WEST HOVE April 2019 ISSUE 92
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An invitation to Residential Landlords and Property Owners Callaways invite you to our next event in our ‘Property EXcelerator Programme’ of Seminars & Workshops: ‘Lease Extensions’ Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2019 Venue: Hove Time: 18.30-20.00h Reserve your place and interact, share and chat with residential industry specialists Contact:
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WELCOME TO THE WEST Contents... HOVE DIRECTORY! In our April issue we have an interview with Edward Clay, who is Chair of the West Hove Forum and is now Vice Chair of the new West Hove Seafront Action Group. There are details of the 10th Brighton Marathon – good luck to anyone participating. We also have news of this year’s chosen City Reads book, Let Me Be Like Water. There’s an update from the churchwardens at St Leonard’s on the latest plans for the church and Rachel Bridgeman tells us how Easter would have been celebrated locally in years gone by. There’s also news of local young athlete Amber Anning, who’s won a European silver medal in her first senior 3 competition. Have a great April and Happy Easter! The West Hove Directory Team info@westhovedirectory.co.uk www.westhovedirectory.co.uk Cover picture: Wish Park by Jane Galvin
Page 5
Local Person – Edward Clay
Page 6
Old Photo
Page 9
“Hey Diddle-Derry, Let’s Dance On The Bury”
Page 6
Old Photo
Page 11
Brighton Marathon 2019
Page 13
Local Exercise...Table Tennis
Page 15
Where In West Hove?
Page 17
Protect You And Your Families’ Futures
Page 19
News From St Leonard’s Church
Page 21
European Silver Medal For Amber Anning
Page 26
What’s On In West Hove…
Page 29
What To Do When You Overdo It
Page 33
Synagogue Development
Page 35
“Let Me Be Like Water” By S.K. Perry
Page 37
Did Someone Say Menopause?
Page 41
The Sussex Peasant At Hove Museum
Publisher: Sussex Magazines Ltd.Ltd. 10 Hollingbury Road, BN1 7JA info@westhovedirectory.co.uk Printer: Gemini Distributors: Kempster The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.
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Meet a local resident who wants to improve our seafront...
LOCAL PERSON... EDWARD CLAY Edward Clay lives in Berriedale Avenue. He is Chair of the West Hove Forum and Vice Chair of the new West Hove Seafront Action Group. How long have you lived in West Hove? I’ve lived in Berriedale Avenue since 1981; yes 38 years! What is your background? After studying economics at university, I spent eight years in India, Papua New Guinea and Bangladesh investigating agricultural development, food security and disaster risk issues. I then advised many international agencies and governments on5food aid policy, as well as researched and taught at the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University in the 1980s. I later became Director of the Relief and Development Institute London, which is now part of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). How did the new West Hove Seafront Action Group come about? Councillor Tom Bewick and I thought there was a need to provide more facilities along the seafront because we were losing them elsewhere in West Hove. We realised
Doors and Conservatories
the best way to do this was to get the local community groups and businesses to come together. Like the West Hove Forum, it is bringing the different voices together. A community voice like this is much better able to have a say on how public funds are used. The West Hove Forum brings together many different groups, representing more than 20,000 people in Wish and Westbourne wards, e.g. park ‘friends’, residents’ associations and local businesses. What improvements along the seafront would you personally like to see? Firstly, better access for disabled and frail residents. Secondly, more play and sports facilities for children and young people. There are some sports facilities which were put there 70 years ago after World War Two, like tennis courts and pitch and putt, which are increasingly neglected and have problems with maintenance. The community has changed – there are now more families with children and people living in flats along the seafront. West Hove seafront and lawns are also the nearest bit of the seafront for many people from Hove and Portslade, so they come here rather than going to central Brighton.
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What do you like to do to relax? I go walking and hiking, watch birds, listen to music, enjoy painting and drawing, for example charcoal drawings of trees in our garden, and especially time spent with our three grandchildren. If you have ideas for improvements along the West Hove seafront and lawns, email westhoveseafrontactiongroup@gmail.com.
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
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KINGSWAY Building of the Hartley & Midgley garage on Kingsway, in 1922. This spot (to the west of what is now Saxon Road) was chosen as it was then considered to be out in the country. At this time you could stand on the lower road to Shoreham, as Kingsway was then known, and see across the fields and market gardens to Green’s factory beyond Portland Road. Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com
Unattached?Aged 50+?
The Group offers a great opportunity to meet new friends of both sexes in a welcoming atmosphere. Walks, lunches and dinners, golf, theatre, pub evenings, sports and holidays. We have a great time. So push open that door, come in and join us. You’ll be very welcome.
Take a look at our website and then give us a call . www.thegroup.org.uk
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Visit our new nursery environments
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Local history from Rachel Bridgeman...
“HEY DIDDLE-DERRY, LET’S DANCE ON THE BURY” (Trad. Anon.) What will you be doing over the Easter break? Perhaps sharing a Sunday roast with family; gorging on chocolate Easter eggs; going to church; relaxing in front of the latest boxset series; or even lying on a foreign beach. Whatever you are planning, it is sure to be quite different to the festivities enjoyed by our Hove predecessors. For the impoverished villagers of the old village of Hove (Hou, Houve or Hoove), centred around Hove Street, the traditional Easter Tuesday bull-baiting would have been the highlight of the celebrations. Until 1810, bull-baiting was held in Hove’s iron bull-ring, in what we now often refer to as West Hove.
