Use Your Magic

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Suddenly, Christian tapped on his glass and called for a toast. He thanked everyone for their attendance and friendship. He talked about the inspiration of his work then pulled Lilah close to his side and asked her to say a few words. Lilah felt as though a frog jumped down her throat. What on God’s earth did she possibly have to say? For a split second she thought about behaving in a manner that wasn’t authentic, to make it appear as though she was part of the crowd. But she knew people would see right through her, and Lilah wasn’t particularly good at deceit. She was an honest person. So Lilah did something Christian expected she would do, she rose to the occasion and said the most memorable words of the night. It was like magic. “Hello, my name is Lilah and I’m so grateful to be among such a distinguished group of people this evening. I’m not exactly sure why I’m so lucky to be here with you tonight, and I’m not sure why someone like Christian Bordeau would choose me to work by his side, but I do know that I’m here and I am afraid. I’m afraid that I would be seen as not being good enough. I’m afraid that my work won’t be noticed. I’m afraid for reasons that I’m not always fully able to articulate. But I’m here. And I’m being strong…. for my family….for the Bordeau brand….and most of all for my father. Who would often say to me ‘You know what to do Lilah. Use your magic.’ And so here I am. I’m here to do my work. I’m here to share it with you. I’m here to make you proud and make our dreams come true.” Thank you for reading! It would mean a lot if you shared this with a friend.

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