Dear Neighbor Spring 2017

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Published by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, Pennsylvania

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


spring 2017

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C ✛ leadership team letter

charism (`ker- i-zem) n. e

1. a grace 2. a gift. [Greek]

About the cover Rev. Paul Abernathy, from left, Sister Margery Kundar,

Sister Donna Cronauer and Robert Bowden are helping to heal a neighborhood, one block at a time. Read more about how the Sisters of St. Joseph are participating in FOCUS Pittsburgh on Page page 24.

Leadership Team members, from left, are Sisters Sharon Costello, Barbara Czyrnik, Diane Cauley and Mary Pellegrino.

Dear Neighbor, Etymologists believe that the word charism was first used around 1641 and it originated from the Greek word charis meaning grace or gift. The charism of a religious community refers to the distinct spirit that animates the community and gives it a particular character. As Sisters of St. Joseph, we name our charism in various ways – inclusive love, union and reconciliation, and oneness with God, ourselves, our neighbors and all of Creation. It is through our individual and collective thoughts and actions that our charism comes alive within us and among the people with whom we are engaged. We express Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


our charism in many ways – advocating for humane treatment of refugees and immigrants, creating awareness of human trafficking, caring for our natural resources, promoting peace and nonviolence, and partnering with individuals and organizations that share our values. Through our charism, we may have educated you, comforted you, cared for you, or enriched your spiritual life.

Inside this Issue

Many of our friends tell us that they are drawn to us because of who we are, what we do, and why we do it – because of our charism. Since our beginnings in 17th century France, we have been committed to cultivating and animating our charism by responding to the urgent needs of the times and always in service to God. This charism - this gift of spirit - is one that many of our Sisters have lovingly shared with others in schools, hospitals, parishes and social services settings. It’s deeply heartening and humbling for us when we recognize the charism in others. Beginning on Page 10, read how former students Joan Van Dyke and Kathy Fletcher Wray visibly express the charism in their personal and professional lives. As our work evolves, we look for new ways to continue our charism and mission. Sisters Donna Cronauer, Margery Kundar and Jean Uzupis are helping to heal one block - 36 households - in a largely African American neighborhood in Pittsburgh. The Sisters are partnering with individuals and organizations that share our values and celebrate diverse cultures and faiths. Read about this pilot project beginning on Page 4. This summer we will open our home in Baden to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Girls Hope and to honor Sister Donna Marie Tahaney, who served as the first Executive Director and who infused the organization with our mission and charism. For more information, turn to Page 22. We are deeply grateful to the many generous donors - recognized in this issue - who share their gifts with us so that we are able to continue to reach out to our neighbors in need. Our circle of charism has been widened, too, by the hundreds of friends who have joined with us for 100 Days of Prayer and a Year of Peace and Nonviolence. By sharing our gift of charism with you, we give it back to God.

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Healing a Neighborhood


Praying for Peace


Living the Charism


Development Letter


In Loving Memory


Annual Report


Celebrating Girls Hope


Piecing Love Together


A Grand Opening


Barbara Hecht – Editor Phone: 724-869-6566 Email: Dear Neighbor Contributors Barbara Hecht Director of Communications Alison Lucci Marketing Communications Specialist Sister Karen Stoila, CSJ Director of Development Sister Gerrie Grandpre, CSJ Staff Photographer Sister Ruth Bearer, CSJ Editorial Assistant Sister Norma Bandi, CSJ Sister Mary Susan Connell, CSJ Sister Michelle Prah, CSJ Proofreaders Barb Sterchele, Omega Design Group Design/Layout Permission must be granted for reprinting articles that appear in the magazine.

Connect with us!

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B ✛ outreach

building a better block Sisters help their neighborhood to heal

Sisters Margery Kundar, Jean Uzupis and Donna Cronauer stand outside their convent, which serves as a spiritual anchor at the top of the 2900 block of Webster Avenue.

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and trauma. The initiative is being led by the Rev. Paul Abernathy, director of FOCUS Pittsburgh, a social services agency in the Hill District. According to the FOCUS team, the pilot program would be the first effort nationally to heal an entire neighborhood, block by block.

St. Luke Baptist Church serves as a spiritual anchor at the bottom of the block.

Tempted by the wet cement, the curious boy scrawled “God’s corner” on the sidewalk just outside the 107-year-old convent on the 2900 block of Webster Avenue. It was years ago when the young child unwittingly captured the sentiment of community organizers who today refer to the convent as a “spiritual anchor” at the top of the block in the Hill District neighborhood of Pittsburgh. At the bottom of the block is St. Luke Baptist Church, the second spiritual anchor in this largely African American community. From their convent, Sisters Donna Cronauer, Margery Kundar and Jean Uzupis have been traveling the block, stretching from St. Luke’s to St. Benedict the Moor School – a short walk from their back porch. It’s a familiar jaunt for the Sisters who have served a Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


total of 70 years as educators at the school, which, along with St. Luke’s, serves as a gathering place for community leaders who are committed to improving the lives of their neighbors. Since early 2016, the sisters have been participating in a grassroots program called Trauma Informed Community Development. With input from residents, community organizers, civic leaders, and medical and behavioral health professionals, the program is designed to provide the community with relief from long-term emotional stress Outside front door of convent

The outreach to neighbors - representing 36 participating households - can be as simple as repairing a crumbling sidewalk or cleaning up a vacant lot or as complex as providing safe housing or employment opportunities. Planning for the outreach begins at meetings where Sisters often open with a prayer. “For me, an important part of the process is our regular meetings with people on the block,” Sister Jean says.

