Hove Park Living February 2019

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HOVEPARK Living 07711 263237 January


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FEBRUARY 2019 Look out for this logo on adverts and see local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk



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Page 5 The Yews of Three

Cornered Copse

Page 7 A Birthday Card From The King Page 9 Diets Don’t Work... Healthy Eating Habits Do

We hope you enjoy the articles we have for you this month. No mention of Brexit, we promise!

Page 11 Old Photo

This month we have news from the Hove Park Tennis Alliance of their new programme of activities and another fascinating article from Simon Baxendale, who explains how Three Cornered Copse changes with the seasons. We also have details of the annual Butterfly Concert coming up at Bishop Hannington Church in March, and of some major building developments planned in the area – in Toad’s Hole Valley and The Droveway. We love to hear from you, so do let us know what’s going on. Have a great February! The Hove Park Living Team info@hoveparkliving.co.uk www.hoveparkliving.co.uk

Page 13 Photography: Making Light of The Weather

Cover picture: Winter walk in Hove Park

Page 25 Know Before You Go….

Page 15 Butterfly Concert Page 19 Exciting Winter Tennis Programme For Hove Park Page 21 Concern Over Plans For

Toad’s Hole Valley

Page 23 Planning Committee In Favour of New Homes For The Droveway

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@hoveparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini Press Distributors: Hove Leaflet Distribution The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.

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HOVE PARK News from the Friends of Three Cornered Copse...

THE YEWS OF THREE CORNERED COPSE A quiet time of year for the Friends of Three Cornered Copse, the cold weather and short days render the work days few and far between, avoiding the seasonal mud. But the copse continues to change as the season develops. Snowdrops and cow parsley are venturing above ground already, and buds and catkins are hanging from the trees. The denuded woodland means that some of the evergreen trees are more visible. Of particular interest are the several yews which can be found on the edge of the wood, particularly at the higher, north eastern reaches of the copse. In the summer months they are largely obscured by the deciduous canopy, but in these winter months they are a refuge for goldfinches and firecrests, framed by the leafless beech trees. The yew is one of our evergreen native conifers, and has a phenomenal life expectancy. The oldest trees are thought to be 1000 years old, and are found in ancient woodlands and also graveyards, where they take on a spiritual significance. They have a legend of immortality, and are thought to have been planted in the days of the plague to purify the bodies of the victims. Many graveyard yews are older than the churches themselves.


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The yews in Three Cornered Copse are slightly less impressive, probably only 30 or so years old. They were probably “planted” by the few bird species that can access and process their fruit, which has a highly toxic seed coat, and have grown up in the middle of a beech woodland. The bird life has become noticeably more active and this emphasises the role the copse has in providing a winter habitat for our domestic species. A few of us have heard the woodpeckers active, and one of our group has spotted one at work on one of the older monoliths still standing in the woods. The squirrels are very numerous, we have never noticed so many in the copse. Perhaps there was a bumper harvest of beech nuts last autumn, after the warm spring and summer. We have received our two entrance boards from the manufacturers recently, and they will be installed in the coming months. Designed by one of Hove’s resident artists, Jamie Eke, they introduce the copse to visitors, and show its history and its role in Hove over the years since the development of Hangleton and Goldstone Valley. Our next work day is 5 February, all welcome. Simon Baxendale

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HOVE PARK There’s a fitness programme for over-50s at CHANGE Gym...

A BIRTHDAY CARD FROM THE KING How would you like to receive your birthday card from the King? Will you find it in the hallway when you come back from taking the dog for a brisk walk? Or will you shuffle from the sofa to the front door and then struggle to bend your knees when you pick it up? “From the age of fifty, we start losing about one per cent of our muscle mass every year if we don’t keep active,” says Lynzi Mulford, personal trainer and manager of CHANGE Gym’s ForeverFit Over 50s programme. “Few people think that far ahead, but what you do now about your fitness will influence how much you’ll enjoy old age and the years leading up to it.” ForeverFit is different from other fitness programmes for older people. “So many programmes have a patronising attitude, like letting people just sit in a chair and lift a ball up and down,” says Lynzi. “ForeverFit is about full-on exercise, including activities like walking and indoor cycling. And it’s about more than physical well-being. For many members, their group session with us is the anchor of their day and a chance to socialise.”

