Supermarket Art Magazine #9

Page 36

Colville (1920–2013). Although previously unknown

families that they try to engage in learning about

to us, Colville co-represented Canada in the 1966

indigenous art history, or the art community which

Venice Biennale, and has been widely exhibited

they try to attract by showing up and coming art-

internationally. His paintings made with ‘glazed

ists, or possibly the sponsors that they are aiming at

oil emulation’ have quite an unorthodox charm for

by focusing on the art market’s current hypes.

their time, giving the impression of digital prints or screenshots from a video game, capturing the sub-

The evening was marked by our presentation of

jects in a static moment and captivating the eye of

Supermarket – Stockholm Independent Art Fair at

the spectator. Later in Toronto I managed to grab a

SAW Video Media Arts Centre, an independent video

bargain in a second-hand book store and purchased

production initiative which was initially launched

a publication with his collected works; the beauti-

by Galerie SAW Gallery. We also had the opportu-

ful book made my heart beat faster and shined

nity to show Supermarket’s new promo video for

even brighter light on our trip. In all truthfulness, I

the first time, shot and edited by Swedish artist

was searching for the full edition of Anne of Green

Andreas Nur (and the crowds loved it). The presen-

Gables, the marvellous character of my childhood

tation space was located above Galerie SAW Gal-

recently poorly adapted into a tv-series which made

lery’s new venue in Ottawa city centre, at the time

the lovely story of Anne’s life into a drama of abuse

still under construction and to be opened in spring

and despair. I was shocked that my colleagues never

2019. We got a tour around the already good-looking

heard of Anne of Green Gables! Until they suddenly

construction site, with the impressive size of nearly

simultaneously realised and said: “Aha, Anne på

1500m2, aside from the gallery and exhibition space

Grönkulla! I thought it was Swedish”. Apparently,

containing Club SAW, the Nordic Lab initiative, live performance venue and residency space – and probably much more that I have already forgotten. SAW is an impressive example of how well-developed the artist-run structure in Canada is: having been established in 1973, with permanent staff and venue, and a quite secure yearly budget (if still dependant on state funding). SAW Gallery attracts over 30,000 visitors each year to its different programmes, faring very well in comparison to larger public and private art institutions. What I find as quite a striking disparity to European artist-runs is the approach to fundraising and private sponsorship. Where on the continent non-profit galleries mostly shy away from private donations and crowdfunding for art projects is seen as something nearly dirty and belonging to commercial realms, it seems to be a common practice in Canada unburdened by any such preconceptions. It is probably due to the lesser division between the

On the train to Montréal, 2018, photo: Jason St-Laurent

they never even read the Swedish translation of this

for- and not-for-profit art centres in the country, and

must-read classic – notwithstanding the fact that

therefore also lack of prejudice between the two, or

the 1909 translation to Swedish by Karin Jensen was

simply based on the strongly privatised society in

the first translation of the novel from English.

all its economic sectors.

Just at the time of our stay in the city, the new Ottawa Art Gallery opened but we missed the public


opening and only passed the angular modernist building. It is always interesting to guess and see what a new arts centre brings to a local community – will it be successful in addressing the different au-

Day 4

diences, fulfilling its educational programme, giving

The faithful SAW Galleri-ans Jason, Alex and the

a diverse picture of the different art currents? So

gallery’s director Tam-Ca Vo-Van accompanied

many of them end up in a stuffy suffocating exist-

our team to help us navigate around Montréal. We

ence, not quite sure if their target audience is the

took the train from Ottawa Train Station, a black

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