Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils by Anna Riva

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depressing chore, but it is a necessity and the quicker and easier the chore is, the better chance of success. Bolster your courage and confidence with a warm morn­ ing bath after which you apply a few drops of this poise build­ ing scent. Concentrate on the following verse from an un­ known poet's poem titled, "Don't Quit": Success is failure turned inside out; The silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit; It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit. STRAWBERRY - A modern oil, becoming very popular when used as an attracting influence. Mix with incense, add to the bath, or use as a body oil, to draw fortunate circumstances in all ar­ eas of one's life. SUCCESS - The Gods of Victory should smile on the one who rubs this oil on currency, coins, and money containers. Wear it as a perfume so that your undertakings in all areas of your life will thrive, flourish and bear fruit. For success in business deals, carry in your pocket a red flannel bag containing a John the Conqueror Root, a Buckeye, and a Seal of Good Luck from the Sixth and Sev­ enth Books of Moses. Each of these items should be anointed with the Success Oil before being placed in the bag and thereafter the bag itself in anointed. For mastering a difficult situation you are facing, secure a Seven Knob Candle. If money is involved, choose a green color; if love or friendship is at stake, choose red; if trying to suppress one who is working against you, choose black.; if the objective is spiritual, choose white. Write the problem briefly on parchment paper and place it beneath the candle. Pour a few drops of the Success Oil on the top of the candle, light it, and burn until one knob is consumed. Then extinguish


the candle until the next day. Continue the ritual for seven consecutive days, adding a few drops of the oil each day to the top of the candle just before lighting it. A solution to your dilemma, an answer to the problem, or a changed condition should develop before the candle is gone. SUMMER RAIN - A perfume for all those emerging from "bad times." Its light fragrance lifts the spirits and softens sad memories so that one can face the future with assurance, confidence, and the knowledge that our higher power knows what is good for us even when we cannot understand his plan for us. SUN - For as the sun is the creative, regenerative force in life, this fragrance is designed to enhance your naturally sunny per­ sonality so that all those who come in contact with you are re­ stored and revived. It is an oil for all those in creative work - writers, artists, musicians, dancers, actors, singers, deSigners, or builders. From the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses there is a Seal of the Sun, referred to by the many as the Seal of Honor and Wealth. This talisman is carried to attract plentiful gold, silver, and other of life's good blessings. Anoint the edges of the seal weekly with the Sun Oil. SURE TO WIN - Rub on the hands before playing cards, dice, or roulette, or anoint one's bingo card, lottery ticket, or any other gambling paraphernalia to sway luck in your direction. SWEET PEA - The user of this is drawn toward those strangers who may become friends or lovers. It attracts loyalty and af­ fection when used daily on the wrists and forearms and be­ hind the knees. Make your own special talisman to draw love and atten­ tion from those around you by drawing on a piece of parch­ ment in Dove's Blood Ink a triangle. Write your name three


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