Poets Pages November 2018

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November 2018

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Welcome to Poets Pages... 11th November is the centenary of the end of the First World War, which will be marked by “Battle’s Over”, a nationwide day of commemorative events. Our November magazine includes a local history article by Rachel Bridgeman on “the Forgotten Men”.

Contents... Page 5

Poets Person... Jen Elfverson

Page 7 News from the Friends of Stoneham Park Page 8 - 9

Old Photo

Page 13

Great War Centenary

To make the publication even more useful for you we are proud to introduce to you this month www.trustedandlocal.co.uk. When you see an advert with the Trusted and Local logo on it, go to the website to read local reviews of that business.

Page 15

Retirement Planning

Page 19


The Poets Pages Team info@poetspages.co.uk www.poetspages.co.uk

Page 21

News from the West Hove Forum

Page 23

Mister Smith Interiors

Cover picture: Peter Spells – www.peterspells.co.uk

Page 25 Artists Open Houses Christmas Festival

We also have details this month of a couple of early Christmas events to help you with your gift shopping – the Friends of Stoneham Park Christmas Market and the Christmas Artists Open Houses festival.

Publisher: Sussex Magazines Ltd. Printer: Gemini The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.

Page 16 - 17 What’s On

Page 27

Where in Poets Corner?

Page 29 Brighton & Hove Community First Responders

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Meet a local person who loves helping children get creative...

Poets Person... Jen Elfverson Jen Elfverson runs the Creation Station pre-school sessions at The Snug in Stoneham Park. How long have you held classes in Poets Corner? I started The Creation Station in October 2017 and began running classes at The Snug café in July this year. It was a trial at first, but the classes have been really popular; we are meeting so many little ones with their mums and dads that all love getting crafty with us. How did you come to get involved with the Creation Station? After quite a major change in life and career from being a stage manager in The West End, I decide it was time to add some sparkle and glitter to my life. The Creation Station was just the company to help that happen. It is a fantastic company who strive to inspire children of all ages and abilities to use their imaginations to learn, play and discover possibilities. We encourage parents and carers to get involved, not sit back and watch. The precious time we spend with our loved ones learning and playing is vital to growth and building bonds with each other. Tell us more about the sessions you run in Stoneham Park... Each week we start with our Magic Ideas box to discover our theme. There will be something inside which leads us to our activity. We could be painting stained glass windows to discover light and colour, or diving deep into the ocean to create crazy sea creatures with clay. There is always a different lesson planned to make, paint, mould and imagine, and the best part is every child can go home with their own creation and be proud they have achieved and learnt something.

What’s your favourite thing to help children make? I love the sculptures and the 3D crafts. Pictures are great, but when a three-year-old can show off a buginspired mobile or a life-size robot they made in class it’s just magic! What do you like to do when you’re not working? Being Australian and growing up on, in or near the water, I love anything to do with the ocean and our marine life. I am a keen scuba diver instructor and love helping people of all ages experience our underwater world. For more information, visit the Facebook page: The Creation Station Hove East Sussex.



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Local news...

News from the Friends of Stoneham Park With only 48 shopping days* left till Christmas, where better to come and stock up on gifts, luxury food and to enjoy a festive atmosphere than the Friends of Stoneham Park’s Christmas Market? This year the Christmas Market will be on Saturday, 1 December, between 11 and 3 o’clock. Last year’s event was good but this year’s will be even better. We’ll have mulled wine and hot chocolate, tasty street food and filling winter warmers all for you to enjoy. There will be live music and another phenomenal prize draw. And best of all, Santa will be popping by for the duration with a splendid grotto in The Snug. We all know Father Christmas is the busiest person in the world. Luckily, he has his helpers to help him in his busy tasks. Like him, we at the Friends of Stoneham Park need helpers too! We really could do with a hand on the day. If you can spare an hour or two, we would love to hear from you. If you can’t help out on the day but can deliver leaflets or put up posters, please also get in touch. Helpers were very much in evidence at our recent ranger-led park tidy on 30 September. The park was

