Machado - Edição Zero

Page 97

muito, então chamei a polícia. Veio uma ambulância e apareceu até um funcionário do departamento de saneamento para checar o prédio. Iakonis pediu desculpas pessoalmente e trouxe dois equatorianos para consertar a parede. Desanimado, desabei numa cadeira e tentei decidir o que fazer. Os equatorianos começaram a comentar a grande tempestade prevista para mais tarde, que iria destruir um monte de telhados. Enquanto contavam alegremente a grana que poderiam ganhar com a futura calamidade, colocaram o isolamento térmico de volta na parede e instalaram um placa de metal em cima do buraco. A parede foi selada com cimento. Limparam até o sangue do russo. Tudo isso aconteceu hoje de manhã. De tarde, depois que a tempestade começou, as comunicações ficaram estranhas. Lembra que conversamos algumas horas atrás no Skype e o sinal ficava caindo e perdendo força? Depois que deu erro no programa e conversamos pelo telefone, a internet também caiu e a TV começou a transmitir mensagens de emergência do governo. A chuva balançava as janelas. O prédio inteiro parecia tremer. Tomei uns Tylenóis para tentar dormir, mas não funcionou. Tomei mais. Sentia uma presença, como se algo estivesse furioso comigo. person, bringing with him two Ecuadorian guys who immediately started to mend the wall. I sat sullen, trying to figure out my next move. The Ecuadorians started to talk about the big Northeastern that was coming up to rip up a lot of roofing. While joyously counting the riches they were going to make after this future calamity, they stuffed the fallen insulation into the wall and installed a metal plate running the full length of the hole. Everything was sealed with plaster. They even wiped the Russian’s blood. That was this morning. In the afternoon, after the storm started, all the communications became fuzzy. Do you remember how we talked a couple of hours ago on Skype and the signal was being cut off and losing power? After I crashed and we talked on the phone, the internet went down and the TV was only receiving emergency messages. The rain was shaking the windows. The whole building seemed to be rattling. I took a couple of Tylenols to try to sleep, but it didn’t work. I took more. I kept feeling a presence around, like something was angry with me. Then I heard a faint scratching on the wall near the fridge. The scratching suddenly became louder. I was on the bedroom trying the sleep when I first heard it. It lasted fifteen minutes.

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