The programme at CHANGE Gym at Portland Road Trading Estate has been so popular that they’ve had to add a new venue on Blatchington Road near George Street in January. “We realised we had to do something when I heard that some ForeverFit members had been up at 3am, sitting ready at their computers to book sessions when they become available,” says Lynzi. If you’d like Lynzi to tell you more and show you around the gym, please phone 01273 944089 to leave a message – someone will call you back to arrange a time. You can also email her at lynzi@changehove.com or go to changehove.com/foreverfit and leave your details.


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HOVE PARK Our regular healthy living article from Mary Henderson, a doctoral researcher in gut health...

DIETS DON’T WORK... HEALTHY EATING HABITS DO Did you manage to stick to your new year’s diet resolution? If you didn’t, then don’t be surprised. For the vast majority of us, our bodies are programmed to resist weightloss so sudden changes in eating or physical activity are likely to get a retaliatory response. What’s more, a diet is typically short-term, so once you resume your previous eating habits, the weight will return. It’s also really important to say that we all need a certain amount of fat for our bodies to function properly, so are those stubborn extra pounds or actually essential healthy body fat? Diet advice out there can be overly targeted at one group or another and so ask yourself, “does this apply to me?” Low-carb diets might be advised to type 2 diabetics or higher protein intakes to athletes, but not to everyone all the time. One size does not fit all. Why are fad diets attractive? Changing habits is hard. Counting calories is laborious and appetite control is no mean feat. But cutting out carbs might not equate to a low-carb diet if you’re simply eating less carbs than before. Whether low-carb or low-fat, the essential aim is to reduce excess calories in a way that you can sustain. Both have been found to be successful. Removing a whole food group can also deprive you of other key dietary components like fibre, calcium, or slow-release wholegrains. What do successful weightloss programmes have in common? Review of current diet, spotting where excess calories can be sensibly cut, meal planning and avoiding snacking. Mary Henderson

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Brighton & Hove Albion’s Goldstone Ground stood on Old Shoreham Road opposite Hove Park until 1997. During the inter-war years it was often used for events not connected with football, especially during the close season. This view was taken in October 1934, when a women’s archery competition was in progress. Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com

Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



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HOVE PARK An article by local resident Stephen Batey...

PHOTOGRAPHY: MAKING LIGHT OF THE WEATHER Sunshine isn’t necessary for photography - where there’s light you can take photographs. When there is little sunshine it’s often easier to produce an effective photograph. Mist or fog reduces visibility, but also simplifies photographs by reducing details. This can create an atmospheric moody effect. Here is a misty day in Hove Park:

Rain brings the challenge of keeping the camera (and the photographer) dry, but water produces reflections and adds interest to night photographs where lights are reflected in the pavement. Rain and wet subjects bring another advantage - colours are more saturated. Roman mosaics are often wetted before being photographed to bring out the colours (which always therefore look better in guide books than in real life). Snow is an obvious pictorial subject - this time in Three Cornered Copse - but also brings indirect benefits.

Snow reflects light very well and this can bring extra levels of illumination to scenes. Building interiors are often tricky to photograph by natural light because the contrast range between dark interior and bright windows can be too great but snow can help by acting as a reflector. Dull days simplify matters by reducing the brightness range to manageable proportions - as in this interior shot of a broch in Sutherland just before it started to rain. Stephen Batey Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021





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HOVE PARK A concert at Bishop Hannington Church...