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“It is where we make our connection and get to know our neighbors more intimately and learn what is happening in their lives. The sharing of our journeys helps me to see how we all have blessings and challenges as we try to remain faithful to the life God called us to.” For their part, the Sisters are critical to the implementation of the “health and wellness” component of the HOPE Plan. One of their first tasks was to visit neighbors and encourage them to fill out basic health surveys, which ultimately

could connect them to services or insurance that they may need. “The sense of ‘neighbor’ that the Sisters bring, which clearly comes from an understanding of personhood fulfilled in Christ, has created in our community a deep sense of love and dignity,” Rev. Abernathy says. The Congregation has deep roots in the community. For more than a century, the Sisters of St. Joseph have left their indelible footprints on the Hill where they educated thousands of children, served in the parish, volunteered in the soup kitchen, and marched for civil rights. Rev. Abernathy acknowledges the history, the influence – and the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph. “It is clear to see why God has chosen the Sisters to be pioneers of his healing love and mercy.

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We hope and we pray that the movement, which began as they took the first courageous step to build a healthy, healing community, spreads and becomes a healing movement of Christ’s mercy,” he says. Inspired by the loving and lasting legacy of their pioneering sisters, Sisters Donna, Margery and Jean roll up their sleeves and respond to the needs of the times. “Our presence here is so important and valuable. We are at a different time and a different place, but we can still make a difference,” says Sister Margery, who along with her housemates, decided to stay in the convent even though they no longer work at the nearby school. Sister Margery and Sister Donna serve as Academic Coaches in schools throughout the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and Sister Jean is principal of St. Joseph School in Verona. Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


write their individual HOPE Plans and establish SMART goals for improving their own lives and those around them. As part of their HOPE plan, the Sisters have started walking with their neighbors, forming a prayer group, and building on relationships with their neighbors.

Sisters join community leaders at FOCUS Pittsburgh meetings.

“This outreach is really another way for us to connect with and remain close to the people,” says Sister Donna. “It has given us a new sense of the reality of life.” Robert Bowden, a behavior health community organizer with FOCUS Pittsburgh, says the Sisters Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


bring a perspective of “oneness” to a neighborhood of culturally diverse backgrounds. “They are a cultural and spiritual asset. They are educated, compassionate, loving and dependable.” As part of the program, residents are also encouraged to

While the Sisters are doing their part to heal the community, they also have been blessed by how their neighbors reached out and comforted them when their dear friend, Sister Maria Harden, died unexpectedly this past September. “Trauma and healing comes in many forms, and we are so grateful to be surrounded by our neighbors,” says Sister Margery. page 7

P ✛ prayer

promoting peace together

Students from St. James in Sewickley display their “Peace Starts in Your Heart” T-shirts. During National Catholic Sisters Week, the girls spent the day interacting with Sisters and learning about their history, social justice initiatives and vocation stories.

After 53 years as a student, teacher or counselor in Catholic schools, Michele (Gorman) Boyd says she has recited many prayers. Now, she looks forward to reading the 100 Days of Prayer posts on the Sisters of St. Joseph Facebook page, and responding each time with an “Amen.” “Reading the Sisters’ posts was initially nostalgic of all those years in the 50’s and 60’s at St. Raphael (Elementary and High) Schools,” she told us in an e-mail. “Social consciousness was the theme in my home and the imperative at school. The nuns were my first mentors, awakening my curiosity and connection to other cultures. They page 8

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


encouraged my questions and indulged my rants. They helped me heal from losing my father by showing me that I could blaze a path and be strong but loving, independent but charitable,” she wrote.

100 Days of Prayer

“The content of their prayers is evidence of a community of strong, devoted women who infused each message with the level of openness that I believe is essential to faith and hope, especially in these times.” The 100 Days of Prayer Project was created by the Sisters of St Joseph of Orange, CA, to encourage prayers for national unity and healing during the new administration’s first 100 days. Inspired by Pope Francis’ message on the 50th Annual World Day of Peace, the Baden congregation is observing a Year of Peace and Nonviolence and participating in the 100 Days of Prayer as part of that initiative. Michele, one of our 2,000+ Facebook friends, is one of many individuals who are praying - sometimes daily - with us. Sharon Bellamy writes on Facebook: “I look forward to these every day. Thank you and Amen.” Another regular poster, Eugene Stark, often adds his own prayers such as “May we, especially the better off, learn that it is more blessed to give than receive” or “May we recognize in them (refugees) the face of Christ.” Whether at home, in your church, in your community, or on Facebook, please join the Sisters of St. Joseph in prayer during this

Year of Peace and Nonviolence. Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


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G ✛ charism

growing up with the Spirit Former students express God’s gifts in the performing arts Two creative and determined young girls – both taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph - were destined for a place in the performing arts. Joan Van Dyke grew up to become a professional ballerina, and, decades later, opened her own dance studio. Kathy Fletcher Wray, who discovered her voice while singing in a school musical, found a vocation in teaching, performing and directing music. Both women today credit the Sisters for rooting them in their deep Catholic faith and for inspiring them to share their joy and gifts in the performing arts with the wider community. They recently graced the lives of our Sisters with their talents, their memories, and their spirit – often defined as the “charism” of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Sister Ruth reconnects with Joan.

