Hove Park Living March 2019

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HOVEPARK Living 07711 263237 January


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WELCOME TO HOVE PARK LIVING! Spring is coming at last and this month we feature Tom Honeywood, the new Head Coach of tennis in Hove Park. We also have news of a local resident’s challenge in the Amazon jungle to raise money for Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice and Simon Baxendale tells us about the possible effects of the proposed Toad’s Hole Valley development on Three Cornered Copse. There’s a new exhibition of hats by master milliner Stephen Jones at the Royal Pavilion - he has designed glamorous headwear for celebrities including the new Duchess of Sussex, Lady Gaga, Kate Moss and Mick Jagger. Other events coming up include the Brighton Festival Chorus Spring Concert at All Saints Church. Don’t forget Mother’s Day on 31st March! The Hove Park Living Team info@hoveparkliving.co.uk www.hoveparkliving.co.uk Cover picture: Simon Baxendale

Page 5 T om Honeywood of the Hove Park Tennis Alliance Page 6 The Toad’s Hole Valley Effect Page 9 Angry With One Angry Chef Page 11 Old Photo Page 13 Sam’s Jungle Challenge Page 15 The Group Page 17 Photography: Memories of The Past Page 21 March & April Cameo Programme Page 23 Calling All Thrill-Seekers Page 24 Understanding Charitable Giving – With The (Gift) Aid Of The Taxman Page 29 Stephen Jones Hats At The Royal Pavilion Page 31 Brighton Festival Chorus Spring Concert Page 31 Stallholders Wanted For Carnival Page 33 Deadline For King Alfred Development Page 33 New Rules On Street Fundraising

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@hoveparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini Press Distributors: Hove Leaflet Distribution The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.



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HOVE PARK Meet the new Head Coach of tennis in Hove Park...

LOCAL PERSON – TOM HONEYWOOD OF THE HOVE PARK TENNIS ALLIANCE Tom Honeywood is the new Head Coach for the Hove Park Tennis Alliance, who have an exciting programme of activities in Hove Park. What is your background? I grew up in Brighton & Hove and had my very first tennis lesson at Hove Park at the age of three. From then I represented the county in both tennis and squash and later studied Sport Science at university. I have run a successful parks tennis programme over the past 10 years and now I hope to do the same for Hove Park and make the courts a hub for tennis in Hove. What sort of tennis groups are on offer in Hove Park? I’ve introduced groups specifically for beginners and intermediates, plus more advanced sessions which focus on singles and doubles tactics. Other groups include Ladies Mornings, an over-55s group and Cardio Tennis sessions which are about getting fit rather than technique, making them brilliant for every standard of player. I also started Junior groups in late February, which range


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from mini tennis which starts at four years old, to teen tennis up to the age of 18. I’m planning Holiday Camps so kids can get outside and stay active through the school holidays. Your new tennis league started in February. How is that going? We had a total of 41 players enter multiple leagues, which for its inaugural season is fantastic! The feedback from the players has been great so far and by the looks of it some very hard fought matches have been played already! What’s your top tip for improving your tennis? Practice with a purpose! If you really want to improve your game, then every time you step onto a court it needs to be with a goal in mind. It could be turning your hips before every shot, making sure your ball toss is high enough on the serve or even just trying to keep your eyes on the ball at contact.

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What do you like to do when you’re not working? I think it’s very important for a coach to keep up their standard of tennis, so I train and play for a team in the Sussex Leagues. I’m a big movie fan, so when I’m not on court I like to relax and watch films. If you wish to contact Tom directly please email at tom@ honeywoodtennis.com or for more information about tennis at Hove Park, visit www.hoveparkcourts.co.uk.

Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



HOVE PARK News from the Friends of Three Cornered Copse...

