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February 2019
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Welcome to Poets Pages... We hope you enjoy the articles we have for you this month. No mention of Brexit, we promise! This month’s Poets Person is Paul Young, founder of local charity Off The Fence, who grew up in Marmion Road. He tells us more about the charity’s work. We also have details of their Woolly Hat Day on 15th February. We have another great local history article from Rachel Bridgeman – this time about Poets Corner residents who served at the Battle of Jutland in 1916. Olivia Wall tells us more about fermented foods and there’s news of new trees for Mainstone Road and Stoneham Park. Have a great February! The Poets Pages Team info@poetspages.co.uk www.poetspages.co.uk Cover picture: New bird feeder; photo by The Friends of Stoneham Park Publisher: Sussex Magazines Ltd. Printer: Gemini The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts.
Contents Page 5 New additions to Stoneham Park Page 7 Poets Person... Paul Young of Off The Fence Page 8-9 Old Photo Page 11 A birthday card from the King Page 13 Queen Remembers Fallen Comrades Page 15 Advice for Business Page 19 Where in Poets Corner? Page 21 Five Delicious Fermented Foods Page 23 New trees for Mainstone Road and Stoneham Park Page 24 Butterfly Concert Page 25 Portland Road Big Consultation Page 26-27 What’s On Page 29 Woolly Hat Day 2019 Page 29 Seedy Sunday
If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.
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News from the Friends of Stoneham Park...
New additions to Stoneham Park With February already upon us, now is the time to keep an eye out for new additions to Stoneham Park. Our focus last year and throughout 2019 is to continue ‘greening the park’ offering more colour and variety of plants, more bee friendly plants, more trees and adding a new wildlife garden, making it a welcome environment for both users and animals alike. Two New Trees will be arriving shortly in the park. With a big thanks to everyone who came to our events last year, money raised has enabled us to purchase a new elm tree and Hungarian oak. Daffodils And Crocuses planted last year should begin to appear soon. The daffodil bulbs are native Narcissus lobularis, a shorter, more sturdy and paler plant than those more familiar. Great for emerging bees and pollinators and they will brighten up the park for everyone this spring. Please can we ask that care is taken in the park to avoid damage to the new trees and bulbs. Can we especially
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ask that children not climb or swing from the young small trees and to avoid the plant beds. Both the olive tree by the park gates and the tree in the raised square bed were seriously damaged last year which has risked them dying and slowed their growth. Equally, new flowers planted last year along the edges of the park were destroyed from running and trampling over them. We do not wish for the same fate from our most recent efforts to ‘green the park’ for all to enjoy. Acts of Kindness have also been seen in the park. We thank all those who have picked up litter and reported items of lost property to us. We also want to thank our anonymous Santa who left a filled birdfeeder in the park over Christmas and gestures such as Meghan’s decorated rock, hidden for others to enjoy finding in the park. We hope you are getting to enjoy the park, despite it being a bit cold! Dates For Your Diary (these may still be subject to change): • Friends of Stoneham Park group meetings: 12th March, 21st May, 3rd September, 12th November @ George Payne pub, their garden summer house, 7.30pm. • Spring Park Tidy. Date to be confirmed. • Summer Fair 22nd June 2019 • Summer Park Tidy. Date to be confirmed. • AGM 6th July • Christmas Market 7th December 2019 Volunteer With Us. Come and join us. We are a small friendly group of local residents. However much or little time you can offer will be welcomed. Plus you can now find us on social media for the latest news and information. Like us at: Facebook.com/ FriendsOfStonehamPark
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Meet the founder of a local charity doing great work to help homeless people...