On Good Friday, you might have strolled eastward along the path through the fields, stopping at a small hillock in the second field out from the parish of Brighton (or Brighthelmstone). Standing 15 to 20 feet high, the mound rose prominently out of the flat coastal plain and is thought to have been the burial site of an ancient British chieftain. Hundreds of young people congregated there,
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Bull Baiting in the 19th century by Samuel Henry Alken
linking arms around the barrow to sing and play “kiss-inthe-ring”. This tradition continued on for half a century after the barrow had been flattened to make way for Palmeira Avenue, finally petering out at the beginning of the 20th century. Poets’ Corner residents from the early 20th century recount the tradition of Easter skipping: whole families turned out into the streets to join in the fun using ropes stretched from one pavement to the other, and symbolically using two ropes arranged in the shape of a cross. As many as a dozen children could skip at once whilst chanting Easter rhymes. To learn more about the history of Hove, join a guided walking tour led by a local historian and tour guide. Hove Actually Walking Tours are fun, informative, informal and best suited to the incurably curious. To receive the Spring 2019 programme, email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com. Will include NEW tours: Hidden Hove - the ancient village through the ages; Cliftonville - a Victorian Gem; and A Country of Two Nations - service, struggle and salvation in Poets’ Corner. The popular “Poets Corner 1914-18: The War is Over” and “Soldiers, Saints, Celebrities and Saxons“ tours will be repeated. And more new exciting tours in the pipeline! Rachel Bridgeman - local historian and tour guide (Facebook Hove Actually Walking Tours)
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
Will Writing Fortnight 13-24 May 2019 Change lives with a gift in your will Minimum donations are: £150 for a single Will £200 for a joint will Sara Shires Quality Solicitors Barwells 238 South Coast Road Peacehaven 01273 582271
Kirsty Claridge The Deans Legal Services 57 High Street Rottingdean 01273 358825
Graham Mingay Goodlaw 6 The Drive Hove 01273 956270
Julie Latham Burnand Brazier Malcolm Wilson 39 Church Road Hove 01273 734022
Paul Green Dean Wilson 165 Dyke Road Brighton 01273 032317
Catalina Beacroft Mayo Wynne Baxter 1 Warwick Road Seaford 01323 891412 29
Maureen Edwards Burt Brill & Cardens 30 Old Steyne Brighton 01273 604123
Tracey McSharry Deibel & Allen 10 Franklin Road Portslade 01273 430999
Robert Simon Robert Simon St Mary’s House St Mary’s Road Shoreham-by-Sea 01273 45233
David Crosby Crosby & Woods 75 Church Road Hove 01273 734600
Christopher Thomas Fitzhugh Gates 3 Pavilion Parade Brighton 01273 686811
Peter Tuffin UHY Hacker Young 168 Church Road Hove 01273 726445
About Martlets We provide life-changing hospice care to people affected by terminal illness in Brighton and Hove and neighbouring areas. Many of our services are funded by our generous supporters through gifts in their wills. We can reach more local people if you choose to from 13 to 24 May. remember us in your will.
About our scheme A professionally written will is the best way to protect those you love. Our scheme is an ideal opportunity to make or update your will and support your local hospice.
Choose from 12 local will writers offering their services in return for a donation to Martlets Book from 15 April A great opportunity to make or update your will and to support your local hospice
How to book Contact any of the will writers listed above from 15 April to book your appointment, mentioning Martlets Will Writing Fortnight when you book. Appointments take place from 13 to 24 May.
For more information about our Will Writing Fortnight visit www.themartlets.org.uk/give-in-your-will contact Gary Moyle our Legacies Manager on 01273 718778 or email gary.moyle@martlets.org.uk Registered Charity Number 802145
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The Brighton Marathon is back on 14th April...
BRIGHTON MARATHON 2019 The tenth Brighton Marathon takes place on Sunday 14th April. Those who finish their 10th Brighton Marathon will be hailed as the ‘10/10’ runners. Events on 14th April begin at 7am with the inaugural BM Ride – the city’s first ever closed-road cycling event, which is 50km long and will start and finish on Hove Lawns. The BM10k begins at 9am and the Brighton Marathon starts at 9.45am from Preston Park, finishing on Madeira Drive. Nigel Sarjudeen of Off The Fence is to run his tenth Brighton Marathon for Martlets. Nigel was inspired to run following unexpected heart problems in 2006 and, 11 after rehabilitation, he joined a local running club. When he gained his place in the 2010 Brighton Marathon Nigel decided to support Martlets, since some of his friends had been supported by the hospice. He said, “I did the first marathon, then the second and after that I just kept on running and now I’m on my tenth!” Some roads in West Hove will be closed between 6am and 4.30pm, including parts of Kingsway, New Church Road, Boundary Road, Seaford Road and St Leonard’s Road. For details, visit brightonmarathonweekend.co.uk/ travel/road-closures. News from the council...
EASY-TO-USE RECYCLING A-Z Brighton & Hove City Council have launched a new A to Z guide on how you can reduce, reuse, recycle or dispose of almost 180 different materials.