THE TOAD’S HOLE VALLEY EFFECT... As plans for the development of Toad’s Hole Valley have emerged over the past few weeks (“Long-Awaited New Homes Proposed” - Resident Newsletter Winter 2018-19), the thoughts of our members have been sought to understand what concerns there are for the effect that this large development will have on Three Cornered Copse. the King George VI Avenue at the top of Snakey Hill, by taking some of the area of Three Cornered Copse from the council “at no cost”. This will encroach on these dense woodland borders, a habitat for many bird species and mammals, such as rabbits, and ironically, dormice. It is important to stress that no objections about the need for housing and the inevitability of the development have been voiced, but merely about the care and consideration that should be taken for the impact on the areas around, and specifically Three Cornered Copse. If you have any concerns or questions about the effects of the new development please register these comments on the council website. Search for “Brighton and Hove Planning reference BH2018/03633”. Simon Baxendale Several members attended the meeting at Aldrington School on 24 January 2019, where the representatives of the developers talked through their proposals. Traffic was a main concern of the residents, but the ecology and wildlife welfare also was raised. In the postcode BN3, according to DEFRA, our dog population is 0.289 dogs per household. This means that the promised 880 new homes could generate another 254 pet dogs. The access to the South Downs may well be included in the plans, but it’s likely a significant increase in usage of the copse will occur as these pets will need walking, some of them through the copse. Other pets, cats for example, will also have an impact on the fauna in nearby green areas. Our membership has also raised concerns about the developers’ plan to somehow mitigate the loss of dormouse habitat in Toad’s Hole Valley, by building a pathway (a tunnel, a “wildlife corridor”) to allow the dormice to migrate to the copse, as the building work disrupts their environment. Three Cornered Copse is a very different environment to Toad’s Hole Valley, and has only a slight population of dormice. It is debatable as to whether this new pathway will see the successful migration that the planners envisage. Hazel dormice are a rare and protected species, which will be faced with a more diverse set of predators, (foxes, cats and dogs), in a more urban green space. Members have also noticed that the plans seek to widen

Take a look at my gardens on my Houzz page: www.houzz.co.uk/pro/anna2471/anna-helps-garden-design

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HOVE PARK Our regular healthy living article from Mary Henderson, a doctoral researcher in gut health...

ANGRY WITH ONE ANGRY CHEF One Angry Chef, aka Anthony Warner, The Times columnist and best-selling writer, is certainly a refreshing voice in what can seem a cacophony of nutribabble. He recently came to speak at my university where I’m doing a PhD in health behaviours on why people fall for nutrition pseudoscience: an important message for the many who swallow silly diet fads like paleo or aloe vera. Check out his blog. Where he didn’t do so well, to my mind, was explaining why, despite being so complex, nutrition science is making huge advances. Science is a process of improving our understanding of the world, so as we discover something new, we update our understanding. Some new study findings don’t automatically translate into dietary advice. One Angry Chef managed to denigrate nutrition science, making out that the only eating advice people needed to worry about was getting enough food, given that the strongest risk factor for health outcomes is socioeconomic status. Obesity tends to be higher amongst the poorer socioeconomic groups. Diet is, in fact, the second behaviour named as a risk factor for early mortality. Overall dietary patterns are important for health as are factors like sedentariness and stress. If you’re better-off then you can afford good food and juggle life to accommodate healthier eating. The dietary guidelines are based on not one but hundreds to thousands of studies. They need to be tailored to the individual based on your age, genetic predisposition, lifestyle and health status. There are more similarities in how we should eat than differences. Mary Henderson

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DEANWAY This photograph from March 1969 shows the last portion of the Tongdean Farm Estate to be built on. Development started with the building of the first house in Woodland Drive in 1935 and continued sporadically for another 35 years. The photo was taken from Hill Drive, looking towards Woodland Drive and the Three-Cornered Copse.

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Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com

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A local resident is raising money for Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice...