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A ‘solo’ beginning for Joan Van Dyke Joan Van Dyke, the only girl in her second-grade class of 10 boys, was also the first girl to attend Mount Gallitzin Academy when the school became co-educational in 1967. “I thought to myself, ‘that little flower is going to wilt’,” recalls Sister Caritas Marshall, her former teacher. “I was so wrong. Joan could definitely hold her own. She was strong – and she was delightful.” While other girls might have been intimidated, Joan was confident, secure – and already moving toward her goal to become a dancer.

Joan takes ‘center stage’ in First Holy Communion class.

“I believed that I was unique in every way and that there was nothing that I could not accomplish with hard work and dedication,” she recalls. “I had the distinct opportunity to experience the Sisters as my teachers and role models. They were an outstanding example of what good teachers represent, and they played a huge role in my development as a woman.” As a student, Joan was captivated by the beauty of the Chapel and what transpired in this sacred place. “The gorgeous chapel set the stage for a joyous opportunity to communicate with the Lord with the Sisters leading the way. The Mass was completely interactive, with everyone singing and responding energetically,” she says. “Sister Ruth (Venard Sattler) made sure that we knew every word to every hymn for every Mass. I still recall those lyrics today when I hear them! My spiritual life is strong and steady, thanks to the Sisters.” At age five, Joan began her dance training and eventually earned a B.A. in Ballet from Virginia Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Intermont College in Bristol, VA, an M.S. in ballet from Indiana University, Bloomington and an M.F.A. from Arizona State University. She is an associate professor of dance at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Since 1984 when Joan opened a dance studio, Van Dyke & Company, in Punxsutawney, PA, she had often mulled the idea of creating an original ballet about MGA called Ecole de Vie (School of Life). She envisioned it as “a tribute to the Sisters for their unwavering dedication to their students and for setting the standard for all women in their professions.” More than three decades later, the ballet, now called Lace, Ecole de Vie, comes to life on Friday, April 21, at 7 p.m. at the Punxsutawney Community Center. The ballet takes the audience through a school year at MGA and tells the story of two girls who find friendship despite their disparate personalities. The performance features MGA scenes from the first day of school, graduation, page 11

French and art lessons, the Chapel, cafeteria and auditorium. “My seven years at MGA were magical,” says Joan who recently reconnected with her former teacher, Sister Ruth, who fondly remembered the spunky, cheerful young girl. When Joan learned of Sister Ruth’s extensive collection of musical compositions that she has written over the years, Joan asked a colleague at Indiana University of Pennsylvania to incorporate some of Sister Ruth’s selections into the music of the ballet. “I am so honored and thrilled that my music will be part of the ballet,” Sister Ruth says. “And I’m so

very proud of Joan’s accomplishments – all in the spirit of the Sisters of St. Joseph.” Joan is an Associate Professor of Dance and her collaborator, Dr. Stanley Chepaitis, is an Associate Professor of Violin, Violin and String Ensemble. Along with other collaborators including Lori Miller, April Matthews, Catherine Hayes, Jacob Brady, Nancy Jones, Tina Lewis and, Sarah Dixon, “A Dance Showcase” featuring Lace, Ecole de Vie will premiere on April 21. Tickets for the ballet are $13 for general seating, $15 for reserved, and $25 for balcony. For more information, please call 814-938-8434 or email at

A musical inspiration for Kathy Fletcher Wray But it was Sister Barbara Ann Balog, the classroom music teacher, who convinced Kathy to sing “Joseph’s Song’’ in the spring musical – a pivotal turning point in her life. “I just introduced Kathy to music; the music was always within her,” Sister says. With a laugh, she adds: “I knew who the monotones were, and I knew that Kathy wasn’t one of them.”

Kathy, center, ‘finds her voice’ in fifth grade.

While a student at St. Thomas More Elementary School in the 1960s, Kathy Fletcher Wray first connected with the Sisters of St. Joseph who nurtured in her a love of knowledge and a devotion to her Catholic faith. page 12

Sister Barbara Ann persuaded the tentative fifth-grader to sing a solo in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” The performance took place on Palm Sunday at Heinz Chapel in Pittsburgh. Kathy has a vague memory of being both nervous and excited before the show, but clearly recalls singing “the song with a bajillion colors in it!” Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


“In my senior year of high school, when I decided to major in music education, I wanted to thank Sister Barbara Ann for inspiring me and calling forth from me a deep love for music.” Unbeknownst to her, Kathy says, “The Sisters of St. Joseph sowed seeds of a deeper longing for union with God and others that later led me in the direction of education and theology.” After earning a degree in music education from Duquesne University, Kathy entered the Sisters’ Congregation. “I remember so clearly a feeling that, rather than entering some new and different world, my heart had come ‘home’ and the charism blossomed in me,” she says. “When I left years later, it was because I felt God had other plans in store for me, and I feel that charism has stayed with me in the way my husband and I have raised our children, opened our home, and in the way I ‘do’ ministry.” Just six miles down the road from her childhood school, Kathy teaches at Seton-LaSalle Catholic High School in Mt. Lebanon, PA. Since 2006, she has taught all levels of high school theology and choral music, and presently teaches seniors. She is Co-Director of Campus Ministries, coordinating worship and programs in prayer and spirituality. Kathy is also Director of Music Ministries at St. Damien of Molokai Parish in Monongahela, PA. Over the years, Kathy has maintained relationships with the Sisters of St. Joseph. So, it was no surprise when she graciously accepted their invitation to serve as the Music Director of the Congregation’s ‘In a Manger Lowly’ Concert and to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the beloved Christmas carol at the concert. “I was thrilled to be able to give back a small portion of all I’ve been given,” says Kathy. She directed choir members from St. Damien of Molokai, Sisters Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Kathy engages audience at concert.

