West Hove Directory May 2019

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WELCOME TO THE WEST Contents... HOVE DIRECTORY! There is so much going on in May that it’s difficult to fit everything into one magazine! We have the Brighton Festival and Fringe, as well as the Artists Open Houses, not to mention Hove Carnival. It’s also the start of the croquet season and you can try the game out for free on Sunday 12th May on Hove Lawns. Our featured local person this month is a very talented artist, Annelies Clarke, and we also have news of a new mural for Wish Park. Remember there are local council elections on Thursday 2nd May and we may also be taking part in the European 3 Parliament elections on 23rd May. Have a great month! The West Hove Directory Team info@westhovedirectory.co.uk www.westhovedirectory.co.uk Cover picture: Hove Beach Croquet Club by Jane Galvin

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Local Artist... Annelies Clarke Old Photo Martlets refurbishment Wildlife Photographer of the Year Smuggling In Hove Brighton Festival 2019: 4-26 May Anyone For Croquet? Where In West Hove? Friends of Stoneham Park Investment Planning KAWHRA Meeting on 21st May Hove Beach Hut Association News From The West Hove Forum What’s On In West Hove… Intermittent Fasting – Good For All? Hove Gardening Club’s Annual Plant Sale Hove Park Carnival Artists Open Houses 2019 Brighton Fringe – A Host Of Events Extra Storey Proposed For Channings Wishfest 2019 Bringing Joy to Wish Park!

Publisher: Sussex Magazines Ltd.Ltd. 10 Hollingbury Road, BN1 7JA info@westhovedirectory.co.uk Printer: Gemini Distributors: Kempster The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.








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Meet a very talented West Hove resident...

LOCAL ARTIST... ANNELIES CLARKE Annelies Clarke is an artist and lives in Wish Road. How long have you lived in West Hove? Since January 2011. Tell us about your art... I am originally from Holland. I trained as a painter in Italy – where I met my husband, who is Scottish – and moved to Brighton in 1980. I paint everything from murals to portraits and landscapes, in oils and watercolour. At the moment I am very inspired by the sea and cloudscapes right at the end of our road. 5

I exhibited with the Fiveways Artists Group for 16 years from 1994. When we moved to Hove I exhibited in different places from 2013-2017 at St John’s Church in Knoyle Road, Brighton. One of your long-term projects is to illustrate the Book of Revelation. How is that progressing? I am painting a large triptych and making an illustrated book. Everything is in place, the main events and characters have been painted in egg tempera, an emulsion that makes an excellent base for oil painting - I like to make all my own paints. This project is not commercial or a commission.


Doors and Conservatories

Annelies outside her front door made with her own stained glass

The Book of Revelation is fantastic but almost unreadable, and I think visual illustrations are essential. If my images help people to read it, that would be wonderful. Do you ever paint West Hove? Yes, I do. I love the beach huts and the sky, especially when you get sunlight under dark clouds. The colours are extraordinary. I love walking on the wet sand, and the whole beach is full of treasures. I’ve just done a painting of the disintegrating breakwaters near the Hot Pipes on the way to Carats Café. It looks like a column of people going into the sea, or coming out of it, and made me think about refugees. I’m a bit of a hermit at the moment, making pages for the book, and I do seascapes as a release. Who are your own favourite artists?

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Hieronymus Bosch. Rembrandt, of course. Klimt — and I love Quentin Blake. Where can we see your work? On my website. Some of my paintings hang in Hove Osteopathic Clinic, in The Implant Centre in Palmeira Square and in Off the Fence’s offices. If people want to come and have a look, they can ring me. I also have a shop on Etsy (www.etsy.com). For more information, visit www.anneliesclarke.com

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


News from Martlets hospice...

MARTLETS BLATCHINGTON ROAD REFURBISHED Visitors to Martlets’ Blatchington Road store are in for a treat as the charity shop has undergone a full refurbishment making it a new ‘Flagship’ store. The vision was to retain the warmth of a charity shop while improving the layout and whole experience for customers. The store will be smarter and brighter with new signage. It will be the first local charity shop to have a dedicated counter for donations and the till has also been moved to improve the flow of the store. Each area of the store will be clearly arranged to make it easier for customers to find great bargains.

SAINT LEONARD’S CHURCH This photo is taken from the family album of Geoff Pike. It shows Geoff’s greatgrandmother Madeline Daniel outside St Leonard’s Church (also then known as Aldrington Church), in May 1914. There is a notable absence of trees and the church was smaller than it is now – it was extended in 1936, due to a rise in population with the westward expansion of Hove. The lych gate was added in 1949 as a memorial to all those who died in World War Two.


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A new exhibition coming to Brighton Museum...

WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR The world-renowned Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, on loan from the Natural History Museum in London, opens at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery on 18 May featuring exceptional images which capture fascinating animal behaviour, spectacular species and the breath-taking diversity of the natural world.

Head of Royal Pavilion & Museums Janita Bagshawe said: “We are thrilled to be welcoming the Wildlife Photographer of the Year show to Brighton Museum & Art Gallery. This is an extremely popular show which appeals to people of all ages. The images show nature at its most fascinating, exciting and thought-provoking. We hope it is going to be a huge attraction to visitors and residents this summer.”

