SST Prospectus

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Character Education Programme LEVEL

Secondary 4

Socio-Affective Education

Sexuality Education

Leadership Education

Academic and Career Education

Personal Mastery • Goal setting • Time management • Stress management • Financial literacy • Managing expectations • Managing uncertainties and change

The Growing Years Series ‘SENSE AND SEXUALITY’

• Leaving a leader’s legacy • Leadership in the 21st Century

• Knowing and understanding the knowledge, skills, dispositions, personalities and qualifications needed for various careers • Making career plans for my future • Making decisions about my future (post secondary school choices) • Career exhibitions and talks by Universities

Inter-Personal Effectiveness • Inspiring others • Impacting society

The SST Student Leadership Programme

Youth Service Programme (YSP)

The Student Leadership Programme (SLP) provides leadership opportunities and educational experiences to develop the leadership competencies and skills of students so that they can become dynamic, resilient and ethical leaders who are able to make a positive impact on society. Leadership platforms at school include Class Committees, CCAs, House, Peer Support Board and Student Council.

The Youth Service Programme (YSP) is an integral part of the curriculum in SST. It aims to nurture and develop SST students to become good citizens who are conscious of their responsibilities to family, society, country and beyond. In the YSP, students will apply relevant knowledge and skills in school-organised or selfinitiated community services, and hence make meaningful connections between what they learn and the world they live in. In rendering community service, SST students will meet and work with people of different ages, ethnicity and socio-cultural backgrounds. This allows them opportunity to develop and hone their 21st Century skills like strong civic-mindedness, cross-cultural understanding, effective collaboration, and communication skills.

The SLP is built on the premise that a leader must first be a person of good character. As such, the development of the student’s social-emotional skills is central to development of his leadership skills. Leadership development shall be anchored on universal moral values. The SLP is designed to develop student’s personal competence (self-awareness and self management), social competence (social awareness and relationship management) and responsible decision-making. The scope of the Student Leadership Programme includes: • Knowledge of the attributes and mindsets of effective and ethical leaders • School-wide platforms and opportunities to develop leadership competency skills • Differentiated leadership programmes developed for different student groups

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