SAM’S JUNGLE CHALLENGE... Sam Weber of King George VI Drive, Hove, is doing a number of endurance and extreme challenges in aid of local charities over the next 12 months. His first challenge was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in February which so far has raised over £3,000; this will be followed by a 16-day jungle challenge in March for the Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice. He will be spending six days learning jungle survival skills with an ex-special forces operative and native South American Indians. He will be picking up skills such as setting and making traps, fishing for piranha, making fire without lighters or matches and making a jungle camp. After the training he will be dropped further into the Amazon jungle and will have to use his survival skills to survive with nothing more than a machete, bow and arrow and kit belt for several days in isolation. Why did you decide to do this challenge? I like to challenge myself both physically and mentally and this was the most extreme challenge I could find. Have you done anything like this before? NEVER. What training have you received? Hunting and foraging for food with a machete, bow & arrow and setting traps. Finding a source for water, making fire and building my own shelter off the ground and jungle navigation. Add to that what not to eat and what not to touch!! What are you most worried about? Bumping into anything that wants to eat or bite me! Some of the most dangerous creatures to avoid will be red-bellied piranha, electric eels, stingrays, caimans, giant anacondas, pit vipers, tree pythons, vampire bats, one of many spiders, jaguars, blood-sucking leeches and many many more!!


For updates and videos of Sam’s trip, follow him on Facebook (www.facebook.com/sam.weber.792197) or on Instagram. To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/jungle-sam or www.justgiving.com/fundraising/sam-vs-kilimanjaro Sam has self-funded his trips, so all donations go directly to the charities. Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice cares for 300 children and young adults with progressive lifeshortening conditions across Sussex. Chestnut Tree House offers support for the whole family including psychological and bereavement support, end-of-life and short break care and sibling support. Families are never charged for their care and the hospice relies heavily on donations.

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Would you like to make new friends?

News of this year’s chosen “big read” for children...



We live in a great place. London by the sea. Beautiful buildings. Great food. Always loads to do. But is there always somebody to do it with? You may be new to the Brighton & Hove area, or your circumstances may have changed. Actually there is always somebody to do things with if you know about The Group. 50 somethings need never be alone. The Group is a Sussex club for men and women who just want to enjoy their lives. Walks, dinners, golf, theatre and holidays - all organised by Group members. Events in 2018 included holidays to Montenegro and the Edinburgh Festival, the races, London for theatres, Buckingham Palace, the law courts, Brighton theatres, great walks, and dinners in the posh and the quirky, or just getting together for coffee. All you need is an open mind. Already 2019’s diary includes trips to Tuscany, Edinburgh and Prague. Of course some members have met special people but The Group isn’t a dating agency. What it is is an opportunity to do the things you enjoy with new friends. Take a look at The Group’s website: www.thegroup.org.uk

“The Boy at the Back of the Class” by Onjali Q Raúf has been chosen as the 2019 ‘big read’ for children across Brighton & Hove.

Unattached? Aged 50+?

The Group offers a great opportunity to meet new friends of both sexes in a welcoming atmosphere. Walks, lunches and dinners, golf, theatre, pub evenings, sports and holidays. We have a great time. So push open that door, come in and join us. You’ll be very welcome.

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The start of the ‘big read’ is on World Book Day, 7th March, and a live Young City Reads event featuring the author will take place at Brighton Festival on 22 May at Brighton Dome. “The Boy at the Back of the Class” is the story of new boy Ahmet, a refugee from Syria, told from the point of view of one of his classmates who goes to great lengths to make friends. Onjali Q Raúf portrays the refugee crisis through the eyes of a child in a way that’s accessible, warm and funny. It’s a story about friendship and how naturally children celebrate, rather than fear, all our differences. For more information visit collectedworks.co.uk/ young-city-reads-2019/

Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



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HOVE PARK An article by local resident Stephen Batey...

PHOTOGRAPHY...MEMORIES OF THE PAST Photography is a good way of capturing a scene for posterity. It is now almost 200 years old, and much of what was recorded in the past no longer exists - only the photographs remain to show us how things were. Old photographs are popular. Simple record shots can acquire an immense value years after they were taken, both for the people, buildings and places they show and the whole way of life at the time that they reveal.

