classic picture book, The Snowman, has arrived in Brighton Museum to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the book’s publication.


The Snowman by Raymond Briggs © Snowman Enterprises Ltd, 1978 Narrated entirely through pictures, The Snowman captures the innocence and wonder of childhood with its dreamlike, hand-drawn illustrations.

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Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, together with Penguin Ventures, are showing a stunning exhibition of the original book artwork created by the Sussex-based author and illustrator Raymond Briggs. The exhibition will also inspire a new collage artwork of The Snowman using festive images submitted by the public to be unveiled in December at Brighton Museum.

The Snowman, first published in 1978, is a magical story of love and loss. The picture book tells the story of a boy who builds a snowman which comes to life at the stroke of midnight. He and the boy explore the house, trying not to wake the boy’s parents. They then go outside and take flight, travelling over snow-covered fields and getting a bird’s-eye view of the buildings of Brighton, including the Royal Pavilion. They stay out until sunrise when the boy reluctantly goes home to bed. The next morning the boy wakes up to find that his new friend has melted. Raymond Briggs writes and illustrates from his home and studio near Brighton in the Sussex Downs. The house that appears in The Snowman is based on Raymond’s own home and the view from the boy’s window was inspired by the view from his studio. In 1982 The Snowman was adapted for screen and has been shown on Channel 4 at Christmas every year since, becoming a firm favourite with children and adults all over the world and an intrinsic part of family festive traditions.Some of the original hand-drawn cels - celluloid sheets used for traditional animation - from the TV adaptation will also be on display. To commemorate the anniversary, children’s author Michael Morpurgo has reimagined Raymond Briggs’ original tale as a chapter book, illustrated by Robin Shaw. Robin Shaw has also created a short animation especially for the 40th anniversary celebrations that will premiere in the gallery from 4 December. For more information, visit brightonmuseums.org.uk.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk




Domestic Appliances



Bonnie Baby..........................2


Anna L Design........................6

Sophie Sheinwald................35



Mister Smith........................20

Eurotiles & Bathrooms........24

Cox & Taylor.........................30

Job Opportunity


Electric Queenz...................39

Coastal Home Care..............18



Home Instead......................37

Pinks Hair & Beauty.............36



Rocksea Beauty......................7

Estate Agent

Higgins Joinery....................31

Blinds & Shutters

Healy & Newsom.............Back


Bella Vista..............................4


Dream Doors.........................8


Fish Shop

Viva Vinyl.............................40


Avenue Bridge Club.............40

The Fish Shack....................19


West Hove Laundrette.........11


Funeral Services

Clarkes of Brighton..............23


JH Brickwork........................21

ARKA Funerals.....................14

G & S Roofing.......................20

Brighton Log Centre.............30



Workwise Roofing...............10


AT Construction Ltd...............3

Jefferies Funerals.................22


Lee’s Locks...........................30

Walder Construction...........36

Sussex Funerals...................31

Benfield School....................26





More than Loft Ladders.......17

Southern Extensions............34

Waney Edge.........................23

Crosby and Woods.............30


Christmas Fair



Musical Bumps....................40

St Philip’s Church................25

Sussex Tree & Lawn Co .......23


Kingsway Travel...................12 Tiling


The Arbor Barber.................40


Pentagon Tiling....................23

Bright & Beautiful................25

Gutter Services

Garden Nursery...................28

Volunteering with Children


Sussex Gutters.....................42

Hove Village...........................4

Premier Windows..................5


Painting & Decorating

Fun in Action.......................13 Windows


Change Gym..........................9

Queens Park Decorators......42


The Paint Project...................6

Premier Windows..................5

Dog Groomer

Lewis Byard............................7 Plumbing & Heating Fired Up Plumbing & Heating............................15 R.K Plumbing & Heating......28 Record Store


The Dog’s Corner.................41


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