May 07, 2017

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STS. PETER & PAUL PARISH 1919 South 7th Street St. Louis, Missouri 63104

Our Mission: Opening Hearts to Christ through Prayer, Fellowship & Service

STS. PETER AND PAUL PARISH A Catholic Parish in the Historic Soulard Neighborhood Serving the Poor ******************************************************************* Parish Office 314-231-9923 Website: Shelter Office 314-621-5520 The Young Catholic Musicians 314-962-9260 Peter & Paul Community Services 314-588-7111 St. Frances Cabrini Academy 314-776-0883 Hall & YCM 314-773-8486 Franklin Room 314-664-7706

MASSES Saturday: Sunday: Holydays: Holidays: Weekdays:

5:00 pm 9:30 am 12:05 pm 9:00 am 8:30 am Mon.-Tues.-Thurs. in the vestibule of the church 5:30 pm Mon. when Council Meets 12:05 pm in church — Wed.

Reconciliation: the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered 15 minutes before the weekend Masses and by appointment.

STAFF Father Bruce Forman, Pastor Deacon Thomas Gorski Deacon Dennis Stovall Phyllis Sandusky, Admin Officer Roger Kleffner, Maintenance – All Facilities Mary Smith, The Young Catholic Musicians


Contact Kevin 314-231-9923

THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA): Contact Kevin Kelly with any interest in pursuing membership in the Catholic Church, in learning more about the Church, or returning to the Church. 314- 231-9923 SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Archdiocesan guidelines require engaged couples to prepare for their marriage at least six (6) months before the scheduled wedding takes place. Engaged couples planning marriage, contact Deacon Thomas Gorski. 314-231-9923

WEDDING MUSIC CONSULTANT: Contact Mary Smith for all wedding Masses at Sts. Peter & Paul Church. Mary will advise couples in choosing music and musicians. All musicians, cantors, and vocalists for Mass must be approved by our Music Consultant. 314-962-9260

HOLY ORDERS AND CONSECRATED (RELIGIOUS) LIFE: If interested, please call parish rectory or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations.

GROUP TOURS of Historic Sts. Peter and Paul Church can be scheduled by contacting Phyllis Sandusky at the Rectory office. 314-231-9923

PARISH COUNCIL Pastor - Fr. Bruce Forman President of Parish Council- Tim Hobart Secretary - Phil Willman Finance Committee - Gary Meyer Worship - Kathy Doerr Education & Community Formation Communications – Brett Delaria Parish Life - Michelle Heitmann Stewardship – Michelle Heitmann Social Services & Social Justice - Jan Meyer Choir Director - Kathy Doerr Church Decorating& Design – Quinn Fulton Dance - Suzanne Tushar Lectors – Stephen Sukanek Eucharistic Ministers – Tom Korte Servers – Ushers/Greeters –Frank Koishor, Chair Ushers/Greeters – Andy Alaska, Co-Chair

INFANT BAPTISMS: Contact Debbie Wedemeier (6) six months before anticipated birth for Baptismal Preparation. 314-276-4578

314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923

MEALS FOR THE NEEDY are served in the Parish Hall from the 2nd to the 21st of each month. To help serve the poor and homeless, call Alicia Manteiga, Volunteer Coordinator at PPCS at 314-338-8191 or main line at 588-7111.

PARISH MID LEVEL HALL RENTAL: Available for rental by parishioners only for receptions, banquets, parties, rehearsal dinners. Contact Phyllis Sandusky. 314-231-9923 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION: Exists to support parents with children in public school or home schooled in their efforts to evangelize and pass the Catholic Faith on to their children. Please contact Fr. Leo J. Spezio, Director. Email: 314.773-3070

314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923 314-231-9923

STS. PETER & PAUL’S YOUNG ADULTS GROUP (Ages: 20’s & above)). We meet the 2nd Saturday of every

CONFESSION SCHEDULE FOR NEIGHBORING PARISHES ST. WENCESLAUS PARISH - (314) 865-1020 3014 Oregon Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63118 Saturdays 3:00 - 3:30 pm or by appointment.

PRAYER CHAIN REQUESTS: If you would like to submit a prayer chain request, please submit them to Phyllis Korte at

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CHURCH– (314) 231-9238) 1408 S 10th St., Saint Louis, MO63104-3275 Saturdays 3:45 pm or by appointment

Website Below:

month to celebrate Mass at 5:00pm and fellowship following. Please contact Allison Knaup at 314-610-9295 or email at Check out at

ENCOUNTER GOD IN THE SACRED SCRIPTURE If you promise to spend five (5) minutes a day reading the bible, take a bible free. Bibles can be found in the vestibule of church at the bible display.

