Tidings Edition 12

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Upcoming Events

Important Dates 2025

February 4 2025

Term 1 Commences: Year 7, Year 11, New Students and Captains

February 5 2025

All students commence

Opening School Assembly

February 12 2025

Opening Mass and commissioning of 2025 College Leaders 11:30am

Principal’s Message

The year of 2024 has been our Year of Community, with Psalm 133:1 being our scriptural theme: How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

I am so proud to be the leader of this community! We have come so far this year, building on a strong foundation, but now we have stretched our wings. We have House–based pastoral care, we have a pastoral hub where students can find a listening ear or helping hand, we have added Community assemblies and we have established a Community Council. We have had so many visitors over this last week coming to our second hand uniform sale – staffed by members of our Community Council. Our Council lead a Bunnings sausage sizzle, and the high point of building social connection and community was our wonderful Community Council Trivia night last term. In so many ways, we have grown as a community throughout this year; it is a transformation! And ‘transformation’ is our theme next year, which is also our 60th anniversary; transformation and celebrations ahead!

I am grateful to be part of, not just leading, this community and I appreciate this opportunity to say “well done” to all our students for their efforts this year, particularly our graduating cohort. I am extremely proud of the way our graduates acted with maturity and grace through their end of school celebrations. I am grateful for our parents who go above and beyond to support their daughters and the endeavours of the College.

We will begin next year with a Diamond Jubilee family picnic and BBQ. For now, I wish all our families a wonderful and blessed Christmas, not forgetting that the birth of Jesus, God coming to us as a human, is a miracle and a message of love and hope for us all.

Christmas blessings to all.

Book a tour today with us today!

Choosing the right school for your daughter is one of the hardest decisions to make – we get it!

We welcome families to tour the College at any time to get a sense of our warm and welcoming community, the calm and engaged classrooms, and our exceptional facilities.

Fees Schedule 2025

# Mandatory School Buildings Levy – add $300 per family in CE System schools * Includes mandatory camp (Years 7, 9, 11, 12).

Tuition & Levy

→ Tuition Fees are recommended and approved by the Catholic Education Commission and are the basis for sibling discounts across the system.

→ The Levy is set by the College.

→ Collectively, school fees are used to cover costs for student learning resources, camps and retreats, event transportation, all operational expenditure, salaries and the Catholic Education (CE) levy.

Sibling discounts

→ Apply to the Tuition Fee only and are applicable when siblings attend other CE System Schools

Oldest Child Full Fee

Second Child 20% Discount

Third Child 50% Discount

Fourth Child 100% Discount

School Buildings Levy

→ This new levy is specifically for the maintenance of College facilities, including insurance costs.

The School Buildings Levy replaces the Canberra Catholic Schools Building Fund and is charged per year, per family with students in CE system schools within the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn. This levy will be charged by the school of the eldest child. As the levy is compulsory, it is not tax deductible

Contact Us

If you have any queries regarding school fees or payment methods, please contact the Accounts Officer at the College on 6209 9481 or email finance@stcc.act.edu.au

Year 12 Graduation

Olympic Change Maker Award

Meggin Crozier

The Canberra Mathematics Association Medal for Excellence

Georgia Owens

The Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award

Georgina Spurrett

The Australian Defence Force Future Innovators Award

Lara Hipwell

University of Canberra - Faculty of Arts and DesignDesign Futures Award

Ava Williams

University of Canberra Health and Physical Education Award

Alyssa Di-Campli

Australian Catholic University Year 12 Prize

Imogen Baggoley

ANZAC Spirit Award

Annika Zachara

Top Academic Achievers

Nicola Efstathiou

Siena Goodwin

Sophie Jeffrey

Georgia Owens

Annabelle Wheadon

The Principal’s Award for Leadership in College Life

Annaleisha Cologna

Senior Sportsperson of the Year

Ashley Patton

The Archbishop’s Cup for Contribution to the Religious Life of the College

Julia Norgrove

Outstanding Achievement in Vocational Education

Ella Nair

The Founder’s College Cup for Initiative and Service

Georgia Andrighetto

The College Plate for Effort in Studies

Ashley Brine

The St Clare’s College Cup for All-Round Excellence

Alyssa Di-Campli

Faith Adukan

Faith is still exploring her options for 2025.

Georgia Andrighetto

Georgia plans on studying at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

Imogen Baggoley

Imogen plans on studying at University.

Danika Ballon

Danika plans on going to University to complete a degree in Primary Education.

Jenna Ber

Jenna is still exploring her options for 2025.

Jordan Bird

Jordan plans to travel and study Construction Management.

Ava Bradford

Ava intends to pursue a career as a Crew Attendant in the Air Force.

Jumana Albheisi

Jumana plans to study at University and work parttime in the hopes of starting a business.