and friends in a heart-stirring, sold-out performance in the Motherhouse Chapel on December 4. Among the guests were grandnieces and grandnephews of Sister Victoria Martin, who composed In a Manger Lowly in 1916. The concert, which was promoted throughout the country, brought some of the relatives together for the first time. The concert also was an occasion to honor Sister Ruth Sattler and Sister Donna Marie Beck who were instrumental in the 1963 recording of the album. With a show of sustaining applause following the beautiful Advent-Christmas concert, more than 300 guests expressed their gratitude and appreciation to Kathy and the performers. “I was overwhelmed with love and grace that day,” Kathy recalls. “The Spirit was so present in the singers and musicians, in the Sisters and in the many guests. Sisters say they saw glimmers of the spirit, or charism, within two young girls – a singer and a ballerina – many years ago, and how beautiful that Kathy and Joan share it with others today. page 13

D ✛ development letter

dear partners in missions Recently, I attended the Pittsburgh Community Leaders Prayer

Breakfast at the David Lawrence Convention Center downtown. It was my first experience of this awesome event and one that was truly uplifting.

Sister Karen Stoila, CSJ

More than 900 people from our beloved city were in the room. One of the speakers gave a reflection on the passage about the Good Samaritan that I just knew was intended for this letter. Most often, as we listen to the story in Luke, we focus on the compassion of the Good Samaritan and rightly so. He was the one person who stopped to help the man beaten by robbers when others walked on by.

However, in order to make a real difference in our world, those who believe in the power and mercy of God need to acknowledge a second characteristic of the parable much more subtle – that of capacity. Not only did the Good Samaritan have compassion, he also had capacity to help – he had a donkey to hoist the man onto, and he had money to pay for his care. As I listened to the speaker, I thought of all the names in our Circles of Compassion, Zeal, Joy and Peace that are listed in this Dear Neighbor magazine. Every name, every organization listed has created capacity for our Sisters to carry out our mission. Without your willingness to build capacity for us, we could not receive foster children, welcome Latino immigrants, serve the elderly, teach children about bees and caring for Earth, provide food to the needy, and care for 85 wonderful women – our retired Sisters – whose life stories abound in examples of God’s grace.

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Never again will I think of and pray for you who are so good to us without recognizing that what you have done for us is give us the capacity to live our lives in God, for God, with God and with our dear neighbor – all in service to our call to live God’s tender compassion. Our Sisters were lace-makers at our founding and, over the centuries, the Sisters of St. Joseph built tremendous capacity to minister according to the needs of the times. The capacity we have today in our Baden Congregation owes so much gratitude to each of you. Another speaker at this prayer breakfast began with: This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad! And that is how we hold you in our hearts – with great rejoicing for your compassion and your capacity to be generous. With faithful gratitude,

Sister Karen Stoila, CSJ Director of Development 724-869-6592

In loving memory Sister Winifred Reddington, 85 March 14, 2017 Sister Diane (Emmanuel) McCalley, 79 January 22, 2017 Sister Barbara (Michael) Sandor, 83 December 21, 2016 Sister Alberta Grimme, 97 October 27, 2016 Sister Loretta (Bernarda) Krall, 81 October 17, 2016 Sister Ursula Grimes, 93 October 15, 2016 Sister Maria Harden, 54 September 22, 2016

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


To read more about our Sisters or to make a memorial contribution, please visit our website at page 15

✛ annual report to donors

sources of contributions July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016

July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

$550,000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Gifts from Individuals

Restricted Donations for New Boiler

Planned Gifts

Sisters' Patrimony Gifts


Commemorative Gifts

Special Events

In Kind Gifts

National Religious Retirements Collection

2015-2016 Gifts from Individuals (Major Gifts, Appeals, Newsletters, Unsolicited) $500,593.32 Restricted Donations for New Boiler $33,000.00 Planned Gifts (Wills, Trusts) $90,279.78 Sisters’ Patrimony Gifts $297,475.17 Grants (Corporations, Foundations, Organizations) $302,498.80 Commemorative Gifts (In Memory, In Honor) $74,429.04 Special Events (Golf Classic, Lottery Calendar, MGHS Brunch, $253,351.00 Spring Luncheon, Dan Schutte Concert) In Kind Gifts (Golf Classic) $5,559.50 National Religious Retirement Collection $233,223.93 Total $1,790,410.54

uses of contributions July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016

$650,000 $600,000 $550,000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Development/ Communications Expenses

Present and Future Care of Elder Sisters

Ministry Support

Special Event Expenses

Motherhouse Expense

General Operating Expenses

In Kind Gifts

2015-2016 Development/Communications Expenses $277,023.42 Present and Future Care of Elder Sisters $342,661.06 Ministry Support (Foster Care, Prison Ministry, Spirituality Center, $615,285.97 Grounds and Eco-Projects, Neighbors in Need, Pet Therapy, Other) Special Event Expenses (Golf Classic, Lottery Calendar, MGHS Brunch, $46,702.23 Dan Schutte Concert) Motherhouse Expense - Directed to New Boiler $33,000.00 General Operating Expenses $470,178.36 In Kind Gifts (Golf Classic) $5,559.50 Total $1,790,410.54

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Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


✛ annual report to donors Circle

Compassion of

July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

Anonymous (3)

Estate of Krystyna Scholze

BMO Harris Bank NA

Sisters of St. Joseph Auxiliary

Dean A. and Mary Calland

Anna M. Stedina

Diocese of Pittsburgh

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

EMCOR Group Inc. Richard F. Ferrucci Helen M. Force Anthony J. and Michelle Guzzi Ladies of Bethany Estate of Rose Sweeney Melenyzer James S. and Lori Rausch


Joy of

Anonymous (2)

Estate of Barbara M. Onn

John A. and Jane Degory

Peter R. and Sue Osenar

Eaton Corporation

Thomas M. and Christel Parrish

Joseph P. Grimes, Jr.

