Celebrating 20
ABOUT Suffolk ProHelp is a countywide network of businesses providing professional and strategic support free of charge to voluntary and community groups. This shared time, passion and commitment helps create thriving, resilient and sustainable communities.
Our strong and growing network of professionals include accountants, architects, solicitors, engineers, strategists, valuyers, digital, marketing an HR experts and more. We proivde direct specific and time limited support to voluntary and community groups and social enterpises. Alongside this we run regular webinars and seminars to share our expertise on key topics more widely. We also have a regular podcast to share knowledge and showcase our work. This year we celebrate 20 years of Suffolk ProHelp
Celebrating 20
CONTENTS SUMMARY /4 How our year went
AIMS & OUTPUTS /5-6 The numbers and activity
INTRODUCTION The effects of the Covid pandemic continue to permeate through all our lives and has had a dramatic impact on the
A new medium to share expertise
VCSE sector.
Suffolk ProHelp has continued to offer pro
The difference we made
bono support to the VCSE sector and has adapted its offer to include mentoring,
CHALLENGES 11 What we found difficult and how we responded
LOOKING AHEAD /12 Future plans
advice sessions, podcasts and speedier processes. This report aims to demonstrate how we performed, the difference we made and what we learned during this challenging time.
Suffolk ProHelp
SUFFOLK PROHELP SUMMARY Suffolk ProHelp continued to operate fully during this continuation of the Covid Pandemic, including lockdowns.
NEW BUSINESSES We welcomed several new businesses as members this year. All of whom have been busy taking on requests, recording podcasts and supporting the wide work of Community Action Suffolk.
Requests for our support were a little lower than in previous years. Much of the work we do is strategic such as refurbishments, leases, marketing and feedback is that many organisations are putting these bigger decisions on hold and waiting to see how things will pan out. We continue to adapt our approach moving from webinars, which replaced our learning lunches, to podcasts. We developed new training on Developing Business Partnerships to equip the VCSE sector with understanding on ways to approach businesses for a range of support. We simplified the application process moving entirely to online easy application. We recruited new professional members to Suffolk ProHelp. We developed a stronger digital and social media presence as well as appearing on BBC Radio Suffolk We contributed to the Law Family Comission on Civil Society
Suffolk ProHelp Suffolk ProHelp
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AIMS AND OUTPUTS Our aims for this three year funding were: To match a minimum of 50 organisations per year to professional bodies for free support and increase this by 10 per year during the lifecycle of the project This year we aimed to support 60 organisations To provide £100k worth of professional support to the voluntary sector, rising each year to £200k per year by year three. Hold quarterly learning lunches, where at least 12 organisations would attend each event To increase membership from 34 to 50 professional businesses over the 3 years, thus widening the support available to the voluntary sector.
This year
of expertise in kind
525 hours
of professional time
39 matches
of businesses to VCSE organisations
41 applications
59 enquiries Totals to date
982 professional hours
Suffolk ProHelp
81 organisations supported
£106,890 worth of expertise
OUTPUTS On hold 2.4%
APPLICATIONS Of the 59 initial inquiries we received, 41 turned into applications for support. Only 1 was ineligible due to having sufficient reserves to pay for professional support. And one organisation put their requests on hold until they were more prepared for support. While we have not hit our target of matching 60 organisations this year we have continued to make an impact and diversify our offer. Matched 95.1%
This year, although inquiries were up, these did not always result
in applications. When followed this up it was because many uncertainty over Covid. We have taken the opportunity again to
VCSE organisations were not ready to proceed often due to simplify our application procedure to online application which is already beginning to speed up the process and make it far easier for organisations to apply for support. 0
Legal 27%
Property Valuation 2.7% Business/Fundraising 8.1%
PR/Marketing/Digital 8.1%
Accountancy 24.3%
Suffolk ProHelp
Architect/QS/Engineering 13.5%
IMPACT: CASE STUDIES MID SUFFOLK VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS FORUM The objective was to take out an offered lease on woodland which the organisation had previously managed for Suffolk County Council. Suffolk ProHelp offered the support of Birketts who assisted in reviewing and completing on the lease. Twelve active groups and countless members of the public have benefitted from this work which has secured an important asset of community value for local people to enjoy and saved a wildlife habitat from development. Many established trees and plants have been saved from destruction, lots of species of wildlife can continue to live here (they have since installed wildlife cameras) greater biodiversity. They have also now started to keep bees in the
area and have two hives and are supporting local volunteers beekeepers. It has saved a woodland area that can be enjoyed by the public as a place for contemplation, Volunteers work there as part of their therapy, various groups use it as a learning space. and this enables better mental health through the natural environment. The project has helped forge stronger links to work together to support people in Mid Suffolk.
"We continue to learn more about environmental management and are spreading the knowledge of environmental issues and habitat management as well as beekeeping.It has saved us hundreds of pounds in terms of legal costs.
