FMFRP 12-80 - Kill or Get Killed - Rex Applegate

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This is a very flexible subject, as the scope of mob action is limited only by its motivating factors; the arms, supplies and other materials available; the number and type of the individual mob elements; and whether or not trained agitators are present to direct the action. The location of the action also plays an important part, as the activities of the mob itself and its capabilities for violence will be limited by the space availabIe for movement and maneuver. The size of the city square, direction and width of the streets entering into it, and the location and type of buildings will also affect the course of action, in the same manner as does terrain on the battlefield. Temperature and other climatic factors have influence. For instance, cold, rainy weather has a slowing down effect on mob activities, movement, and organization. The tactics employed against the police will also indicnte, to the trained observer, the nature of the mob leadership and degree of professional organization present. Evidence of mlvance preparation would be previously prepared handbills znd posters, possession of weapons of types and quantities not normally available to mob members, ancl simultaneous yet coordinated incit~tion by agitators strategically locotcd throughout the mol). Abuse. Police elements can be subjected to both verbal and written abuse. Taunts, ridicule, jeers, and obscene remarks and shouts are to be expected. Derogatory pamphlets or handbills may be distributed to the crowd and to bystanders before and during the action. Propaganda may be sent to the police units themselves or distributed in a clandestine manner before and during the disturbance. Posters may be carried depicting police brutality, or demanding vengeance for past acts. Sound trucks or agitators using hand-powered transistortype megaphones may be used to direct the mob and to heap abuse on the police units in an attempt to demoralize them. Slogans and derogatory material may be painted on the sidewalks, buildings, vehicles, and other likely places. Noise. A large mob action is always noisy. The shouts, cries, and chants of the mob members are usually supplemented by the use of fireworks, noise makers, sirens, and whistles. Very effective use has been made of chants or the shouting of slogans in a definite rhythm pattern, sometimes aided by whistles and drums. This type of crowd incitement

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