3G football pitch, and the building and grounds at the bottom of Goldstone Crescent have been replaced by the One Hove Park development. The photograph below shows the gardeners’ yard just before it was cleared:

In the 19th century, as the old buildings of Paris were being removed to make way for Baron Haussmann’s new city, Eugene Atget was at work recording the old scenes. He started out with the simple intention of producing images that painters could use, but his photographs are now an invaluable record of old Paris. In the past few years around Hove Park the gardeners’ yard has been replaced by the Bilingual School, some of the tennis courts have been transformed into a

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These changes were planned and so the original could be recorded but this isn’t always the case. The Great Gale of 30 years ago was unexpected, and destroyed many trees in Hove Park - how many photographs are there of the park before this loss? We can’t necessarily know in advance what needs to be recorded. In reviewing photographs I took following the devastation, I realised that they showed not only trees that are missing from the park today, but also several buildings and structures; so photographs taken with the aim of documenting the effects of the gale are the only memory I have of long forgotten vanished buildings (such as shown below).

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Annual Membership Fee £50 includes all nine lectures. The Arts Society Annual Membership Fee £50 includes Magazine.Guests are welcome to attend all nine lectures. The Society no more than 2 lecturesArts at £5.00 per Magazine.Guestslecture. are welcome to attend no more than 2 lectures at £5.00 per sday 24th April Contact our Membership lecture. Secretary for full details at jessica.rosenthal958@gmail.com our Membership Secretary full ORY OF Contact THE CRYSTAL PALACE &forTHE or phone 01273 206456. details at jessica.rosenthal958@gmail.com Join us for our illustrated Lectures from EXHIBITION or phone 01273 206456. 6.45pm for 7.45pm on the last Wednesday Join our illustrated Lectures from in us thefor month, at our new venue... Gledhill6.45pm for 7.45pm on the last Wednesday in the month, at ourClub. new venue... The Hove


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and holidays.

We have frequent outings, special events sday 26th June

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HOVE PARK The programme for CAMEO over-50s club…

A local event...



CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) is an over-50s group which meets at Bishop Hannington Church Hall, Nevill Avenue, every Thursday from 10am-12 noon.

St Peter’s Church West Blatchington (by the windmill) invite you to a free lunchtime concert by Roedean School. Refreshments are provided and donations are collected in aid of the Choir Fund. stpeterswestblatchington.org.uk

1.10pm, Friday 22nd March

We have tea/coffee and chat for an hour, followed by entertainment. Entrance costs £1.50. Here is the programme of events for March and April: 7th March

ABC of Sussex Churches - Kevin Gordon

14th March

Action on Hearing Loss - Matthew Reilly

21st March

Brighton West Pier - Jackie Marsh-Hobbs

28th March

Craft Morning with Catharine Currell

4th April

Sing-along with John Beever

11th April Pageant of Monarchy: The Kings and Queens of England – Mark Perry Nash 18th April

“Let’s Talk About Easter” with Phil Moon

25th April

Half an Hour of Seated Exercise with Susan

For more information, call Laura on: 07909 918796. advertorial

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work is backed by an industry leading 25 year guarantee. Cloudy2Clear also replace faulty locks handles and hinges on all windows and doors. Your friendly local Cloudy2Clear specialist is Aaron Smith and he services Brighton, Hove and surrounding areas. So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Aaron a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118.

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Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



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A challenge from Martlets hospice...

CALLING ALL THRILL-SEEKERS Dare yourself to do something brave and raise money for Martlets by stepping out of the British Airways i360 pod into darkness, 450 feet above Brighton beach, on Saturday 30 March. Perfect for thrill-seekers, the night-time i360 iDrop is an exhilarating sponsored challenge that will see you gliding down from the pod through the open air, whilst taking in amazing views of the coastline. Open to anyone aged 14 or over; no previous experience is needed, just a sense of adventure and a head for heights. All equipment will be provided and the trained staff at Wire and Sky will make sure you have a fantastic experience and are kept safe every step of the way. Charlotte Bolton from the hospice’s Events Team said, “If you are the kind of person who likes to challenge yourself then the Night i360 iDrop is definitely for you! It is a physical event, but it is something that anyone can do with a bit of bravery and lots of encouragement from

MadeBRIGHTON, to Measure Curtains, 179 Western Road, BN1 2BA T: 01273 321959 Blinds and Shutters.

To find out more or to sign-up visit http://bit.ly/i360iDrop.

A local event in aid of charity...


FREE Home Measuring Service for Made to Measure Curtains, Blinds and Shutters.