Amelia Austin

Amelia plans to study Primary School Teaching at ACU Canberra.

Larina Bagic

Larina plans to audition for a dance company either in Europe, Australia or New Zealand.

Madeline Bennett

Madeline plans to work and travel.

Niamh Billiards

Niamh plans to study at Canberra University, either Sports Psychology or rehabilitation.

Rosaja Blazeski

Rosaja is still exploring her options for 2025.

Maddison Brighton

Taking a gap year and then ccontinuing my apprenticeship path and moving into the Public Service.

Ashley Brine

Ashley is still exploring her options for 2025.

Lauren Catanzariti

Lauren plans to study a double degree of Law and Political Science at University.

Isabella Collard

Isabella plans to study a Bachelor in Business and Marketing at UC.

Ella Collins

Ella plans to attend the University of Hawaii on a scholarship for Women’s Basketball.

Sienna Combe

Sienna plans to take a gap year to travel then go to University.

Meggin Crozier

Meggin is still exploring her options for 2025.

Chloe De Jongh

Chloe plans to study nursing at ACU or UC.

Eva Burke

Eva plans to travel around the world in 2025.

Daniella Cirillo

Daniella hopes to commence a career in the APS.

Sharlae Collins

Sharlae plans to attend University and studya Bachelor of Primary Education.

Annaleisha Cologna

Anna plans to study Health Science at ANU to then go into medicine.

Jessica Cooper

Jessica is still exploring her options for 2025.

Freya David

Freya plans to attend CIT and get a Dipolma in Nursing.

Hannah Devoy

Hannah is excited to travel and start an electrician apprenticeship.

Alyssa Di-Campli

Alyssa is either attending College in the US for football or playing football more locally and taking a gap year.

Talia Enchong

Talia is still exploring her options for 2025.

Molly Farfan

Molly plans to go to University in Canberra.

Jacinta Foster

Jacinta is excited to travel and work.

Alannah Furner

Alannah plans on attending University and studying Environmental Management or Sustainability.

Imogen Gardiner

Imogen plans to move to America.

Anjaly George Kappen

Anajaly hopes to go travelling and see the world.

Nicola Efstathiou

Nicola plans to study a Bachelor of Health Science at the ANU.

Caitlin Evans

Caitlin plans to pursue Higher Education at University.

Wendy Fiti

Wendy is still exploring her options for 2025.

Elly Francis

Elly plans on travelling and then study at University.

Yzabella Gamez

Yzabella is still exploring her options for 2025.

Siena Gaspari

Sienna is planning on attending University.

Lindsey Golding

Lindsey plans to attend University for Psychology.

Isabeau Goodall

Isabeau will be studying Astronomy/Astrophysics at ANU. Sienna Goodwin

Bridget Graham

Sienna plans to study Law/ Arts at ANU or UNSW or au pair overseas

Bridget will be attending University to study International Relations. Taya Grmek

Lizzy Gruber

Lizzy is planning on working for the ACT or NSW parks, as a National Parks Ranger.

Holly Haling

Holly plans on attending University to study Health and Medical sciences.

Isabella Hall

Isabella is still exploring her options for 2025.

Taya plans to study an Architecture Degree.

Natalia Guneratne

Natalia hopes to pursue a law degree at University of Canberra or at Australian National Univeristy.

Aynnsley Hall

Aynnsley plans to study a bachelor of Business Marketing at University of Canberra.

Catherine Harradine

Catherine plans to attend University.

Ella Hatch

Ella is still exploring her options for 2025.

Ella Hill

Ella plans to study Speech pathology at the University in Sydney.

Charlotte Hill

Charlotte plans on travelling

Sally Hill

Sally plans to study Human Nutrition or Exercise Science

Lara Hipwell

Lara plans to study a Bachelor of Information Technology at UC

Ella Hobill

Ella plans to study a degree in Architecture and Interior Design.

Madeleine Howard

Madeleine plans to study at University. Poppy Howell

Cara Hughes

Cara plans to study Ancient History at University and travel around Australia.

Georgia Jeffery

Georgia plans on attending University.

Isabella Jess

Isabella plans on travelling and working full time.

Phoebe Johnson

Phoebe plans on going to ADFA and joining the RAAF.

Poppy plans to work as a personal trainer or become a nutritionist

Caitlin Isbel

Caitlin is planning on studying Pharmacy at the University of Canberra.

Sophie Jeffrey

Sophie plans on studying a Bachelor of Economics and a Eachelor of Asian Studies at ANU as a flexible double degree.

Angelina Jexin

Angelina plans to complete a double degree in Law and International Relations and eventually become a practising lawyer.

Emma Kennedy

Emma plans to study a Health Field at University.

Telisha Lawton

Telisha plans to study a Certificate II Animal Care

Isabel Lewis

Isabel is excited to travel and work full time.