Poets Person...Paul Young of Off The Fence Paul Young was born and grew up in Tamworth Road and is now the CEO and founder of local charity Off The Fence, which provides life-saving support and care for vulnerable people in Brighton & Hove. How did you come to found Off The Fence? My wife and I met on a boat, working for an international humanitarian aid charity that gave relief to the most in need in developing nations. We wanted to bring the information and experience we’d gained to help those most in need in my home town. Tell us more about the Antifreeze project... Our homeless project covers short term emergency care, medium care and long term solutions, to not only ensure rough sleepers survive a freezing night on the streets but have access to basic needs, such as food, clothing, good hygiene and ongoing support into permanent accommodation and employment, and become active members of the community. Short term emergency care consists of food, clothing, sleeping bags etc which are provided through our
• Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships • Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial disputes, Children matters) • Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships Residential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyancing, shop & lease sales Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial • • Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships • Personal injury - all forms of accident claims • • Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships disputes, Children matters) Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships • Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial • Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial Wills, Probate, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Deputyships Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews disputes, Children matters) • • Residential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyanc• Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial disputes, Children matters) under caution & Prosecutions • Family Law (Divorce, Dissolution, Pre-Nups, Financial ing, shop & lease sales disputes, Children matters) Residential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyanc• • disputes, Children matters) Residential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyancdisputes, Children matters) Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice ing, shop & lease sales Personal injury - all forms of accident claims • • • Residential Conveyancing and Commercial ConveyancResidential Conveyancing and Commercial Conveyancing, shop & lease sales • Residential Conveyancing and Commercial ConveyancCivil litigation / Debt recovery ing, shop & lease sales Personal injury - all forms of accident claims • • ing, shop & lease sales Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews Personal injury - all forms of accident claims ing, shop & lease sales under caution & Prosecutions • • Personal injury - all forms of accident claims Personal injury - all forms of accident claims Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews • • Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews Personal injury - all forms of accident claims under caution & Prosecutions Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice • Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews • • under caution & Prosecutions • Defending DWP Benefit Fraud investigations, Interviews under caution & Prosecutions Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice • • under caution & Prosecutions Civil litigation / Debt recovery Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice under caution & Prosecutions • • Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice Civil litigation / Debt recovery • • Civil litigation / Debt recovery • Criminal and Road Traffic Defence advice Civil litigation / Debt recovery • • Civil litigation / Debt recovery • Civil litigation / Debt recovery See local reviews of this business at
Call or email us today on:
tel: 01273 734 600
day centre, Antifreeze on Portland Road, and through outreach on the streets in the evening. Medium term care is addressing access to good hygiene through the hygiene van, shower van and laundry van in different locations around Brighton & Hove. Long term solutions look at each individual complex situation. Key workers guide clients through the options available and signpost to the appropriate support in the local area. A specially designated key worker supports clients after they have moved into accommodation to prevent them from returning to the streets due to isolation and loneliness and temptation of old habits. Off The Fence also have two other projects – Gateway women’s project and Schools and Youth. What help do Off The Fence need at the moment? We need companies, groups, churches and anyone who wants to make a difference to their city to partner with us. We have so many fundraising events throughout the year that you can be a part of - look out for Woolly Hat Day on 15th February! We also need storage for donated clothes and sleeping bags - if you can help, please contact us. How has Poets Corner changed since your childhood? The area has changed but it is still a wonderful place to live and work.
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I have three wonderful daughters and a wonderful wife who I enjoy spending time with. I have a season ticket at the Albion and we are active members of our church.
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Dubarry Perfumery Company This photo shows the Brighton & Hove Albion football team in December 1937 on the platform at Hove Station, photographed by the Brighton & Hove Herald. The Dubarry Perfumery Company building can be seen in the background. Dubarry’s moved away from Hove in the 1960s but the building can still be seen today and is currently occupied by the Hove Business Centre. Š Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
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There’s a fitness programme for over-50s at CHANGE Gym...
A birthday card from the King How would you like to receive your birthday card from the King? Will you find it in the hallway when you come back from taking the dog for a brisk walk? Or will you shuffle from the sofa to the front door and then struggle to bend your knees when you pick it up? “From the age of fifty, we start losing about one per cent of our muscle mass every year if we don’t keep active,” says Lynzi Mulford, personal trainer and manager of CHANGE Gym’s ForeverFit Over 50s programme. “Few people think that far ahead, but what you do now about your fitness will influence how much you’ll enjoy old age and the years leading up to it.”