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The guide gives detailed explanations of what to do with everything from aerosols to mattresses and nappies to Tetra Paks, to ensure we’re all being as environmentally friendly as possible. The A to Z also gives advice on what to do with materials like rubble, plasterboards, asbestos, bathroom fittings, furniture, white goods, batteries and metal. The guide launches the council’s new drive to help residents recycle the correct things far more. In turn, this will help reduce the large number of recycling bins contaminated with non-recyclable products, which can lead to them being taken to waste rather than recycled. To use the guide, log onto www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/ recycling. Click on the ‘Recycling A to Z’ link and you can then search 179 items alphabetically.
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Pilates Pilates for for Men Joseph Pilates, Joseph Pilates,the theson sonofofaaboxer, boxer,developed developed the exercise regime exercise regimeto:to: • • • • • • • •
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Regular article about local exercise opportunity by West Hove resident Isobel Muir...
LOCAL EXERCISE...TABLE TENNIS Ever since we made our own bats and net at work years ago I’ve been hankering to play proper table tennis, with real bats on a proper table (rather than a very low slung bench). That time is finally here! One of my running club compadres has started a casual ping pong morning every other Thursday at Corals in Hove. The table is in the café area by reception which means those who are minding their own business with newspaper and tea are in danger of getting a ball in the cup/up the trouser leg. They learn pretty quickly though and move to the tables not directly in the vicinity (this doesn’t necessarily help). 13 We started a few months ago and it’s amazing how much we’ve improved in this short time and only playing once every other week. Of course there are still many terrible shots but now we can have long rallies and games that actually go to the wire as opposed to the 11-0s that were prevalent when we started. We’ve taken to playing doubles which I’d have thought would be harder but is actually easier. Except I hate the pressure of ruining it for my team mate. I still never have any idea who is winning and haven’t really got to grips
ACTIVITY WEEKS “My daughter, Helena, aged 11, had an absolutely fantastic time and loved every minute of every day.”
with when to change places with my partner on serves but someone (possibly everyone else) knows what’s going on so I just follow their orders. I have also learnt that wearing the right shoes is important. One week they were too slippery, the next, too grippy. Who knew it could be so difficult? Also my balls were deemed too inferior. This wasn’t too much of a surprise as they were originally purchased for my cat to play with so were the cheapest ones available (sorry, cat). I really enjoy our ping pong sessions. It’s a good group of people, not too competitive, some better than others (all better than me) and I find it therapeutic just batting the ball back and forth for a few hours of a morning. I’m hoping in summer we’ll be able to go outside sometimes to make use of all the free outdoor tables that are dotted all around Brighton & Hove. For more details about my life in exercise please visit my blog “IMFitHove”. Thanks, isobelmuir@hotmail.com
Book by April 12th SAVE 20%
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Where in West Hove were these photos taken?
Would you like to make new friends?
THE GROUP For single people, there’s plenty to do in the city but it’s a matter of knowing what and where. If you’re over 50, you can join The Group and look forward to lunches, walks, theatre, cinema, quizzes, golf and holidays. Answers for last month’s pictures: 1. Young Sussex Nursery, Portland Road 2. Lamp-post outside Conifer Lodge Retirement Home in Pembroke Crescent 3. Old flint wall in Hove Street, next to Hove Manor flats
The Group has been introducing new friends to people in the Brighton & Hove area for ten years, and now it’s got a new venue. The Group doesn’t publish its venues. You’ll need to go to www.thegroup.org.uk and then call one of the contact numbers for a chat.
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Call Simon or Neil on 07341 893204 www.kingswaytravel.co.uk kingswaytravelbrighton@gmail.com Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
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This article is by local financial adviser David Lewis...
PROTECT YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES’ FUTURES Being able to leave your loved ones well provided for when you die is very reassuring for people contemplating their own mortality. It is also comforting to know that if something happened that meant you were unable to work, your expenses would be covered. No one likes to think about these things but being prepared for them means you have the best chance of looking after yourself and your family. Don’t Leave Your Estate to the Taxman Good estate planning can minimise the Inheritance Tax liability you will be leaving your family but also make things easier for them at this difficult time. Everyone is different so the various ways there are to reduce Inheritance Tax will suit some people and not others, so we can help you find the most appropriate solution. Looking After Your Loved Ones If you’re relatively young and healthy, life insurance is an inexpensive way to help look after the people most important to you in the event of your death. There are lots of options out there and we can help you find the most suitable one. Avoid Adding Stress to Serious Illness The last thing you want if you are diagnosed with a serious illness is money worries. Serious illness cover
exists to take that worry away if you find yourself unable to work. Like life insurance, it’s very affordable if you take it out when you are young and in good health. Worrying about what might happen in the future is never a good idea but preparing for it is a great one. If you would like some help putting protections in place for you and your family, call David Lewis Wealth Management on 01273 933743 for a no-obligation consultation.
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An update from the churchwardens at St Leonard’s...
