Queens Park Living February 2019

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ueens Park Living February 2019 Edition I 01273 551021 I www.queensparkliving.co.uk

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Welcome to Queen’s Park Living!!

We hope you enjoy the articles we have for you this month. No mention of Brexit, we promise!

This month we feature the founder of At The Coach House in Walpole Road, which hosts diverse creative events and workshops. We have details from Volunteering Matters of activities for the over-50s at Patching Lodge and other local venues. Hanover Queens WI have a new venue - see their article for details and a winter warming recipe for celeriac soup. If you’d like some company on a Thursday lunchtime, join the Soup ‘n’ Sarnie Lunch Club at St Luke’s Church, where everyone is welcome.

Contents Page 4-5 Old Photo Page 7

Queen’s Park Person... Sara Jane Glendinning

Page 9

Soup ‘n’ Sarnie Lunch Club

Page 11 Local Activities for Over-50s Page 13 Music and Wine at St Luke’s Page 13 Hanover Queens WI

We love to hear from you, so do let us know what’s going on. Have a great February!

The Queen’s Park Living Team info@queensparkliving.co.uk www.queensparkliving.co.uk Cover photo: Simon Dack

Page 15 The Grand Brighton Half Marathon 2019 Page 17 Know Before You Go….

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@queensparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini printers Distributors: Mandy Distribution

The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.

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Old Photo...

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Q Freshfield Place

This photo, taken in the 1970s, is thought to be of Freshfield Place. Š Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove

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Local Person...


Meet the founder of At The Coach House in Walpole Road...

Queen’s Park Person... Sara Jane Glendinning Sara Jane Glendinning founded At The Coach House but prefers to think of herself as the present guardian of the space. It’s a unique space and a homestead for diverse workshops and events, on Walpole Road, tucked away up a drive full of fruit trees. How did At The Coach House begin?

What sort of events do you have?

The coach house has been many things over the years, from a gardener’s cottage for Belle Vue Manor House to an ice skating rink. When I first came it was being used as a garage but I saw it as something else! I was lucky to come into some money and was able to convert it slowly over five years into a creative living and working space. For good fortune I placed poems under the floorboards..."Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee," said Yeats, and I do have a lovely beehive but not much luck with the broad beans!

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We like to host events that support creative living through the arts, crafts, sciences and beyond! We have hosted workshops from beekeeping to basket making, herbal medicine to experimental music; you name it, it could happen…! We have a long history of great gigs by such names as Pere Ubu, Mick Farren and many more and have been described as “beloved by musicians as the best venue in Brighton for quiet music”. We are part of the Artists Open Houses and last year hosted Culpeper’s Medicine Garden as part of Brighton Fringe. You can even stay here on Airbnb. What’s the highlight of your time here so far?

Watching my quince tree bear so much fruit (secret is, I really love the quince tree). Also I love experiencing the diversity of the people that come here, exploring our human nature, our response to our environment and finding our sense of belonging. Have you got any exciting events coming up in February?

Yes lots, we have workshops including herbal medicine, beekeeping, lamp making, qi gong classes, to name but a few. We are also looking forward to our annual March Hare experimental music happening. What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I like playing and watching improvised music and performances, reading poetry, practising qi gong and cycling. Recently I gave up my car and got an electric bike. I play my Boom speaker and cycle along the seafront usually playing music from Keith Frank! I’m a member at a community music group with weekly music mornings at an old people’s home and high up on the list are the conversations I have with the blackbirds and robins and any creature that will listen!

At The Coach House is available for booking - email atthecoachhouse@googlemail.com or visit www.atthecoachhouse.co.uk.

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Established 1990 OpenMonday Monday - Friday Friday 8am -Established 1990 1990 Open -Established 6pm Open 8am --6pm 6pm Established 1990 Open Monday Monday --- Friday Friday 8am 8amEstablished 6pm 1990 Children 6 months to 5 years Children 66 to years Children months to years Children 6 months months to 55 5to years Full or part-time hours suit Full or part-time hours to Full or part-time hours to suit Full or part-time - hours to suit suit

Establish Estab Estab

Estab Estab

Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, Mature,experienced experienced& &qualified qualifiedstaff staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff

Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Extra Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including Spanish, Spanish, nursery activities including Spanish, Extra nursery including Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Open MondayExtra - Friday 8am - 6pm Music &activities Dance, Forest School Open Open Monday Monday Friday 8am 8am----6pm 6pm Open Open Monday Monday Friday Friday 8am 8am 6pm 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Children 6 months to 5 years-----Friday full or part-time - hours to suit Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Children 6Open months to 5 years - full or part-time hours to suit Music Music & & Dance, Dance, Forest Forest School School Monday - Friday 8am 6pm Music & Dance, Forest School Music & Dance, Forest School Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time hoursto tosuit suit Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time hours hours to to suit suit Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours suit Children 6 months to 5suit years - full or part-time ----hours hours to suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor space space plus regular regular Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Mature, experienced & qualifi staff •plus Extra nursery activities including French, Music & D e, experienced & qualified staff • •Extra nursery activities including French, Music & Dance, trips outdoor to enjoyed the park Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular

•Extra Mature, Mature, experienced experienced & & qualifi qualifi ed ed staff staff ••••Extra Extra nursery nursery activities activities including French, French, MusicYe && experienced experienced && &qualifi qualified edstaff staff •••••Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including French, French, Music Music && &Years Dance, Dance, ••Extra Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips including to enjoy the park • Music Early trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park experienced qualifi ed staff nursery activities including French, Music Dance, st School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early trips to enjoy the park Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music & experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music & Dance, trips to enjoy the park Early Years Foundation Stage Education Forest Forest School School ••••Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regulartrips trips to toenjoy enjoy the thepark park ••••Early Earl School chool • • Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regular trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park • • Early Early Years Years Foundation Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school colle Forest School Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park Early tion Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school collections School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Years Forest School Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park Early School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus Years regular trips to enjoyStage the park • Early Years Early Early Years Foundation Foundation Stage Education Education Early Years Foundation Stage Education Foundation Foundation Stage Stage Education Education ••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted ••••After-school After-schoolClub Clubincluding includingschool schoolcc Early Years Foundation Stage Education StageEducation Education••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted •Stage After-school Club Club including including school school collections collections Foundation Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school n Stage Education Registered by Ofsted •••After-school After-school Club including school collections Registered by Ofsted Foundation Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school cc nnStage Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school collections

Orchard Nursery, Queens Park Road Queen's rsery, Queens Park Day Road (adjacent to Queen's Park),(adjacent Brightonto BN2 0GL Park), Bri Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Baby spaces nowQueens being booked for September 2019 Orchard Day Nursery, Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), ery, ery, Queens Queens Park Park Road Road (adjacent (adjacent to to Queen's Queen's Park), Park), Brighton Brighton BN2 BN2 0GL 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), B Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@y 01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), B B ery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Orchard Day Day Nursery, Nursery, Queens Queens Park Park Road, Road, Brighton Brighton BN2 BN2 0GL 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ orchardday 73) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ 273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ 273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk CELEBRATING 27 YEARS!!

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Local news...


A regular local event...

News from the council...

Soup ‘n’ Sarnie Lunch Club

Ranger volunteer scheme

The Soup ‘n’ Sarnie Lunch Club at St Luke’s Church (Queen’s Park Road) is open to anyone and all are welcome. Join them on Thursdays between 11.30am and 1pm.

Deacon Julie Newson says: “We gather on Thursdays (during school term time) and enjoy a natter about the local community and share quite a lot of bad jokes and amusing stories. We drink lots of tea and coffee, eat soup with bread and follow this with a sandwich, with a variety of fillings, including the basic supply of cheese, ham and corned beef. We don’t have a set price but put a bowl on the table for donations. Nobody has to pay!”

If you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution to get fitter, learn new skills and help to protect your local environment, then the City Parks Ranger Volunteers could be right up your street! They have been carrying out practical conservation projects in parks and nature reserves every Friday since 2011 and are now expanding to work at weekends. No experience is necessary and tools are provided, along with tea and coffee! You just need to be aged 18 or over. To join the mailing list or for more information, email cityparks.volunteers @brighton-hove.gov.uk.

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Local News...



News from Volunteering Matters...

Local Activities for Over-50s We’ve got an exciting programme for people over 50, including Pilates (seated), Reminiscence, Knitting, Gentle Exercise and Dance, plus Pilates for men only. With friendly instructors and ‘taster’ sessions available, please get in touch for all events happening around East Brighton, low cost or no cost. Call Volunteering Matters to find out where and book your place on 01273 688117. Activities at Patching Lodge, Park Street, BN1 0AQ (near the bingo hall): Computer lessons (book for 1-2-1 lessons) Mon 10am – 12 noon; Thurs 10am – 12 noon; Fri 1-2pm Knitting Group Tues 10am – 12 noon (3rd Tues of the month) Next meeting 19th Feb Reminiscence Group Weekly get-togethers to share memories Wed 2- 3pm

A gentle exercise (Pilates) group

Dance of Awareness Connect with your inner self or move with the music! Weekly classes Fridays 10-11.30am Other venues include: Leach Court, Park Street, BN2 0DJ:

Pilates (chair-based) - Men Only Thurs 2-3pm Knitting Group Tues 10am-12 noon Somerset Point, Somerset Street, BN2 1JS: Pilates (chair-based) Thurs 3.15 – 4.15pm

Wear a hat for Off The Fence on 15th February...