The programme at CHANGE Gym at Portland Road Trading Estate has been so popular that they’ve had to add a new venue on Blatchington Road near George Street in January. “We realised we had to do something when I heard that some ForeverFit members had been up at 3am, sitting ready at their computers to book sessions when they become available,” says Lynzi.
ForeverFit is different from other fitness programmes for older people. “So many programmes have a patronising attitude, like letting people just sit in a chair and lift a ball up and down,” says Lynzi. “ForeverFit is about full-on exercise, including activities like walking and indoor cycling. And it’s about more than physical well-being. For many members, their group session with us is the anchor of their day and a chance to socialise.”
If you’d like Lynzi to tell you more and show you around the gym, please phone 01273 944089 to leave a message – someone will call you back to arrange a time. You can also email her at lynzi@ changehove.com or go to changehove.com/ foreverfit and leave your details.
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Local history from West Hove resident Rachel Bridgeman...
Queen Remembers Fallen Comrades When we think of the Great War, the images which spring to mind are of trenches, mud, machine guns and shattered landscapes. However, the Merchant Navy and Royal Navy were vital - preventing starvation at home and supporting the armies abroad. Yet their contribution is less well remembered. In her Christmas Day broadcast, the Queen spoke of her father’s wartime experiences: ”My father served in the Royal Navy during the First World War - he was a midshipman in HMS Collingwood at the Battle of Jutland in 1916. The British fleet lost 14 ships and 6,000 men in that engagement. My father wrote in a letter: ‘how and why we were not hit beats me.’” This will have come as little surprise to those who joined the “Poets’ Corner: The War is Over” guided historic walking tour last November. As ships exchanged fire during the greatest naval battle in history, every man - whether prince, admiral or boy sailor - shared the risk equally. Fighting alongside the future king were men from Poets’ Corner.
HMS Invincible
The prospect of battle produced gut-wrenching fear, particularly for those below the waterline, such as Leading Stoker Richard How from Ruskin Road; he would have known that he would be trapped if the “Queen Mary” were sunk. Tragically, he and 1,268 crew members were lost. Twenty survived. When the world’s first battle cruiser, HMS Invincible, was hit, she sank in less than a minute. All but 6 of her crew of 1,031 died, including carpenter Henry Patching of Linton Street and Leading Signalman Ernest Aldous of Montgomery Street. Most of the 6,784 British & Commonwealth and 3,089 German sailors who perished during those brutal 36 hours have no grave but the sea. To learn more about the history of Poets Corner and Hove, join a guided walking tour led by a local historian and tour guide. Hove Actually Walking Tours are fun, informative, informal and best suited to the incurably curious. To receive the 2019 programme, email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com. Includes NEW tours: Hidden Hove - the ancient village through the ages; Cliftonville - a Victorian Gem; and A Country of Two Nations - service, struggle and salvation in Poets’ Corner. The popular “Poets Corner 1914-18: The War is Over” and “Soldiers, Saints, Celebrities and Saxons“ tours are to be repeated. Rachel Bridgeman - local historian and tour guide (Facebook Hove Actually Walking Tours)
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This article is by local financial adviser David Lewis...
Advice for Business... People in business can often get very caught up in day to day operations and forget to plan for the future but there are some measures you can take to help make your hard work pay off. By planning for your future prosperity, finding the most appropriate company pension scheme and putting protections in place you can help secure your, and your business’s, future. Most employers know they need to offer a workplace pension to their staff but it isn’t always obvious which pension scheme will suit the business, employees and the owners so it is worth shopping around and establishing which scheme would work best for you. Tax is always a concern for business owners. By performing business liability audits, advice can be given to minimise your tax liability while you’re in business, after you retire and when your estate is passed on to your family. It’s something we don’t like to think about but if your business would struggle if a key member of staff were to die or go off sick long term, it is a good idea to have protections and plans in place. Similarly, if a shareholder passing away would create a difficult situation for the remaining shareholders, it is worth having a way to deal with it ready.