NEWS FROM ST LEONARD’S CHURCH St Leonard’s Church is waking up! From 2005 when the first threat of closure came, to 2015 when thousands of people signed a petition to keep it open, to now, in 2019, it has been a long battle …. but the Church of England is soon to publish a scheme which, if there are no objections, will establish St Leonard’s as the sole parish church of Aldrington, restoring it to its pre-2010 position. A new and exciting time awaits the church. St Leonard’s is inviting local people to get involved in two projects – recording the graveyard and caring for it, too. The church has joined The Genealogist’s Headstone Image Database which is seeking to record images and details of every headstone for the use of family historians (and also for church records as well). St Leonard’s is also appealing for anyone interested in looking after the ecology of the churchyard. A recent survey showed an abundance of wildlife, especially butterflies, but if that means the churchyard remains covered in brambles, it also makes it impossible for people
Attree & Kent Funeral Directors
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to visit the grave of their loved one, and thus there is a problem. St Leonard’s has been in touch with an organisation called Caring for God’s Acre and, looking at their suggestions, would like to set up a group who can resolve the situation in some way. If you are interested in joining in with either of these projects, please contact aldringtonpublicity@gmail.com. Easter Services at St Leonard’s: Please note that sadly there will be no Palm Sunday services on 14th April at St Leonard’s because the Brighton Marathon will be thundering along New Church Road. There will be a Good Friday Service at 3.00pm on 19th April and a communion service at 9.30am on Easter Sunday, 21st April. In the afternoon on Easter Sunday at 3.30pm there will be a short Easter Family Service, followed by our second Egg Rolling Competition. Everyone rolls, not just children! All ages are welcome to join in – the oldest champion from last year is in her 80s, the youngest 6 years old – and there are prizes, too! To take part, simply come along with a decorated egg and, of course, please make sure it’s hard-boiled!! Do join us for this free fun event. WHD April 2019
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Congratulations to Amber...!
EUROPEAN SILVER MEDAL FOR AMBER ANNING West Hove athlete Amber Anning has won a silver medal for Great Britain in the 400m relay in her first senior competition at the age of 18. Amber was the youngest athlete selected to compete for Team GB at the European Athletics Indoor Championships in Glasgow, which were held over the first weekend of March. She narrowly missed a semi-final place in the individual 400m but her gutsy run drew praise from Olympic legend and BBC commentator Michael Johnson, who said: “A young athlete not afraid to go out and run from the front indoors is exactly what you want. It shows a tremendous amount of confidence and potential.” Amber later ran the third leg of the 4x400m relay final with Laviai Nielsen, Zoey Clark and Eilidh Doyle. The team came in second behind Poland. We asked Amber how it felt to win her first senior medal. She told us: “It is amazing. The team ran really well.
Amber (second from left) with the relay team
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We always knew it would be a tough race, but we kept our cool and stuck with the plan and it paid off. It was such an honour to represent Britain and achieve this success.” The teenager also holds the UK under-20 women’s indoor record for 400m, with a time of 53 seconds dead. She broke the previous record, which had stood for 49 years, when she won a silver medal at the British Indoor Championships in February. Lloyd Cowan, who guided Christine Ohuruogu to Olympic and World titles, coaches Amber. Amber attended Hove Junior School and is now studying for her A-levels at BHASVIC. She hopes to compete in the European Athletics Under-20 Championships in Sweden this summer before continuing her education and track and field ambitions at an American university. News from Martlets hospice...
VOLUNTEER OPEN DAY Martlets is holding a Volunteer Open Day on Saturday 6th April at the hospice on Wayfield Avenue between 10am and 3pm. The day will showcase the many different opportunities available including gardening, driving patients to appointments or volunteering in shops or distribution centres. Martlets is welcoming everyone from all ages and backgrounds. WHD April 2019
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Seymours+solicitors Specialist family & matrimonial lawyers Expert resolution by experienced solicitors & barristers • Financial remedy on divorce • Cohabiting couples on separation • Child arrangements and financial issues • Asset freezing injunctions • Non molestation and home exclusion injunctions • Domestic violence • Prenuptial & Separation Agreements Consultations:
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WHAT’S ON IN WEST HOVE… Until 23 April Material Practices 2: Painting and Printmaking at the University of Brighton An exhibition of work by final year students, Free; 10am-5pm (Sundays 2-5pm), Daily, except Wednesdays, Hove Museum 19 New Church Road
Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Hove Museum Minis Fun with craft and story-telling Age 2-5; £2.50 per child; drop-in 10am-12 noon (term-time only) Hove Museum Holistic Yoga 6-7.15pm; The Snug, Stoneham Park, info@yogashanta.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners Plus: 6.30pm-7.25pm Int/Adv: 7.30pm-8.25pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street, 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com
Beginners Flamenco Dance 7.30-8.30pm, The Dance Station, 57 North Street, Portslade, Ana: 07939 938565 www.flamencodance.co.uk Brighton Theatre of the Air Radio Drama Meetup group 8pm; Goldstone Ex Service Club, 20 Shirley Street btota.co.uk / 07818 118062 1st April Portslade & West Hove Carers Afternoon Tea 2-3.30pm, The Railway Inn For more information, contact Pam on 01273 746222 8th April Interfaith Concert in aid of Sussex Nightstop 6.30pm; £10 on the door Hove Methodist Church Portland Road
Badaboum! French music playgroup Drop-in; £5; term-time only 9.30-10.30am, The Snug, Stoneham Park, 07917 282679 badaboum@talktalk.net