All of our parishioners, neighbors and visitors. If this is your first time visiting our parish and you like what you see and hear and it fills your need, please consider making this your home parish. Our Mission is “Opening Hearts to Christ through Prayer, Service and Fellowship. We invite you to join our parish as a full-time member or you may make this your associate parish by attending at least once a month and supporting our parish through your contribution envelopes. To do so, please ask one of the ushers for a Membership Profile Questionnaire to complete and return to the rectory office or place it in the collection basket or on the piano after Mass. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the parish office at 314-231-9923. We are grateful for all of our members and visitors.


May May May May

May May

06 08

Parishioners Samuel Anderson Diehl

PREACHING SCHEDULE 06 & 07 Deacon Tom Gorski 13 & 14 Fr. Bruce Forman 20 & 21 Fr. Bob Poirier 27 & 28 Deacon Tom Gorski

READINGS FOR THE WEEK May 8 – 14, 2017 Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 -- 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; 1 Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12 GENERAL OFFERTORY COLLECTION Unrestricted Offertory Gifts Weekend of 4/30/17 $1,554.48 Current Budget $3,400.00 Thank you for your gifts to God and to our parish

LITURGICAL ASSISTANTS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Dianna Antonacci, Larry & Sally Backer, Laura Bone Beth Durban & Kathleen Wayman





Kate Gerber, Suzanne Kern, Frank Koishor, Donna Hobart, Leanne McCrate, Phil Willman



Jan Meyer, Pat Mottershead, Cary Stock, Joe Thele, Debbie Wedemeier and Sr. Suzanne Giblin

May May

06 07

May May

13 14

Mary Kathryn Victor (1 & 2) Michelle Heitmann (1) Beth Durban (2)

May May

20 21

Mike Schrand (1 & 2) Louis Stock (1) Cary Stock (2)



May May

14 21

LECTORS Stephen Sukanek (1 & 2) Hilda Willman (1) Sr. Suzanne Giblin (2)

USHERS/GREETERS Jerry & Kathy Mazdra and John & Anne Cochran Don & Sharon Link Anna Moser & John Meyer

DONUT HOSPITALITY SCHEDULE May 07 Social Justice $3,400.00 May 14 Dance (Mother’s Day) May 21 Ken & Suzanne Kern May 28 James Mitchell & Michael Garland



Happy Birthday! May May May May May

06 09 10 11 12

Mother's Day is 2 weeks away! Every year Sts. Peter & Paul Church along with St. Gabriel the Archangel Church prepares Mother's Day Gift Bags for women served by Our Lady's Inn, Good Shepherd Children and Family Services, Queen of Peace Center, and Birthright Counseling. If you wish to contribute to this effort by donating items for the gift bags, please bring your donations to church next Sunday. Monetary donations are also much appreciated.

Jim Payne Diane Koishor Jim Antonacci Darlene Lanser Alison Knaup

Happy Anniversary! May


The following kinds of new items will be gratefully accepted:

Richard & Carol Krekeler

Upcoming Baptisms Dempsey Alexander Toman


PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS… Chuck Hejkal, Andy Alaska, David Hackmann, Sister Rose Marie, George & Elaine Darner, Mike and Gail McDonough, Dawn Butler, Dennis Chitwood, Margaret Rallo, Cierra Rogers, Willa Ottersbach, Suzanne Kern, Jessica Grib, Mary Smith, Michael Anderson and Pat & Phil Stevison. Also include in your prayers all their caregivers. Please pray for strength, courage, patience and healing for all those mentioned above and also for all the people in the world who need physical and emotional healing. PLEASE NOTIFY THE OFFICE TO REMOVE OR ADD SOMEONE TO THE PRAYER LIST.

AUDITIONS FOR THE YOUNG CATHOLIC MUSICIANS The choir and orchestra of The Young Catholic Musicians are holding auditions in preparation for their 44th Year of service to the Church. These young people (aged 9-17) represent over 50 parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. They learn quality liturgical music and lead the music for Mass once each month at different parishes. Singers and instrumentalists (Brass, Woodwinds, Strings, and Percussion) contact Fr. Bruce Forman (314-231-7464 or or Mrs. Mary Smith (314-9629260 or for additional information and to schedule an audition. Visit our web pages at or

HEAVEN The goal of religion is not to get us into heaven--but to get heaven into us. --Anonymous