When the time comes for you to leave your business, it’s a good idea to have an exit strategy planned out to minimise tax and make it simple for the business to continue in the hands of shareholders or family members if required. To speak to us at David Lewis Wealth Management about any of these matters to support your and your business’s future, call 01273 933743 for a no-obligation consultation.
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Our local quiz...
Where in Poets Corner? These photos were taken by Richard Hearnden. Do you know where? Answers for last month’s pictures: 1. Tarmac in Stoneham Park 2. 96a Coleridge Street 3. Defibrillator on the wall of the George Payne pub
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This article is by Olivia Wall of Wild Cultures fermented food workshops...
Five delicious fermented foods... And why we could all benefit from eating more of them. When it comes to your overall health and well-being, everyone is talking about the importance of the gut. Having a healthy balance of friendly microbes living in your tummy has been linked with many positive health benefits recently, including improving mental health and helping to prevent allergies. Luckily there are many ways you can get these probiotics into your diet that don’t require your spending a fortune on probiotic supplements - they are naturally found in some very delicious fermented foods that are fun and easy to make at home. Five favourite ferments: Kimchi The national dish of Korea, Kimchi is a spicy food-lover’s dream come true. This delicious mix of fermented vegetables and fiery spices is rich in probiotics and prebiotics. Prebiotics feed the probiotics and include garlic, onions, leeks and chicory. Sauerkraut You may have tried cooked sauerkraut with German sausage. Unfortunately cooking it kills all the good bacteria. In order to gain the probiotic benefits, sauerkraut should be eaten raw which happens to make it even tastier, crunchier and healthier! Kombucha All the rage right now, with celebrities like Madonna and Lady Gaga extolling its benefits, Kombucha is packed full of probiotics, antioxidants and healthy acids that help to build strong immune systems. Milk Kefir The ‘Holy Grail’ of all fermented foods. This yogurt-like drink, which originated in the Caucasian Mountains thousands of years ago, has been passed down through generations and contains more than 30 strains of immune-boosting bacteria. That’s a lot more than you’ll ever get from your shop-bought yogurt! If you’re not into dairy, you can get a vegan coconut version that is delicious.
The wonderful thing about all these fermented foods is that not only are they readily available at your local health food shop, but they are also easy and fun to make at home. Do come along to one of my Wild Cultures Fermented Foods Workshops to learn how. You’ll go home with the knowledge to make all these goodies yourself, the confidence to develop your own recipes and a pot of homemade sauerkraut, ready to ferment. You can book your place on one of my Wild Cultures fermented food workshops at Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/wildcultures-14745229110 Or find more information on my website: www.wildcultures.co.uk; or email me at: info@wildcultures.co.uk
Water Kefir Think ‘healthy ginger beer’ or even ‘probiotic, nonalcoholic, elderflower champagne’. This is where fermented drinks become really interesting! Super kidfriendly, this healthy fizzy drink will make giving up that naughty sugar-laden pop a breeze.
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This article is by Wish ward councillor Robert Nemeth...