Peter W. and Mary Lynne Rander

Lennox International Inc.

Bernadette F. Revicky

Estate of Kathryn V. Lutz


John F. and Jane Malloy Robert G. Mazur James J. and Dr. Alison M. Mirasola


Zeal of

Anonymous (5)

William R. and Patricia Collins

Enrico D. Arzenti

Marie T. Coschigano Charitable Fund

Pete and Suzanne Avila

Paul A. Crandell

Baker Tilly

Patricia M. Crandell

Theresa N. Bartlett

Thomas J. and Patricia Crotty

The Benevity Community Impact Fund

Robert G. Currier

Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC

Edward J. and Maureen Dabrowski

Estate of Barbara L. Burton

Thomas J. and Ruth Demko

John G. Carberry

Dennis and Kim DiPerna

Dr. Andrew C. and Ursula Chough

Marjorie Dolan

City Theatre Company Inc.

Vincent Donatelli Family Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

CJL Engineering James J. Colaianne, Jr. Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Illene T. Colby

Emcor Services Scalise Industries Richard W. and Beth Farmer page 17

✛ annual report to donors

July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

Betty B. Feathers

Craig S. and Ellen Liberatore

Mary Ellen Schuessler

Karen S. Fisher

Marcus & Shapira LLP

Gerald A. Serrino

Fontbonne Academy Class of 1965

David J. and Susan Merison

Charles E. and Ellen Sheedy

Kathleen M. Galleher

Gordon J. and Patricia Miller

St. Bernadette 250 Club

Brande A. Gilbert

John M. Miller

Staley Capital Advisers

Mark W. and Melissa Good

Mistick Construction

Mary L. Staudenmaier

Lauretta M. Gordon

Philip F. and Patricia Muck

Dennis and Regina Stover

Rev. Keith E. and Rev. Janet B. Grill

Lorraine B. Mueller

Dr. Gregory T. and Dr. Leslie R. Trecha

Michael J. and Debra Gubanic

David P. Nauman and Rebecca Degrosky

Steven and Betty Uzupis

Dennis D. and Barbara Habowski

Robert C. and Joan Ondick

David G. and Marianne Walsh

Dr. David and Marilyn Harcum

Thomas J. and Eleanor Osborn

Daniel L. Weaver

Janice M. Hayes

Thomas and Joyce Pappert

Linda T. Whitford

Dr. Stephen R. and Beth Hribar

Joachim and Patricia Peilert

Rick and Patricia Williams

Sandra J. Jenkins

Joseph P. and Mary Jane Platt

John J. Young

Alfred E. Jones and Frances Bridgeman Jones Memorial Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

Leo N. and Evelyn Pohl

Matthew Zack and Claire Conaway

Eileen Kennedy William E. and Carolyn Keslar Phillip S. Kimball William H. and Pamela Kredel Joan E. Lavery


Peace of

page 18

Presbyterian Senior Care Paul A. and Cindy Rank S. Edward and Katherine Renner Richard D. Riordan Timothy G. and Carol Rubritz Gordon E. and JoAnne Scherer

Anonymous (9)

Joseph S. and Barbara Beri

Robert J. and Susan Alman

Linda M. Birochik

Shirley A. Armstrong

Christine R. Bissert

John M. and Anne Marie Arzenti

Richard E. Bosco

Ronald J. and Barbara Balcerek

John Boyle

William S. and Shirley Balint

Virginia C. Boyle

Aurella J. Barch

John L. and Elizabeth Branson

Lawrence R. and Kathleen Barkowski

Barry Brown

William and Susan Barrett

Carol Ann Brown

Amy L. Barry

William P. Brown

Robert A. and Arleen Barth

Robert L. Brush, Jr.

Martha A. Bearer

Amy L. Bubash

LaVerne S. Beckett

Nieces and Nephews of Kathryn Bunger

Jeanne L. Beers

Frances E. Bungo

Christopher C. Benec

Thomas J. Burgunder

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


✛ annual report to donors

July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

Teresa Cardon

Joseph L. and Mary Driggs

Rev. John A. Harvey

Marlyn E. and Natalie Carle

Barry and Aida Dugan

Stephen A. and Barbara Hecht

William P. and Kathleen Cavanaugh

Bohdan Durkacz

Stephen Hegner Charitable Fund

Daniel P. Cellini

Thomas R. and Mary Durra

Joseph M. and Patty Henry

Angela M. Cellini

Anita L. Dwyer

Lewis G. Herdt, Jr.