Suffolk ProHelp
IMPACT: CASE STUDIES MENTORING WITH HEADWAY AND ENSORS ACCOUNTANTS The CEO of Headway Suffolk contacted Community Action Suffolk which was passed onto Suffolk ProHelp to see if there was a networking opportunity to be able to support the trainee accountant through mentoring. The objective was to develop the skills and knowledge of the trainee accountant to ensure that the staff team were sufficiently qualified to complete their roles on behalf of the charity. Also to ensure that the staff member had all the support they required to complete their exams. Monthly mentoring meetings of 1 hour for 6 months were arranged.The Trainee has used the guidance and information given to pass exams sat and improved overall professionalism when
dealing with all stakeholders of the charity. Suffolk ProHelp involvement meant that the trainee was able to progress through training to ensure they were making decisions in the best interest of all clients and stakeholders affected by the Charity. By becoming more efficient, savings made can be used to further help clients with neurological conditions.Through savings made, care can be offered to a wider geographical area.This has meant that external accountants are not required for daily accountancy tasks. This has also saved on time and resources as information has not needed to be duplicated for external accounts firms to complete the daily tasks.
IMPACT: CASE STUDIES IPSWICH BMX CLUB After 41 years the Ipswich BMX track has had a major face-lift and has now been transformed into a new facility with a new track and clubhouse Ipswich BMX Club has recently launched its new £350,000 facility at Landseer Road later with an afternoon of racing. Suffolk ProHelp played a part in the process of the new track and raising the club's profile. KLH Architects and Sweco Civil Engineers assisted with the track development. While
in the background Brix Brand & Creative helped develop their new website and Constable VAT helped with accountancy matters. When the club designed the track they kept in mind that it was on open parkland and would therefore be used by the public. The track can be used by anyone at any time, except when it is in use by the club. The result is a track challenging enough for top level riders to enjoy while being safe enough for under six beginners and people of all abilities. Ipswich BMX club, considered to be the oldest of its kind in the UK, said it hoped its new track would become home to Olympians of the future.
CHALLENGES We continue to be challenged in adapting and innovating to a changing environment as a result of the Covid pandemic and ensuring we provide timely and effective support to the voluntary sector. Reach. We have made great efforts to improve our reach. In particular increasing our digital presence and enhancing our impact on social media to promote our work, thank our business and engage new businesses. Yet reach is still an ongoing concern. In particular reaching small community groups and those who might be in most need. This is an issue for Community Action Suffolk as a whole who have developed a new marketing strategy and employed a marketing and communications officer. We also work closely with colleagues in particular the community restart team (distributing grants to rebuild after Covid) and village halls and community buildings officer. Take-up. We are aware that many inquiries this year did not turn into applications. We made efforts to follow up with organisations to find out why. For most they were not ready and the current climate meant they were putting meany plans on hold. Nevertheless we did revise and simplify our application process again so it is now online and easier than ever to get support. Knowledge sharing. Our initiative last year to turn our Learning Lunches into webinars had to be revised as the market became flooded with webinar offers. We decided to launch a podcast where we could not only share expertise and introduce new businesses but also showcase our work with VCSE organisations interviewing them alongside businesses who had supported them.
SuffolkProHelp ProHelp Suffolk Suffolk ProHelp
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The Art Station, Saxmundham
For our final year of funding we will seek to explore how we can broaden our CSR offer Promote and market Suffolk ProHelp to increase our reach and aim to support more organisations Continue to develop our podcast Develop our training and networking offer Explore further ways of developing mentoring Explore more ways of promoting opportunities for partnerships between sectors Create proactive promotion of trustee opportunities Recruit new Suffolk ProHelp members widening our field of expertise Provide expertise and support for CAS events
"There are mutual benefits to partnerships. Leveraging relationships with civil society organisations to demonstrate their brand values in response to a more socially minded consumer base" Law Family Commission on Civil Society Pro bono Economics
CELEBRATING 20 YEARS Suffolk ProHelp was launched in 2001 as part of a Business in the Community initiative. In 2017, after Business in the Community disbanded their ProHelp schemes, members were keen to continue their community support and came to Community Action Suffolk (CAS) to seek support. CAS secured Transformation Challenge Award funding for two years, to relaunch the scheme. In 2019 The National Lottery Community Fund awarded Suffolk ProHelp three years further funding. In this time we have gone from strength to strength. Extending our reach and increasing our membership. Developing new initiatives to share expertise and building strong links with the business community.
"We have achieved so much in the last two decades providing professional support to the voluntary sector. As one of the few schemes in the country offering such support we have something to celebrate. There's more to do, so let's look forward to another twenty years" Angela Lee-Foster Suffolk ProHelp Manager
Suffolk ProHelp
SUFFOLK PROHELP Suffolk ProHelp is a countywide network of businesses who provide professional and strategic support free of charge to voluntary and community groups. This shared time, passion and commitment helps create thriving, resilient and sustainable communities. ▬ Supporting communities
Suffolk ProHelp was established in June 2001 and was previously run by Business in the Community (BITC). It is now co-ordinated by Community Action Suffolk and funded through the National Lottery Community Fund. The Suffolk ProHelp business network includes solicitors, accountants, architects, surveyors, property consultants, marketing and public relations. ▬ A wide range of expertise
"Businesses commit to undertake one-off projects which may include activities such as feasibility studies, structural surveys, marketing strategies, legal and accountancy advice and property valuations. The only difference is that the community client is not charged for the work undertaken. Clear eligibility criteria are applied to make sure that this valuable expertise is directed to voluntary and community sector organisations who are most in need and would most benefit. ▬ Focused input
THANK YOU We are very grateful to all the business involved with Suffolk ProHelp and to our funders,: The National Lottery Community Fund.
Suffolk ProHelp is part of Community Action Suffolk Reg Charity 1150501 Company No. 08316345
Angela Lee-Foster, Suffolk ProHelp Manager •