New trees for Mainstone Road and Stoneham Park Cllr Peltzer Dunn and I are delighted to inform residents that we have been able to negotiate seven new trees for both Mainstone Road and Stoneham Park. The background is actually quite interesting. The Barn, as it was known by some, proved to be the subject of a somewhat testing series of planning applications in recent years. The long structure sat on the corner of Marmion Road and Mainstone Road, near Stoneham Park, and actually began as a laundry in the early 1900s. Mainstone Road itself was named after Frank Mainstone, the bailiff of the Duke of Portland who once owned the surrounding land. It is an attractive little street but it has just one tree presently. The adjoining streets (Stoneham Road and Marmion Road) are blessed with many following the successful Hove Civic Society tree campaign. In fighting various applications for the Barn, we experienced much of what is wrong with the planning system locally. It is unresponsive to residents’ concerns and far too adversarial in nature. What could be
Councillors Robert Nemeth and Garry Peltzer Dunn outside the building
decided over a cup of tea is dragged out for months unnecessarily. Although residents may send in their views during a tight window in the process, they often wonder why they bothered. A pertinent example in the case of this application was the basic issue of the colour of the building. After much discussion, it was agreed between developer and residents that the building would be constructed from yellow bricks to match the houses on Mainstone opposite. The drawings show this clearly. Residents and Councillors alike were shocked to see a red-brick structure grow out of the ground after the Council bizarrely changed the colour to red without reference to us. There were one or two mishaps during construction which prompted the need for a new planning application to regularise the situation which the Council was minded to grant. Rather than seeing it go through on the nod, Garry and I sat down with the developer and negotiated seven new trees. The hope is that four of these will take pride of place on Mainstone Road and the remaining three in what will one day be Stoneham Park’s ‘wildlife corridor’ – a little idea that I have been promoting with the Friends of Stoneham Park for the past couple of years. The hope is that the wildlife corridor will be situated in the south-east corner of the park. All thoughts on what it might look like will be welcome! Cllr Robert Nemeth robert.nemeth@brighton-hove.gov.uk
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A concert at Bishop Hannington Church...
Butterfly Concert... Bishop Hannington Church, Holmes Avenue Friday 15th March at 7.30pm This year sees the return of Jill Kemp (recorders) and the Bernardi Music Group, led by Andrew Bernardi on a wonderfully sweet toned 1696 Stradivarius violin. The programme will consist of two Vivaldi recorder concertos, the sparkling, lively ‘Goldfinch’ played on the tiny sopranino recorder and the more reflective ‘Les Ambassadeurs’ on the treble recorder. These will be followed by a novel arrangement for string trio of part of Bach’s Goldberg Variations and, after interval refreshments, the magnificent Schubert String Quintet in C major. The concert will open with…but I will miss the seagulls… a short solo for descant recorder (and voice!) composed by the concert’s organiser Stephanie Cant, who lives in West Hove. The music quotes from a composition by Stephanie’s daughter Kate Cooper (1981-1991), who also designed the Butterfly emblem. Kate’s love of music, and her wish to share that love with others, is the inspiration for the Butterfly Concerts.
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A survey on Portland Road by local Conservatives...
Portland Road Big Consultation... We were delighted to have received so many responses to our campaign for Hove’s first pavement parking ban outside St Peter’s Church on Portland Road. Now that the Council has taken notice with the parking ban going live and pedestrian safety around community facilities such as the church, school, nursery and park much improved, we are setting our sights on further improvements.
Jill Kemp and the Bernardi String Group Tickets: Adults £17 in advance - petrihannibalconcert. bpt.me - or £20 at the door on the night. Children and students in F/T education £7 More information at www.stephaniecant. co.uk/butterflyconcerts
Comments on the doorstep about Portland Road have been varied; some residents are concerned about parents parking unlawfully during the school drop-off and collection times, others have concerns around speeding and the general maintenance of cycle facilities. Now is the time to have your say – please complete the survey online at: www.bit.ly/2Vm5lDz Through receiving a good response from residents, we can focus on exactly what changes you are asking for. The survey will also be delivered to residents of Westbourne ward to respond by post. Ivan Lyons & Charlie Nicholls Westbourne Conservatives
01273 303842
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What’s On...
We try and ensure the listings are correct BUT please check with the organisers of activities when attending for the first time. Some classes are term-time only.