Catherine A. Charnock

John R. and Gertrude Echement

Janet E. Hicks

Michael and Antoinette Chovanec

Michele Fagan

Marilyn A. Hite

Jonathan D. and Pamela Clark

Ann E. Fallon

Daniel R. and Lori Hodge

Charlene K. Clarke

Estate of Ann P. Fennych

Garry L. and Kathleen Hogan

Kathleen F. Cleaver

Rosemarie Filippelli

Richard A. Holzer

Concurrent Technologies Corporation

Rich Finoli

Dan L. Hummel

Mary J. Connaughton

Francis J. Fisher

Raymond R. and Marie Jacko

John A. and Kris Connolly

Kevin M. and Donna Flannery

Kate W. Jackson

Barbara M. Connors

Mary A. Flynn

James S. and Frances Kalmer

Richard G. and Clara Conti

Elizabeth A. France

Dr. Edward G. Kelly

Frank G. and Adelfa Coyle

Katherine M. France

Mary Kay Kennedy

Calvin Cramer

Alan H. and Anna Maria Francis

James E. and Margaret Kervin

Crivelli Ford

Mary J. Frankenberry

Thomas R. and Antoinette Kessler

Helen M. Culhane

Joan Y. Freda

John R. and Mary Kilkeary

Noreen C. Culhane

Molly E. Fulling

Charles King

Cura Hospitality

Marcia Gallina Advised Fund of Cumberland Community Foundation

Joseph A. and Patricia Kirk

William W. and Anna Jean Cushwa Carol S. Cutler Tim Dabbs David Z. and Noreen D’Argenio Thomas M. Deasy Linda G. DeBor Mark A. and Christina Degonish Ethel DeIuliis Neil S. and Carol DeLuca Joseph G. Dillon Gregory and Theophilus Dinwiddie Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown John and Gina Dioguardi David H. and Allison Dix William B. Dixon and Kathleen Gavigan Mary Jo Dressel Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Alfred Gallo

Knights of Columbus Queen of Peace Council #5367, Sewickley

Blaine W. and Mary Anne Galonski

Daniel J. and Maureen Konieczka

Bernard R. and Clare Gillis

Beatrice E. Kreutzer

William E. and Janine Glunt

Lois M. Lang

Dr. Daniel P. Gray

Marian M. Langer

Arthur H. and Anne Green

Wilfred L. and Kathleen Foon

Drew and Doris Grivna

Judith M. Lewis

Robert W. and Christine Grochowski

Mark J. and Ruth Llewellyn

Jeff H. and Elaine Groezinger

William H. and Carroll Logsdon

Dr. Louis M. and Lynn Guzzi

Mary Louise Long

Dr. Maureen Haggarty

Steven and Robin Lutz

Walter C. and Mary Hall

Patrick and Marguerite Lynch

Joan E. Hallinan

J. Richard and Dianne Lynch

Patricia A. Hammond, CSJA

Larry S. and Kathleen Mackins

William J. and Margaret Hannan

Timothy O. and Judith Mahoney page 19

✛ annual report to donors

July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

Robert G. and Patricia Maloney

Margaret M. Pakulski

Dr. Frances H. Squires

Thomas G. and Mary Suzan Manor

Linda A. Panchura

St. James School

James G. Manor

Patricia A. Parks

Loretta A. Martella

Mark E. Pasquerilla

Ladies of Charity of St. Joseph Church, Verona

Ted F. Maznicki

Peter and Janice Paul

Donald K. and Donna McBee

George A. and Patricia Pecoraro

Patrick J. and Diane McCann

Peter and Tricia Pesut

Richard W. and Lauren McCarthy

Karen M. Petruny

Katherine L. McCarthy

John J. and Maliya Piergalline

John P. and Mary McCluskey

Roger A. and Mary Pieto

Ellen McCracken

Robert A. and Christine Pietrandrea

Terry and Donna McNamara

David A. and Caroline Pinkosky

Daniel McNulty

Poland Funeral Home, Inc.

Mark W. and Rosemarie McShane

Mitchell G. Possinger

William J. and Joanne McVay

Michael J. and Shirley Prendergast

David E. and Marilyn Meehan

Bernard J. and Patricia Rabik

David C. and Mary Meinert

J. Ronald Reagan

Michael Miniotas

Michael Reese

Shirley A. Moore

Roger E. Reese

Dr. John I. and Betty Moraca

Rita M. Riordan

Barbara J. Moretti

Dennis B. Roddy and Joyce A. Gannon

Elizabeth J. Verner

Michael A. Morgan

Rome Inspirations and Rome Monuments

Robert and Theresa Vidas

Edward J. and Gail Moschetti Eugene F. and Mary Ann Moulton Brother Charles E. Mrozinski, FSC Lawrence L. and Marianne Murray James A. and Mary Nania Kathleen A. Nealen James F. and Maureen Nelson Raymond M. and Jean Niedenberger Harry E. Nieman Gary M. and Rose Noll Jenny Novak Mary Joyce O’Brien Lauri Ortega Carole A. Ortenzo Anthony C. and Cynthia Ortenzo page 20

Regis R. and Angela Stana Angela M. Stevens Thomas G. and Lynne Suhayda Patricia Swartzlander, CSJA Jason and Maureen Tapolci Mary Ann Tarnovich Teri Tatalovich-Rossi Arthur H. and Christine Taylor Richard T. Lira and M. Gretchen Taylor Thomas P. and Donna Timcho Rev. Leo R. Tittler Robert F. Totten Valerie Tucci William and Marcella Tunney Stephen P. and Debra Turcsanyi Rosemarie L. Varsanik Kenneth A. and Louise Veselicky

George and Barbara Rovnyak

Violeta C. Viray

Larry T. and Christine Rozak

Rose Marie Volpe

Colette R. Satler

William S. Warren

Jeffry P. and Kim Sattler

Joyce Waslosky

Joseph M. and Suzanne Savage

Genevieve F. Weiss

Robert J. and Rosemarie Schuler

Mark Welch

Edmund N. Schuster

John White

Charles R. and Janet Sekon

Harry P. and Alice Whitehead

Nacol B. Sharkins

James A. and Joann Wick

Capt. James E. and Suzi Sheehan

G. Thomas and Lhea Wiese

Harry J. Sichi

Patrick M. and Kelly Wiethorn

Siemens Caring Hands Giving Campaign

William A. Wiles

Sisters of Divine Providence

Patricia A. Wolfhope

Sisters of St. Joseph Employees

Mary Kay Wood

Lawrence and Lois Skogerson

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


✛ annual report to donors CIRCLES OF GIVING Circle of Compassion $10,000 or more

July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

St. Joseph Legacy Society

Circle of Joy Up to $9,999

The St. Joseph Legacy Society recognizes those individuals who witness the spirit of generosity modeled by our patron, St. Joseph. Members of the Society are honored for any planned gift, no matter the amount.