Music for Aardvarks 6 months to 5 years 10am; Glebe Villas Hall emily@uk-aardvarks.co.uk Get Active for Older Adults (age 50+) 10.30-11.30am; £5 St Barnabas Church Contact suzy.hawker@ntlworld. com, 01273 726507 to reserve a place Pilates Mat Classes Gentle Beginners: 9.45-10.40am Beginners: 10.45-11.40am Beginners Plus: 11.45am12.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street, 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Yoga with/avec Isabelle Yoga class with French for adults Tuesday 11am-12 noon, £10 drop in Contact Isabelle on 07492 448044 www.yogawithavecisabelle.com Food & Friendship Lunch Club 12.30pm; £4 Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office)
Singing for Pleasure 2pm; (Taster £3.50) Hove Methodist Church Corinne 01273 565130 Singingforpleasure @hotmail.co.uk Well Balanced Kids Yoga Ages 5-11; 3.45-4.30pm Term-time only The Snug, Stoneham Park info@wellbalancedkids.co.uk Antenatal classes 6.45pm Holy Cross Church, Tamworth Road To pre-book call 07494 002577 or visit www.babies.uk.com 16th April Easter: Make at the Museum Bonnets, bunnies and eggs are all to be made in these fun craft workshops; 10–11am, 11.30am–12.30pm, 1.30pm–2.30pm, 3-4pm; £2 per child, advance booking advisable; age 3+; Hove Museum, 19 New Church Road 03000 290902
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Tuesdays from April 23rd to August 20th Tai Chi in Wish Park Beginners welcome Traditional Daoquan & Tuishou 6.45-7.45pm, Wish Park tim@wishwudangtaichi.org.uk 07914 388290
Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session between 9.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279 Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church, David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Music with Mike 1.15-1.45pm & 2-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park musicwithmike.co.uk General Level Pilates 6-7pm, Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Holistic Yoga 7.30-8.45pm, The Snug, Stoneham Park info@yogashanta.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 6.45-7.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street, 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com The Creation Station Age 15 months to 5 years £7; booking essential 10.30-11.15am (term-time) The Snug, Stoneham Park jenelfverson@ thecreationstation.co.uk 07902 967709
Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church, David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Body Control Pilates 11am-12 noon The Snug, Stoneham Park rachelnessmartin@gmail.com
Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 11-11.55am Intermediate: 10-10.55am Masons Yard, Westbourne Street, 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com
Beginners Pilates 11am-12 noon Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk
Ladies’ Exercise Class Drop in for a 30 min session Between 8.30-10.30am (please arrive by 10am) United Reformed Church Hall Eire: 07928 463279
Mum & Baby Physio-Led Pilates 12-12.45pm Physio-Led Pilates 12.55-1.55pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Emma: 07545 445656 physiotone@gmail.com
Chi Gong 9.30-10.30am, The Hive, Stoneham Park dervish.terminal@gmail.com
Food & Friendship Lunch Club For people with learning disabilities, and over-50s (termtime only), 12.30pm; Hove Methodist Church cookingcaroline@outlook.com Speech & Drama Class with LAMDA Preparation 5-8 years; 4-5pm (term-time) The Snug, Stoneham Park jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Pilates Improvers 6.15pm Intermediate 7.30pm Hove Methodist Church Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Wish Wudang Tai Chi Club 8-9pm; King Alfred Leisure Centre, Contact Tim on 07914 388290 wishwudangtaichi.org.uk 1st Thursday of the month Social Club for over 50s 2.30-4.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church 4th April Roots Night Music from Phil Odgers 8-11pm; The Railway Inn www.railwayroots.co.uk 11th & 18th April Easter: Make at the Museum Bonnets, bunnies and eggs are all to be made in these fun craft workshops; 10–11am, 11.30am–12.30pm, 1.30pm–2.30pm, 3-4pm; £2 per child, advance booking advisable; age 3+; Hove Museum, 19 New Church Road 03000 290902
Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks
Mindful Body Yoga 10.30-11.30am Drop in; pay by donation The Snug, Stoneham Park info@mindfulbodyyoga.co.uk General Level Pilates 12.15pm, Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Friday Fun and Toy Swap Term time 3.45–5.30pm; £3 Shoreham Port Soul Kitchen Baltic Wharf, Wellington Road Enquiries 07814 736486 Vital Danza 8.15-9.45pm; £10 The Float Spa, Third Avenue www.helenthatcher.com 12th April The Amazing Art Cart’s Easter Workshops 12 noon: Easter Bonnet Decorating workshop 2pm: Ceramic Egg Decorating workshop The Snug, Stoneham Park www.theamazingartcart.com
HIP (High Intensity Power) Pilates, £48 for 6-week course or £10 drop-in, 8.15-9.05am Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road, Contact Rachel on 07941 092612 or attmerepilates.com Fitbods Fit Camp Outdoor circuits/HIIT class 10-11am Wish Park Tel Sara: 07812 093378 YogaFrogs Age 5-11; 10am-11am; £7 The Snug, Stoneham Park Booking essential: info@ yogafrogs.co.uk or 07920 403657
Gentle Exercise Class for older or unfit people 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church 1st Saturday of the month Vestry Café 10.30am-12.30pm Vestry, St Philip’s Church 6th April Arty Crafty Club £6.50 per child; drop-in; 8-12 years, 2-4pm, Hove Museum 6th April Spring Clean Table Top Sale 10am-3pm (tables must be pre-booked) Stoneham Park 13th April Writing and Research A talk by Dave Patchett Open to all; £2 members, £3 non-members; 2-4pm, Vallance Centre, 2 Conway Court thehatcherywritersgroup. wordpress.com 07818 118062 or hatchery. writers@gmail.com
Hove Lagoon Model Yacht Club New members welcome, come along and have a try 10am--1.30pm Hove Lagoon 14th April Diving into Story Monthly Writing Workshops 1.30-4.30pm; £25 Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Sandra 07551 772129 www.sandrajensen.net 21st April Easter Family Service & Egg Rolling Competition 3.30pm St Leonard’s Church 28th April Choo Choo Ch’Boogie Mad Hatters Tea Party Vintage tea dance with DJ Jivin’ Jim Dandy 4-7pm; free entry; The Platform - The Railway Inn, 2 Station Road This is not a definitive list of events. If you would like to add your event, please email us at: info@westhovedirectory.co.uk . We try to ensure the listings are correct, but please check with the organisers of activities when attending for the first time. Some events may be term-time only.