All ages enjoying the Park Tidy

spruced up and made to look its best. The sandpit was refilled. Plants were cut back. Weeds pulled up. Litter, sadly, found and picked up. A big thanks to everyone who came. The park tidy heralded a very busy October. We planted hundreds of daffodil and crocus bulbs all over the park ready for the spring. We helped local children make two dozen nesting boxes for house sparrows and are on the way to planting three new trees including, perhaps, two disease resistant elms in the park very soon. This is all possible thanks to the money we have raised from our fundraising events. October was rounded off in style with our annual Halloween kids’ show, Things That Go Bump, written by and starring David Jarvis, accompanied on double bass by the talented Dan Connolly. David promised us chilling ghost stories, spellbinding visual effects and eerie music: he did not disappoint us! So, if you would like to see more of these fun fundraisers, please offer your assistance by emailing us at friendsofstonehampark@gmail.com or, of course, find us on Facebook. *Approximate. Check calendar for details. See local reviews of this business at

Richard Hearnden

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Poets Past... Mortimer Road This photograph from 1917 was taken in Mortimer Road, looking to the west. The Mayor of Hove is speaking to local people about the war effort, possibly appealing to them to buy war savings certificates. The James Gray Collection ©The Regency Society www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com

If you have any old photos of Poets Corner we would love to feature them in Poets Pages. Please get in touch! Call 01273 551021 or email us at info@poetspages.co.uk

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St. Anthony's Pre-School Your local early learning centre for young minds St. Peter's Church Hall Tamworth Road Hove, BN3 5FJ. Email: info@stanthonyspreschool.co.uk

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On the centenary of the Armistice, a local history article by West Hove resident Rachel Bridgeman...

“The Forgotten Men” ‘Listen to the wraiths of morning in Flanders fields of grey, Can you hear The Royal Sussex who came and went away And linger still in graves unknown amidst the furrow and the thorn. But never flinched, duty done, these sons of Sussex bred and born.’ Barely a family or community across Great Britain escaped the First World War untouched by terrible loss. The Hove Roll of Honour lists 631 names; many coming from Poets’ Corner. Poets’ Corner was unique in some ways; it was bordered by three hospitals for injured soldiers and locals would have daily been confronted with the horrific personal consequences of war; it was home to several Brighton and Hove Albion footballers who joined the Footballers’ Battalions; what the poet WH Auden called “the greatest book about the first world war” was written less than a mile away by David Jones, whose name is among the 16 war poets in Poets’ Corner of Westminster Abbey; and, with a prisoner of war camp just around the corner, German soldiers marching along to work on the farms and gas works would have been a familiar sight. But, in other ways, it provides a microcosm of the tragedy that was

“Lowther’s Lambs” at Cooden Camp, Bexhill; photo from royalsussex-southdowns.co.uk, courtesy of David Lester

happening all over Sussex and the rest of the country. Its soldiers fought in all the branches of the armed forces; are buried in the fields of Flanders and as far away as Macedonia, Palestine, Mesopotamia, Egypt and the North Atlantic. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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In Sussex, many men joined the Southdowns Battalions of the Royal Sussex, nicknamed “Lowther’s Lambs”; the “Pals” battalions in which friends, brothers, teammates and workmates all joined up together. On 30th July 1916, the three battalions went over the top at the Battle of Boar’s Head. Within five hours, the 13th Battalion was all but wiped out, and casualties were so severe that it came to be known as “The Day that Sussex Died”. Reading the words of a veteran, “When we are gone, no-one will remember us or what we did,” moved me to write a historic guided walking tour to honour these men and the community they left behind. The tour conveys the pride, bravery and enthusiasm as well as the horror and sadness. It tells the story of these men and the community in the years 191418, includes poetry and art, and has lighter aspects such as Jelly Babies! For further information, email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com or visit Facebook “Hove Actually Walking Tours”. (Footnote: “The Forgotten Men” is how the survivors of the Great War often referred to themselves.) By Rachel Bridgeman (tour guide and local historian)

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This article is by local financial adviser David Lewis...