Jewelry - Manicure set - Pedicure set - Emery boards Nail polish Cozy/Fun socksScarves - Body wash/Scrub - Loofahs - Lotion Perfume/Body spray - Lotion/Body Spray/Body Wash gift sets - Shampoo & Conditioner Stationery & Pens - Photo frames - Photo albums (small) - Make-up - Make-up bag - Hair accessories - Chewing gum The gifts are intended for the women, not for their babies. Please do not wrap items. You may drop off your items near the information stand or with Marykay Fulton. Please mark them "Mother's Day". To make monetary donations, or make other arrangements please see/call Marykay Fulton (314 351-2526). INTERCESSIONS FOR LIFE For the times we have failed to treat others with love and respect: May Christ renew our souls in the Sacrament of Reconciliation; We pray to the Lord: STEWARDSHIP “And Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ…” ACTS 2:38 The word “repent” means to turn from sin, to change our actions. When it comes to change, do we take responsibility for change or do we think that others have to change instead? Change that is permanent comes from within; we must take control and be disciplined. Remember though that we are not alone, Jesus is there to help lighten the load. That as we struggle to live a faith-filled life, we recognize we are not alone. Jesus is there to help lighten the load. UPCOMING WEDDINGS Scott McIntosh / Sara Schafer Clinton Kroeger / Allison Ernt Eric Gorla / Kelli Cradick Andrew Hemmer / Emily Aldredge

06/24/2017 10/14/2017 11/03/2017 12/16/2017



-flip flops/shower shoes

June July August September October November

-reusable water bottles -body wash -backpacks -twin sheets -deodorant -washable blankets

Peter and Paul Community Services (PPCS) operate a men’s shelter in the basement of our Church for seventy men, 365 days per year. Please drop your donations in blue plastic tubs at church when you attend Mass. By targeting an individual item each month, we will be able to donate the items that are short in their supplies. Thank you for your generous support of this project. Here is a list of the monthly collections for the entire year. Just in case you can catch a sale on one or more of this items and have the ability to store it until the month it will be collected. If you have any questions, please contact Jan Meyer through the parish office number 314-231-9923. Services & Social Justice Ministry TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The fact that many monastic churches do not have a prominent tabernacle shapes the patterns of liturgical prayer. Monastic communities often protect the ancient value of "receiving from the same sacrifice," meaning that the communicants are assured that what they eat and drink in the Holy Mysteries actually comes from the same celebration. It surprises many to learn that the Church does not foresee, nor does it provide for, Communion of the faithful from the reserved Sacrament. Liturgical laws have long defended your right to receive from the same sacrifice, the same Mass that you attend. At one time, of course, the bread for the Eucharist was the ordinary bread of the day, except unleavened, probably prepared at home. It was broken and distributed to the faithful. Early on the loaf itself was referred to as the hostia in Latin, meaning the "sacrifice," the same word for the sacrificial animal in Jewish worship, and for Jesus as the Lamb of God. By giving his life on the cross, Jesus became the hostia for us. To this day in the Greek Church, one of the tasks of the priest's wife is to bake the bread for the Divine Liturgy, sometimes in a bakery oven dedicated to that purpose and called a "Bethlehem." Today's familiar individual hosts first appeared in the eleventh century at about the time when tabernacles were coming into use. The turn away from "bready" bread allowed the hosts to be reserved since they did not spoil like regular bread, and made the annual "Easter duty" counts easier. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

