( SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL) Volume 51 / Number 4, Part 2/ December 1997 •
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50 Years of Items Articles, 1947-1997 (Volumes 1-51) Author Index A ABELES, Ro ALD P. Government Audits of Social Experiment. 32(3-4):47-50, Dec. 1978. See also BRIM, ORVILLE; and PAITERSO ,THOMAS E. ABOR ,MURRAY. The Short and Happy Life of Social Indicators at the NSF. 38(2-3):32-41, Sept. 1984. See also SHELDO ,ELEA OR BER ERT ABRAHAM, IITY. See FELDMA ,SHELLEY ABRAHAM, IITY, and Ro ALD KA IMIR. Internationalization of the Social Science and Humanitie : Report on an ACLS/SSRC Meeting, April 4-6, 1997.51(2-3):23-30, June-Sept. 1997 ABRAMOVITZ, Mo ES. Studie of Economic Growth in Indu trialized Countrie . 18( I ):5-6, March 1964 ABU-LuGHOD, LILA. See MITCHELL, TIM<JfHY ALLEN, WALTER R. See FARLEY, REy OLDS ALMO 0, GABRIEL A. Seminar on Comparative Politic , June 1956. 10(4):45-48. Dec. 1956. See also ROKKA , STEI ALO 0, WILLIAM, and PAUL STARR. The Political Economy of National Stati tic . 36(3):29-35, Sept. 1982 AMBLER, JOH . Human Re ource Need in A ia in the Next 25 Year. 51(4):68-71, Dec. 1997 AADERSO ,B RBARA. See SILVER, BRIA D. ApPADURAI, ARJU . The Re earch Ethic and the Spirit of Internationali m. 51 (4):55-60, Dec. 1997 App 0 RAI, ARJU ,and C ROL A. BRECKE RIDGE. Public Culture in Late 20th Century India. 44(4):77-80, Dec. 1990
ARNOLDI, MARY Jo, CHRlSTRAUD M. GEARY, and KRts HARDt . African Material Culture. 42(4):92-94, Dec. 1988
B BABB, LAWRENCE A. New Media and Religiou Change. 44(4):72-76, Dec. 1990 BACHMA ,KE ETH L. See BRI EGAR, GEORGE K. BARBER, ELI OR, and GRETCHEN G. ELLSWORTH. Acce to Re earch Site Abroad. 40( I): 12-16, March 1986 BARRETT, CHRISTOPHER B., and JEFFREY W. CA 0 . Identifying a Site and Funding Source. 51 (2-3): 42-44, June-Sept. 1997 BEALS, RALPH L. The Social Science in South America. (4)1:1-5, March 1950 BELKI ,AARO . See TETLOCK, PHILIP BELL, WE DELL C. Comparative Re earch on Ethnicity. 28(4):61-64, Dec. 1974
BERGER, SUZA E D. Intere t Group and the Governability of European Society. 35(4):63-68, Dec. 1981 _ _ . Explaining the Po twar Baby Boom. 34(4):57-63, Dec. 1981
BERGER, SUZA E D., GERALD D. FELDMA ,GUDMU 0 HER ES, Jo EPH LAP LOMBARA, PHILIPPE C. SCHMIITER, and ALLA A. SILVER. New Perspective for the Study of We tern Europe. 29(3):34-37, Sept. 1975
BERG 0 ,ABRAM. The Conference on Soviet Economic Growth. 6(3):29-33, Sept. 1952 _ _ _ . The Conference on Eastern European Economie . 22(1):7-8, March 1968 BERNI GH U EN, JOH . Modem Chine e Short Storie . 38( 1):3-8, March 1984 BERRY, SARA S. The Study of Inequalitie in African Societie .30(1):10-11, March 1976
S SR C Y '\/\
ETT, WE DELL. Re earch in Cro -Cultural Education. 6( 1):3-6, March 1952
I A '\/
BLACK, C.E. Contribution of the Joint Committee on Slavic Studie to the Advancement of Re earch in It Field. 9(4):40-42, Dec. 1955 BOWMA ,MARY JEA . The Conference on Re earch on Expectation, ncertainty, and Bu ine Behavior. 10(3):32-38, Sept. 1956 BOXER, BAR CH. The Geography of China: Report on a Seminar. 28(3):44-46, Sept. 1974 BRA H, ALVIA Y. New Committee on Gifted Children. 30(3):44-47, Sept. 1976 BRE KE RIDGE, CAROL A. See ApPAD RAI, ARJU BREESE, GERALD. Frontier of Hou ing Re earch. 2(4):4-6, Dec. 1948 BRESSLER, R.G., JR. Agricultural Economic Re earch in the United Kingdom. 1(4):8, Dec. 1947 BRIM, ORVILLE G., JR. Socialization through the Life Cycle. 18( I): 1-5, March 1964 BRI 1, ORVILLE, G., JR., and Ro LD P. ABELES. Work and Per onality in the Middle Years. 29(3):29-33, Sept. 1975
BRI EGAR, GEORGE K., KE ETH L. BACHMA ,and HERMA M. SOUTHWORTH. Reorientation in Re earch in Agricultural Economic . 13( I): 1-4, March 1959 BRO 0, Su A . See HUBER, ROBERT BRO 0, Su A ,and KENTO W. WORCESTER. A PanEuropean Re earch Agenda. 49(2-3):56-57, June-Sept. 1995
BROOK, HARVEY. Effect of Spon orship upon Social Science Re earch. 37(2-3):43-46, Sept. 1983 BROW WEI ,EDITH. See J OB 0 ,HAROLD BROZE ,YALE. Social Implication of Technological Change. 3(3):31-34, Sept. 1949 BR ER, EDWARD M. Differential Culture Change. 11(1): 1-3, March 1957 BULLOCK, MARY B. Scholarly Exchange with China. 31 (1-2):3-5, March-June 1977 BURBA K, JA E. Recon tructing the Hi tory of Imperial Ru ia. 46( 1):9-10, March 1992 BURGES, ER EST W. Re earch Planning in the Field of Marriage and the Family. 2(4):1-3, Dec. 1948
C CARROLL, JOH B. The European Seminar on Learning and the Educational Proce . 23(1 ):6- 10, March 1969 _ _ . The Interdi ciplinary Summer Seminar on Lingui tic and P ychology. 5(4):40-42, Dec. 1951 CA AGR DE, Jo EPH B. The outhwe t Project in Comparative P ycholingui tic . 10(4):41-45, Dec. 1956. See also SMITH, M. BREWSTER CA AGRA D ,Jo EPH B., and ELBRIDGE SIBLEY. Area Re earch Training Fellow hip and Travel Grant for Area Re earch. 7(4):37-42, Dec. 1953 2\ln