BUTTERFLY CONCERT... Bishop Hannington Church, Holmes Avenue. Friday 15th March at 7.30pm This year sees the return of Jill Kemp (recorders) and the Bernardi Music Group, led by Andrew Bernardi on a wonderfully sweet toned 1696 Stradivarius violin. The programme will consist of two Vivaldi recorder concertos, the sparkling, lively ‘Goldfinch’ played on the tiny sopranino recorder and the more reflective ‘Les Ambassadeurs’ on the treble recorder. These will be followed by a novel arrangement for string trio of part of Bach’s Goldberg Variations and, after interval refreshments, the magnificent Schubert String Quintet in C major. The concert will open with…but I will miss the seagulls… a short solo for descant recorder (and voice!) composed by the concert’s organiser Stephanie Cant, who lives in West Hove. The music quotes from a composition by Stephanie’s daughter Kate Cooper (1981-1991), who also designed the Butterfly emblem. Kate’s love of music, and her wish to share that love with others, is the inspiration for the Butterfly Concerts.


Jill Kemp and the Bernardi String Group Tickets: Adults £17 in advance -petrihannibalconcert.bpt.me-or £20 at the door on the night. Children and students in F/T education £7 More information at www.stephaniecant.co.uk/ butterflyconcerts

A local event...



St Peter’s Church West Blatchington (by the windmill) invite you to a free lunchtime concert by the Sussex Camerata string quartet. 1.10pm, Friday 15th February


Refreshments will be provided and donations collected in aid of the Choir Fund. stpeterswestblatchington.org.uk



Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



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HOVE PARK News from the Hove Park Tennis Alliance...

EXCITING WINTER TENNIS PROGRAMME FOR HOVE PARK... Community group Hove Park Tennis Alliance are pleased to announce the appointment of new head coach Tom Honeywood (www.honeywoodtennis.co.uk). Tom brings with him a wealth of fantastic coaching experience as well as an exciting new programme of activities to kick-start the new year. There are a range of weekly, drop-in sessions suitable for a variety of ages and abilities: Cardio Tennis (Monday and Friday 9.30-10.30am) A fun, sociable tennis fitness class. It is a great way to keep fit whilst playing a sport you love. You do not need to be of a certain ability; you don’t even need to keep the ball in the court! Beginner Group (Monday 10.30-11.30am) Learn the ins and outs of tennis. You’ll meet fellow aspiring tennis players and together learn the most up to date techniques and tactics. Intermediate Group (Monday 11.30am-1pm) Take your tennis to the next level, learn the more advanced techniques and become more confident playing points.

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New Tricks (Wednesday 9-10am) A social over-55s group where you can meet new friends but also learn some tennis tips. Ladies Morning (Wednesday 10-11.30am) A great way to meet new people and play some tennis in a fun environment. When the café is open, we can all stay and have a coffee afterwards and perhaps some cake! Singles Tactics (Friday 2-3.30pm) Master the game of singles. Learn which tactics to use against certain players and control every point. Hove Park Doubles (Saturday 1-2.30pm) A doubles training group for Hove Park Tennis Club members only. As well as these weekly drop-in sessions there is now a tennis league which is open to all players of all abilities. As you can see, there’s lots going on, and as we start to think about summer there will be even more to look forward to. We welcome new members, or people just wanting a casual hit with friends. Or why not try one of the new classes on offer? Hove Park Tennis Courts are now managed by the Hove Park Tennis Alliance (HPTA), incorporating Hove Park Tennis Club, Top Cat Tennis Club and Welbeck Tennis Club. HPTA is a non-profit making, fully constituted amateur sports club that seeks to maintain the courts, promote tennis in the community and ensure that the courts become financially viable. There are options for pay and play at the courts as well as very cost effective annual membership. For more details or to book a court, please visit: www.hoveparkcourts.co.uk.

Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



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Take a look at my gardens on my Houzz page: www.houzz.co.uk/pro/anna2471/anna-helps-garden-design

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HOVE PARK Local news...