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
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Nathalie’s monthly health tip...
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU OVERDO IT... With Easter chocolate temptations around the corner, here are some simple tricks to avoid feeling ”bad” after overindulging. Everybody overeats at times; that’s normal. The difference is that, for some, an episode of overeating sets off a chain reaction: “I already blew it; I might as well keep eating and restart my diet tomorrow.” Increasing awareness around your overeating can change a potentially negative experience into a learning opportunity. Notice how you feel. Sit for a while and become aware of your body. Focus on the sensations so you’ll remember them the next time you’re tempted to 29 overeat. You may be less likely to repeat the mistake if you remind yourself how it feels to overeat. (Kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn’t it!) Don’t beat yourself up. Overeating doesn’t mean you were “bad”. It’s only a choice you made at that time – not ”who” you are. Turn your “mistake” into a learning experience. Ask yourself, “Why did it happen?” and “What could I do differently next time?” “It was a special occasion.” You don’t need an excuse to have a wonderful meal – have a treat meal a week, where you indulge in delicious, gorgeous food.
When you get hungry again, notice what you feel like eating. As you become more mindful, you may naturally seek balance, fresh food and moderation. Finally, don’t use exercise to punish yourself for overeating. Just be consistently active and enjoy moving more. Happy, Healthy Easter! Nathalie x Nathalie Sansonetti. Nutrition & Health Coach and Speaker. “Helping people stressed about chronic health issues regain their energy & vitality so they can live their ultimate life – without pills or diets.” newleafnutrition.co.uk
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Local news...
NEW CHURCH ROAD SYNAGOGUE PLANS APPROVED On 20th March Brighton & Hove City Council’s Planning Committee approved plans for the redevelopment of the synagogue at 29-31 New Church Road. Brighton & Hove Hebrew Congregation submitted proposals last year for a mixed use development comprising a central single-storey synagogue and buildings of four, five and six storeys for a replacement children’s nursery, a social hall, two classrooms, office space, a community café, an underground car park, 35 flats and a terrace of 10 houses to the rear. N
The city’s Jewish population has fallen in recent years and the existing buildings on the site are becoming increasingly costly to maintain. The developers said in their Planning Statement: “This development is aimed at retaining and attracting young families to the area to 33 secure the future of the Jewish community in the city.” The funding for the development will be made available by the Bloom Foundation. More than 1,000 comments were received by the council, including 723 letters of objection – many from the synagogue’s neighbours who were concerned about the size of the buildings, as well as overlooking and overshadowing. However there were also 440 comments of support, saying that the development was a good design, would be an asset to the local community and would provide much needed housing.
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The council’s Arboricultural Team objected to the application, saying it would result in considerable damage to the roots of a number of prominent protected trees and would threaten the retention of these and many other trees. Council planning officers recommended that the scheme be approved. One of the conditions is £149,000 in developer contributions towards local open spaces and indoor sports provision, and £91,000 towards local secondary schools. Tony Bloom, owner of Brighton & Hove Albion, told the planning committee that three years ago the New Church Road site had been on the verge of being sold to a local developer. The Bloom Foundation had stepped in with an alternative and wanted to revitalise Jewish life in the city. He said the scheme would bring numerous benefits, including a £1.3 million contribution to the local economy. Westbourne ward councillor Denise Cobb urged the planning committee to reject the scheme. She said that in her 20 years on the council she had never seen a scheme with such deep opposition from the local community. Some councillors on the committee were concerned about the large amount of housing being fitted onto a small site, the height of the scheme and the loss of trees; however, the committee voted by seven votes to five in favour of the development.
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
Funeral Celebrant
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News of this year’s City Reads book...