Retirement Planning Gone are the days of people working for one company their whole lives and receiving a single pension from that company. Now we tend to move around which means we are enrolled into various pension schemes throughout our careers and it’s very easy to lose track of them. These neglected pension pots could be put to far better use and it doesn’t need to be difficult. Multiple Pension Pots If you have money languishing in various pension schemes, you could make better use of them by putting them together and making sure they are managed properly. This sounds easier said than done if you have pensions with various providers and aren’t sure where your paperwork is but we can help you gather all the information you need and, with your permission, liaise with pension providers on your behalf. Take Back Control When you have pensions through previous employers or pension schemes you have set up in the past

and forgotten about, it can feel like your pension arrangements are out of your hands. That isn’t a very nice feeling so consolidating your pension schemes puts the control back into your hands. Getting the Best out of Your Pension Because the pension, investment and savings market is constantly changing, it’s a good idea to manage your pension schemes to react to changes. That way, you get a better return on your investment and are more likely to achieve the income you want after retirement. Pensions can be confusing but at David Lewis Wealth Management, we work with you in a frank and clear way to help you understand your pension situation so you can take back control and have the lifestyle you want after you retire. Call us for a no-obligation consultation on 01273 933743.

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What’s On...

We try and ensure the listings are correct BUT please check with the organisers of activities when attending for the first time. Some classes are term-time only.


Breakfasts light lunches, Breakfasts soup, pasta and hot light lunches, soup, special of and the day. pasta specialplace of theand day also Idealhot meeting meetingfunctions availableIdeal for private

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Pilates 9.30am-12.30pm Hove Methodist Church 07970 047799 helsdouglas@hotmail.com Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park. Free for all 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Monday Guild Fellowship & friendship 2.30pm Hove Methodist Church Jittabugs Classical Ballet Class 4-5pm Hove Methodist Church Contact Emily Dauris: 07837 162901 Speech & Drama LAMDA Classes (5-12 year olds) 4.30pm & 5.30pm (term time) All Saints Church, The Drive jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Beavers 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church enquiries@6thhove.org.uk Holistic Yoga 6.15-7.45pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Neela on 07796 562494 or info@yogashanta.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners Plus: 6.30pm-7.25pm Int/Adv: 7.30pm-8.25pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Fitbandz Resistance band workout 7-8pm, Studio Plus Coffee, 211 Portland Road Sara: 07812 093378 5th Hove Guides 7pm-9pm Hove Methodist Church 5thhoveguides@gmail.com Brighton Theatre of the Air Radio Drama Meetup group 8pm Goldstone Ex Service Club, 20 Shirley Street btota.co.uk; 07818 118062

Badaboum! French music playgroup Drop-in; £5. 9.30-10.30am, The Snug. 07917 282679 badaboum@talktalk.net Get Active for Older Adults Age 50+; 10.30am; £5; St Barnabas Church suzy.hawker@ntlworld.com 01273 726507 to reserve a place Oh Sew Ditsy Sewcial Informal sewing sessions 11am-1pm; £12.50 per session The Snug, Stoneham Park Book online at www.ohsewditsy.co.uk Food & Friendship Lunch Club 12.30pm Three courses for £2 Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Parent and Baby Massage 1.30-2.30pm, The Snug hayleyb2427@gmail.com Singing for Pleasure 2pm, Hove Methodist Church Contact: Corinne 01273 565130 Singingforpleasure@hotmail.co.uk Well Balanced Kids Yoga Ages 5-11; 3.45-4.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park info@wellbalancedkids.co.uk Young Actors Group Ages 5-7; 4pm-5pm Hove Methodist Church info@theyoungactorsgroup.com Brighton & Hove Camera Club 7-9.30pm, Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Hove Zen & Mindfulness Sangha Soto Zen group: sitting, walking, chanting. 7.30-9pm, Hove Methodist Church Dheeresh: 07758 574567 Ageless wisdom for the new age 7.30pm; 01273 731161 Antenatal classes 6.45pm, Holy Cross Church To pre-book call 07494 002577 or visit www.babies.uk.com Pilates Mat Classes Gentle Beginners: 9.45-10.40am Beginners: 10.45-11.40am Beginners Plus: 11.45am-12.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com