Circle of Zeal Up to $4,999 Circle of Peace Up to $999

The Sisters of St. Joseph are grateful to the following benefactors for bequests given during fiscal year 20152016. May God reward their selfless generosity with light, happiness and peace in God’s eternal home.

Circle of Grace Up to $249 We express our deep and heartfelt gratitude to the 2,464 Circle of Grace donors whose yearly contributions up to $249 have blessed us greatly with a cumulative gift of $149,382. We regret that we are not able to publish the individual names, but we hold their names in our hearts and in our prayers.


Barbara M. Onn

Barbara L. Burton

Krystyna Scholze

Ann P. Fennych

Joan Mannion Smith

Kathryn V. Lutz

The Fontbonne Circle Named in honor of Mother St. John Fontbonne, who restored the Congregation in Lyon, France, in 1808 after the French Revolution, the Fontbonne Circle formally recognizes those whose cumulative lifetime gifts to the Sisters of St. Joseph and their ministries have reached $10,000.00. We thank these benefactors who generously support the mission and ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph. As builders of God’s great love, they partner with us to make Jesus known and to apply the Gospel to all realms of human life.

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Anonymous (1) Pete and Suzanne Avila Dr. Timothy and Christine Brown CJL Engineering Cura Hospitality Marta David Vincent and Jo Donatelli

Janice M. Hayes Marcus & Shapira LLP James and Dr. Alison Mirasola Gordon and JoAnne Scherer Steven and Betty Uzupis Patrick and Kelly Wiethorn

page 21

C ✛ milestone

celebrating Girls Hope Sisters honor legacy of Sister Donna Marie The Sisters of St. Joseph will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Girls Hope of Pittsburgh by hosting a culminating event at the Motherhouse on Saturday, June 10, beginning at 2 p.m.

Congregation at the time, began working with Father Paul Sheridan, founder of Boys Hope, to establish the first Girls Hope. The project would become a living expression of the Sisters to “respond to those areas where human dignity is most diminished including the poor and marginalized, youth, and women.”

Individuals associated with Girls Hope over the years are welcome to attend the celebration, which includes tours of the Girls Hope house in Baden, a historical display, speakers, and a light supper in the Motherhouse Dining Room. The occasion also will commemorate the legacy of Sister Donna Marie Tahaney, one of the founders of Girls Hope, with an outdoor blessing and tribute.

The Sisters realized their dream in 1991 with the opening of Girls Hope – the first in the country. Since that time, dozens of scholars, such as Tiana, have reached their aspirations as well.

In the late 1980s, Sister Donna Marie, Assistant Superior of the page 22

“Because of Girls Hope, my greatest dreams have come true. To me Girls Hope has been my saving grace,” she says. “Without all of the unconditional love and support that each and every one of you has given, I would not be here today, professing how amazing Girls Hope is.” Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Girls Hope graduate, Anissa, with Sister Donna Marie

Tiana, one of the Girls Hope alumna, graduated from La Roche College in 2009 with a degree in human services. She received a Master’s Degree in Criminology from Point Park University in 2013. She presently works for the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency in Harrisburg, PA. True to its original mission, Girls Hope provides a supportive and nurturing home environment and quality education through college for academically talented girls who are at risk due to poverty, neglect or harmful neighborhood conditions. The June 10 celebration is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, and the Board of Girls Hope of Pittsburgh. Staff members, volunteers, donors, scholars and families connected to Girls Hope since its founding are encouraged to attend the event. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Please register online at or by calling Christina at 724-869-6574. Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Following is the celebration schedule: 2 - 3 p.m.

Optional tours of the Girls Hope Baden House

3:15 p.m.

Outdoor Blessing and Tribute to Sister Donna Marie Tahaney

4:15 p.m.

25th Anniversary Program with Father Paul Sheridan, SJ

5:15 p.m.

Light fare in the Motherhouse Dining Room

6:30 p.m.

Optional Mass for attendees page 23

P ✛ tradition

piecing a pattern of love Family’s hand-made quilt supports Sisters Each year, Evelyn Pohl spends months piecing, or sewing together, sections of a quilt in preparation for the annual Sisters of St. Joseph Auxiliary Spring Luncheon Benefit. The tradition of making and donating a quilt to be raffled at the fundraiser began in 2012, just a few years after her daughter, Sister Kari Pohl, professed final vows as a Sister of St. Joseph. The late Sister Mildred Boeh embroidered a blanket top and passed it along to Evelyn, whom she hoped might be able to help finish it. Completing Sister Mildred’s quilt soon became a family project and Evelyn worked alongside her sisters-inlaw Rosie Miller, Laurie Kowatch, Gladys Schneider and Marie Smith and her late mother-in-law, Veronica Pohl. “It was just gorgeous and we felt guilty keeping it, so we put borders on it, hand-quilted the top and gave it back to her as a gift,” Evelyn says. “I believe she donated it to the Sisters’ luncheon.” Since then, Evelyn and Rosie have continued to collaborate on a quilt each year to support the Sisters. Evelyn starts