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Tigerland © Emmanuel Rondeau

Wildlife Photographer of the Year is the most prestigious photography event of its kind, providing a global platform that showcases the natural world’s most astonishing and challenging sights. Launching in 1965 and attracting 361 entries, today the competition receives almost 50,000 entries from over 90 countries highlighting its enduring appeal. This year’s 100 award-winning images will embark on an international tour that will allow them to be seen by over a million people.

18 May to 8 Sept 2019 Open Tue-Sun 10am-5pm, closed Mon (except Bank Holidays) Tickets £4 for Brighton & Hove residents (accompanying children free) from www.maximweb.net/brightonmuseums/day/ Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, Royal Pavilion Gardens, Brighton BN1 1EE Tel: 03000 290900

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Local history from West Hove resident Rachel Bridgeman...

SMUGGLING IN HOVE... If you wake at midnight, and hear a horse’s feet, Don’t go drawing back the blind, or looking in the street, Them that ask no questions isn’t told a lie. Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by.

Descendant of the 17th century coastal patrols set up to intercept smugglers off the Sussex coast UK Border Force cutter anchored in Aldrington Basin in March 2019


A Smuggler’s Song, one of Rudyard Kipling’s most well-known poems, presents a rather romantic view of Sussex’s cut-throat smugglers. In the days before royalty popularised our part of Sussex, this barely inhabited coastline was a popular haunt for smugglers, and the tiny, impoverished village of Hove gained such notoriety that by the 19th century a coastguard station had to be set up here.

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Under cover of darkness, high tides would bring smugglers’ boats right to the foot of Hove Street. Their illegal cargo would then be transported to one of the various local hideouts before being conveyed onwards. It is difficult today to imagine smugglers surreptitiously crossing West Hove at midnight to secrete their booty in Blatchington Mill or heaving their contraband up Hove Drove (Sackville Road) to their secret hideout in what we now call Artists’ Corner. Smuggling was a large-scale, highly-organised activity. Although local villagers readily participated when smuggling was afoot in order to supplement their meagre incomes, smuggling gangs were infamous for the campaigns of terror and intimidation they wreaked upon ordinary folk as well as on Revenue Officers. Neither the revenue cutters patrolling the deserted coastline from the end of the 17th century, nor the coastguards brandishing cutlasses, muskets and braces of pistols, were able to quell the illicit trade. To learn more about pitched battles on Hove beach between smugglers and revenue men; barbarous deeds worthy of a Tarantino movie; smugglers’ tales connected with landmarks we are still familiar with today; and the measures the government was forced to put in place in Hove, join a Hove Actually Walking Tour. To join the mailing list for the programme of walks, email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com. Will include NEW tours: Hidden Hove - the ancient village through the ages; Cliftonville - a Victorian Gem; and A Country of Two Nations - service, struggle and salvation in Poets’ Corner. The popular “Poets Corner 1914-18: The War is Over” and “Soldiers, Saints, Celebrities and Saxons“ tours will be repeated. Rachel Bridgeman - local historian and tour guide (Facebook Hove Actually Walking Tours)

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk



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The Brighton Festival is back...

BRIGHTON FESTIVAL 2019... Featuring over 130 events, Brighton Festival 2019 is a space for contemporary expression from around the world, from 4 to 26 May. This year’s guest director is Malian musician Rokia Traoré. As always, the Festival will include free and participatory activities for all ages, beginning with the annual Children’s Parade on Saturday 4 May - this year’s theme is folk tales from around the world. Marking 50 years since the first moon landings, Brighton will have its very own moon with artist Luke Jerram’s realistic illuminated lunar model lighting up the sky above Queen’s Park. Recognised cultural figures will bring new work. Authors Ben Okri and Jon Ronson discuss their latest publica11 tions; Grammy award winner Neneh Cherry performs songs from her new release, Broken Politics; and comedian Ruby Wax will teach us how to be human. Without Walls bring a visually spectacular group of outdoor events, including a day of free family friendly performances on the beach level at the British Airways i360. (Sat 11 May, 11am-8pm) Coming to the King Alfred Leisure Centre is Flight by theatre company Vox Motus, an adaptation of the novel Hinterland. With their small inheritance stitched into their clothes, two children set off on an epic journey across Europe – orphaned brothers on a desperate odyssey to freedom and safety. Mixing graphic novel with exquisite diorama, it is a story of hope and survival that draws you into its fragile miniature world, compelling you to contemplate the terror of children adrift in dangerous lands. Seated in your own personal booth, you will watch the action unfold on images and models slowly moving in front of you, with speech and music conveyed through your own individual headphones. (Age 14+, Sat 4 to Thurs 22 May; £12.50; advance booking required) Also in Hove, there are a variety of concerts at All Saints Church, including The Unfinished Violin - a veteran of contemporary folk band Bellowhead, Sam Sweeney performs a live show of instrumental music inspired by the Great War. (Wed 8 May, 8pm, All Saints Church, The Drive)

“Flight” is at the King Alfred Leisure Centre; picture by Drew Farrell

Events at The Old Market theatre include a Malian Dance Night (Mon 20 May, 7.30pm) and a concert by Slow Moving Clouds, a contemporary acoustic band based in Dublin combining roots in Nordic and Irish traditional music with minimalist and experimental influences. (Fri 24 May, 8pm) Brighton Festival Ticket Office: 01273 709709 Website: brightonfestival.org

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There’s free croquet on Hove Lawns on National Croquet Day...

