Travel Award & Research Project Reports 2011

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use an interpreter, which was a great experience as it allowed me to learn about otherwise inaccessible people. However, it was sometimes a challenge to get my message across and for the interpreter to fully communicate what my interviewee had said. How has this project assisted your studies and personal development? I found the experience of the project very beneficial, and not only in terms of it providing the raw data needed for my dissertation. With respect to my academic progress, it has really helped develop my understanding. It makes a huge difference to see the ideas discussed in the course in reality and put into practice theories about how to ‘do’ development research. For example, many of my lecturers had talked about governmental and nongovernmental projects, and the problems experienced in implementing them. In addition, I was told a lot about how to carry out development research and maintain awareness of hierarchy and power. By doing this research I was able to see these ideas in practice, which was extremely formative. Personally I was also able to develop my confidence, as I had to manage my life independently in a foreign country. ~~~ Travelling to Mauritius for four weeks was enlightening, interesting and enjoyable. I had a thoroughly good time meeting Mauritians and exploring their island.


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