92127 Magazine - July/August 2012

Page 57

Make it a True Adventure • As much as possible, pretend the house is not there. • Don’t use electricity. • Play some games. A scavenger hunt, a few rounds of tag or a croquet game are all great family activities. • Use crayons to take nature rubbings in your yard or press flowers and leaves into a scrapbook. • Explore your neighborhood. Set out with a compass or map to trek local trails. • Plan a sensational dinner that can be cooked entirely on the barbecue. • Do some bird watching, sing campfire songs and swap ghost stories. Bring a tape recorder so you can record the best songs and the scariest ghost stories for posterity. • Make a campfire. Involve kids in collecting wood and teach them how to light and manage a fire safely. • Do some stargazing and be sure to give up on bedtime… everyone will eventually fall asleep to the sounds of nature. • Sheltering from the occasional shower can be fun! Arrange a bit of rain using the garden sprinkler. • Light the barbecue again after it gets dark so that you can enjoy a late-night marshmallow roast. • When all is said and done have all your weary campers gather together for breakfast…either around the fire pit or perhaps make the decision to head inside to your own dining room…because you have that luxury. Now go outside and set up camp…no travel required! ¢

When it comes to your child’s education, why settle for either…or when you can have both…and? Both Virtue and Scholarship • Both Intelligence and Character • Both Love of God and Love of Neighbor • Both Wisdom and Eloquence

T he C a m br id g e S C ho ol

Now accepting applications for Pre–Kindergarten through seventh grade (adding a grade each year through twelfth grade). SChEduLE a tour

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Email us at: admissions@cambridgeclassical.org

1 0 075 A zua ga St reet, S a n Diego, 92129 (n ea r t h e 15 a n d 5 6 f reeways) 85 8 .4 8 4 . 3 4 8 8 | info@ca m bridgeclassica l.org

www.cambridgeclassical.org July | August 2012 • 92127Magazine.com • 57

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