ANYONE FOR CROQUET? Sunday 12th May 2019 is National Croquet Day and Hove Beach Croquet Club is offering free croquet and coaching to anyone - groups or individuals - who would like to try the game.


Deckchairs, tables and gazebos will be set out from early morning, there will be games for kids and grown-ups and coaching sessions throughout the day. The Hove Croquet Club on Hove Lawns was first established in 1928 and the new Hove Beach Croquet Club was founded in 2010. We are located next to the Hove and Kingsway Bowling Club, between the King Alfred Leisure Centre and The Venue Beach Bar (formerly The View). Over the years, the game of croquet has gone in and out of fashion. At the end of the 19th century, it was more popular than tennis. Tennis eventually came out on top, largely because of croquet’s unsavoury reputation. In America it became associated with gambling, drinking and philandering to such an extent that it was once banned in Boston as an immoral practice. Herbert Swope, the American newspaperman, on whose estate Read reviews of advertisers with the Trusted and Local logo on their adverts at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk

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Groucho Marx and Dorothy Parker were said to have played with unsportsmanlike rivalry, said, “Croquet gives release to all the mischief in you. It makes you want to do bad things… it is a great game.” To keep the spirit alive, our club motto is ”to cause mistrust and resentment among even the best of friends”.

INTERESTED? Hove Beach Croquet Club is a very relaxed club for anyone in and around Hove who would like to watch, learn or play croquet. Croquet is a game that is best enjoyed among friends and over the past few seasons the croquet club has become an excellent place to meet good people or just hang out on hazy, lazy summer days. Visitors are welcome, children are welcome, coaching is always available, there is a bar, regular barbecues and plenty of deckchairs. The club is open from May to September, every weekend from 12 to sundown (weather permitting). During the week, local groups and charities have regular sessions. If you know a group that would like to give croquet a try, get in touch through the website or our Facebook page. If you’d like to join, you will find all the information you need on the website. www.hovebeachcroquetclub.co.uk www.facebook.com/groups/ HoveBeachCroquetClub

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Where in West Hove were these photos taken?


Answers for last month’s pictures: 1. Davis Park 2. Middleton Grove nursing home, Portland Road 3. Stone lion outside Hove Village nursery, Wish Road A local update...

FRIENDS OF STONEHAM PARK Thank you to everyone who came to our April Spring Clean Table Top Sale and Fairy Treasure Hunt which together raised a brilliant ÂŁ207. You might also have spotted five new trees planted last month. The Stoneham Park Gardening Group will meet this month on Sunday 19th May 10-12 and Tuesday 23rd 10-2. No experience necessary. We are busy planning for another successful Summer Fair on the 22nd June that brings the community together. SAVE THE DATE! Come and have your say about the park at our next Friends of Stoneham Park group meeting on 21st May, 7.30pm at Holy Cross Church Hall.

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Host Families needed for a local language school Great rates of pay for half board and self catering students, no packed lunches necessary. All students are adults over 18 We need rooms all year round and not just for the summer Please apply online or contact us at:

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This article is by local financial adviser David Lewis...

INVESTMENT PLANNING... Whether you want to invest money to help your loved ones later in their lives, for financial security, to minimise the tax liability for yourself or the inheritance tax liability on the estate you leave to your family or to take a regular income from your investments, it is important to plan your investments in a way that maximises your chances of achieving these goals. Firstly, you need to establish how much you would like to invest and what kind of time frame you would like to invest it over. When doing this, it is vital to take your lifestyle, employment status and family into consideration to avoid tying up money you might need urgently. Also consider how much risk you are willing to tolerate so you can devise an appropriate strategy. Pensions, ISAs and even some investment portfolios are fairly easy to set up yourself online with a bit of research but putting all the elements together to try to best suit your requirements and circumstances can be a time-consuming and complicated job. The marketplace is huge and finding out what is available and which schemes or investments would be the most appropriate to help you achieve your goals can be very difficult. This is why Financial Advisors spend so much time training and updating their knowledge to navigate this very large market and ask the right questions so they can understand exactly what you want to achieve and what your circumstances are. It’s only when advisors

such as David Lewis Wealth Management have all this information that we can make recommendations based on extensive product knowledge and research. For personalised investment advice to help you achieve your investment goals, call us on 01273 933743 for a no-obligation consultation.

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A local event...



The next meeting and AGM of the Kingsway And West Hove Residents’ Association (KAWHRA) will take place on Tuesday May 21 in Glebe Villas Hall at 7.30pm (and is expected to finish by 9.15).

The Hove Beach Hut Association will be holding its inaugural meeting at 7.15 for 7.30pm on Wednesday 15 May at The Gather Inn on Kingsway, by Hove Lagoon.

