Supply Chain Digital magazine — September 2018

Page 157


have our budgets and ensuring we’re onboarding the correct partners and suppliers, and we also know that we have a duty to make sure the end product is a


Year founded

high-quality one.” Again, says Farid, the work that the procurement team has put in over the years to build relation-

1,800 Approximate number of employees

ships is paying dividends. “We often work in a live environment, so we need people who we can call in to come in and fix an issue at 2am, or ensure a delivery is made in the middle of the night. We need to have that flexibility and

those working in other industries. As Black puts it: “We’re not working in a

that’s when we need something to be free of charge or if some-

manufacturing plant, or for a bank; we’re

thing goes wrong and we need a

working in a fast-paced and competitive crea-

new camera, so it’s important our

tive industry. It means we have to be really

suppliers understand our needs.

dynamic, versatile and slick at what we do.

“We cannot have suppliers that

“Procurement in this region can often be

we don’t have that kind of relation-

very fast, transactional and functional, so it’s

ship with, because the outcome

often about pricing structures and cutting

or the effect that it could have on

costs. But, we work in an environment where

one of our shows on the commer-

the content and quality that we put on-screen

cial impact it could have could

has to be good. The production values on

be huge. So, we ought to be very

shows such as Arab Idol, The Voice and Top

careful when we deal with our

Chef have to be first-class, so on one hand we

suppliers, that we are getting w w w. s u p p l y c h a i n d i g i t a l . c o m


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