“LET ME BE LIKE WATER” BY S.K. PERRY City Reads is an annual citywide reading festival, when one book is selected for everyone to read. This year it runs from 23rd April to 12th May as part of the Brighton Festival and the chosen title is “Let Me Be Like Water” by S.K. Perry, who at 29 years old is the youngest writer ever chosen. Sarah Perry was born in Croydon in 1990. “Let Me Be Like Water” was published in hardback in 2018. She currently lives in Leeds and is working on her second novel. She said: “I have a deep love for Brighton and Hove and feel really moved that, through City Reads, “Let Me Be Like Water” will reach more of the city’s readers. It’s such an honour, and I really can’t wait!” In the book, songwriter Holly is in a state of limbo, 35 having impulsively escaped to Brighton following the death of her boyfriend Sam. The solitude she had so craved in London leaves her feeling stranded and alone in her grief. It is when she meets Frank, a retired gay magician, that the tide begins to turn. Frank has experienced his own heartbreak and offers Holly companionship and solace. Gradually, as she is introduced to his eclectic group of friends, all with their own stories, she starts to heal. “Let Me Be Like Water” is a book simultaneously
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about nothing and everything: about the humdrum yet extraordinariness of everyday life; of lost and new connections; of loneliness and friendship. Sarah Hutchings, the Director of City Reads, said: “Let Me Be Like Water” is an exquisite, lyrical meditation on grief and romantic loss. As soon as I started reading it I was struck by the grace and strength of Sarah’s writing. She writes about Brighton with heart and passion, using the city’s glorious imperfections to remind us all why we are drawn here. It was a joy to read.” You can see S.K. Perry live at the Brighton Festival in conversation with writer Bridget Minamore (Sunday 12 May, Brighton & Hove High School, 5.30pm, £8, tickets from brightonfestival.org). Other highlights of the 2019 City Reads programme include The City Reads Book Quiz (25 April), New Writing South/Waterstones event (30 April), Literary Salon (2 May) and City Reads Supper Club (8 May). For more information visit collectedworks.co.uk.
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This article is by local practice nurses Jo Ilott and Sarah Leroux...
DID SOMEONE SAY MENOPAUSE? A woman’s home and work life can be disturbed due to the many symptoms that can accompany menopause including hot flushes, insomnia, memory loss and anxiety. This often results in feelings of inadequacy and low self esteem. On average a woman will spend nearly a third of her life being post-menopausal and the average length of time when women experience symptoms is four years, with some still having symptoms after ten years. It can have a significant impact on home life and attendance at work with some women being misdiagnosed with suffering from mental ill health or other conditions. In a survey carried out by the British Menopause37 Society in 2017 of 1,000 men and women, 50% of women said their menopause symptoms had affected their home life and 50% of women age 45-65 who have experienced the menopause in the last 10 years did not consult a health care professional about their symptoms. And finally, an estimated 47% of women who have needed to take a day off work due to menopause symptoms say they didn’t tell their employer the real reason. These statistics demonstrate a real need to break down the stigma surrounding the menopause and open up
dialogue between women, employers and health care professionals so women feel supported and understood during this time and can then take positive steps to feeling well again both physically and emotionally. We are qualified nurses who have taken a specialist interest in the menopause because we recognise a need for more widely available, evidence-based information for women to make informed choices during the menopause. We provide short talks/workshops to small groups and places of work with information on all aspects of the menopause, including signs and symptoms, health, wellbeing, hormonal and non-hormonal treatments to promote optimal health both at home and in the workplace. Visit our Facebook page ‘Did someone say menopause?’ or email didsomeonesaymenopause@gmail.com to find out more or to book a meeting.
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BLOCK PAVING SLABBING Fencing TARMACCADAM Jet washing Landscaping JET WASHING LANDSCAPING FENCING TURFING GRAVELLING We provide high quality new driveways, patios and landscaping at prices you can afford. We have many years experience in providing new driveways and patios giving you the peace of mind that our experienced staff will install and finish your new driveway or patio to the highest possible standards.
Office: 01273 256738 Mob: 07585 879 621 info@rightmovecontractors.com www.rightmovecontractors.com
Covering all parts of Brighton & Hove and surrounding areas 38
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SUSSEX FUNERAL SERVICES INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS ‘For caring, compassion and choice’ www.sussexfunerals.com Proprietors: Phil and Sallie
• Independent & family owned • Passionate & committed • 24 hour service
• ‘Bespoke’ funerals • ‘No Fuss’ funerals • Prepaid funeral plans
Please contact Philip or Sallie on:
01273 736 469 07789 174 453 or visit our office at: 185 Portland Road Hove BN3 5QJ
Glebe Villas Hall Parish of Aldrington
Church to hire Any interested parties should Glebe Villas & 2 Community Rooms should are available forhall available AnyHall interested parties make contact with the for Parties & Events make contact with the Church professional hire with effect from 01.09.2017 Hall Lettings Church Hall Lettings • Use of kitchen Time available: Mon – Fri from 07.00 am until 07.00 pmManager Manager 07808 • Wheelchair accesson and toilet154203 facilities Hourly on Rate:07808 154204 or aldringtonparish@gmail.com orchairs Aldringtonparish@gmail. • Tables and available Hall: £25 per hour informing of the nature of business and number comthe informing of the of nature • Off-road parking Community room 1: £ 7.50 per hour of business, numbers of hours hours required. Community room 2: £9.50 per hour Please call the church hall lettings department on 07808 154203 required.
Glebe Villas Hall • Glebe Villas • Hove • BN3 5SN WHD April 2019
Learn to Charleston
mycharlestondance.com hello@mycharlestondance.com
Are you a great local aerial installer, beauty salon or architect? If so we are looking for you!! We are looking for the best local businesses to be represented in this magazine!! Call for a chat... 01273 551021 or email info@westhovedirectory.co.uk 40
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This mobile farm shop now visits West Hove...