___. Fellow of the Social Science Re earch Council, 1925-1951: Some Stati tic . 6(2): 13-17, June 1952 CA 0 ,JEFFREY W. See BARRETT, CHRISTOPHER B. CHAUDHRY, KIRI AzIZ. The Middle East and the Political Economy of Development. 48(2-3):41-49, June-Sept. 1994
CHERLI ,ANDREW J. Explaining the Po twar Baby Boom. 34(4):57-63, Dec. 1981 CHIROT, DA IEL. Out ider and In iders: Entrepreneurial Minoritie and Conflicting Ethnic Identitie . 48(4):9094, Dec. 1994 CLAU EN, JOH . Social Science in the Mental Health Field. 9(4):37-40, Dec. 1955 _ _ . The American Soldier, 40 years Later. 43(3):7173, Sept. 1989 CLUBB, JEROME M. Hi torical Politics: American Election , 1824-1970. 25(4):46-50, Dec. 1971
COCHRA ,THOMA C. An International Economic Hi tory A ociation. 16(4):40-42, Dec. 1962 COLEMA ,JAMES S. Education and the Political Scienti t. 19(1):5-7, March 1965 COLLIER, DAVID. Indu trialization and Authoritariani m in Latin America. 31 /32(4/ I):5-13, March 1978 CONTRADA, DAVID. See KRANTZ, DAVID CoRTEs-Co DE, ROBERTO, loUiS WOLF GooDMA ,and STA LEY J. STEI . The Economic Hi tory of Latin America. 31 (1-2):7- 10, March-June 1977 COTTRELL, LEO ARD S., JR. Ba ic Re earch Objective a a Strategic Factor in the Advancement of the Social Science . 5(2): 15-18, June 1951. See also 0 BORN, FREDERI K CRAIG, GORDO A., and BRYCE WOOD. The Hi tory of American Military Policy: A New Program of Grant. 8(2): 13-15, June 1954 CRA E, ROBERT T. Charle Edward Merriam, 1874-1953. 7(1):1, March 1953 _ _ . In tribute to We ley Clair Mitchell. 2(4):1, Dec. 194
CRAPA ZA 0, VI CENT, Y MI E ERGA ,and JUDITH MODELL. Per onal Te timony: Narratives of the Self in the Social Science and Humanitie . 40(2):25-30, June 19 6 CRO B CH, LEE J. The Committee on Learning and the Educational Proce . 18(4):54-55, Dec. 1964 CURTI , PHILIP D. Intellectual Hi tory and Comparative Studie . 24( I ):6-8, March 1970 CURTI, GERALD L., and SUSA J. PHARR. An AmericanJapane e Partnership in Re earch in the Social Science and the Humanitie . 29( I):8-9, March 1975
D DA , VEE A. Violence, Political Agency, and the Self. 49( I): 16-18, March 1995.
DASSIN. JOAN. The Culture of Fear. 40(1):7-12. March 1986 DAVIS. JAMES A.â&#x20AC;˘ and JOHN MODElL. Communicating Social Science Finding to the Public. 37(4):99-101. Dec. 1983 DERNBERGER. ROBERT F. A peets of Contemporary China: Economic Development 33(2):27-30. June 1979 _ _. The Relevance of China' Development Experience for Other Developing Countrie .31(3):25-34. Sept 1977 DESHLER. WALTER W. Urbanization in Africa. 25(3):25-29. Sept 1971 DElITSCH. MORTON. On Making Social P ychology More U eful. 30(1): 1-6. March 1976 DEVINNEY. LELAND C. See 0 BORN. FREDERICK DEWIND. JOSH. and CHARLES HIRscHMAN. Becoming American/America Becoming. 50(2-3):41-47. JuneSept. 1996 DEYO. FREDERIC. See Koo. HAGEN DI MAURO. DIANE. Researching Sexuality: A New Fellowhip Program. 50(4):86-90. December 1996 DINGMAN. ROGER. Modem Japanese International Relation. 28(1):11-12. March 1974 DoRE. RONALD P. Some Compari on of Latin American and A ian tudie with Speeial Reference to Research on Japan. 17(2):13-20. June 1963 DUDAI. YADIN. See GARDNER. HOWARD DUNCAN. GEORGE T. See PEARSON. ROBERT DYKE. BENNElT. and JEAN W. MACCLUER. U e of Computer Simulation in Human Population Studie . 26(3):28-30. Sept. 1972 E EGGAN. FRED. The Ninth Pacific Science Congre 12(2):13-15. June 1958 ElLSWORTH. GRETCHEN G. See BARBER. ELI OR ERGAS. YASMINE. The Social Con equence of the AIDS Epidemic. 41(3-4):33-39. Dec. 1987. See also CRAPANZANO. VINCENT. ERVIN-TRIPP. SUSAN. Summer Work hop in Sociolingui tic. 23(2):22-26, June 1969 EVANS, G. HERBERTON, JR. Hi torical Stati tic of the United State: Colonial Time to 1957. 14(2):16-18, June 1960 F FARLEY, REYNOLDS, and WALTER R. ALLEN. A World with No Color Line: A Research Agenda. 41(3-4):40-44, Dec. 1987 FEATHERMAN, DAVID L. Frontiers of Social Science and the SSRC. 46(2-3):32-34, June-Sept. 1992 _ _ . Mi ion-oriented Basic Research. 45(4):75-77, Dec. 1991 _ _ . Pre idential Item [New Architecture]. 44(1):15DECEMBER 1997
16, March 1990 _ _ . Pre identialltem [New Architecture, Dual Mandate]. 44(2-3):33, June-Sept 1990 _ _. Pre idential Items [NSF, Separate Directorate]. 45 (1):4-5, March 1991 _ _. SSRC, Then and Now. 48(1):13-22. March 1994 _ _. What Doe Society Need from Higher Education? 47(2-3):38-43, June-Sept 1993 FELDMAN, ARNOLD S., and WILBERT E. MOORE. Moot Point in the Theory of Labor Commitment in Developing Areas. 14(4):37-42, Dec. 1960 FELDMAN, GERALD D. See BERGER, SUZANNE D. FELDMAN, SHELLEY, and ITrY ABRAHAM. Note on Field Development. 49(4):94-98, Dec. 1995 FERGUSON, CHARLES A. Direction in Sociolingui tic . 19(1):1-4. March 1965 _ _ . A peet of Contemporary China: Chinese Language. 33(2):34-36, June 1979 _ _ . Lingui tic Serve the People: Le on of a Trip to China. 29(1):5-8, March 1975 FERNANDEZ, JAMES W. African Cultural Tran fonnation . 31(1-2):10-14, March-June, 1977 FESTINGER. LEON. See LANZElTA, JOHN. FEUERWERKER, ALBERT. See KEAlLEY, ANNE. FLAlTAU, PAMELA EBERT. Research-Doctorate Program in the United State . 47(2-3):35-37. June-Sept. 1993 FOGLER, JOHN K. Plan of the Commi ion on Human Re ource and Advanced Education. 19(3):31-32, Sept. 1965 Fox, KARL A. Functional Economic Areas and Con 01idated Urban Region of the United State. 21(4):4549,Dec.1967 FRANK, ROBERTA. Interdisciplinary: The First Half Century. 42(3):73-78, Sept. 1988 FREITAG, SA DRIA B. Culture, Con iou ne ,and the Colonial State. 44(4):69-71, Dec. 1990 FURTH, CHARL01TE. Cultural and Political Con ervati m in Modem China. 26(4):44-47, Dec. 1972 G GALANTER, MARC. Indian Law as an lndigenou Conceptual Sy tern. 32(3-4):42-46, Dec. 1978 GALENSO ,WALTER. Committee on the Economy of China: First Report of the Director of Re earch. 16(3):29-30, Sept. 1962 _ _. Committee on the Economy of China: A Review of Its Work, 1961-70. 24( 1): 1-6, March 1970 GARDNER, HOWARD, and YADlN DUDAI. Biology and Giftedne .39(1-2):1-6, June 1985 GEARY, CHRlSTRAUD. See ARNOLDI, MARY Jo GEPHART, MARTHA A. Neighborhoods and Communitie in Concentrated Poverty. 43(4):84-92, Dec. 1989. GEPHART, MARTHA A., and ROBERT W. PEARSO . ITEMs/3