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To book an appointment email us at

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Fundraiser Chris Spokes took on the iDrop last summer: “This forced me to tackle a life-long fear of heights. Stepping backwards off the platform was one of the toughest things I’ve ever done. The event was brilliant and there was fantastic camaraderie. I’d definitely do it again and would encourage other people to take the plunge. It will create amazing memories and support the important work undertaken by the Martlets team.” It costs £50 to register for the iDrop and Martlets is asking that everyone who takes part raises a minimum of £250 in sponsorship.

We offer a FREE Home estimating service. 1000s of brand name fabrics, our curtains are handmade locally in our workroom and we have an expert installation service

Choose from 1000’s of brand name fabrics. Our curtains are handmade locally in our workroom and we have an expert installation service.

their supporters! Our life-changing hospice care is only free thanks to the generosity of the people of Brighton & Hove. So sign-up now, challenge yourself and really make a difference!”

or call the store on 01273 321959 *Excludes services & coffee shop

A nearly new children’s market on Saturday 30th March (9.30-1.30) at Hove Methodist Church in Portland Road is supporting Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice, which looks after 300 children with progressive life-shortening conditions. It costs £3.9 million to run the hospice and less than 7p in every pound is funded by the Government; the balance has to be found by way of fundraising and donations.

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HARITABLE GIVING WITH HE TAXMAN... But what if you just want to make a donation to your favourite charity or local amateur sports club? Can this be done tax efficiently?

That means a higher rate tax payer can donate £75 (after tax) with the charity receiving £125 - the difference courtesy of HM Revenue & Customs.

According to Steve Hale from Perrys Chartered Accountants, the answer is “yes”. Here, he explains how charitable giving works and what you need to know about Gift Aid.

What should you watch out for?

How does charitable giving work?

3. It must be your money. For example, it cannot be a donation of money raised from a raffle or similar fundraising activity.

1. You make your donation to the registered charity or community amateur sports club (CASC) and agree to ‘gift aid it’. 2. The charity or CASC will be able to claim 20% on top of whatever donation you make. 3. If, during the year, you pay tax above the basic rate of 20%, you can claim back the difference between the tax you have paid on the donation and the amount the charity has claimed back.

1. Your donations must not be more than four times what you have paid in tax in the year. 2. Any benefit you get in return for the donation must be limited.

4. It cannot be a donation from a company. Companies are able to get tax relief on their donations but not via the Gift Aid scheme. Perhaps now would be a good time to consider giving a little more to your chosen charity, safe in the knowledge that the taxman is also playing his part. For more information, visit www.perrysaccountants.co.uk

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HOVE PARK News of a new exhibition...

STEPHEN JONES HATS AT THE ROYAL PAVILION... Glamorous hats from one of the world’s top designers are now on show at the Royal Pavilion. Stephen Jones Hats at the Royal Pavilion sees the spectacular state rooms filled with exquisite hats created by master milliner Stephen Jones OBE. During his 40-year career, Jones has dressed the finest heads from across the globe – most recently the Duchess of Sussex, as well as Lady Gaga, Kate Moss and Mick Jagger. This new, site-specific exhibition shows hats worn by these celebrities and others, along with those made in collaboration with top fashion designers, including Dior, Thom Browne, Giles Deacon, Comme des Garçons, Marc Jacobs and Matty Bovan. “I grew up in a seaside town, but Brighton to me seemed exciting, exotic, and it symbolised art and freedom,” said Stephen. “In 2012, I designed a collection called ‘Chinoiserie-on-Sea’ for which I researched Brighton, and in particular the Pavilion, extensively; and it feels like showing my hats there is almost like a homecoming. I have never had the opportunity to display hats in the environment which inspired them.” Highlights include: • The opulent Banqueting Room hosts a ‘dinner’ for the hats of the most famous wearers including the Duchess of Sussex, Kylie Minogue and Missy Elliott. • Regal hats are on display including a series of crowns and a new felt hat for King George IV, a recreation of a hat worn by the monarch which appears in a portrait from 1783. • Food and feasting inspired hats are placed among the copper pots in the Great Kitchen. • Hats from Chinoiserie-on-Sea - Jones’ homage to the grandeur of the Royal Pavilion – including hats inspired by its famous domes are on display in the entrance hall.