Playtime Imaginative play for children age 1-7 9am-10.30am, 11am-12.30pm 1pm-2.30pm Hove Methodist Church www.playtimesussex.co.uk 07784 849268 office@playtimesussex.com Pilates 9.30am-12.30pm Hove Methodist Church 07970 047799 helsdouglas@hotmail.com Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Monday Guild Fellowship and friendship 2.30pm Hove Methodist Church Jittabugs Classical Ballet Class 4-5pm Hove Methodist Church Contact Emily Dauris: 07837 162901 Beavers 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church enquiries@6thhove.org.uk Holistic Yoga 6-7.15pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Neela on 07796 562494 or info@yogashanta.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners Plus: 6.30pm-7.25pm Int/Adv: 7.30pm-8.25pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com
Brighton Theatre of the Air Radio Drama Meetup group 8pm Goldstone Ex Service Club, 20 Shirley Street btota.co.uk; 07818 118062
Badaboum! French music playgroup Drop-in; £5; term-time only 9.30-10.30am, The Snug 07917 282679 badaboum@talktalk.net Get Active for Older Adults Age 50+; 10.30am; £5; St Barnabas Church Contact suzy.hawker@ntlworld. com 01273 726507 to reserve a place Yoga with/avec Isabelle Yoga class with French for adults Tuesday 11am-12 noon, £10 drop in Contact Isabelle on 07492 448044 www.yogawithavecisabelle. com Food & Friendship Lunch Club 12.30pm Three courses for £2 Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Singing for Pleasure 2pm, Hove Methodist Church Contact: Corinne 01273 565130 Singingforpleasure@hotmail. co.uk Well Balanced Kids Yoga Ages 5-11; 3.45-4.30pm (term-time) The Snug, Stoneham Park Contact info@wellbalancedkids. co.uk
Fitbandz Resistance band workout 7-8pm, Studio Plus Coffee, 211 Portland Road Sara: 07812093378
Young Actors Group Ages 5-7; 4pm-5pm Hove Methodist Church info@theyoungactorsgroup. com
5th Hove Guides 7pm-9pm Hove Methodist Church 5thhoveguides@gmail.com
Brighton & Hove Camera Club 7-9.30pm, Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office)
Hove Zen & Mindfulness Sangha Soto Zen group: sitting, walking, chanting 7.30-9pm, Hove Methodist Church Dheeresh: 07758 574567 Antenatal classes 6.45pm, Holy Cross Church To pre-book call 07494 002577 or visit www.babies.uk.com Pilates Mat Classes Gentle Beginners: 9.45-10.40am Beginners: 10.45-11.40am Beginners Plus: 11.45am-12.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com 3rd Tuesday of the month Hove WI 9am to 12 noon Hove Methodist Church
Wednesday Playtime Imaginative play for children age 1-7 9am-10.30am 11am-12.30pm 1pm-2.30pm 3pm-4.30pm Hove Methodist Church www.playtimesussex.co.uk 07784 849268 office@playtimesussex.com
Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David Taggart: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Jumping Beans Preschool children 10-11.30am, Holy Cross Church 01273 230899 The Creation Station Pre-school creative sessions Age 15 months to 5 years £7; booking essential 10.30-11.15am (term-time) The Snug jenelfverson@ thecreationstation.co.uk 07902 967709 Music with Mike 1.15-1.45pm & 2-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park musicwithmike.co.uk
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Off The Blocks – Christian Club Primary school age 3.45-5pm, Holy Cross Church 01273 230899 Rainbows 4pm-5pm Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Sama Karate 5-7pm Hove Methodist Church samtsama@gmail.com Pilates Contigo 6.15-7.15pm, The Snug 07875 634801 or pilates@contigo.org.uk Holistic Yoga 7.30-8.45pm, The Snug 07796 562494 or info@yogashanta.com General Level Pilates 6-7pm Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Yoga 7.30-8.30pm Hove Methodist Church DoYourOMThing@outlook.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 6.45-7.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Last Wednesday of the month 50+ Discussion Group Guest speakers, refreshments & advice 2pm-4pm Vallance Centre, Conway Court For further information call Steve: 07480 113773
Little Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church David: 07758 008625 www.littlepicklemusic.co.uk Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 11-11.55am Intermediate: 10-10.55am Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Body Control Pilates 11am-12 noon, The Snug rachelnessmartin@gmail.com