Send your local editorial features to info@poetspages.co.uk

17 3rd Tuesday of the month Hove WI 9am to 12 noon Hove Methodist Church

Wednesday Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park. Free for all. 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Jumping Beans All preschool children 10-11.30am, Holy Cross Church 01273 230899 The Creation Station Pre-school creative sessions Age 15 months to 5 years £7; booking essential 10.30-11.15am, The Snug jenelfverson@ thecreationstation.co.uk 07902 967709 Music with Mike 1.15-1.45pm & 2-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park musicwithmike.co.uk Off The Blocks – Christian Club Primary school age 3.45-5pm, Holy Cross Church 01273 230899 Rainbows 4pm-5pm Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Sama Karate 5-7pm Hove Methodist Church samtsama@gmail.com Pilates Contigo 6.15-7.15pm, The Snug 07875 634801 or pilates@contigo.org.uk Holistic Yoga 7.30-8.45pm, The Snug 07796 562494 or info@yogashanta.com General Level Pilates 6-7pm Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 6.45-7.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne St. 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com

Yoga 7.30-8.30pm Hove Methodist Church DoYourOMThing@outlook.com Last Wednesday of the month 50+ Discussion Group Guest speakers, refreshments & advice 2pm-4pm Vallance Centre, Conway Court For further information call Steve: 07480 113773


Young Storytellers Age 2½ to 5 9.30-10.15am, term time only The Snug Contact Jude for free trial Jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 11-11.55am Intermediate: 10-10.55am Masons Yard, Westbourne St. 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Body Control Pilates 10.40-11.40am, The Snug rachelnessmartin@gmail.com Beginners Pilates 11am-12 noon Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Food & Friendship Lunch Club For people with learning disabilities and over-50s (term-time only) 12.30pm Hove Methodist Church cookingcaroline@outlook.com Physiotone Pilates Mum and Baby: 12-12.55pm Adults: 1-2pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Recorder Group University of the Third Age 2-4pm, Hove Methodist Church www.brightonandhoveu3a.org Social Club Quizzes, games, friendly banter and refreshments 4.30-6.30pm Vallance Centre, Conway Court Speech & Drama Class with LAMDA Preparation 5-8 years. 4-5pm, The Snug jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375

Slimming World 5-8.30pm, Hove Methodist Church Contact Sarah-Jane 01903 530645 Pilates with Emily 6.15pm Improver Pilates 7.30pm Intermediate Pilates Hove Methodist Church info@pilateswithemily.co.uk or 07709 357622 MamaBear Hypnobirthing 7.30-10pm The Snug, Stoneham Park


Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park. Free for all 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Slimming World 9.30-11.30am Hove Methodist Church Sarah-Jane: 01903 530645 Friday Support Group Drop-in tea and chat for people with isolation or bereavement issues 10-11.30am Hove Methodist Church Howl Child-friendly choir 10.30-11.30am (term-time only) Central United Reformed Church Blatchington Road www.howl.org.uk Tamar: 07960 245564 Polka Tots Parents & Toddlers 2pm; 0-5 years Hove Methodist Church Chi Gong 9.30-10.30am; The Snug Dheeresh: 07758 574567 or dervish.terminal@gmail.com Mindful Body Yoga 10:30am - 11:30am Drop in; pay by donation The Snug, Stoneham Park info@mindfulbodyyoga.co.uk General Level Pilates 12.15pm Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk IT Group for Older People Drop in; 2pm-4pm Vallance Centre, Conway Court Sackville Road 07934 351867 Vital Danza Dance for health and happiness 8.15-9.45pm; £10 The Float Spa, Third Avenue www.helenthatcher.com

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2nd Friday of the month Councillors’ Surgery for Westbourne Ward 4pm-5pm: Cllr Tom Bewick 5pm-6pm: Cllr Denise Cobb Hove Museum