The main speaker will be Bruce Greenall, the Senior Air Traffic Controller of Brighton City (formerly Shoreham) Airport. The airport has a remarkable history – founded in 1910, it is not only the oldest continuously-operating airport in the UK but also the oldest purpose-built commercial airport in the world. It has a listed Art Deco terminal building and has featured in a number of films. We will hear about some of its history, current activities and prospective developments. There will also be a speaker from the council to talk about the recently-created council team of Field Officers, developed to work with communities and act as trouble-shooters across a number of council services, and updates will be given on local development issues and other community matters. KAWHRA covers the area between Boundary Road and Roman Road, south of New Church Road, but everyone is welcome at the meeting. kawhra@gmail.com

The meeting will include presentations and approval of a constitution. Owners of any beach hut in Hove, and adult members of their families, will all be welcome. For further information, see Hove Beach Hut Association on Facebook.

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Update from your Local Action Team...

NEWS FROM THE WEST HOVE FORUM... outofhoursnoise@brighton-hove. gov.uk. They will get back to you the following morning with the offer of a visit that day. Any incidents should be reported formally by the person who witnesses them. New police officers are currently being trained and many are already working across Brighton and Hove. New Police Community Support Officers are also training, which will create more support for local communities.

Parks and Open Spaces At the West Hove Forum’s last meeting at the end of March, we focused on our parks and open spaces. Planning permission was granted in March for a new synagogue with housing in New Church Road and almost £150,000 in developer contributions will be allocated to open spaces and indoor sports when this is completed – this includes funding for play equipment in Wish Park and/or Stoneham Park and Hove Lagoon. The Forum was concerned that developer contributions can only be allocated to new equipment but not towards maintenance of existing equipment. Equipment which was stolen from Wish Park hasn’t been replaced because the council has no funds for this. There have also been cuts in staffing levels. Friends groups are working to cancel out the cuts in council funding by refurbishing benches and putting up noticeboards, for example, themselves. The Friends of Stoneham Park have now started their own gardening group, working with the Cityparks team. A local couple offered to pay for the restoration of an out-of-action fountain on the Western Lawns, but this was rejected by council officers on the grounds that they couldn’t maintain it.

Anti-social behaviour The issue of anti-social behaviour in the Ingram Crescent area was raised at the Forum with our local PCSO. The police have been investigating this and have increased patrols. The council have a phone number for out-of-hours environmental emergencies – 01273 292229 (4pm to 8am – emergencies only). You can also contact the weekend out-of-hours noise service on 01273 293541 (from 5pm on Friday to 9am on Monday) or email

Wish Park

The next West Hove Forum meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday 5th June at Lawrence Art Studio, 14-16 Kingsthorpe Road. If you would like to attend on behalf of a group or business, please email westhoveforum@gmail.com.

Why not come to the Ralli Hall Lunch and Social Club a venue for the discerning, elegant older folk of Brighton and Hove, conveniently located by Hove Station at Ralli Hall, Denmark Villas, where you can meet your friends and make new friendships in a relaxed and congenial atmosphere. We meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 - 4.00 and while the three-course hot lunch is the focus of our day, we also have exercise classes in the morning along with a discussion group and crossword sessions. After lunch we have a variety of entertaining activities which include bridge, kalooki, rummikub, guest speakers, art and musical entertainment. Tea and biscuits are served both mornings and afternoons. At minimum cost we can offer safe, assisted transport from your home to and from our venue. We welcome the young at heart, who can bring us their lifetime of experience to our group. We would love to hear from you, so please contact Jacquie on 01237 739999 or ralliday@tiscali.co.uk for further details.

WHD May 2019


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 WHD May 2019



Brighton Theatre of the Air Radio Drama Meetup group 8pm; Goldstone Ex Service Club, 20 Shirley Street btota.co.uk / 07818 118062

Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Hove Museum Minis Fun with craft and story-telling Age 2-5; £2.50 per child; drop-in 10am-12 noon (term-time only) Hove Museum Holistic Yoga 6-7.15pm; The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners Plus: 6.30pm-7.25pm Int/Adv: 7.30pm-8.25pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Beginners Flamenco Dance 7.30-8.30pm The Dance Station, 57 North Street, Portslade Ana: 07939 938565 www.flamencodance.co.uk


Badaboum! French music playgroup Drop-in; £5; term-time only 9.30-10.30am The Snug, Stoneham Park 07917 282679 badaboum@talktalk.net Music for Aardvarks 6 months to 5 years 10am; Glebe Villas Hall emily@uk-aardvarks.co.uk Get Active for Older Adults (age 50+) 10.30-11.30am; £5 St Barnabas Church Contact suzy.hawker@ntlworld. com 01273 726507 to reserve a place