27 Beginners Pilates 11am-12 noon Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Food & Friendship Lunch Club For people with learning disabilities and over-50s (term-time only) 12.30pm, Hove Methodist Church cookingcaroline@outlook.com Physiotone Pilates Mum and Baby: 12-12.55pm Adults: 1-2pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Emma Bradley: Physiotone@gmail.com 07545445656 Recorder Group University of the Third Age 2-4pm, Hove Methodist Church www.brightonandhoveu3a.org Social Club Quizzes, games, friendly banter and refreshments 4.30-6.30pm Vallance Centre, Conway Court Speech & Drama Class with LAMDA Preparation 5-8 years 4-5pm (term-time), The Snug jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Slimming World 5-8.30pm, Hove Methodist Church Contact Sarah-Jane 01903 530645 Pilates with Emily 6.15pm Improver Pilates 7.30pm Intermediate Pilates Hove Methodist Church info@pilateswithemily.co.uk or 07709 357622
Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free for all 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Playtime Imaginative play for children age 1-7 9am-10.30am, 11am-12.30pm Hove Methodist Church www.playtimesussex.co.uk 07784 849268 office@playtimesussex.com Slimming World 9.30-11.30am Hove Methodist Church Sarah-Jane: 01903 530645
Friday Support Group Drop-in tea and chat for people with isolation or bereavement issues, 10-11.30am Hove Methodist Church Howl Child-friendly choir 10.30-11.30am (term-time only) Central United Reformed Church Blatchington Road www.howl.org.uk Tamar: 07960 245564 Polka Tots Parents & Toddlers 2pm; 0-5 years Hove Methodist Church Chi Gong 9.30-10.30am; The Snug Dheeresh: 07758 574567 or dervish.terminal@gmail.com Mindful Body Yoga with Charlie Nash 10.30–11.30am Drop in; pay by donation; all levels The Snug, Stoneham Park info@mindfulbodyyoga.co.uk 07920403657 General Level Pilates 12.15pm, Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk IT Group for Older People Drop in; 2pm-4pm Vallance Centre, Conway Court Sackville Road, 07934 351867 Vital Danza Dance for health and happiness 8.15-9.45pm; £10 The Float Spa, Third Avenue www.helenthatcher.com 2nd Friday of the month Councillors’ Surgery for Westbourne Ward 4pm-5pm: Cllr Tom Bewick 5pm-6pm: Cllr Denise Cobb Hove Museum
YogaFrogs with Charlie Nash Age 5-11; 10am-11am; £7 The Snug, Stoneham Park Single classes £7 or 5-class pass for £30 Booking essential: info@yogafrogs.co.uk or 07920403657
2nd & 9th February Fermented Foods Workshop 12-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Contact Olivia wildculturesworkshops@ gmail.com 9th February Hove – Brunswick to the ‘Burbs A walking tour through Hove - discover how a single track village with a dubious reputation developed into the eclectic and distinguished place we know today. £8 per person; 2pm Starts: Waterloo Street Community Garden; finishes: Hove Street Book on 07414 681197 or sussextours@sky.com as places are limited 16th February The Processes of Writing Poetry With poet Mandy Pannett Bring notebooks Open to all; £2 12.30-2.30pm Vallance Centre, 2 Conway Court thehatcherywritersgroup. wordpress.com 07818 118062 or hatchery. writers@gmail.com
2nd Saturday of the month Councillors’ Surgery for Wish Ward 11am-12 noon The Snug, Stoneham Park 2nd Saturday of the month Playtime Imaginative play for children age 1-7 9am, 11am, 1pm & 3pm Hove Methodist Church www.playtimesussex.co.uk 07784 849268 office@playtimesussex.com
Diving into Story Monthly Writing Workshops 1.30-4.30pm Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Sandra 07551 772129 www.sandrajensen.net PLEASE SEND YOUR LOCAL EVENTS AND CLASSES TO info@poetspages.co.uk IMPORTANT NOTE... We will update this list as soon as we receive information, but we strongly recommend phoning ahead to check when attending an activity for the first time. Some classes may be term-time only.
Monday 6-7.15pm & Wednesday 7.30-8.45pm The Snug Cafe, Stoneham Park, Hove
Mindful Yoga
Friday 9.30-10.45am Dyke Road Natural Health Clinic, Brighton
For class info and bookings, call 07796 562494
or email info@yogashanta.com www.yogashanta.com yogashantaonline
Gentle Exercise Class for older or unfit people, followed by tea and a chat 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church
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Wear a hat to raise money for Off The Fence...