THE SUSSEX PEASANT AT HOVE MUSEUM The Sussex Peasant is a mobile farm shop which visits villages and towns across Sussex for a few hours each week. The shop offers 100% Sussex produce, harvested the day before: seasonal fruit and vegetables; pasture-fed native and traditional breeds of beef, lamb, pork and chicken; locally caught fish; locally produced dairy products; home baked bread, cakes and pastries; jams, chutneys and drinks. The business launched in 2017 and is now in Hove Museum garden (front or back, depending on the weather) in New Church Road on Sundays from 9am to 41 3pm, with a very positive reaction from customers. Ed Johnstone started the business by restoring an old horse truck and converting it into a shop. He told us: “I was disheartened to read that just 1% of food farmed in the home counties remains in the counties to be eaten. I have built a co-operative of sustainable Sussex farmers to supply our customer base with the finest local and seasonal produce. The produce’s provenance is behind everything I do. Our farming is sustainable, our food is traceable, our approach is socially and environmentally minded.”
A Team of local Artisans specialising in handcrafted fitted furniture
Seasonal produce in April includes asparagus, salads, tomatoes, spinach and chard. They do a seasonal Sussex vegetable box, a weekend breakfast box, or a Sunday roast box. Boxes are either delivered or customers can pick them up from the shop on Sundays. For more information, visit www.thesussexpeasant.co.uk. News from the Friends of Stoneham Park...
E D Beautiful traditional contemporary G and designs including:E
Alcove shelving, storage and bookcases.
As well as the new park gardening group starting this spring, we will be holding a series of events for you to enjoy during the months ahead.
W Bedroom, Kitchen and O Office furniture. R K S H O Find us at Unit 2 , Drove Road ,Portslade P Email waneyedgeworkshop@gmail.com Or Call 07515354382
SPRING CLEAN TABLE TOP SALE. Saturday 6th April, 10am-3pm. Reserve a stall space for £5. Contact Emma at: Friends.of.Stoneham.Park@gmail.com or message us on Facebook. CHILDREN’S FAIRY TREASURE HUNT. Saturday 6th April. 10am-3pm. Come and discover what our local fairies have left in Stoneham Park for you to find. CHILDREN’S EASTER EGG HUNT. Sunday 21st April. 11am. The Easter bunny has hidden eggs in the park. Can you find them all? Would you like to get involved with the new STONEHAM PARK GARDENING GROUP? Starting soon. Please email Catherine: stonehamparkgardengroup@gmail.com
Please send local articles about local events and items of interest to info@westhovedirectory.co.uk
Bonnie Baby........................43
Clarkes of Brighton................9
Best of Brighton Holiday Lettings...................12
Pinks Hair & Beauty.............29
Estate Agent
Blinds & Shutters
Healy & Newsom.............Back
Bella Vista............................28
Funeral Services
JH Brickwork........................36 Builders AT Construction Ltd...............3 Braiden Construction...........20
ARKA Funerals.....................22 Bungards..............................31 Jefferies Funerals.................34 Sussex Funerals...................39
Brighton Log Centre.............11 Locksmith Lee’s Locks...........................36 Nursery Hove Village.........................8 Garden Nursery...................30 Nursing Home
CPJ Field...............................19
Bon Accord..........................35
PEM Construction.................1
Painting & Decorating
Care at Home
Waney Edge.........................41
Queens Park Decorators......42
Alina Homecare...................4
Garden Machinery
Hove City Rollers...................6
AMP Services.......................20
Pet Services
Fun In Action.........................6
Gutter Cleaning
Wagging Tails.......................37
Sussex Gutters.....................42
Hall Hire
Premier Windows..................5 Countryman.........................17 Dance Lessons My Charleston.....................40 Domestic Appliances
Glebe Villas..........................39 Joinery Higgins Joinery....................30 Kitchens Clark Kitchens......................21
Freedom Pilates...................12 Plastering Lewis Byard..........................37 Plumbing & Heating R.K Plumbing & Heating......18
G & S Roofing.......................28 MM Roofing...........................4 Sam Davis............................18 Workwise.............................32 School St Christophers’s School......14 Social Group The Group..............................7 Solicitors Crosby and Woods...............26 Seymour Solicitors...............23 Good Law Solicitors.............25 Tiling Pentagon Tiling......................6 Transportation Kingsway Travel...................15 Water Sports Hove Lagoon........................13 Wealth Management David Lewis..........................16 Windows
Dream Doors.........................8
Paul Vincent........................36
Paul Yeates..........................22
Record Store
Waste Clearance
West Hove Laundrette.........36
Viva Vinyl.............................26
Fully Cleared........................33
We can Clear, Clean, Repair or Replace
0790 002 0039
www.sussexgutters.co.uk 42
Queens Park Decorators est.1968
Complete professional decorating service Call Mr Gilmour
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01273 679350 / 07748023392 qpd1@live.com www.queensparkdecorator.co.uk
s &s iorrior r te e In Ext
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ONE DAY ONLY Sat 11th May 10am-1pm Award winning Brighton & Hove baby & kidswear brand. More clothes and sizes added to this sale. Amazing bargains on SS19 lines as seen in SELFRIDGES and BARNEYS NEW YORK. Perfect summer outfits and baby gift ideas. Sizes NEWBORN to Age 7 YEARS LAWRENCE STUDIO, 16 Kingsthorpe Road, Hove, BN3 5HR (Behind Hove Junior School)
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SOLD healyandnewsom.co.uk 01273 746674