Pilates Mat Classes Gentle Beginners: 9.45-10.40am Beginners: 10.45-11.40am Beginners Plus: 11.45am12.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Food & Friendship Lunch Club 12.30pm; £4 Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Singing for Pleasure 2pm; (Taster £3.50) Hove Methodist Church Corinne 01273 565130 Singingforpleasure@hotmail. co.uk Well Balanced Kids Yoga Ages 5-11; 3.45-4.30pm Term-time only The Snug, Stoneham Park info@wellbalancedkids.co.uk Antenatal classes 6.45pm, Holy Cross Church, Tamworth Road To pre-book call 07494 002577 or visit www.babies.uk.com

Beginners Yoga 7-8pm, The Snug, Stoneham Park, Contact Charlie Nash info@yogafrogs.com Tuesdays until August 20th Tai Chi in Wish Park Beginners welcome Traditional Daoquan & Tuishou 6.45-7.45pm, Wish Park tim@wishwudangtaichi.org.uk 07914 388290


Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session between 9.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279 Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church, David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk


BreakfastsBreakfasts light lunches, soup, Breakfasts pasta and hot special of light lunches, soup, soup,and also the day. light Ideal lunches, meeting place pasta and and pasta available for private hot special of thefunctions day

hot special of the day

9am - Ideal 5pmmeeting Mon to Sat Ideal meeting

place and also available for private functions

place and also available private functions THEMED POP UP for RESTAURANT 9am - 5pm Mon to Sat 9amPre - 5pm to Sat bookingMon required

THEMED POP POP UP RESTAURANT Sat 4th May Greek Eve THEMED UP RESTAURANT Pre booking Sunday May required Roast Lunch Pre 12th booking required Friday 17th May Moroccan Night Saturday 4th 4th August August Friday Saturday 31st May Traditional Shabbat Eve Pizza/Pasta evening £6 for for one one course or £8.50 two Pizza/Pasta evening £6 Sunday 2nd June Roastcourse lunch or £8.50 two courses Plus free ice cream for under 10’s courses Plus free ice cream for under 10’s Friday 7th June Pop in Pizza/Pasta eve £8 for two courses Sunday 5th August Sunday 5thSpanish August Saturday 8th June Eve Sunday roast £10.95 £10.95 for one one course, £14.50 Sunday roast for £14.50 Sunday16th June Fathers Day course, Roast Lunch two courses £18 courses twothan courses or £18 three courses All meals other Pizza or Pasta arethree £20 for 3 courses BYO Friday 10th Every 1st Wednesday of the month Friday 10th August August Traditional Shabbat dinner. Senior Citizens LunchShabbat £6 Hot Meal and Drink Traditional dinner.


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Music with Mike 1.15-1.45pm & 2-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park musicwithmike.co.uk General Level Pilates 6-7pm Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk

Mum & Baby Physio-Led Pilates 12-12.45pm Physio-Led Pilates 12.55-1.55pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Emma: 07545 445656 physiotone@gmail.com

Holistic Yoga 7.30-8.45pm The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com

Food & Friendship Lunch Club For people with learning disabilities and over-50s (term-time only) 12.30pm; Hove Methodist Church cookingcaroline@outlook.com

Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 6.45-7.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com

Speech & Drama Class with LAMDA Preparation 5-8 years; 4-5pm (term-time) 27 The Snug, Stoneham Park jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375

The Creation Station Age 15 months to 5 years £7; booking essential 10.30-11.15am (term-time) The Snug, Stoneham Park jenelfverson@ thecreationstation.co.uk 07902 967709

Pilates Improvers 6.15pm Intermediate 7.30pm Hove Methodist Church Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk


Hola! Pre-school Spanish class 9.30-10.15am The Snug, Stoneham Park Contact Maria Cortell cortellmaria4@gmail.com Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Body Control Pilates 11am-12 noon The Snug, Stoneham Park rachelnessmartin@gmail.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 11-11.55am Intermediate: 10-10.55am Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Beginners Pilates 11am-12 noon Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk

Wish Wudang Tai Chi Club 8-9pm; King Alfred Leisure Centre Contact Tim on 07914 388290 wishwudangtaichi.org.uk

Mindful Body Yoga 10.30-11.30am Drop in; pay by donation The Snug, Stoneham Park info@mindfulbodyyoga.co.uk General Level Pilates 12.15pm Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Friday Fun and Toy Swap Term time 3.45–5.30pm; £3 Shoreham Port Soul Kitchen Baltic Wharf, Wellington Road Enquiries 07814 736486 Vital Danza 8.15-9.45pm; £10 The Float Spa, Third Avenue www.helenthatcher.com


HIP (High Intensity Power) Pilates £48 for 6-week course or £10 drop-in 8.15-9.05am Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road Contact Rachel on 07941 092612 or attmerepilates.com

NEW!! Wind-down Hatha Yoga 8-9pm, The Snug Contact Anya Patterson on 07725 162831 or email anyalily@hotmail.com

Fitbods Fit Camp Outdoor circuits/HIIT class 10-11am Wish Park Tel Sara: 07812 093378

1st Thursday of the month Social Club for over 50s 2.30-4.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church

YogaFrogs Age 5-11; 10am-11am; £7 The Snug, Stoneham Park Booking essential: info@ yogafrogs.co.uk or 07920 403657

2nd May Roots Night Music from Leon Rosselson 8-11pm; The Railway Inn www.railwayroots.co.uk