CONCERN OVER PLANS FOR TOAD’S HOLE VALLEY... The planning application for the major development at Toad’s Hole Valley is now available to view online. It’s an outline application by St Congar Properties, on behalf of the Toad’s Hole Valley land owners, for the development of up to 880 homes, with five hectares of land for a secondary school, 3.5 hectares of employment space, a neighbourhood centre including retail outlets, a doctor’s surgery and community building, and public open space. There would be alterations to King George VI Avenue to provide three vehicular accesses and the road would be narrowed to a single lane in each direction. A large number of objections have already been submitted to the council. The principal concerns are about the additional traffic that would be generated and the alterations to King George VI Avenue; insufficient provision for HGVs; increased pollution; loss of a conservation area for wildlife; and overdevelopment. One local resident commented: “To build an additional 880 homes next to a set of roads/roundabouts which are already struggling with traffic, along with plans to narrow King George VI Avenue and reduce the speed limit, thus turning it into a residential street, is absolutely ludicrous. This is a link road to the bypass and a main route out of

Artist’s impression of the view looking north, showing the proposed main entrance off King George VI Avenue

Hove. These changes will have only one outcome - more congestion, more accidents, and gridlock come morning/ evening rush hours affecting everyone.” The deadline for determination of the application is 13th March 2019. To view the plans, visit the council’s Planning Register (planningapps.brighton-hove.gov.uk) and search for Planning Application BH2018/03633.


Has Your Double Glazing Steamed Up? Established for over a decade Cloudy2Clear windows have become a leading company for glass replacement. Issues with double glazing can often be gradual and may only be noticed during a clear sunny day or during the winter. A failed glass unit may no longer provide you with the protection you need or be energy efficient. Why not spend a few minutes checking your home to see if you

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have any failed double glazing? If you act now you can avoid these problems. Now, you may think you need to replace the whole window including the frames and all the hardware, however Cloudy2Clear have come up with a simple and cost saving solution… Just replace the glass!! If you see condensation in your windows just visit our website or give us a call on 0800 61 21 118.

We will send out our highly experienced engineers for a free no obligation quote. A Cloudy2Clear quote takes on average no longer than 20 minutes. Once the quote is completed, we will sit down with you and explain the problem and tell you how we can fix it. With years of experience Cloudy2Clear have a wealth of knowledge and are recognised as a Which Trusted Trader, plus our

work is backed by an industry leading 25 year guarantee. Cloudy2Clear also replace faulty locks handles and hinges on all windows and doors. Your friendly local Cloudy2Clear specialist is Aaron Smith and he services Brighton, Hove and surrounding areas. So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Aaron a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118.

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Please send your local articles to info@hoveparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



HOVE PARK A new website for local residents and businesses...

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO…. We think we know what you guys are thinking before you use a business for the first time. How do I know they will do a good job? Will they overcharge me? What if they mess it up and don’t put it right? Lots of natural fears kick in before stepping boldly into the unknown and using a business for the first time. The above factors are why word of mouth is such a valuable thing. A positive word from a neighbour or a family member can often make the difference as to who you choose to do a job for you but these golden nuggets of information aren’t always readily available. Well, the above factors combined with these statistics… 91% of people have used and many use regularly online reviews when thinking about using a service or buying a product. 86% of people will trust an online review as much as a personal recommendation.

review will be verified as genuine by phone and email and will have been added to the site by a local resident. In addition to reviews each business on the site will also have a business profile page with more information about the business, links to their website, any official bodies they are members of as well as a logo to indicate that we have checked that they are insured. To add further confidence for you, the potential customer, it will also state how long they have been advertising with us. Also each business has a page where uploaded photographs of their work are available for you to see. The website is called Trusted and Local. If a business is featured on the site their advert will carry the Trusted and Local logo on it so please look out for the logo and check out the reviews!