Contemporary Re earch on the Urban Underclas . 42( 1-2): 1-10, June 1988 GINSBURG, NORTON. The International Conference on the Study of Urbanization. 19(4):49-50, Dec. 1965 GLASS, DAVID C. Genetic and Social Behavior. 21(1):1-5, March 1967 GOLDBERGER, ARTHUR S. Structural Equation Model . 26(3):26-28, Sept 1972 GOODMAN, loUIS WOLF. The Social Science in Cuba. 30(4):54-61, Dec. 1976. See al 0 CORrts-CONDE, ROBERTO GOOD OW, JACQUELINE. See MILLER, PEGGy GORDO ,R.A. Re earch on Economic Stability. 13(4):3739,Dec.1959 GOTISCHALK, loUIS. Report on the Work of the Council' Committee on Hi torical Analy i . 12(3):25-27, ept. 1958 GREENOUGH, PAUL. Gupta, Gujarat, and Guha: Re tating the C e for South A ia. 44(4):61-63, Dec. 1990 GREENOUGH, PAUL, and A A T I G. Environmental Di course and Human Welfare in South and Southeast A ia. 48(4):95-99, Dec. 1994 GRIM HAW, ALLEN D. Sociolingui tic at the Council 19631979.34(1):12-18, March 1980 ___. Language as Ob tade and a Data in Sociological Re earch. 23(2):17-21, June 1969 ___ . See also USEEM, JOHN GRIM HAW, ALLEN D., and LEAH HOLDEN. Po tchildhood Modification of Lingui tic and Social Competence. 30(3):33-41, Sept. 1976
H HAGGARD, STEPHAN. See Koo, HAGEN HALL, JOHN W. The Muromachi Age in Japane e Hi tory. 27(4):41-46, Dec. 1973 HARDI , KRIS. See ARNOLDI, MARY Jo HART, CLYDE W. Survey Method in Re earch on Health Problem. 11(2):16-19, June 1957 HAU ER, PHILJP M. Report on the Work of the Committee on Urbanization. 13(4):40-42, Dec. 1959 HEARD, ALEXANDER. Re arch on Political Behavior. 3(4):41-44, Dec. 1949 HEGI BOTHAM, STANLEY J. The National Security Education Program. 46(2-3): 17-23, June- ept. 1992 ___. Rethinking International Scholarship: The Challenge of Tran ition from the Cold War Era. 48(2-3):33-40, June-Sept. 1994 ___. The Study of South A ian Conceptual Sy tern . 31(3):34-36, Sept. 1977 _ _ . Toward a Moratorium on Litmu Te t (The Future of International Scholarship, An Exchange). 49(1):35-38, March 1995 HERNES, GUDMUND. See BERGER, SUZANNE 4\ITEM
HERRI G, PENDLETO . Basic Social Science Development. 4(3):25-26, Sept. 1950 ___ . International Social Science Council Conference. 9( 1): 1-4, March 1955 _ _ . On Science and the Polity. 15(1):1-6, March 1961 _ _ . Robert Treat Crane, 1880-1962. 16(4):37, Dec. 1962 _ __. The Social Science in a European Perspective. 2(3): 1-7, Sept. 1948 ___ . The Social Science in Latin America. 16(2): 1316, June 1962 . The Social Science in Modem Society. 1(1):2-6, March 1947 [Reprinted March 1997] ___. Technological Change and Atomic Energy. 3(1):5-6, March 1949 HERR I G, Ro ALD J. Re urrecting the Common: Collective Action and Ecology. 44(4):64-68, Dec. 1990 HERSH BERG, ERIC. An Agenda for Comparative and Tran national Re earch. 46(2-3):27-30, June-Sept. 1992. See also MARTINEZ-ALlER, JUAN HEYDEM , STEVEN. The Near and Middle East Re earch and Training Act. 46( 1):6-8, March 1992 ___. Peace and the Future of Middle East Studie . 47(4):73-78, Dec. 1993 HICKMA ,BERT G. Linkage of National Econometric Model: Project LINK. 23(4):54-56, Dec. 1969 HICKMAN, BERT G., and LAWRENCE R. KLEI . A Decade of Research by Project LI K. 33(3-4):49-56, Dec. 1979 _ _ . Project LI K at 20. 43( 1):4-6, March 1989 _ _ . Recent Developmen in Project LINK. 39(1-2):711 , June 1985 HIRSCHMAN, CHARLES. See DEWI 0, Jo H HOEBEL, E. ADAM 0 . Law and Social Relation. 11(1):45, March 1957 HOLDE ,LEAH. See GRIMSHAW, ALLEN D. HOLLAND KENNETH. The Fulbright Act. 2(1):7, March 1948 HOLTZMA ,WAYNE H. Conference on Computer-A i ted In truction, Te ting, and Guidance. 22(4):43-48, Dec. 1968 HOOVER, EDGAR M. The Conference on Natural Re ource and Economic Growth. 14(2): 13-16, June 1960 HOVLAND, CARL I. See 0 BORN, FREDERICK HOVLAND CARL I., ARTHUR A. LUMSDAINE, and FRED D. SHEFFIELD. Experiments on Mas Communication. 3(2): 13-14, June 1949 HUBER, ROBERT T. Gorbachev' First Five Years: Past Debate , Current Echoe , and the Intellectual Challenge for Soviet Studie . 44(2-3):25-30, June-Sept. 1990 HUBER, ROBERT T., and Su AN BRO O. The Augu t Revolution and Soviet Studie .45(4):69-74, Dec. 1991 HUBER, ROBERT T., BLAIR A. RUBLE, and PETER J. VOLUME
51, NUMBER 4, PART 2
STAVRAKlS. Po t-Cold War "International" Scholarship: A Brave New World or the Triumph of Form over Sub tance? (The Future of International Scholar 路hip, an Exchange). 49(1):30-35, March 1995 HYMAN, HERBERT. I olation, Measurement, and Control of Interviewer Effect. 3(2):15-17, June 1949 HYMES, DELL H. Pidgination and Creolization of Language : Their Social Contexts. 22(2): 13-18, June 1968 _ _. The Scope of Sociolingui tic .26(2):14-18, June 1972