Gentle Exercise Class for older or unfit people 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church

Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks

1st Saturday of the month Vestry Café 10.30am-12.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church

Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session Between 8.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279

11th May Arty Crafty Club £6.50 per child; drop-in; 8-12 years 2-4pm Hove Museum


11th May Walking tour of Hove’s Old Cemetery We visit perhaps the most mendacious grave in the cemetery, explore both the Indian Mutiny and the Crimean War and hear about a local man’s involvement in the Charge of the Light Brigade! 10.30am and repeated at 2pm; £8/person; To book: 07414 681197 or sussextours@sky.com, as places are limited 18th May Patrick Burke: A Personal Reflection Andrew Polmear was a close friend of the artist Patrick Burke. He discusses the works on display and reflects on his conversations with Patrick. 2.30-3.30pm; free admission Hove Museum


Hove Lagoon Model Yacht Club New members welcome, come along and have a try 10am--1.30pm Hove Lagoon 12th May Diving into Story Monthly Writing Workshops 1.30-4.30pm; £25 Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Sandra 07551 772129 www.sandrajensen.net 26th May Choo Choo Ch’Boogie Vintage tea dance with DJ Jivin’ Jim Dandy 4-7pm; free entry; The Platform The Railway Inn, 2 Station Road

This is not a definitive list of events. If you would like to add your event, please email us at: info@westhovedirectory.co.uk . We try to ensure the listings are correct, but please check with the organisers of activities when attending for the first time. Some events may be term-time only.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


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Nathalie’s monthly health tip…

INTERMITTENT FASTING – GOOD FOR ALL? Although I would never encourage anyone to adopt a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to eating, research has been accumulating around the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF). What is IF? In a nutshell: IF is fasting at various intervals. How does it work? Most commonly, IF involves fasting for 12 - 16 hours at a time, starting after dinner and having no food until lunch next day. What is it for? Research shows that IF may improve energy, cognitive function, reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. 29 Can everyone benefit? The benefits of IF are obviously appealing, but IF is often more challenging and sometimes harmful to women. As women are more sensitive to signals of starvation, their hunger hormones will rise with fasting. If hunger is ignored, hormones can become imbalanced and ovulation and menstruation may even stop, which will impact fertility. The solution for women? Do 2 to 3 non-consecutive fasting days and don’t

push the hunger to starvation levels. Increase gradually and don’t ignore the signs of hormonal imbalance, especially mood swings, irregular/no periods. Important note: Keep higher intensity exercise on the eating days. Yoga or gentle movement on fasting days will help you benefit from IF far more than pushing yourself too much. As usual, always listen to your body. It’s rarely wrong. Nathalie x Nathalie Sansonetti. Nutrition & Health Coach and Speaker. “Helping people stressed about chronic health issues regain their energy & vitality so they can live their ultimate life – without pills or diets.” newleafnutrition.co.uk


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An event just around the corner in Portslade...



Re-stock your garden by filling those gaps in the borders and beds with colour and start off your vegetable plot, by choosing from a large range of annuals, perennials, shrubs and vegetables all grown by members of Hove Gardening Club.

Martlets has a fantastic line-up of performers for its 2019 Hove Park Carnival on Bank Holiday Monday 27th May from 11.30am to 5pm.

Also available are houseplants, garden bric-a-brac, cakes and savouries. This is a very popular event which has been running for many years, and is now being held for the second year at: 33Road, Portslade VENUE: Portslade Town Hall, Victoria BN41 1YF DATE: Saturday 25th May, 2019 TIME: 10.00 to 11.30am ENTRANCE: 50p PARKING: Free parking for one hour in Victoria Road and also in Victoria Park opposite REFRESHMENTS: Tea/coffee and biscuit for one pound

We’ll have a Plant Crèche to hold your purchases while you stock up on more. Please bring your own carrier bags. Those in the know get there early with queues forming outside, waiting for the doors to open, so it pays to be there for the 10am start. Hove Gardening Club

Visitors will be entertained with family friendly acts including acrobatics, display dogs, dancers and theatre workshops as well as a huge range of stalls, amusements and rides. The Black Eagles Acrobatic Show will perform their powerful and graceful routines at 11.45am, 1.30pm and 3.45pm. The ever popular K9 display team will be showing the skills of their highly trained dogs at 12.10pm and 2.25pm. Two different belly dance troupes will also be entertaining carnival goers at 1pm and 3.15pm. At 1.55pm and 4.10pm, talented stage school students aged 4-21 from The Theatre Workshop will sing, dance and perform for the crowds. The carnival will raise funds for Martlets hospice.

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This year’s Artists Open Houses Festival starts on 4th May...