YogaFrogs Age 5-11; 10am-11am; £7 The Snug, Stoneham Park Booking essential: info@yogafrogs.co.uk or 07920 403657 Gentle Exercise Class for older or unfit people, followed by tea and a chat 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church 2nd Saturday of the month Councillors’ Surgery for Wish Ward 11am-12 noon The Snug, Stoneham Park 10th November Poets Corner: The War is Over – 1918-2018 A guided walking tour £8 (£6 conc); 11am-12.30pm Email hoveactuallywalks@ gmail.com or visit Facebook “Hove Actually Walking Tours” 1st December Christmas Market Friends of Stoneham Park 11am-3pm Stoneham Park & Holy Cross Church Hall

Sunday 4th November Poets Corner: The War is Over – 1918-2018 A guided walking tour £8 (£6 conc); 11am-12.30pm Email hoveactuallywalks@ gmail.com or visit Facebook “Hove Actually Walking Tours” 11th November Remembrance Service 10.30am Hove Methodist Church PLEASE SEND YOUR LOCAL EVENTS AND CLASSES TO info@poetspages.co.uk IMPORTANT NOTE... We will update this list as soon as we receive information, but we strongly recommend phoning ahead to check when attending an activity for the first time. Some classes may be term-time only.


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A poem written by a resident of Poets Corner...


Soraya; photo by Stephen Batey I fell in love with Soraya, exotic and rich as she loomed, Gorgeous and sweetly feminine above the Floral Clock’s municipal blooms. There must be more like her, this wonderful and iconic snail And I vowed then and there to embark on the silvery trail. I walked to the town hall to meet Dotty, the angel, Whose compassion tended those to whom cancer fell. Humbled, I was beckoned to Treasured Memories where there were clues Of a woman before she’d worn a wedding ring and who had danced in ballet shoes. On the wing of a seagull to the west I then flew To check in with Fast Forward who’s based at the lagoon. We said “hello” before a slug I espied Who was half a shell short of a snail which he denied. But does it matter, I said, if you look like the back of a bus? And then we gave up the inclination to cuss. Along the prom and among the leaves I then squinted for a view Of the snails behind berries and coronets who were playing peek-a-boo. On I now inched to the Dyke Road and met Sparkle Upon whom, twinkling in the traffic’s light, I marvelled Harry And who guided me as I grew more tired and slow To Persephone, the bookend of the Goldstone, Who nudged me to Stoneham and Home Sweet Home Where, after my adventures, I curled up my weary self-tight And dreamt of my new friends with the greatest of delight. Rosemary King

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Update from your Local Action Team...

News from the West Hove Forum Waste and Recycling: Our last meeting was attended by a representative of Cityclean, who explained how the council’s waste and recycling system works. The operation is managed by Cityclean, a council department. Cityclean run the refuse and recycling collections and have a contract with Veolia, a French company, to deal with the waste after the council tips it. It’s Veolia’s job to sift through the recycling. The main issue with recycling is contamination. The contract’s guidance allows no more than 10% contamination of the recycling, but as a city we are not consistently below this percentage, with contamination often reaching 15-20%. If recycling bins are contaminated, the whole process costs more as it all ends up as refuse. This makes it difficult to introduce recycling litter bins in places like the seafront, where there are a lot of visitors who don’t know what can be recycled. The trial recycling litter bin scheme at Hove Lagoon is supported by the Friends of Hove Lagoon, who check that there’s not too much contamination, and this sort of scheme might work in other more residential areas. It seems to many of us that other councils recycle more and it’s very likely that councils with food waste collections can have a higher recycling rate. With regard to plastic, however, other councils who collect the types of plastics that Brighton & Hove City Council do not, cannot always recycle these plastics as there may not be any end market for this material. This could result in these plastics being sent to incineration. We need more information on what can and can’t be recycled. For example, the only plastic that can be recycled in Brighton & Hove is plastic bottles (all plastic bottles including drinks, milk, detergent, shampoo and washing-up liquid bottles), without the lids. The only plastic lids that can be recycled are those from plastic milk bottles - those bottles should first be flattened and then the bottle top screwed back onto the bottle.

The Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility

Any refuse which isn’t recycled goes to the Newhaven incinerator, an “energy from waste facility” which produces energy from waste. A positive point is that Brighton & Hove has a very low percentage – less than 5% - of waste ending up in landfill, which is the worst place environmentally to which you can send waste. Healthy Neighbourhood Fund: Grants of up to £500 are still available. Any small not-for-profit groups should email us as soon as possible if you have a project with a clear health outcome and would like to apply. The next West Hove Forum meeting will be at 2pm on 28 November at Hove Methodist Church. If you would like to attend on behalf of a group or business, email: westhoveforum@gmail.com.

Offering a range of fresh fish, shellfish and seafood products. Committed to being plastic free so only use 100% compostable pots made of veg/plant based matter, waxed paper and paper bags. Open Thurs through to Sun 10am - 4.30pm.

Western Esplanade, Hove Seafront • 07412 118115 • hovefishshack@icloud.com Send your local editorial features to info@poetspages.co.uk


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07979 987 467 kellie@electricqueenz.co.uk www.electricqueenz.co.uk See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk


Business feature...

Mister Smith Interiors Hello! We’re Ben and Saskia Smith – together we own and run Mister Smith Interiors, a third generation familyrun interiors business. Ben does all the measuring and quoting – he’s a tall chap with a tape measure and a friendly smile. Saskia stays behind the scenes and is currently busy looking after our young daughter, uploading products onto our new website and keeping up to date on the social media. We have two shops, one in Crowborough and the other in Brighton; both shops hold samples of all the latest and best fabrics, flooring,wallpaper and more. We measure, design, fit and install curtains, blinds, sofas, chairs, headboards, carpets, vinyl flooring and stair runners. So if it’s curtains you need or a blind or you’d like some new carpet or a stair runner… get in touch with us, visit our shops and our friendly and knowledgeable teams will help you choose a simple fabric update or design a full house redecoration.

Saskia and Ben Smith

We simply offer our experience and friendly advice to help you create the living spaces you want. www.mistersmith.co.uk

Where to find a fireworks display...

Local Firework Displays The Nevill Fireworks 2018 Saturday 3rd November... Gates open 5pm – Display 7pm Nevill Sports Ground, Nevill Road opposite the Greyhound Stadium Formerly the Family Firework Spectacular, the name has changed but everything else is the same. The display is produced by Brightfire Pyrotechnics and choreographed to a fantastic musical soundtrack. If you buy your tickets (wristbands) in advance you won’t need to queue on the night. Food stalls will be open all evening, and glow sticks and flashing toys will be on sale inside the grounds. For more information see www.familyfireworks.co.uk.

Sussex Cricket Fireworks Night

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Sat 3rd November...Gates open 6pm – Display 7.30pm 1st Central County Ground, Eaton Road The event will be supporting the Sussex Cricket Foundation and the Martlets and there will be live music from local artist Adam Davis and crowd favourites The Marching SKAletons. Tickets will be priced at £10 for adults, £5 for kids (U16s) and family tickets from £20. For more information, see www.sussexcricket.co.uk.

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A funeral plan from Bungard Funeral Directors makes perfect sense. Dedicated caring service from Richard Whittle & Ben Day

Our Funeral Plan for your peace of mind Not every funeral plan provider is independent. Make sure that you plan your funeral with an Independent Funeral Director. • Guaranteed peace of mind • • Create a plan to suit you • • Best value and service • • Independent Golden Charter trust fund guarantees financial security • • Guaranteed no more to pay for our services - no matter how high prices rise •

To discuss your funeral plans please call Richard or Ben on 01273 820018

Richard Whittle is the great, great grandson of the founder and Managing Director of Bungard Funeral Directors. Richard and his wife have recently had a son whom he hopes will one day join the family business.

Ben Day is the Principal Funeral Director of Bungard Funeral Directors. Ben lives in Hove with his wife and two children. Ben and his wife Leila are keen to support the local community and be as involved as much as possible.