J JABINE, THOMAS B. See PEAR 0 ,ROBERT W. JACOBSON, HAROLD K., and EDITH BROWN WEISS. National Implementation and Compliance with International Environmental Accord . 44(2-3):31-32, June-Sept. 1990
JANOUSEK, JAROMIR, and HENRI TAJFEL. The International Conference on Social P ychology in Prague, Oct. 711, 1968.23(2):26-29, June 1969 JA OWITZ, MORRIS. The Military in American Society. 17(4):45-47, Dec. 1963
JASPARS, Jo EPH M.E See NUlTI ,JOZEF M., JR. JOHNSTO ,BRUCE E, and HERMAN M. SOUTHWORTH. Agricultural Development: Problem and I ue. 20(3):29-34, Sept. 1966 JONES, HAROLD E. The Berkeley Seminar on Old Age Re earch. 4(3):26-29, Sept. 1950 _ _ . The 1948 Meeting of the Canadian SSRC. 2(3):78, Sept. 1948 _ __ . Pacific Coast Activitie of the Council. 3(3):2831, Sept. 1949 JONES, WrLLlAM O. Labor and Lei ure in Traditional African Societie . 22( 1): 1-6, March 1968 JORDEN, ELEANOR H. Language U e in Japan and the United State . 29(4):49-51, Dec. 1975 JUSTER, THOMAS E, and ROBERTA BALSTED MILLER. The Role of Technological Change in Social Science Re earch. 37(2-3):46-48, Sept. 1983 K KALVEN, HARRY, JR., and RICHARD D. SCHWARTZ. Admini tration of the Law of Tort ,Interrelation of Law and Other Social In titution . 16(1):2-6, March 1962
26(4):47-49, Dec. 1972
_ _ . Project LI K: Entering a New Phase. 27(2):13-16, June 1973 _ _ . Fifth Annual Conference on Project LINK. 27(4):46-48, Dec. 1973 _ _ . Project LINK: Foreca ting Economic Events. 29(1):3-5, March 1975 _ _ . Project LINK: The Seventh Year. 29(4):48-49, Dec. 1975
_ _ . Project LINK in 1976.31(1-2):5-7, March-June
KALvEN, HARRY, JR., and BRYCE WOOD. Re earch in the Field of Torts. 14(4):42-44, Dec. 1960 KASSIMIR, RONALD. See ABRAHAM, ITTY KATCHER, ALLAN. Re earch on the Behavior of Small Group. 9(3):31-34, Sept. 1955 KATZENSTEIN, PETER J. Alternative Perspective on National Security. 49(4):89-93, Dec. 1995 KATZNELSON, iRA. New York City: Note on the Formation of aRe earch Planning Committee. 40(3-4):57-61, DECEMBER
Dec. 1986
KEAn.EY, ANNE, and ALBERT FEUERWERKER. Scholarly Exchange with the People' Republic of China. 27(3):27-29, Sept. 1973 KEELER, JOHN T.S. See MIGDAL, JOEL S. KESSEL, FRANK. On Culture, Health, and Human Development. 46(4):65-72, Dec. 1992 _ _ . On Culture, Health, and Human Development: Emerging Perspective ll. Introduction and ConcIu ion 49(1):1, 21, March 1995 _ _ . See also Shweder, Richard KESSEN, WILLIAM. An American Glimp e of the Children of China. 28(3):41-44, Sept. 1974 _ _ . A pect of Contemporary China: Chine e Children. 33(2):33-34, June 1979 _ _ . Intellective Development in Children. 14(3):2530, Sept. 1960 KEy, V.O., JR. Strategie in Research on Public Affairs. 10(3):29-32. Sept. 1956 KIRCHHEIMER, GLORIA. SSRC Archive Open for Re earch. 51(1):12-14, March 1997 KIRK, DUDLEY. Population Cen u and Monograph. 14(3):31-32, Sept. 1960 KLEI ,LAWRENCE R. The Dartmouth Conference on an Economic Model of the United State. 15(3):34-36, Sept. 1961 _ _ . Second Summer Conference on an Econometric Model of the United State. 16(4):37-40, Dec. 1962 _ _ . Linkage of National Econometric Model : Second Annual Conference on Project LINK. 24(4):46-48, Dec. 1970 _ _ . The Third Annual Conference on Project LI K. 25(4):44-46, Dec. 1971 _ _ . The Fourth Annual Conference on Project LINK.
_ _. Project LINK in 1977.31-32(4-1):13-15, Dec.March, 1977-1978 ___. See also HICKMAN, BERT G. KLEINMAN, ARTHUR. Social Suffering. 49( 1): 13-16, March 1995
KLINEBORG, OTTO. Ten ion Affecting International Understanding. 2(2):5-7, June 1948 KOEKEBAKKER, JAAP. See VAN GILS, MAARTEN R. ITEMs/5
Koo, HAGEN, STEPHAN HAGGARD, and FREDERlc DEYO. Labor and Development Strategy in the East A ian NIC .40(3-4):64-68, Dec. 1986 KRANTz. DAVID S., DAVID C. GLASS, RICHARD CONTRADA, and NEAL E. MILLER. Behavior and Health: Mechani m and Research I ue. 35(1-2):1-6, June 1981 KRAuss, ELLIS S., THOMAS P. ROHLEN, and PATRICIA G. STEINHOFF. Conflict in Po twar Japan. 32(2):21-26, June 1978 KRUSKAL, WILLIAM H. Mathematical Science and Social Science. 24(3):25-30, Sept. 1970 KUZNETS, SlMO . Comparative Study of Long-term Record of Economic Growth. 9(4):42-46, Dec. 1955 _ _ . Economic Trend in the Soviet Union. 17(1):1-4, March 1963 _ _ . Note on the Study of Economic Growth. 13(2):13-16, June 1959
People' Republic of China. 25(4):42-44, Dec. 1971 LIEBER 0 ,STANLEY, and MARY C. WATERS. Ri e of a New Ethnic Group: The Unhyphenated American. 43(1):710, March 1989 LINDZEY, GARDNER. Genetic and the Social Science . 18(3):29-35, Sept. 1964. See also SMITH, M. BREWSTER
LIPSON, LEo ,and STANTON WHEELER. Law and the Social Science. 38(2-3):25-32, Sept. 1984 locK, MARGARET. Cultures of Biomedicine. 49(1):19-22, March 1995 loDGE, TOM. The Mrican Diaspora in Mrican Studie . 43(2):30-31, June 1989 _ _ . Democratic Politic in Mrica and the Caribbean. 44(1):17-18, March 1990 _ _. Mu eum and Archive in Mrica. 45(2-3):21-25, June-Sept. 1991 LUMSDAlNE, ARTHUR A. See HOVLAND, CARL I.