Woolly Hat Day 2019 Twelve men and three women died on the streets of Brighton in 2018.

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Off The Fence’s homeless project need your help to support the vital work they do throughout the year: fighting against homelessness and supporting individuals through the process of being housed, overcoming addiction and entering work. All you need to do, on 15th February, is: wear a hat; donate by texting WOOL19 followed by £1 (or more), to 70070; tell your friends! Instagram, Facebook and Tweet your Woolly Hat Day photos using the hashtag#OTFwoollyhatday.

Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


Local News... A new local deli…

Marmalade Store... Tania Webb, the owner of Café Marmalade on Eastern Road, has opened a new deli, Marmalade Store, also on Eastern Road. We asked her to tell us more about it… How long have you been running Marmalade Café? We opened Marmalade Café five and a half years ago. Why did you decide to open Marmalade Store?

We wanted to extend our range of products; although you can get take-away coffee from the Store we are also selling grocery items such as bread, eggs, organic milk in bottles which you can return, homemade cakes, pastas and sauces for them, cheeses, biscuits, chocolates and much more. We sold lots of hampers before Christmas; many of the foodie items are ideal if you need a gift for under £10. What else can we buy in the store?

Best of all we are selling our own ‘ready meals’ which we are making daily for customers to buy and take home for dinner. They come in 1, 2 or 4/6 person portions…unlike many supermarket ones, ours are completely natural with no added preservatives. Gio, our amazing chef, is making these plus baking incredible cakes, cinnamon buns, almond croissants… the list is endless; he surprises us daily. What is your most popular product?

It’s a bit early to say but more and more people are popping in to get their supper to take home which is fab.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? I always seem to have a pile of admin on my desk but if I’m not doing that then I do regular yoga or hang out with friends and family. I love cooking, although at

the moment we are having rather a lot of Marmalade ready meals to test them out…which is making life much easier! I love being in Kemp Town but my other favourite place to be is Maison Marmalade, our house in France (www.maisonmarmalade.co.uk). Café Marmalade is at 237 Eastern Road, near The Spire, and Marmalade Store is opposite, in the kiosk at 238 Eastern Road. For more information, visit Café Marmalade on Facebook.

You can read reviews of advertisers with the Trusted and Local logo on their adverts at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk Mac Marchant has repaired three roofs on our property over the years. We wouldn’t ask anyone else. Job is done quickly, efficiently and reasonably priced. Would recommend. Review of M.Marchant Lead roofing by C. Radvan

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Local Activities...


Two concerts in February at St Luke’s Church…

Music and Wine at St Luke’s We are hosting two concerts this month. On Friday 1st February we present Contrasts. Popular local musicians Steve Dummer (clarinet), Rachel Ellis (violin) and Yoko Ono (piano) play music inspired by the folk traditions of Eastern Europe, closing with a performance of one of the classics of twentieth-century music: Bartók’s Yuri Paterson-Olenich Contrasts. On 15th February pianist Yuri Paterson-Olenich brings us a recital themed around narration in piano music. The programme will include Sterndale Bennett’s 3rd Sonata The Maid of Orleans, Medtner’s


01273 235019



Forgotten Melodies, as well as works from Granados and Guy Richardson.

The concerts take place at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, Brighton BN2 9ZB, and start at 7.30pm. Tickets £7 / £5 unwaged and low waged / under-16s free. Disabled access. Wine and refreshments served. For more information, please visit www.musicandwineatstlukes.com or contact musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com. Our regular column from the local WI...

Hanover Queens WI New venue for the Hanover Queens! Come and find us if you’d like at the Haus on the Hill, 58 Southover Street, BN2 9UF. 7.30 to 9.30pm on Thursday 14th February. Grab a drink at the bar and join us upstairs for a talk by Jeanette Philpott on the Alexander Technique. There will also be tea/ coffee and cake! Great to have seen some new faces last year. Hope we’ll see you again. New guests and members always very welcome. Look us up on Facebook or contact us on wihanoverqueens@gmail.com. Handy tip

Many coffee shop chains now offer money off when you take your reusable cup so make sure you have it handy. Recipe of the month

Celeriac Soup • Melt oil or butter in pan. Add diced celeriac, diced potato and chopped leek (onion optional). • Season, cover and sweat gently for 10 minutes approx. • Add stock, cover pan and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes till tender. • Blitz with hand blender until smooth. • Stir in cream if wanted and reheat gently. Enjoy! A real winter warmer!