Gisele Lockhorst

Gisele is planning on studying at University.

Chloe Lu

Chloe plans to study Law and International Relations at University

Amellia Malley

Amelia plans to study at TAFE or university in Nursing.

Zoe Marcussen

Zoe intends to study at University.

Abbie Mathew

Abbie plans to complete a double degree in Human Movement/Bachelor in Human Nutrition

Allira McFawn

Allira plans to work full time as well as travel overseas.

Rubie Meli

Rubie is excited to travel in 2025.

Yumi Loftus

Yumi is planning on studying Primary Education specialising in the Creative Arts at UC.

Maulupe Maka

Maulupe is still exploring her options for 2025.

Isabella Mann

Isabella plans to study Criminology and Philosophy and travelling South America.

Zara Martin

Zara will be taking a gap year, working and then travelling through Europe. She also hopes to attend University for Psychology or Journalism.

Lindsay McArthur

Lindsay will be taking a gap year then attending University.

Charli McGufficke

Charli plans to attend University to secure a career as a paramedic.

Georgia Mertz

Georgia plans to take a gap year in London where she will work and travelling. Following this, she plans to return to Canberra and study Engineering at a local University.

Sophia Messina

Sophia plans to travel and then study at the ANU for a Bachelor of Arts in Curatorship and Ancient History.

Samantha Morrison

Samantha plans to travel after completing studies at St Clare’s College.

Kai Muscat

Kai hopes to travel to Europe.

Macey Nash

Macey plans to work in IT or attend University.

Emily O’Grady

Emily is excited to attend university, travel and work.

Georgia Owens

Georgia plans to study Mathematics in Melbourne.

Ashley Patton

Ashley hopes to get drafted to the AFLW and start study at culinary school.

Lilly Monterosso

Lilly plans to complete a Certificate III in Hairdressing and follow her passion in dance.

Ella Murphy

Ella plans on attending University.

Ella Nair

Ella plans to work in Realestate in 2025.

Julia Norgrove

Julia plans to study at University in 2025.

Hannah O’Loughlin

Hannah plans to study a Bachelor of Primary Teaching at Australian Catholic University.

Christana Papandrea

Christana plans to take a gap year, work in early childhood education and hospitality.

Lauren Plucinski

Lauren will be taking a gapand then focus on further study to work towards Environmental Science and public education with National Parks or Fire and Rescue.

Delaney Powell

Delaney plans to work and travel and is also interested in studying floristry.

Amelia Pucci

Amelia plans to study Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation at UC then travel to Europe.

Inshirah Qasim

Inshirah plans on attending University and studying Psychology and Arts.

Lusha Reid

Lusha is excited to study film and become a cinematographer.

Chloe Roughley

Chloe plans on studying Environmental Engineering or Science at UNSW.

Amelia Royal

Amelia plans on studying a Diploma in Beauty Therapy.

Jessica Schischka

Jess is still exploring her options for 2025.

Jemma Poyser

Jemma plans to have a gap year in the public service, then hopes to study teaching.

Maarij Qasim

Maarij plans to travel at the end of Year 12 and then start a bachelor in medicine or a related field.

Clare Rosin

Clare plans to attend university and study engineering,

Cassidy Row

Cassidy plans on having a gap year in which she will travel and work.

Lolita Ruckert

Lolita plans on studying Law Enforcement at University.

Lucinda Skupien

Lucinda is still exploring her options for 2025.

Paige Sliwinski

Paige is still exploring her options for 2025.

Georgina Spurrett

Geogina plans on taking a gap year to travel and then go to university.

Lara Stincic

Lara plans on going to UC to study Healthcare

Tiffany Taylor

Tiffany plans on attending University.

Bridie Tiffen

Bridie plans to work full time in the public service and saving to go on an adventure.

Briana Van der Plaat

Briana will be completing a nursing degree.

Maya Weston

Maya plans to work full time in 2025 and then travel.

Claire Smyth

Claire plans to take a gap year either in Canberra or overseas and then go to University.

Emily Steen

Emily plans on attending university, traveling and working.

Addison Sunderland

Addison plans on attending University for Veterinary Science and to eventually become a large animals vet.

Lovleen Toor

Lovleen plans on studying Nursing at University

Zoe Van der Plaat

Zoe plans to travel and work.

Sophie Watson

Sophie plans on working in early childhood education.

Annabella Wheadon

Annabella plans on studying a Bachelor or Engineering.

Danielle Williams

Danielle is still exploring her options for 2025.

Ava Williams

Ava plans to go to University.

Annie Wilson

Annie plans on attending University studying Genetics and Chemistry.

Isabella Wolfe

Isabella is hoping to work in the APS part time while studying at University.

Chelsea Woodward

Chelsea plans to attend university and continue studies in science.

Emanuella Xirakis

Emanuella plans on travelling and working abroad in 2025.