LAMBERT, RICHARD D. Language and Area Studie Review. 27(2):17-20, June 1973 LANDES, DAVID S., and CHARLES TILLY. Hi tory as Social Science. 25(1): 1-6, March 1971 LANzmTA, JOHN, HENRJ TAJFEL, and LEON fEsTI GER. Tran national Social P ychology. 21(3):30-32, Sept. 1967 LAPALOMBARA, JOSEPH. Comparative Role of Group in Political Sy tem . 15(2): 18-21, June 1961. See also BERGER, SUZANNE LAPALOMBARA, Jo EPH, and MYRON WEINER. Political Partie and Political Development. 20( 1): 1-7, March 1966 LATHAM, ROBERT. Knowledge and Security in a Po t-Cold War World. 49(2-3):43-48, June-Sept. 1955 _ _ . Moments of Tran formation: SSRC-MacArthur Program. 48(1):1-8, March 1994 LAYOUN, MARY. Re-Figuring the Family in the Middle East. 47(4):84-86, Dec. 1993 LEARY, DAVID E. See STOCK! G, GEORGE, w., JR. LEIGH, ROBERT D. The Public Library Inquiry. 1(2):5-6, June 1947 LEIGHTO ,ALExANDER H. Exploration in Social P ychiatry. 11(3):26-29, Sept. 1957 LEISERSO ,AVERY. Sy tematic Re earch in Political Behavior. 5(3):29-32, Sept. 1951 LEVINE, HERBERT S. Mo cow Roundtable on Soviet Economic Reform. 42(1-2):18-21, June 1988 LEVINE, ROBERT A. Adulthood and Aging in Cro Cultural Per peetive. 31-32(4-1):1-5, Dec. 1977March 1978 LI, LILLIAN M. Food and Famine in China. 35(1-2):11-14, June 1981 LI, VICTOR H. Legal A peets of the Foreign Trade of the
M MAcCLUER, JEAN W. See DYKE, BENNETT MACRJDlS, Roy C. Comparative Politic : Method and Research. 6(4):45-49, Dec. 1952 MAoow, WILLIAM G. Activitie of the Committee on Mathematical Training of Social Scienti ts, 1952-57, and Sugge tion for the Future. 11(4):44-47, Dec. 1957 MAJOR, DAVID C. First Open Meeting: Human Dimen ion of Global Environmental Change. 48(2-3):50. JuneSept. 1994. See also RICHARDS, JOHN F. MARABLE, MANNING. Black Studie , Multiculturali m, and the Future of American Education. 49(2-3):49-56, June-Sept. 1995 MARDIN, SERJF, and I. WILLIAM ZARTMAN. Ottoman Turkey and the Maghreb in the 19th and 20th Centurie . 30(4):61-66, Dec. 1976 MARKUS, HAzEL. See SHWEDER, RICHARD MARQUIS, DoNALD G. College Influen e on Personality Development. 12(3):27-30, Sept. 1958 _ _ . Social Science and UNESCO: Report on the Ninth General Conference in New Delhi, 11 (2): 13-16, June 1957 MARR, DAVID G. Vietnam Studie : An Uphill Climb. 45( I):6-1 0, March 1991 MARRETT, CORA B. Shoring Up the Man ion-Hou e. 46(23):24-26, June-Sept. 1992 MARTINEZ-AllER, JUAN, and ERIC HERSHBERG. EnvironmentaJi m and the Poor. 46(1):1-5, March 1992 MASSEY, DoUGLAS S. Latino Poverty Re earch: An Agenda for the 1990 .47(1):7-11, March 1993 MCCARTHY, PHILIP J. See STEPHAN, FREDERICK F. McCLEARN, GERALD E. Biology and the Social and Behavioral Science. 23(3):33-37, Sept. 1969
51, NUMBER 4, PART 2
McCORMICK, RICHARD P. Conference on Early American Political Behavior. 11(4):49-50, Dec. 1957 McDoNNELL, MARY BYRNE, and SHERI H. RANIS. Interaction, Collaboration, and Engagement. 49(23):58-60, June-Sept. 1995 MERRICK, THOMAS W. Perspective on Latin American Population Re earch. 37(1):17-21, March 1983 MERTON ROBERT K. The Hi tory of Quantification in the Science. 14(1):1-5, March 1960 ___ . Tribute to a Di tingui hed Career [D.L. Sill ]. 42(4):97-98, Dec. 1988 ___ . See also, SILLS, DAVID L. MESA-LAGO, CARMELO. Comparative Re earch on Social Security Sy tern in Latin America. 30(2): 18-21, June 1976
METCALF, BARBARA DALY. The Comparative Study of Mu lim Societie .40(1):2-6, March 1986 MIGDAL, JOEL S., and JOHN T.S. KEELER. Bridging the Divide. 47(4):87-91, Dec. 1993 MILLER, GEORGE A. Application of Mathematic in Social P ychological Re earch. 11(4):41-44, Dec. 1957 MILLER, NEAL E. See KRANTz, DAVID S. MILLER, PEGGY, and JACQUELINE GOOD ow. Cultural Practice : Toward an Integration of Development and Culture. 49(1):2-6, March 1995 MILLER, ROBERTA BALSTAD. Federal Funding for the Social Science . 36(1-2):14-15, June 1982 ___. Re earch Support and Intellectual Advance in the Social Science : Introduction. 37(2-3):33-35, Sept. 1983
___ . Social Science in the National Science Foundation' Five-Year Outlook on Science and Technology. 35(1-2):7-10, June 1981 ___ . See also JUSTER, THOMAS F. MINOW, MARTHA L. See Shweder, Richard MITCHELL, ROWLAND L., JR. Grants to Minority Scholar : A Three-Year Report. 30(1):7-8, March 1976 ___ . On Studying the Hi tory of Anthropology: Reflection of a Hi torian. 16(3):27-29, Sept. 1962 MITCHELL, TIMOTHY, and LILA ABU-LuGHOD. Que tion of Modernity. 47(4):79-83, Dec. 1993 MODELL, JOHN. See DAVIS, JAMES A. MODELL, JUDITH. See CRAPANZANO, VI CENT. MODIGLIANI, FRANCO. Monetary Policy and the Rate of Economic Activity. 18(3):36-38, Sept. 1964 _ __ . Re earch on the Links between Monetary Policy and Economic Activity. 20(1):7-9, March 1966 MOLLENKOPF, JOHN H. New York City as a Re earch Site. 42(3):65-69, Sept. 1988 MOORE, WILBERT E. Note on the Measurement of Social Change, A. 12(4):42-43, Dec. 1958. See also FELDMAN, ARNOLD S. MOORE, WILBERT E., and RICHARD C. S YDER. The DECEMBER 1997
Conference on the Theory of Organization. 6(4):4145,Dec.1952
MORRISElT, LLOYD N., JR. Pre chool Education. 20(2):1721, June 1966 ___ . Re earch on College Influence on Personality. 13(3):28-30, Sept. 1959 Mo ELY, PHILIP E. The Books for Europe Program. 1(2):35, June 1947 MOSTELLER, FREDERICK. Mathematical Model for Behavior Theory. 5(3):32-33, Sept. 1951 ___ . The Role of the Social Science Re earch Council in the Advancement of Mathematic in the Social Science . 28(2):17-24, June 1974 _ _ . See also TAEUBER, CONRAD. N NEWELL, ALLEN. See SIMON, HERBERT A. NICHOLS, ROY F. Social Science Re earch in Britain. 3(4):37-41, Dec. 1949