Woolly Hat Day 2019 Help the homeless on Friday 15th February by taking part in Woolly Hat Day 2019! The number of people sleeping rough or in precarious living situations around Brighton & Hove is still too high. Twelve men and three women died on the streets of Brighton in 2018. We believe our services are needed more now than ever. Our homeless project need your help to support the vital work they do throughout the year: fighting against homelessness and supporting individuals through the process of being housed, overcoming addiction and entering work. All you need to do, on 15th February is: • Wear a hat • Donate by texting WOOL19 followed by £1 (or more), to 70070. • Tell your friends! This is a fantastic fundraising event to get your work, club or school helping the homeless. Don’t forget to Instagram, Facebook and Tweet your Woolly Hat Day photos using our hashtag - #OTFwoollyhatday.
It’s a small thing to do, but if everyone in Brighton and Hove did it, the impact would be huge. Let’s stand together as a city against homelessness. So, wear a hat. Pay £1. And tell your friends!
A great event for gardeners...
Seedy Sunday Seedy Sunday is Britain’s largest community seed swap.
Winter Opening Hours Monday Closed Tuesday - Friday 9.30 - 4.00 Saturday and Sunday 10.00 - 3.30 Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a very happy, healthy 2019! Closed for Christmas 23 December 2018, reopening 3 January 2019
This year’s event is on 3rd February at BHASVIC, 205 Dyke Road, BN3 6EG, from 10.30am to 4pm. Entry costs £3 but is free for children. There will be a seed swap area with a huge variety of seeds. If you don’t have any seeds to swap, you can buy them for 50p per packet. There will also be seed-saving experts offering advice; stalls with a range of produce; fascinating speakers; food and drink; and fun activities for children. For more information, see seedysunday.org.
Winter Opening Hours
Winter Opening Hours Monday Closed
Tuesday - Friday 9.30 - 4.00 Closed SaturdayMonday and Sunday 10.00 - 3.30
Tuesday - Friday 9.30 - 4.00
everyone a wonderful a very- 3.30 happy, healthy 2019! Saturday andChristmas Sunday and 10.00 Send your local editorial features to info@poetspages.co.uk
30 Blinds Bella Vista..................................................................25 Building Services Rainbow Building .................................................Cover AB Building................................................................28 Café The Snug....................................................................29 Viva Vinyl.....................................................................5 Charity Fun in Action..............................................................23 Children’s Market Chestnut Tree House..................................................24 College Greater Brighton Metropolitan..................................20 Damp Proofing Lewis Byard................................................................21 Dance School Elastic Dance..............................................................12 Domestic Appliances Carters.......................................................................18 Electricians Power Electric Services..............................................22 Rainbow Building .................................................Cover Estate Agents Goldin Lemcke............................................. Back Cover Healy and Newsom......................................................2 Jack Smith Estate Agents..............................................4 Funeral Directors Bungards....................................................................16 Sussex Funerals..........................................................19 Gym Change Gym...............................................................11
Kitchens & Bathrooms Dream Doors................................................................6 Brighton & Hove Kitchens..........................................10 Paul Vincent...............................................................13 Locksmiths Lee’s Locks.................................................................24 Nursery Hove Village.................................................................6 St Anthony’s Pre-School.............................................16 Plumbing & Heating Rainbow................................................................Cover RK Plumbing and Heating..........................................30 Roofing Above & Beyond Roofing.............................................8 MB Roofing................................................................20 Clarkes of Brighton.......................................................8 G & S Roofing.............................................................22 Rubbish Clearance Service AGR............................................................................31 Solicitors Crosby & Woods..........................................................7 Seymour Solicitors.....................................................17 Good Law Solicitors....................................................12 Wealth Management David Lewis................................................................14 Window Services Countryman.................................................................3 Cloudy2Clear..............................................................15 Wood and Logs Brighton Log Centre...................................................24 Yoga Yoga Shanta...............................................................27
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