Sister Kari and her mom display this year’s quilt. page 24

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


This year, Evelyn and Rosie plan to make the five-hour drive from their home in Westphalia, MI, to attend the Auxiliary Spring Luncheon Benefit, where their quilts have become a sought-after auction item among attendees. It will be a special occasion for the family since Sister Kari, who recently returned from six years of mission work in Managua, Nicaragua, will be able to join her mom and aunt at the event. piecing together blocks of fabric in September and slowly watches the pattern come together as she sews on Sunday afternoons. Her goal is to finish sewing by March so Rosie can begin layering the back batting and the top upon returning from her annual trip to Florida. Rosie’s intricate hand-stitched designs transform each quilt into a piece of artwork.

She always hoped to learn to quilt from her mother, but there was little time while balancing the demands of being a teacher and raising three children. After retiring, she joined a church group that makes quilts for the parish festival and began to learn. Ideas shared within the group often provide inspiration for the design of the spring luncheon quilt.

Evelyn enjoys taking her time with each quilt, carefully selecting fabrics, colors and patterns. Many of her quilts, including one made specially to celebrate Sister Kari’s vows, incorporate a bit of family history. She inherited a box of fabric from her mother, a talented quilter, and looks for opportunities to pair her mother’s traditional

This year’s queen-size quilt titled “Summer Stars” has bright pink, purple and yellow triangles of fabric arranged to create a star pattern. Past quilt designs have included a cobalt blue and purple scheme with a soft, swirling pattern, an elegant teal and tan combination and a rustic blue, green and brown sequence featuring geese.

patterns with modern color schemes.

“It’s been fun, and it’s a challenge,” she says. “It’s always interesting to try to find patterns. Some look easy but are not and others look difficult but turn out to be easier.”

“That’s what she would want . . . for her fabric to carry on the tradition,” Evelyn says. Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


The 55th Annual Auxiliary Spring Luncheon Benefit Saturday, May 20th at the Double Tree by Hilton in Mars, PA, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The luncheon begins with a bake sale and the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win one of the many beautiful baskets. Attendees will enjoy a sit-down lunch and time to visit with family and friends while supporting the Sisters and their ministries. Tickets are $35 per person Register online at or call 724-869-6574. page 25

S ✛ support

shopping with a mission Sisters sell handmade gifts in virtual store

It’s a grand opening! You can now purchase artisan products made by the Sisters in our new online gift shop. After many requests for this convenient shopping option from

An accomplished seamstress, Sister Ruth Weiss makes “dining scarves” as a fashionable alternative to protecting clothing from food spills. Her handmade scarves are now available in our virtual store. Sister Ruth joins several Sister artisans whose products support the mission and ministries of the Congregation. page 26

friends and donors, the virtual store was launched earlier this month. Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


Shopping at the online store is just one of many ways that you can support the mission and ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph. The online store offers all natural apiary products, such as lip balms and moisturizing creams, honey and honey candy, an assortment of note cards, custom-designed wooden story bowls, dining scarves, and “Peace Starts in Your Heart” T-shirts. Look for more products - including seasonal gifts - as we

Apiary products are priced according to fair market value so that we can meet the costs of production. To purchase a product online, please visit our website at and the Support Us section. Shoppers can also visit our storefront at the Motherhouse, or contact Sister Betty Adams, manager of the gift shop, at 724-869-6549 or for more information.

expand our virtual store. Through your online purchase, you also help us provide work for individuals who face barriers to employment. Under the umbrella of Earth Tones ministry, Sister Lyn Szymkiewicz is taking steps

Sisters of St. Joseph / spring


to connect with Beaver County Rehabilitation Center to provide work, such as labeling products, for its clients.

As part of their mission, the Sisters are attuned to how all of creation lives and moves and has its being in God. They are committed to conserving resources and living in sustainable ways, especially when caring for their 94 acres in Baden. Earth Tones ministry is a tangible expression of the Sisters’ reverence for Earth by encouraging an understanding and awareness of God and nature.

page 27

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1020 State Street • Baden, PA 15005

notes from our neighbors Congratulations to the Sisters of St. Joseph on the 100th anniversary of the Christmas Carol, “In a Manger Lowly.” What wonderful memories I have of music director, Sister Aelred, and the small girls’ chorus that traveled the community to perform during the Sister Aelred holidays. We sang at schools, church organizations and hospitals and were greeted graciously and we appreciated their hospitality, especially the cookies and punch. Our special Christmas carol, “In a Manger Lowly,” was sung with reverence, but, at the same time, I did not realize it was composed by the St. Joseph sisters. The years 1953-57 were memorable for me at Mt. Gallitzin High School. . . . Sister Aelred, and our principal, Sister Vincent Mary, kept us focused and on our best behavior as we traveled with the school orchestra to entertain at Christmas. I learned respect, self-control, and Christian values that have guided me in my career as a nurse, wife, mother and grandmother of nine. I remember all of the good Sisters who taught me in high school. Joyce Donatell Pacek Class of 1957 pageMGHS 28

This photograph of the Mount Gallitzin High School Girls’ Chorus was printed in a local newspaper in 1957. Joyce is in the top row, first from the left. Sisters of St. Joseph / spring 2017

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