ARTISTS OPEN HOUSES 2019... The Artists Open Houses festival 2019 will take place in Brighton, Hove and beyond over four weekends in May, starting Saturday May 4th. Free to visit, the festival will see over 1,500 artists and makers opening the doors to their houses or studios to exhibit and sell their artworks direct to the public. The Artists Open Houses festival dates for 2019 are: May 4 & 5; May 11 & 12; May 18 & 19; May 25 & 26. Open houses in West Hove include: number forty: A friendly Open House with something for everyone, including painting, sculpture, papier-mâché and photography – with work in both the house and garden. 40 Leicester Villas 56 St Leonard’s Gardens: Five artists, designers and makers come together in this brand new open house35 to offer lots of affordable original art, photography, ceramics, textiles, cards, cake and more. Encounters: The 2018 Best Artists Open House. The 2019 edition will feature kinetic and constructivist art. In parallel, there is a retrospective exhibition of 67 Encounters artists. 12 Langdale Road Ilana Richardson & Guests: Sun-drenched paintings of the Mediterranean. 66 Langdale Gardens 14 St Heliers: An exciting mix of artists and makers, with demonstrations and refreshments in the garden. 14 St Heliers Avenue Jules’ Emporium: A newly opened gallery on Portland Road, showcasing a collection of original works including jewellery, ceramics, textiles, paintings and decorative plant displays. 100 Portland Road Bluebell Would: Photography, textiles, ceramics, watercolours, glass, cat-themed gifts, candles, toys and more. 45 Westbourne Gardens Ruth Mulvie @ 1 Courtyard Lane: Ruth Mulvie is a contemporary fine artist, known for her vivid palette and for the delightfully unexpected detail in her paintings. (Closed first weekend; off New Church Road) Aymer Arts: A wonderful range of work. Enjoy a drink and cake in the garden aid of charity. 1 Aymer Road


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Brighton Fringe starts on 3rd May...

BRIGHTON FRINGE...A HOST OF EVENTS Brighton Fringe 2019 runs from 3 May to 2 June with a multitude of events of all kinds, including some that are free to attend. Here are a few events close to West Hove... The Lady Boys of Bangkok Sabai Pavilion, Hove Lawns; 3 May to 2 June; 18+ The Lady Boys of Bangkok will this year be on Hove Lawns, celebrating 21 years with The Greatest Showgirls Tour! The glamour of Hollywood and the glitz of Vegas in a mesmerising spectacle.


The Brighton Beach Boys The Circle Arts Centre, 55 North Street, Portslade; 10 May, 8pm; £17.50

The Brighton Beach Boys will be at The Circle Arts Centre

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Suicide and Moonage Daydream. They will recreate the album in its entirety and complete the show with a selection of Bowie hits and favourites. The Turbulent Priest St Andrew’s Church, Church Road; 10 May 7.30pm; 11 May 2.30 & 7.30pm; £10 850 years ago Thomas Becket was famously murdered by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral. The Turbulent Priest follows the extraordinary story of Thomas and King Henry II: their bromance, bust-ups and betrayals. In short, plenty to sing and joke about. Featuring James Cary and James Sherwood. Heroes & Heroines – Opera Gala Concert All Saints Church, The Drive; 18 May, 7.30pm; £15 A concert by the Sussex Symphony Orchestra, with guest conductor Mark Andrew James, explores opera’s most dramatic men and women: stories of lust, passion, death and betrayal. The programme includes excerpts from William Tell, Madame Butterfly and Carmen as well as Ravel’s Daphne et Chloe and the tenor aria Nessun Dorma. Mr Pineapple Head The Brunswick, 1 Holland Road; age 5-10; 5, 12, 18 & 19 May, 12 noon; £7-£24 A family theatre show. Mr Pineapple Head works in the style of a silent clown, performing physical comedy and slapstick routines to music. To book tickets for Brighton Fringe events, call 01273 917272 or book online at brightonfringe.org.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


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Local news...

EXTRA STOREY PROPOSED FOR CHANNINGS Seafront apartment block Channings have applied for planning permission to erect an extra storey on the existing flat roof of their eight-storey block of 96 apartments at 215 Kingsway (between Langdale Road and Carlisle Road), constructed circa 1970. They want to create six apartments, of mixed sizes, in the rooftop extension. The proposed apartments would be set back from the existing sides of the building, creating extensive terrace areas. The developers say in their application: “The scale of the proposed rooftop extension is in keeping with the surroundings. Channings is located within the Western seafront/Kingsway identified39 tall building corridor and there are a number of buildings along this section of Kingsway and near to Channings that are 8 or 9 storeys in height including Prince of Wales Court and the Horizon building, which has a set back top floor.” If approved, the intention is to construct the additional floor using a form of modular construction, which will allow the additional floor to be constructed off-site. Channings say this will minimise disruption to the existing residents.



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Some residents of Channings support the proposals. One commented: “I approve of this development because it is a very good design, being only one extra storey and not very visible except from the Hove seafront. It will also replace or hide the current view of rather ugly water tanks on the roof. It will improve the appearance of the whole block and provide extra homes for people without having to take up more building land.” However, the council has already received numerous objections from other Channings residents and neighbours, who are concerned about the height of the development, noise, overshadowing and an exacerbation of existing parking problems. One said: “We have had constant building work for several years and have had to endure noise, disruption and restricted views (due to unsightly scaffolding) for longer than I care to remember.” The office of Hove MP Peter Kyle has written to object to the application, saying that he is concerned particularly about the height. The letter says: “Peter is of the opinion that if Channings is allowed to develop this way, then other blocks along West Hove would follow suit and thus irrevocably change the area from ‘mid-rise’ to ‘tall’ and ruin the seafront.” The deadline for the determination of the application is 16th May 2019. For full details or to comment on the proposals, see the council’s Planning Register (planningapps. brighton-hove.gov.uk) – search for Planning Application BH2019/00825.