NOWOTNY, HELGA. A European Reflection on U.S. Social Science Re earch Funding. 45(4):78-82, Dec. 1991 NlJITI ,JOZEF M., JR., and Jo EPH M.F. JASPARS. The European Re earch Training Seminar in Experimental Social P ychology, University of Louvain, July 31Sept. 2, 1967. 21(4):41-45, Dec. 1967
o O'CONNOR, ALICE. Review E ay on Michael B. Katz' The "Underclass" Debate: Views/rom History. 47(1):16-18, March 1993 _ _ . Studying Inequality in American Citie . 46(4):7374,Dec.1992
OKRASA, WLODZlMIERZ. Private Live , Public Policie . 48(1):9-12, March 1994 OKSE BERG, MICHEL. A New Committee for the Intellectual Development of the China Field. 36(3):35-38, Sept. 1982 O'NEILL, ROBERT. A Hi tori cal Perspective on International Security Analy i . 42( 1-2): 11-15, June 1988
OSBORN, FREDERICK, LEO ARD S. CCJITRELL, JR., LELAND C. DEVI EY, CARL I. HOVLAND, JOHN M. RUSSELL, and SAMUEL A. STOUFFER. Studie in Social P ychology in World War II. 3(1):1-4, March 1949 OwE ,E. ROGER. State and Society in the Middle East. 44(1):10-14, March 1990 p PALMER, FRANCIS H. Critical Period of Development. 15(2):13-18, June 1961 PARI ER, DAVID. See WINNER, ELLEN. PARKE, ROBERT. Population Change That Affect Federal Policy: Some Sugge tion for Research. 33(1):3-8, March 1979 _ _ . Re pon e to Recent Cuts in Federal Budgets for
tati ti .36(1-2):12-14, June 1982 ___ . Social Trend in the United tate. 35(4):72, Dec. 1981 _ _ _ . See af 0 SHELOO ,ELEA OR BER ERT PAR , HERBERT S. Occupational Choice: A Brief Report on the 1954 Seminar. 8(4):42-45, Dec. 1954 PATRI K, H GH. Japane e Indu trialization and It Social Con equence . 28(2):2 -35, June 1974 PATTER 0 ,THOMA E. The Role of the Mas Media in Pre idential Campaign : The Le on of the 1976 Election. 34(2):25-30, June 19 0 PATTER 0 ,THO 1A E., and Ro ALD P. ABELES. Ma Communications and the 1976 Pre idential Election. 29(2): 13-1 ,June 1975 PEAR 0 ,ROBERT W. Conference of Fellow in Employment and Training. 35(4):68-71, Dec. 1981 _ __ . Economy, Culture, Public Policy, and the Urban Undercl .43(2):23-29, June 1989 ___ . Exploring Re earch on cien e and Technology. 38(4):66-71, Dec. 1984 ___ . Re earchers' Acce to U.S. Federal Stati tic. 41(1):6-11, June 1987 ___ . See af 0 GEPHART, M RTHA A. PEAR 0 ,ROBERT W., GEORGE T. D A, and THOMA B. JABI E. Pur uit of Knowledge and Protection of Priva y. 43(3):65-70, ept. 19 9 PEN OCK, J. ROLA D. Conference on Political Theory and the Organization and Proce e of Modem Democracy. 11(4):47-48, Dec. 1957 PERE 1 ,ELLE . The IPFP: Result of the Fir t Competition. 45(2-3):32-33, June-Sept. 1991 PERKI ,DwIGHT H. Th Chine e Economy in Hi torical Per pective: Report on a Conference. 28( 1):8-10, March 1974 _ _ . The [Chine e] Economy in Hi torical Perspective. 33(2):25-27, June 1979 PETER 0 ,JAMES L. Re earch on the Socioeconomic Life Cycle. 32(2):27-31, June 1978 PH RR, Su A J. See GERALD L. C RTI PHARR, Su A J., and ROBERT J. S 11TH. Japane e Studie . 30(3):42-43, Sept. 1976 PLATH, DAVID W. Careers and Life Cycle in Japan. 34( 1):8-11, March 1980 POFFE BERGER, A.T. The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Social Science Re earch Council. 1(3):5-6, Sept. 1947 ___ . The Work of the Social Science Re earch Council. 1(1): 1-2, March 1947 [Reprinted March 1997] POLLOCK, SHELOO . Humanitie in South A ian Studie . 44(4):81-82, Dec. 1990 POTTER, Jo EPH E. Explanation of Fertility Decline in Latin America. 40(2):31-36, June 19 6 PREwm, KEN ETH. Commentary: The Role Played by th
.. ational taff" to the Social Science . 37(2-3):4 -49, Sept. 1983 _ __. The Council' International Program. 34(3-4):5054, Dec. 19 0 _ _ . Council Initiate New Fellow hip Program in International ecurity.3 (4):61-65, Dec. 19 4 _ _ . Council Reorganize It Work in Social Indicators. 37(4):74-78, Dec. 1983 _ _ . The Pro pect for Re earch in China by American Humani t and ocial Scienti t .36(1-2):8-12, June 1982 _ _ _ . Pre idential Item [Th New International Program]. 50( 1): 15-18, March 1996 _ _ . Pre idential Item [The ew International Program]. 50(2-3):31-40, June- ept. 1996 ___. Pre idential Item : International Di ertation Field Research, A ew Fellow hip Program. 50(4):91-92, Dec. 1996 _ _ . Pre idential Item : Graduate Training in Economic ,Adding Value. 51 (1 ):3-5, March 1997 PREwm, KENNETH, and DAVID L. SILLS. Fed ral Funding for the ocia1 Science : Threats and Re pon e . 35(3):33-47, ept. 1981 PRzEwOR KI, ADA 1. Democratization Revi ited. 51 (I ):6-11, March 1997 PVE, L IA W. Political Modernization and Re earch on the Proce of Political ociaJization. 13(3):25-2 , ept. 1959 PVE, L I w., and KAv K. RVLA D. Activitie of the Committee on Comparative Politic , 1954-70. 25( 1):69, March 1971 R
REV, AUSTI . The Committee on Political Behavior, 1949-64, and the Committee on Governmental and Legal Proce e, 1964-72. 28(3):37-44, ept. 1974 _ _ . The tudy of Policy Content: A Framework for Choice. 22(3):25-31, Sept. 1968 _ _ . StUdying the Impact of Public Po1icie . 26( 1): 1-4, March 1972 RA I, HERI H. See M Do ELL, MARV BVR E RATHBU ,DA IEL B. Pre ident' Comrni ion on Federal Stati tic .24(4):44-46, Dec. 1970 READ, PETER B. Socialization Re earch Revi ited. 34(2):3135, June 19 0 REES, ALBERT. Re earch on rban Poverty. 23(3):38, ept. 1969 RI HARD ,JOH F., and DAVID C. M JOR. Landed Property Right and Global Environmental Change. 47( I): 1215, March 1993 RIE KE ,HENRV W. Conference on Social Experimentation. 28(4):58-60, Dec. 1974 _ _ . The National cience Foundation and the Social