61% of people form an opinion on a business after reading between 1 and 6 reviews.* ..have led us to the development of a new website just for you – the readers of our magazines!! On this website you will be able to read reviews of local businesses that are advertising in our magazines. Each

We hope this new website helps and makes our publication even more useful for you! www.trustedandlocal.co.uk


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HOVE PARK Local news...

PLANNING COMMITTEE IN FAVOUR OF NEW HOMES FOR THE DROVEWAY Brighton & Hove City Council’s Planning Committee considered on 9th January an application to convert the former Dairy Crest depot on the northern side of The Droveway to a mixed-use flexible commercial development with 14 homes. A planning officer explained that the applicant had lodged an appeal in September 2018 as the application hadn’t been determined within the prescribed timescale, therefore it would be determined by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate. The Planning Committee agreed that they would have been minded to grant planning permission, subject to planning conditions. The site is a locally listed heritage asset comprising single-storey, early 19th century farm buildings. The application proposes the demolition of the northern wing of the buildings, which would be replaced with a terrace of homes. Four of the 14 homes would be



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Artist’s impression of a typical affordable unit

affordable. The covered courtyard, which is a modern addition, would be removed, and a new central wing would be added. The commercial uses on the site could be for offices, retail, cafés or restaurants and there would be 39 on site parking spaces. The planning officer’s report said: “The proposal would ensure the retention of much of the fabric and character of a locally listed heritage asset and would secure an active use of the site for the future.” The council received over 20 objections to the development and one letter in favour. The main reasons for objection were that the development should not include commercial uses, it would worsen existing traffic and parking problems, the buildings at the northern end would overlook neighbours, and the proposed new buildings are too large. Hove Park councillor Vanessa Brown objected on the grounds that it is an overdevelopment of the site and there is insufficient on site parking. A neighbour who spoke at the committee said he supported the development but objected to the layout, as it’s too close to his property and his garden would be overlooked. He said the developers had proposed to build a screen but this would be overbearing and block sunlight to his garden. There would also be noise disturbance. Councillors on the committee were impressed with the design and voted by a majority of nine to two that they would have been in favour of the application if the appeal hadn’t been lodged, although some of them had concerns about overlooking. Developer contributions will be sought towards local schools, open spaces and recreation, training and public transport. The application will now be considered by the Planning Inspectorate.

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Mortgage & Insurance

Bella Vista...................................... 6

PES............................................... 24

My Mortgage Company...............10



Painting & Decorating

J.H. Brickwork..............................19


Bruce Murray...............................18


Brighton Log Centre.....................20


St Clair Builders.............................6


Sophie Sheinwald........................11

Braiden Construction...................16

City Wood Floors.........................12

Rubbish Clearance Service


AGR.............................................. 27

Sussex Funerals...........................25



MB Roofing....................................2


Clarkes of Brighton......................18

Acer Gardening............................26

G & S Roofing...............................14

Anna Helps..................................20


MB Landscapes............................10


Gutter Cleaning


Jimmy’s Property Services.............3

Crosby & Woods..........................18



Change Gym..................................7

Seymour Solicitors.......................17

Heating & Plumbing

Good Law Solicitors.....................25

Fired Up Plumbing & Heating......13

Volunteering with Children

Rainbow..................................Cover Café & Restaurants Viva Vinyl.....................................10 Car Dealership John Haynes............................ Back Carpentry CP Carpentry...............................18 Children’s Market Chestnut Tree House...................20 Chiropractor Best Practice Clinic...................Cover Cleaning Bright & Beautiful Hove.................4

Rainbow........................................ 1

Fun in Action...............................20




Premier Windows..........................5

Dream Doors.................................4



Apple Granite Brighton..................3

Premier Windows..........................5




Lewis Byard..................................26

West Hove Laundrette.................15


Domestic Appliances


Yoga Shanta.................................23

Carters........................................... 8

Lee’s Locks...................................24


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General garden maintenance, mowing, hedge trimming, pressure washing, fencing, chain sawing No job too small Call me for a free quotation OLIVER HARDMAN 07794 440250

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