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Local News...


The city’s first big race of the year...

The Grand Brighton Half Marathon 2019 The Grand Brighton Half Marathon celebrates its 29th birthday on race day, Sunday 24th February. The race is organised by The Sussex Beacon, a local HIV charity, and is their largest fundraising event each year. The Brighton Half welcomes 12,000 runners and thousands of spectators to celebrate running in the city. General race entries are already sold out but charity places may still be available. The Grand Brighton Half Marathon is the happiest half, featuring a beautiful seafront course, amazing crowd support and a flat course. Key facts from 2018:

• The event raised approaching £1 million for charitable causes in 2018. • Irish international marathon runner Paul Pollock took first place. • In 2018, there were 15,000 bananas at the finish line. • 500 volunteers gave up their Sunday morning lie-in last year! • Fatboy Slim and BBC 6 Music presenter Matt Everitt ran for the charity Young Epilepsy and Scouting for Girls ran for the Alzheimer’s Society in 2018.

The race starts on Madeira Drive at 9.30am, heading east as far as Ovingdean, then back west to Hove Lagoon, before returning to the finish on Madeira Drive, and you can cheer for the runners at various locations in Brighton and Hove. There will be some road closures near the seafront. For more information, visit www.brightonhalfmarathon.com.

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Local resource...

A new website for local residents and businesses...

Know Before You Go….

We think we know what you guys are thinking before you use a business for the first time. How do I know they will do a good job? Will they overcharge me? What if they mess it up and don’t put it right? Lots of natural fears kick in before stepping boldly into the unknown and using a business for the first time. The above factors are why word of mouth is such a valuable thing. A positive word from a neighbour or a family member can often make the difference as to who you choose to do a job for you but these golden nuggets of information aren’t always readily available. Well, the above factors combined with these statistics…

91% of people have used and many use

regularly online reviews when thinking about using a service or buying a product.

86% of people will trust an online review as

Trusted and Local logo on it so please look out for the logo and check out the reviews! We hope this new website helps and makes our publication even more useful for you! www.trustedandlocal.co.uk *inc.com

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much as a personal recommendation.

61% of people form an opinion on a business after reading between 1 and 6 reviews.*

..have led us to the development of a new website just for you – the readers of our magazines!! On this website you will be able to read reviews of local businesses that are advertising in our magazines. Each review will be verified as genuine

by phone and email and will have been added to the site by a local resident. In addition to reviews each business on the site will also have a business profile page with more information about the business, links to their website, any official bodies they are members of as well as a logo to indicate that we have checked that they are insured. To add further confidence for you, the potential customer, it will also state how long they have been advertising with us. Also each business has a page where uploaded photographs of their work are available for you to see. The website is called Trusted and Local. If a business is featured on the site their advert will carry the

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Alexander Technique


Sarah Matthews.................................................................................4

Sussex Funeral Services.............................................................. 15

Building Services



Clarks Bathrooms.............................................................................4

AB Building Developments........................................................ 14 Clarkes of Brighton...........................................................................7 St Clair Builders.................................................................................8 Charity

Fun in Action.................................................................................... 17 Children's Market

Chestnut Tree House.................................................................... 16 Chiropodist

The Foot Man................................................................................... 16 College

Greater Brighton Metropolitan................................................ 10 Domestic Appliances

Carters...................................................................................................6 Estate Agents

John Hilton...........................................................................................2 Paul Bott........................................................................................Back Firewood

Brighton Log Centre...................................................................... 11



Grocery Shop

Hilly Laine......................................................................................... 16 Dream Doors.......................................................................................3 Clarks Kitchens..................................................................................4 Locksmiths

Lee’s Locks........................................................................................ 16 Nursery

Orchard Day Nursery......................................................................8 Plasterer

Lewis Byard.........................................................................................4 Plumbing Services

Plum Heating................................................................................... 13 Roofing

MB Roofing....................................................................................... 10 G & S Roofing................................................................................. ..18 Rubbish clearance service

AGR....................................................................................................... 19 Windows


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Waste Management Ltd


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At AGR Waste we aim to offer a stress free rubbish removal service throughout Sussex. We remove and recycle up to 95% of all rubbish collected.

House Clearances Garage Clearances Garden Waste All furniture including Mattresses, Cookers, Washing Machines, Fridges, Freezers and Sofas All Builders Waste removed


Scaffolding Ltd


TEL 07792 386578


Fully Insured Scaffold Service Throughout Sussex

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