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk



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WishFest will be back in July...

WISHFEST 2019... Save the date – WishFest is back this summer on Saturday 13 July for a fantastic day of family entertainment and activities for the West Hove community. Photo by Julie Grantham

The event is run by Friends of Wish Park, volunteers who organise the event in our spare time. We always welcome new volunteers and at this time of year would really appreciate some more help. If you would like to help out, donate a raffle or tombola prize, run a stall or activity, please get in touch. All the money raised will go towards improvements in the park and local charities.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/friendsofwishpark/ Twitter: @WishFest, Send an email to wishparkfriends@gmail.com This article is from Wish Park Café...


This year is the tenth anniversary of WishFest, a wellloved annual event for residents of all ages with live music from local musicians and bands, a dog show, an inflatable bar and tasty food stalls, a table top sale and well-being area. There are lots of activities for children including a bouncy castle, face painting, crafts and entertainment in Here’s your opportunity to be involved in the the children’s zone sponsored by Hove Village Nursery. community mural of the history of Wish Park.

Looking for a care home and need some friendly expert advice? Put your trust in us to help you. We understand that choosing the right care home can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. But rest assured we are here to help. Come and take a look around and get some guidance on those things that are concerning you. It’s the best way to feel more confident about your next steps. To find out more visit www.fshc.co.uk Bon Accord Care Home – 01273 769093

Did you know about the elephant buried in the 1890s, the hot air balloon that failed to fly in 1900, the tragic biplane crash of 1917? (Thank you Mr Bailey for researching the images.) We have wildlife, including the rare white-letter hairstreak. (Thank you Mr Heys for nature advice.) We have many people using the park: sportsmen, children playing, parents and toddlers, dog-walkers, gardeners, nature lovers, people enjoying a stroll or a coffee at the café or going to the WishFest. All these feature in the mural design displayed from Wednesday 17th outside the café. Show your interest and support. Help with the planning and painting and help fundraising; it’s your mural! (Oh and the joy is spread by two great magpies that will be seen right across the park.) To donate, visit: www.gofundme.com/wish-park-mural

Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk






Record Store

Alpine Aerials.......................39


Clark Kitchens......................28

Viva Vinyl.............................26



Brighton & Hove Kitchens.....14


Paul Vincent........................40

Pinks Hair & Beauty.............29


Blinds & Shutters

Cox & Taylor.........................40

Bella Vista............................32

Estate Agent


Healy & Newsom.............Back

JH Brickwork........................28




AT Construction Ltd...............3

City Wood Floors...................4

Braiden Construction...........20

Fresh Fish


The Fish Shack.....................11

Care at Home

Funeral Services

Hove Village.........................8


Alina Homecare...................17

ARKA Funerals.....................12


Garden Nursery...................18

Pentagon Tiling....................28


Possability People..................9

Nursing Home


Jefferies Funerals.................25

Bon Accord..........................41


Sussex Funerals...................31

Painting & Decorating

Ralli Hall Lunch & Social Club.......................21

CPJ Field...............................34

The Paint Project.................37

Garden Machinery

Queens Park Decorators......42

AMP Services.......................19

Hove City Rollers.................15

Waste Clearance

Gutter Cleaning

Pet Services

Fully Cleared........................34

Sussex Gutters.....................35

The Dog’s Corner.................40

Wealth Management

Compost Brighton Compost Centre.....34 Conservatories Premier Windows..................5 Countryman...........................8 Dance Lessons My Charleston.....................12 Domestic Appliances Carters.................................10

Halls to hire Glebe Villas...........................36 Host families Interactive English...............15 Joinery Higgins Joinery....................36

Laundrette West Hove Laundrette.........34

Clarkes of Brighton................6 M Minson............................18



Lee’s Locks...........................40


Loft Conversions


Creative Attic Solutions.......43 Mini Coach Hire Sussex Mini Coach Hire.......38 Nursery

Plastering Lewis Byard..........................42 Plumbing & Heating

Crosby and Woods...............28 Seymour Solicitors...............23 Good Law Solicitors............... 31

Kingsway Travel...................33 WakeBoarding Hove Lagoon Watersports.....26

David Lewis..........................16 Windows

R.K Plumbing & Heating......20

Premier Windows..................5



Paul Yeates..........................24

Queens Park Decorators est.1968

Complete professional decorating service Call Mr Gilmour

See local reviews of this business at

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See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk


Attic Solutions Hove Ltd

The Specialists in Domestic Loft Conversions

We guarantee to beat any like for like quote

Gemini House, 136-140 Old Shoreham Road, Brighton, BN3 7BD

Telephone 01273 282383 Mobile 07915 415007 www.atticsolutionshove.co.uk Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk


SOLD healyandnewsom.co.uk 01273 746674

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