51, N
Science. 37(2-3):39-42, Sept. 1983 ___ . Social Science and Contemporary Social Problem. 23(1):1-6, March 1969 ___ . Survey of the Behavioral and Social Science . 20(4):45-46, Dec. 1966 RIFKI ,SUSA B. Science and Technology in China' Development. 26( I ):4-6, March 1972 ROB I 0 , MARSHALL. The Role of the Private Foundation . 37(2-3):35-39, Sept. 1983 ROCKWELL, RI HARD C. Human Proce e in Earth Tran formation. 42( 1-2): 16-18, June 1988 ___ . Puzzle of Global Environmental change. 44( 1): 1-9, March 1990 ___ . Social Indicators at the Council. 37(4):90-94, Dec. 1983 ROFF, WILLIAM. Di ertation Work hop on Mu lim Societie .42(1-2):28-29, June 1988 ROHLEN, THOMA P. See KRAU ,ELLIS S. ROKK ,STEI, and GABRIEL A. ALMO D. International Conference on Comparative Social Science Re earch, April 22-24, 1965. 19(3):29-31, Sept. 1965 ROSSI, ALICE S. Growing Old in China. 39(3):33-38, Sept. 1985 RUBLE, BLAIR A. See HUBER, ROBERT T. RUDOLPH, S SA E HOEBER. Tran national Religion and Fading State. 50(2-3):25-30, June-Sept. 1996 Ru ELL, JOH M. See 0 BOR ,FREDERICK RYLA 0, KAy K. See PYE, LuCI W. SA DEFUR, G RY. Cen u Volume on the American Indian. 44(2-3):37-40, June-Sept. 1990 SCHMITIER, PHILIPPE C. Experimenting with Scale: Change in the Unit of Production, Culture, and Governance in We tern Europe. 37(1):8-17, March 1983. See also BERGER, SUZA E D. SCH ORE, LEO F. The Study of Urbanization. 19(4):45-48, Dec. 1965 SCHULTZ, THEODORE W. Economic Efficiency: It Meaning, Measurement, and Application to Agricultural Problem. 4(4):39-41, Dec. 1950 SCHWARTZ, RICHARD D. See KALVE ,HARRY, JR. SEEMA ,MELVI . Inter-university Summer Re earch Seminar on Statu and Stratification. 5(4):42, Dec. 1951 SHEFFIELD, FRED D. See HOVLA 0, CARL I. SHELDO ,ELEANOR BERNERT, ROBERT PARKE, and MURRAY ABORN. Recollection and View of Key Figure in the Social Indicator Program. 37(4):78-89, Dec. 1983 SHERROD, Lo IE R. Child Development in Life- pan Per pective. 38(4):72-75, Dec. 1984 ___ . The Council' Role in Re earch on Child Development. 37(1 ):8-17, March 1983 DECa1B R
SHRYOCK, Rl H RD H. The Hi tory and Sociology of Science. 10(2): 13-16, June 1956 SHWEDER, RICH RD, and HAZEL MARKU . Culture, Identity, and Conflict. 49( I): 11-16, March 1995 SHWEDER, RICHARD, HAZEL R. M RKU , MARTHA L. MI oW, A 0 FRA K KEsSEL. The Free Exerci e of Culture: Ethnic Cu tom ,A imilation, and American Law. 51(4):61-67, Dec. 1997 SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE. The Alumni of the Council' Undergraduate Re earch Training Program. 15(4):46-48, Dec. 1961 _ _ . Education in Social Science and the Selection of Student for Training a Profe ional Social Scienti t . 5(3):25-29, ept. 1951 _ _ . Financial Aid for the Individual Scholar: Preliminary Report of a Study of the Statu of elfDirected Reearch. 4(2):13-17, June 1950 ___. Note on the Report of the Commi ion on Human Reource路 and Advanced Education. 24(2): 1718, June 1970 _ _ . Note on Research Training Fellow hip Policie . 3(2):18-19, June 1949 _ _ . The Problem of Social Science Per onnel: Recruitment or Training? 1(4): 1-7, Dec. 1947 _ _ . Recruitment, Selection, and Training of Re earch Workers. 1(1):7, March 1947 _ _. Study of Support for Individual Re earch Activitie . 2(4):6-7, Dec. 1948 _ _ . See also CAS GRA DE, JOSEPH B. SIGAL, LEO V. Look Who' Talking: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea. 51 (2-3):31-36, June-Sept. 1997 ILLS, DAVID L. Council Mark the 50th Anniversary of It Committee on Social Security. 39(3):39-40, Sept. 1985 _ _ . Fortieth Anniversary of the Council' "The PreElection Poll of 1948." 42(4):90-91, Dec. 1988 _ _ . A Note on the Origin of Interdi ciplinary. 40( I): 17-18, March 1986 ___. Pendleton Herring Feted on Hi 80th Birthday. 38( I): 1-3, March 1984 _ _. A Requiem for P&P. 50(4):94-97, December 1996 ___ . See at 0 PREWllT, KEN ETH SILLS, DAVID L., and ROBERT K. MERTO . Pattern in the Scholarly U e of Quotation. 46(4):75-76, Dec. 1992 _ _ . Social Science Quotation : Who Said What, When, and Where. 45(1):1-3, March 1991 SILVER, ALLA A. See BERGER, SUZANNE D. SILVER, BRIA D. See BERGER, SUZA E D. SILVER, BRIAN D., and BARBARA A DERSO . Concern about International Exchange with the Soviet Union. 45(1):11, March 1991 SIMMO ,ERNEST J. The Conference on Continuity and ITEM /9
Change in Ru ian and Soviet Thought. 8(2): 15-16, June 1954 SIMO ,HERBERT A. Chine e Computer Technology. 33(2):32-33, June 1979 _ _. Mao' China in 1972.27(1):1-4, March 1973 ___ . Training for Re earch on Organjzation . 12( 1): 13, March 1958 SIMON HERBERT A., and ALLEN NEWELL. Simulation of Cognitive Proce e. 12(4):37-40, Dec. 1958 SKOCPOL, THEDA. Bringing the State Back In: A Report on Current Comparative Research and the Relatiom,hip between State and Social Structure. 36( 1-2): 1-8, June 1982 SLiCHTER, SUMNER H. The State of Economic . 3(3):25-28, Sept. 1949 SMITH, M. BREWSTER. The Conference on Cro -Cultural Re earch on Personality Development. 9(3):27-31, Sept. 1955 ___ . Conference on Noruntellective Determinant of Achievement. 7(2): 13-18, June 1953 ___ . Report on the Work of the Committee on Cro Cultural Education. 12(4):40-42, Dec. 1958 ___ . Socialization for Competence. 19(2): 17-23, June 1965 SMITH, M. BREWSTER, and JOSEPH P. CASAGRANDE. The Cro -Cultural Education Projects: A Progre Report. 7(3):26-32, Sept. 1953 SMITH, M. BREWSTER, and GARDNER LlNDZEY. Research on Social Behavior: Impact of Council Committee . 