The Solution to Stress

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What is a Stress Diary? How can it help & Why would I need it? Stress has become synonymous with our normal life and seems such a natural part it. It accompany us every day in different forms and situations. Distinguishing what is essential to motivate us to do things, in contrast to the ever infringing hidden demands placed on us or that we place upon ourselves, is the delicate balancing act of Managing stress. The truth is though, that managing stress is a daily process, in every thought, situation and action. It becomes a skill mastered and practiced regularly and from this competency, it truly becomes stress ‘managing’. So, how would using a Stress Diary Journal help in managing my stress better? Easy – as shown in the uniquely designed and top recommended stress management tool by stress professionals, it shows you exactly: where you stress, when you stress, what you are stressing about, who you stress with, how you stress and more importantly why you stress. This is essential to know, for ‘is it not logical to identify it before you can deal with it?’

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