90 Sackville Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3HE 01273 820018 (24 hour number) info@bungards.co.uk @BungardandSons

The UK’s largest independent funeral plan provider

Brighton & Hove’s oldest independent family funeral directors


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A great way to buy Christmas gifts…

Artists Open Houses Christmas Festival The Brighton & Hove Artists Open Houses Festival 2018 kicks off on November 24th and will run over the following three weekends, ending December 9th. Hundreds of artists and makers will be opening their houses and studio spaces to the public, offering the rare opportunity to buy a diverse selection of arts, crafts, jewellery, Christmas cards and much more direct from the artists. Many of the houses also offer mince pies and mulled wine. Along with a fantastic selection of gifts to suit all tastes, some Open Houses are also hosting child-friendly events and craft activities, making it the perfect Christmas destination for all the family. Hove highlights include: A Journey from Hove to Sagra: Nicholas Carrick will be showing paintings documenting his journey from his home in Hove to his regular destination in Sagra (Spain) to which he has travelled over the last ten years. 69 Grange Road

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Art at Cat-arzyna, 11 St Keyna Avenue

Cat-arzyna: Polish designer Cat-arzyna transforms everyday objects with her unique blend of Polish-meets-French vintage chic. Expect decorations made from paper, embroidered homewares, handmade dolls, needle felted sculptures, shabby chic painted furniture and much more. 11 St Keyna Avenue Other local houses exhibiting include: Villa LVI at 56 Payne Avenue; 12 Scott Road; and Bluebell Would at 45 Westbourne Gardens. For more information on all the open houses, visit www.aoh.org.uk.

A charity event...

Off The Fence Big Sleepout Off The Fence are holding their annual Big Sleepout from 7pm on Saturday 10th to 8am on Sunday 11th November, raising money to provide life-saving support for the homeless in Brighton. Free breakfast and cardboard will be provided. If you’d like to sign up to the Big Sleepout, you can register by contacting fundraising@offthefence.org.uk or by calling 01273 933885. Alternatively, you can hold your own sleepout to raise support for the homeless drop-in centre. If you can’t make it on the night, text BSLP18 followed by £5, £10 or more to 70070 to donate. Or go to www.offthefence.org.uk.

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Our local quiz...

Where in Poets Corner? These photos were taken by Richard Hearnden. Do you know where?

Answers for last month’s pictures: 1. Little mural in Stoneham Park 2. Door of New Life Church, Rutland Road 3. Costa Coffee on Portland Road

SUSSEX FUNERAL SERVICES INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS ‘For caring, compassion and choice’ www.sussexfunerals.com Proprietors: Phil and Sallie



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Please contact Philip or Sallie on:

01273 736 469 07789 174 453 or visit our office at: 185 Portland Road Hove BN3 5QJ

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Give your dog a holiday! Your dog will stay as the only guest in the family home of one of our highly experienced, vetted, insured & Council Licensed Carers. You will meet your dog’s Carer & see where he will be staying before the holiday at one of our “sniffing out meetings”. For more information about our service or to find out more about becoming one of our carers please contact:

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Cycle Prints from £40.00 Excellent gifts for all cycle enthusiasts!



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This team of volunteers provides a lifesaving service…

Brighton & Hove Community First Responders If you’ve ever called 999 for an ambulance, and a red uniform has arrived ahead of the familiar crews in green, you may not have realized that you’ve been attended to by a volunteer Community First Responder, working on behalf of the Ambulance Service. Launched in September 2013 to provide a lifesaving service to our local community, the Brighton and Hove Community First Responder scheme now attends over 1,000 emergency calls a year including dozens of cardiac arrests. The small team of volunteers have provided nearly 10,000 hours of voluntary cover in the last 12 months. First Responders are trained by the South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust (SECAmb) and work under their control. Their volunteers go through an extensive application process, before attending a five day training course, which focuses on the treatment of cardiac arrest, diabetic emergencies, strokes, respiratory and cardiac conditions, minor trauma, breathing difficulties and allergic reactions. Volunteers ‘book on’ with SECAmb’s control room and then if any of these ‘category A’ calls are received within three miles of their homes, they are dispatched at the same time as the ambulance.

