Lem CD

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themselves. Daily schedules were always the same, breakfast in the morning and walk afterwards, sometimes longer sometimes shorter. The most popular routes were from Wysowa by Ropki to Hańczowa or by Kozie Żebro to Kwiatoń or from Uście Gorlickie to Magura Małastowska on the border in Blechnarka (boletuses were growing there), sometimes to Jaworzyna Krynicka. Usually my parents would come across someone eager to talk and they conducted their interviews. When our trip was short, we would come back to Wysowa for lunch; if it was long, we would camp near a small stream and cook a meal on a portable stove. In the afternoon, the children stayed alone, because parents would work or go to carry out their research. My father would frequently enter into discussion with our hosts, a very interesting family from the point of religion. The oldest generation would to go to the Orthodox Church; the middle one became researchers of the Holy Scripture; and the youngest belonged to Roman Catholic Church. Krystyna Reinfuss-Janusz

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