THIS IS THE THIRD WEEKEND OF THE 2017 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL This is the last weekend we will be set up in church with the ACA pledge cards. Once we have all the cards accounted for and sent off to the diocese, we will start making follow-up phone calls to those who have not signed their card yet. We need you to sign your card even if you are unable to make a pledge or gift at this time. Please make your checks payable to the Annual Catholic Appeal. The Good Shepherd In today’s Gospel, Jesus presents the parable of the Good Shepherd — the kind, loving caretaker who cares for His sheep, and they follow Him, knowing His voice (Jn. 10:1-10). He presents the role of a shepherd as an act of loving guidance, not a stern director - that He leads and shows the way by example. The Annual Catholic Appeal is an invitation to lead by example, following in the footsteps of the shepherd of our parish and our archdiocese. Every year, thousands of people turn to ministries and apostolates supported by the ACA for hope and healing. In our parishes and schools, neighborhoods and communities, they experience the light and love of Jesus, our Good Shepherd. The appeal provides funding for programs that serve the greater St. Louis community’s most immediate needs. Areas include the physical needs by the way of help for immigrants and refugees, food pantries and others services for the homeless. The appeal also boosts the formation of priests, support for vocations, adult catechesis and efforts to defend life, marriage and religious liberty. Approximately 91 cents of every dollar raised goes back into the community in the form of direct services. We never think that we, ourselves might be in a situation when we will need assistance from one of these agencies, so please reflect on the blessings in your life and let your heart guide you and your decision. Make a difference in someone else’ life today. THE CALL OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD The Twenty-third Psalm, today's responsorial psalm, is arguably the best known of all the psalms. The line that reads "Even though I walk in the dark valley / I fear no evil; for you are at my side / with your rod and your staff / that give me courage" (Psalm 23:4) connects this week's scriptures to the wonderful story of the road to Emmaus, which we heard last week. The Lord Jesus, our Good Shepherd, is constantly at our side. He calls us each by name, beckoning us into a deeper relationship with him. That call, issued to each of us at the moment of our baptism, carries with it the promise of the Good Shepherd: "I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER A Lot of Nerve The first reading from Acts of the Apostles takes place right after the disciples received the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Peter, the apostle who had denied knowing Jesus before he died, now comes out and accuses the crowd of killing Jesus, "using lawless men to crucify him" (Acts 2:23). Considering that he was outnumbered three thousand to one, it took a lot of nerve. So the Spirit gave him the courage to face that crowd. But he did more than just stand up to the people. He offered them forgiveness and hope. He asked them to repent, but not just profess a rejection of sin. What we call repentance, in Peter's time meant a change of heart away from sin and toward a new way of acting or believing. He offered them the same gift of the Spirit that he and the disciples had received. As Peter says in our second reading, "free from sin, [they] might live for righteousness" (1 Peter 2:24). We too can make a change of heart. We can turn away from selfishness and begin to love as Jesus did. We can relinquish anger and begin to forgive. We can put aside fear and boldly proclaim our faith. Peter also shows us another gift of the Spirit--the ability to suffer for doing good. That also takes a lot of nerve. It's hard enough to suffer for our sins; who wants to suffer for doing good? Yet that is just what Jesus did for us. It is what all disciples are called to do. Following the example of Jesus on the cross, we accept the suffering that comes to us. It may be ridicule for expressing our faith, the pain of losing someone we love, or the eventual pain of dying ourselves. We accept pain because we love the Lord and so love others enough to bear the pain of helping them. As Jesus became flesh through the power of the Holy Spirit, so the same Spirit shows us that Jesus is present today in his disciples, in the poor, the homeless, the sick and dying. Let us ask the Spirit to help us repent from selfishness to a new life of love for God and our neighbor. Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. MARRIAGE MOMENTS The couple that shops together - may learn something. Many women enjoy shopping as an "experience" while many men shop with a "hunter" mentality (get what you need as quickly as you can.) Although these are stereotypes and not always true, shopping together can often be frustrating. Just once try shopping as a date. Enter into your beloved's world and learn something new about them. PARENTING POINTERS "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." (1 Peter 2:7) Do you or your child ever feel rejected? Sooner or later everyone has this experience. It doesn't feel good but it's not the end of the world. When appropriate, share with your child a time that you felt rejected and how you grew from it.

Fourth Sunday of Easter Today's readings tell about the confusion and fear that followed Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. In Acts, the people ask, "What are we to do?" after they are reminded that they were part of the death of Jesus, who was Lord and Christ. In First Peter we are reminded of Jesus' innocence. He did nothing to deserve the suffering and death that he experienced for us. Both the psalm and First Peter introduce the image of Jesus as shepherd. John's Gospel talks about Jesus as shepherd but not in the usual way. We recognize this shepherd's voice because he calls each of us by name. The confusion and fear we too often feel is calmed by the voice of the One who knows us by name. WHAT ARE WE TO DO? The readings describe that time when confused and frightened followers of Jesus looked to the apostles to tell them what to do after the Crucifixion and Resurrection. The answer seems simple. They must believe that Jesus, whom they crucified, is both Lord and Christ, both God and human. They must acknowledge their complicity in his death and seek forgiveness. They must be baptized. In First Peter the standard for their behavior is Jesus' behavior. Jesus, though free from sin himself, bore our sins and returned no insult or threat. Peter introduces the image of the shepherd who is the guardian of us who have gone astray. The Gospel emphasizes not the shepherd's leadership but that we are called by name. LISTEN FOR YOUR NAME The emphasis in John's Gospel is not on the leadership of the shepherd. The focus is specifically on the voice of the shepherd. We listen for the shepherd who calls us by name. We are not called to follow passively. We are called to recognize our name when it is spoken. We are to listen so that we can hear the voice of the One who knows who we truly are--not the external, transient realities like "I am a doctor" or "I am a mother." Our real name known to our Creator is much more than the roles we fill or the work we do. If my name is who I truly am, then I must listen for the One who calls me "forgiven" and "merciful" and "beloved." For this is my true name. This is my true nature. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. COUNTING SHEEP Every person can tell how many goats or sheep one possesses, but not how many friends. --Cicero CATALYST JOURNAL OF THE CATHOLIC LEAGUE FOR RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL RIGHTS Several copies of the May issue are at the information center for the taking. If you would like a subscription to this paper, the cost for membership is $20.00. Please see the back cover for contact information to subscribe.