A very big THANK YOU A THANK YOU Opening Hours to very all ofbig you who have Opening Hours to all of you who have Monday Closed come and supported us Monday Closed come and supported us so far! Tues 9.30 - 4.30 so far! Tues 9.30 - 4.30 Come and enjoy our Wed 9.30 - 4.30 Come and enjoy our Wed 9.30 - 4.30 cakes, lunches and Thurs 9.30 - 4.30 cakes, lunches and Thurs 9.30 - 4.30 weekend brunches. Friday 9.30 - 4.30 weekend brunches. Friday 9.30 - 4.30 All homemade, fresh, Sat 9.00 - 3.00 All homemade, fresh, healthy and delicious; Sat 9.00 - 3.00 healthy and available to delicious; eat in or take Sun 9.00 - 3.00 available to eat in or take Sun 9.00 - 3.00 away. away. Weekly and one off classes Weekly andinone classes and events theoff Room Upstairs and events in the Room Upstairs follow us on Facebook or Instagram follow us on Facebook or Instagram @thesnug.hove to see what’s going on. @thesnug.hove to see what’s going on.

With ambulances often having to be deployed from across the city, or worse, it means the volunteer crews can often arrive ahead of the professional crew. This allows them to start treatment, and reassure the patient and their family. In the case of a cardiac arrest, this is literally the difference between life and death. There have been numerous examples of CFR volunteers being on scene at the highest priority calls, several minutes before the SECAmb crew. Given that, in a cardiac arrest, your chance of survival falls by 15% for every minute a defib is delayed, this really is a life-saving service. The Brighton and Hove team covers an area stretching from Shoreham to Rottingdean. They train regularly as a team and volunteers all spend time on shift with full time crews too, to build experience and confidence. The team is responsible for all of its own fundraising and needs to raise around £10,000 a year to keep them on the road. To find out more, to volunteer or to help with fundraising, visit www.brightonresponders.org.uk.

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Local Business at your Service... Artists Peter Spells................................................................28 Animal Services Wagging Tails.............................................................28 Baby & kidswear Bonnie Baby.................................................................2 Blinds Bella Vista....................................................................4 Building Services Rainbow Building .................................................Cover BA Building................................................................10 Pimlico Home Improvements.......................................3 Café The Snug....................................................................29 Viva Vinyl...................................................................16 College Greater Brighton Metropolitan.....................................12 Conservatories Countryman.................................................................... 9 Damp Proofing PPJ............................................................................Cover Lewis Byard................................................................30 Electrician Electric Queenz..........................................................22 Power Electric Services..............................................20 Rainbow................................................................Cover Estate Agents Healy and Newsom....................................................31 Goldin Lemcke..............................................Back Cover Flooring Mister Smith...............................................................22 Football Club Whitehawk FC............................................................16 Funeral Directors Bungards....................................................................24 Sussex Funerals..........................................................27 Fitness & Gym Change Gym.................................................................5 Job Opportunity Home Instead..............................................................8

Gardens and Trees The Sussex Tree & Lawn Company.............................25 Tree and Garden Services............................................7 Locks Services Lee’s Locks.................................................................28 Lofts More Than Loft Ladders.............................................11 Nursery Hove Village.................................................................4 St Anthony’s Pre-School.............................................12 Painting & Decorating Neil Nobbs.................................................................28 Plastering Lewis Byard................................................................30 Plumbing & Heating Rainbow................................................................Cover Roofing MB Roofing................................................................15 Clarkes of Brighton.......................................................8 G & S Roofing.............................................................20 Workwise...................................................................... 26 Seafood The Fish Shack...........................................................21 Solicitors Crosby & Woods........................................................13 School Benfield School..........................................................19 Tiles Eurotiles and Bathrooms............................................18 Transportation Kingsway Travel............................................................6 Volunteering for Children Fun in Action.................................................................. 8 Wealth Management David Lewis................................................................... 14 Window Services Countryman.................................................................... 9 Cloudy2Clear................................................................ 11 Wood and Logs Brighton Log Centre...................................................... 23 You can read reviews of advertisers with the Trusted and Local logo on their adverts at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk CP Carpentry and Joinery Ltd replaced all my kitchen plinths, attended promptly on the day fixed, carried out the work swiftly and efficiently at the price agreed, and left the kitchen spotless. I wouldn’t hesitate to employ them again on any carpentry work.

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Review by John Shaw

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