Annika Zachara

Annika hopes to study at University for medical imaging.

Summer Wiltshire

Summer plans on working and travelling.

Ella Woods

Ella plans to take a gap year and then complete a University Degree in Marketing.

Maebh Wright

Maebh plans to study and work for the APS.

Ruby Yi

Ruby plans to go to University.

Sofia Zanetti

Sofia plans on working as a public servant or attending the University of Canberra.

Year 7-11 Awards

In the Classroom - Technologies

Albert Einstein once said, ‘Creativity is intelligence having fun’ and boy have we enjoyed some creative fun in Technologies classrooms this semester. We have seen the completion of many final projects these last few weeks from delectable celebration cakes, to creative representation of urban site design, transport maps for the Canberra light rail, 3D models of interior bedroom spaces, proposals for the redesign of St Clare’s College uniforms, functioning wooden birdhouses, new recipes to reduce food wastage and databases to support smooth running of business models.

The creativity of our students never ceases to amaze us and we would like to congratulate all design students on their efforts to challenge their thinking this semester. It certainly isn’t easy to apply design thinking processes – ‘thinking about design is hard, but not thinking about it is disastrous’ (Ralph Caplan). It is the creativity and innovation of our design thinkers that will shape our futures and we can’t wait to see what creativity lies ahead of us next year!

In the Classroom - Languages

Year 9 Japanese Excursion

On Tuesday 3 December, our Year 9 Japanese students embarked on an exciting excursion to experience authentic Japanese cuisine at Tokyo Canteen Restaurant. This was the perfect way for students to finish the year. The students had the chance to discover some of the different foods Japan has to offer.

Students were able to try a variety of traditional Japanese dishes and drinks such as katsu kare, tempura, miso soup and cha. They learned about the different ingredients used in Japanese cooking, and how the meals are often prepared with balance and precision. Some students were excited to try new flavours and textures that they had never experienced before.

In addition to tasting the food, the students were able to use their knowledge of Japanese table etiquette, demonstrating their knowledge such as how to properly hold chopsticks, the significance of saying “itadakimasu” before eating, and “gochisousama deshita” after finishing the meal.

This excursion was a wonderful opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the food culture of Japan and finish the year with happy memories.

Careers VET NEWS

Attention Year 10 - It is not too late to apply for a H-Course!

Any Year 10 student wishing to apply for a University of Canberra H-Course should use this link to learn more.

2025 Save the Date!

St Clare’s and St Edmund’s Career Expo is locked in Tuesday 3 June, 2025. If you or a member of our community are a business or organisation who has career, industry or pathway advice, are invited to hold a stall. For more information, please contact Trish Brown via email.

College Careers Website

The holidays are the perfect time to explore our St Clare’s Careers website. Students are encouraged to use this time to reflect on their skills and interests to help make informed pathway decisions. Our school Careers website offers lots of areas for students to explore including the Bullyseye interactive career charts and the Message Board which is update with relevant information from job vacancies to upcoming programs. Students can access the St Clare’s Careers website via the school portal or this link: St Clare’s College Canberra (stclarescareers.com.au)

Year 12 University Offers

I take this opportunity to congratulate the Year 12 cohort on their many and varied post-Year 12 career and pathway decisions. Many students received early offers and several students already have multiple offers, with the UAC main round and interstate offers still to come. Year 12 students are reminded that the deadline to change course preferences in UAC closes 18 December with offers released on 23 December.

ASBA news

The new logbooks for 2025 will be available for pick-up at the end of week 1 Term 1. All ASBA students are required to book a time with Mrs. Martin by the end of Week 4 to discuss the new procedure for 2025. Please ensure you schedule your appointment promptly to stay informed. Link: St Clare’s College Canberra (stclarescareers.com.au)

VET students

A big congratulations to all our school VET students for your hard work and dedication this year! As we wrap up the term, we encourage you to reflect on your achievements and continue to build on the skills you’ve developed. We look forward to seeing your continued growth in the new year!

Christmas jobs from Work Study Grow for those deciding between Grinch and Elf...

Just Finished Year 12? Kickstart Your Career with a Traineeship!

If you’ve finished up Year 12 this year, we have the perfect traineeship opportunity for you! This is your chance to get paid, gain hands-on experience and earn a nationally recognised qualification—all while working in a vibrant school environment at St Clare’s College, Canberra.

Why do a Traineeship?

Full-time employment: 1-year full time traineeship with salary

Fully funded qualification: Certificate III in Business

Gain hands-on experience: In a collaborative school environment.

Supportive Workplace: Guidance from senior staff and supervisors

Employment Support: Dedicated Employment Coach and mentor for First Nations candidates

Apply with us today: https://www.seek.com.au/job/80736504

Wishing our STCC community a happy and Holy Christmas.

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