Stephen Jones; photo by Tessa Hallmann

• H ats inspired by the interiors of the Royal Pavilion are on show in the Music Room along with gowns by the House of Dior. • H ats exploring the theme of Pride, and those inspired by music and musicians including Aretha Franklin and Whitney Houston. • T here are gowns by Dior in the Music and Egyptian Rooms, mannequins dressed by Giles Deacon ascend the staircase wearing oversized headdresses, and a mannequin wearing a Thom Browne ensemble is on display in the King’s bedroom. The exhibition runs until June 9 and is presented in partnership with Harvey Nichols. For more information visit brightonmuseums.org.uk.

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Call or or email email us us today today on: on: Call Call or email us today on: email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk Call or email us today on: Call or email us today on: 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk

email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk email: advice@crosbywoods.co.uk web: www.crosbywoods.co.uk 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB 75 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB

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HOVE PARK A local event...

News from Martlets hospice...



Saturday 23rd March, 7.30pm, All Saints Church, The Drive

Brighton Festival Chorus are performing their Spring Concert on 23rd March. The programme will include: Vaughan Williams – “Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis”; Elgar – “Nimrod” (from the Enigma Variations), arranged for string orchestra; Britten – “Saint Nicolas”; and works by Holst and Imogen Heap, performed by the Youth Choir. The conductor is James Morgan. Tickets cost £20 (£15 concessions; £5 students and under-16s) and are available from www.brightonticketshop.com or phone 01273 709709. For more info visit www.bfc.org.uk.

Martlets is appealing for stallholders to sign up to its popular Hove Park Carnival on Spring Bank Holiday Monday – 27th May 2019. The family event always attracts crowds of people, with over 3,000 visiting last year, and pitches for stallholders sell out fast. Martlets is calling for potential stallholders to book their places now. Charlotte Bolton Photo by Ciaran McCrickard from the hospice’s Fundraising team said: “Our Hove Park Carnival is a fantastic fun event for young and old with amusements, displays, rides and arena entertainments that draw in the crowds. “It’s always a hugely busy day for stallholders and we are encouraging people that might be interested to book their pitch to make sure they don’t miss out! The funds raised from the hire of these pitches will help Martlets care for local people and their families.” The cost of a stall for businesses is £40 and for charities it is £25. Martlets is particularly interested in hearing from local businesses with arts and crafts, health and well-being, beauty and food products – although the hospice is unable to accept stalls serving food. For further details or to register please contact 01273 747455 or email fundraising@martlets.org.uk. Stallholders can also register online: https://www.themartlets.org.uk/Event/martlets-hove-carnival-2019 www.themartlets.org.uk

Butterfly Concert Series presents...

Jill Kemp with the Bernardi Music Group leader Andrew Bernardi Friday15th March at 7.30pm Bishop Hannington Church, Holmes Avenue, Hove BN3 7NH

We are privileged to welcome these acclaimed musicians to Hove. Music by Vivaldi, J.S. Bach, Schubert, opening with a short recorder solo ‘...but I will miss the seagulls’ by Stephanie Cant. Tickets in advance: Adults £17 Children and F/T students £7 online at butterflyconcert.bpt.me On the door: Adults £20 Children and F/T students £7

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Soos Donaldson 07717 750 719 soos.donaldson@googlemail.com

More information at www.stephaniecant.co.uk

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Covering all parts of Brighton & Hove and surrounding areas See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk



News from the council...