May is Mary’s Month 5 Ways to Make Mary’s Month (Extra) Special 1. Set up a May Altar. Reserve a place for Mary in your home or even at your workplace. It could be a stand-alone altar with a picture or statue or the corner of a desk or dresser with a picture of Mary. It’s not how fancy it is that matters, rather it’s the fact that it makes your heavenly Mother especially present to you. Out-of-sight-out-ofmind is often the case with many of our devotions. Keeping Mary present will urge you to honor her more frequently throughout the coming weeks. 2. Take the “Fresh Flower Pledge.” Pledge to make certain that you keep fresh flowers on your May altar throughout the month. It can be a bouquet from the florist, a bunch from your garden, wildflowers you gathered on a hike, or even a simple, single stem. It’s the gesture itself, not the extravagance of the blooms that counts most. Think about how happy a mom is when her child brings her a flower – even if it’s a crumpled-up dandelion from the lawn. That’s how Mary is with you. She’ll cherish whatever you give her, not for what it is but for the fact that you gave it to her. 3. Learn a new Marian prayer. No matter how many Marian prayers you know by heart, there are always more to learn. And, each Marian prayer shows a different facet of our Lady, which will be a boost to your knowledge of, and love for, her. It doesn’t have to be a long prayer; it just has to be a prayer that’s new to you. 4. Read about Mary. Daily spiritual reading is always a marvelous idea. It helps you carve out time for God as well as helping you to grow spiritually. So, why not choose a book about the Blessed Virgin Mary for your spiritual reading this May? Even if you spend just 10-15 minutes a day, it’s absolutely better than not reading about her at all. Here’s a whole list of great Marian books for you to dig into! 5. Attend Saturday morning Mass. Even if it’s your day to sleep in, do yourself (and Mary) a favor and give up a little of that “me” time to go to Mass on Saturday mornings during May. Throughout the year, daily Masses on Saturdays typically are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. The readings and prayers are Maryorientated and showcase an array of her qualities, characteristics, and importance. Even if you make it to only one Saturday Mass this May, you’ll still benefit and it still will be a beautiful act of love for the Mother who has been devoted to you since before you were even born.

Whether you do one, some, all the above, or come up with something completely different, just please do something to honor Mary during her month. I think you’ll be delightfully surprised at the way it will change your heart and your relationship with the Queen of Heaven and Earth. It’ll make this May extra special for both of you. WALK OF TURST MAY 28TH, 2:00 – 6:00 P.M. ALL AGES, ALL FAITHS & ALL ARE WELCOME Archbishop Carlson invites you to join him on Sunday, May 28th at 2pm for the Walk of Trust. This event is meant to be a visible sign of unity and healing within our communities, a coming together of people of various racial, socio-economic and faith backgrounds. The walk departs from the Cathedral Basilica at 2pm. If you are unable to walk, please join us for a rally and prayer at 4pm at the Chaifetz Arena. No registration is required. A detailed schedule and route can be found at Please see flyers on the bulletin board at our information center.

FR. SCHEID PLAYERS ANNOUNCE AUDITION DATES FOR SUMMER PRODUCTION OF FIDDLER ON THE ROOF The Catholic Youth Apostolate and the Fr. William Scheid Players are excited to announce audition dates for the summer production of Fiddler on the Roof. All auditions will take place at the Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Drive, St. Louis MO 63119. Audition dates and times are:  Wednesday May 10th - 7pm to 9:30pm  Saturday May 13th - 12pm to 3pm  Wednesday May 17th - 7pm to 9:30pm  Saturday May 20th - 12pm to 3pm Please come prepared with a song selection for your audition. It doesn't have to be something from the show; anything is fine. You may also be asked to read something from the script or dance. Our performance dates are July 21st, 22nd and 23rd. If you have any questions, feel free to email our director, Dr. Dan Karcher, at Please invite your friends, classmates, co-workers and family to try out. All who do audition will be invited to be part of the show. We especially need a number of young men for this cast. We look forward to seeing you at the Cardinal Rigali Center!

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