4th STIFF Film Festival (2017)

Page 15


Born Wrong / Krivo rođena


Kaisa El Ramly, igrani, 19’, Finska, 2016. Kaisa El Ramly, fiction, 19’, Finland, 2016

Yudho Aditya, igrani, 20’, Indonezija, 2016. Yudho Aditya, fiction, 20’, Indonesia, 2016

“Born Wrong” opisuje trenutak u životu dvaju odraslih sestara u kojem se moraju suočiti jedna s drugom u zajedničkoj vožnji taksijem.

Mladić u ruralnom dijelu Indonezije razapet između tradicije svojih predaka i romantične idealizacije slobode Zapada.

“Born Wrong” depicts a moment in the lives of two adult sisters in which they have to face one another in a shared taxi ride.

A teen living in rural Indonesia struggles between the traditions of his upbringing and his romantic idealization of the freedom of the West. Contact:

Yudho Aditya priashortfilm@gmail.com HFF München


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