DEADLINE FOR KING ALFRED DEVELOPMENT Crest Nicholson has told Brighton & Hove City Council that, in the absence of an agreed Brexit deal by the Government, it cannot proceed to sign the development agreement for the King Alfred project within the current proposed timeframe. Plans for the site include 560 flats in four blocks. Proceeds from the sale of private flats would fund a new public leisure centre. Reaffirming its commitment to enter into the development agreement and to deliver the project, Crest Nicholson said it could only fully do this once a Brexit deal has been confirmed by the Government and a known exit strategy is in place. Speaking after the meeting of the council’s Policy, Resources and Growth Committee on 24 January, where Crest Nicholson’s concerns about Brexit were discussed, Leader of the Council Dan Yates said that the council was left with no other choice but to give Crest Nicholson a final deadline. He said: “Whilst we recognise and have sympathy with the uncertainty that Brexit brings and how challenging this is for developers who are making investment decisions, we have to see progress on the delivery of




How the new King Alfred buildings might look

a new leisure centre complex. The council - and the people of Brighton & Hove - must have serious and absolute commitment to this scheme.” The council’s Policy, Resources and Growth Committee unanimously voted to give Crest Nicholson a final deadline of 30 March to enter a development agreement. News from the council...

NEW RULES ON STREET FUNDRAISING A new street fundraising agreement covering responsible face-to-face fundraising in Brighton & Hove came into force at the end of January. The agreement between the council, the Brighton City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) and the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) covers the whole city. It limits fundraising to a number of streets in the city centre and sets controls on when fundraising can take place, the number of fundraisers in a location and the frequency of visits a week. The decision to review the city’s ‘Site Management Agreement’ (SMA) was made following concerns raised about street fundraising in George Street in Hove. The new agreement means no street fundraising activity will take place in George Street.

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HOVE PARK Arts Arts Society East Sussex..............20 Blinds Bella Vista....................................26 Sussex Blinds.................................7 Bricklayer J.H. Brickwork..............................17 Builders AT Construction Ltd.......................3 St Clair Builders...........................22 Rainbow..................................Cover Hewison Jones.............................10 Braiden........................................14 Café & Restaurants Viva Vinyl.....................................24 Singing Hills.................................18 Car Dealership John Haynes............................ Back Carpentry CP Carpentry...............................30 Chiropractor Best Practice Clinic...................Cover Cleaning Bright & Beautiful Hove...............16 Concert Butterfly Concert.........................31 Conservatories Premier Windows..........................5 Countryman...................................9 Dampproofing Lewis Byard..................................34 Domestic Appliances Carters.........................................12 Driveways Right Move..................................32

Driveway Cleaning Drainjet........................................10 Electrician PES............................................... 18 Rainbow..................................Cover Firewood Brighton Log Centre.....................24 Flooring City Wood Floors.........................35 Funerals Sussex Funerals...........................25 Bungards......................................26 Garden Acer Gardening............................31 Anna Helps....................................6 MB Landscapes............................34 Garden Machinery AMP Services...............................14 Haberdashery Closs & Hamblin..........................23 Heating & Plumbing Rainbow........................................ 1 Paul Yeates . ................................16 West Hove Heating......................20 Kitchens Brighton & Hove Kitchens.............8 Apple Granite Brighton................27 Laundrette West Hove Laundrette.................33 Locksmith Lee’s Locks...................................27 Loft Ladders More than Just Loft Ladders..........4 Mini Coach Hire Sussex Mini Coach Hire...............11

Mortgage & Insurance My Mortgage Company...............24 Painting & Decorating Bruce Murray...............................30 Hove City Rollers..........................31 Photography Sophie Sheinwald........................29 Property Services Jimmy’s Property Services...........27 Roofing MB Roofing....................................2 Clarkes of Brighton......................27 G & S Roofing...............................28 Schools Deepdene......................................4 Social Clubs The Group....................................15 Solicitors Crosby & Woods..........................30 GWCA..........................................28 Seymour Solicitors.......................19 Good Law Solicitors.....................22 Transportation Kingsway Travel...........................13 Waste Clearance Fully Cleared................................10 Windows Premier Windows..........................5 Cloudy2Clear...............................21 Countryman...................................9 Yoga Yoga Shanta.................................30

MB Landscapes Creating Outdoor Spaces

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Call Matt for a free quote on

07733 187471 belchamber.landscapes@gmail.com • www.mb-landscapes.co.uk

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WOODFLOORS City Wood Floors have been trading since 2001, supplying retail and trade customers across Sussex and the home counties from our showroom along Portland Road in Hove. City Wood Floors has the largest stocks and showroom in Sussex.

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