28( 1):4-8, March 1974 SMITH, ROBERT J. See PHARR, SUSAN J. SNYDER, RICHARD C. See MOORE, WILBERT E. SOJA, EDWARD. See STEA, DAVID SOUTHWORTH, HERMAN M. See BRINEGAR, GEORGE K. See also JOH STO ,BRUCE F. SPENGLER, Jo EPH J. The Committee on Economic Growth. 28(2):24-28, June 1974 ___ . Demographic and Economic Trend in the Developing Countrie . 17(4):43-44, Dec. 1963 STALLING , BARBARA. The New International Context of Development. 47(1):1-6, March 1993 STARR, PAUL. See ALoNSO, WilliAM STEA, DAVID, and EDWARD SOJA. Environmental and Spatial Cognition in African Societie .29(3):37-40, September 1975 STEIN, STANLEY J. See CORns-CONDE, ROBERTO STEI HOFF, PATRICIA G. See KRAuss, ELLIS S. STOUFFER, SAMUEL A. See OSBORN, FREDERICK STEPHAN, FREDERICK F., and PHILIP J. MCCARTHY. Studie in Sampling under the Committee on Measurement of Opinion, Attitude , and Con umer Want . 1(2): 1-3, June 1947 STOCKI G, GEORGE W., JR., and DAVID E. lEARy. The 10\lTEM
Hi tory of Social Scientific Inquiry. 40(3-4):53-57, Dec. 1986 STO E, M. PRISCILLA, and PAUL RICHARDS. Social and Natural Science Conjoined: The View from the Program on African Studie . 47(2-3):29-34, June-Sept. 1993 SUTTON, FRA CIS X. American Foundation and the Social Science. 39(4):57-64, December 1985 ___. Rationality, Development. and Scholarship. 36(4):49-57, Dec. 1982 SZANTON, DAVID L. The Humanitie and the Social Science: A Sympo ium. 34(3-4):54-57, Dec. 1980 _ _ . The Joint Area Committee of the 1\vo Council . 36(4):58-65, Dec. 1982 _ _ . Sacred and Secular in Mu lim Societie .43(1): 13, March 1989 _ _ . Shaping the Course of Area Studie . 45(2-3):2631, June-Sept. 1991 _ _ . South and Southeast A ia: New Concern of the Council. 30(2): 13-17, June 1976 _ _. Space and Social Proce e. 43(4):81-83, Dec. 1989
T TAAFFE, EDWARD J. Geography as a Social Science. 24(2):13-16, June 1970 TAEUBER, CONRAD. See TAEUBER, IRENE B. TAEUBER, Co RAD, FREDERICK MOSTELLER. and PAUL WEBBINK. New Council Committee on Stati tical Training. 21(4):49-51, Dec. 1967 TAEUBER, IRENE B. China' Population: An Approach to Research. 18(2):13-19, June 1964 TAEUBER, IRENE B., and CO RAD TAEUBER. People of the United State in the 1\ventieth Century: Continuity, Diversity, and Change. 25(2): 13-18, June 1971 TAl, HUE-TAM Ho. Market Culture: Entrepreneurial Precedent and Ethical Dilemmas in East and Southea t A ia. 48(4):86-89, Dec. 1994 TAJFEL, HENRI. See JA OU EK, JAROMIR. See al 0 LANZETfA, JOH TAYLOR, GEORGE E. Note on the Second National Conference on the Study of World Areas. 4(3):29-32, Sept. 1950 TAYLOR, R. H. Delu ion and Nece ity: Election and Politic in Southeast A ia. 48(4):81-85, Dec. 1994 'fETLOcK, PHILIP E., and AARON BELKIN. Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politic. 50(4):77-85, December 1996 THOMAS, DoROTHY S. The Committee on Migration Differential and Its Relation to Other Council Activitie . 6(2): 18-20, June 1952 THOMPSON, JOH M. Foreign Area Fellow hip Program to Merge with Other Area Program of the ACLS and the VOLUME
SSRC. 26(4):41-44, Dec. 1972 THURSTON, ANNE F. New Opportunitie for Re earch in China. 33(2): 13-25, June 1979 TILLY, CHARLES. See LANDES, DAVID S. TRUMAN, DAVID B. The Implication of Political Behavior Re earch. 5(4):37-39, Dec. 1951 ___ . Theory and Re earch on Metropolitan Political Leadership. 15(1):1-4, March 1961 TSING, ANNA. See GREE OUGH, PAUL TYLER, RALPH W. The Committee on Personality Development in Youth. 15(3):32-34, September 1961 U USEEM, JOHN. Note on the Sociological Study of Language. 17(3):29-31, Sept. 1963 USEEM, JOHN, AND ALLEN D. GRIMSHAW. Comparative Sociology. 20(4):46-51, Dec. 1966
V VAN GILS, MAARTEN R., and JAAP KOEKEBAKKER. The First European Summer School on Social P ychology, The Hague, July 15-Augu til, 1965. 19(4):50-54, December 1965 VERBA, SID EY. U e of Survey Method in the Study of Political Modernization. 18( 1):6-7, March 1964 VOGEL, EzRA F. Japane e Organization and Deci ion Making. 27(1):4-6, March 1973 VOLKART, EDMUND H. Social Behavior and Personality: Contribution of W.I. Thomas to Theory and Social Re earch. 5(2): 13-14, June 1951 VOLKMAN, TOBY A. New Direction in Indochina Studie . 42(1-2):22-24, June 1988 W WAGLEY, CHARLES. Social Science Re earch on Latin America. 18(4):49-53, Dec. 1964 ___ . The Study of World Areas: A Report on the National Conference. 2(1): 1-6, March 1948 ___ . See a/so WOOD, BRYCE WAG ER, EDWARD W. Traditional Korean Society. 29(4):45-47, Dec. 1975 WAKEMAN, FREDERIC E. The June Fourth Movement in China. 43(3):57-64, Sept. 1989 ___ . Tran national and Comparative Re earch. 42(4):85-89, Dec. 1988 WAlJ..ERSTEIN, IMMANUEL. Open the Social Science. 50(1):1-7, March 1996 WARD, ROBERT E. Military Occupation and Political Change. 21 (3):25-29, Sept. 1967 ___. The United State -Japan Bibliographical Project on the Allied Occupation of Japan. 23(3):37-38, Sept. 1969 WARD, ROBERT E., and BRYCE WOOD. Foreign Area Studie and the Social Science Re earch Council. 28(4):53-58, Dec. 1974 DECEMBER 1997
WATERS, MARY C. See LIEBERSON, STANLEY WATTS, HAROLD W. Social Indicators of the Statu of Children. 36(3):39-41, Sept. 1982 WEBBINK, PAUL. Renewal of the Council' Inter-University Research Seminar Program. 8(1):4-6, March 1954 ___. Simon Kuznet , Recipient of the 1971 Nobel Prize in Economic Science. 25(4):41-42, Dec. 1971 ___ . University Organization for Social Science Research. 2(2):1-5, June 1948 ___ . See TAEUBER, CONRAD. See also YOUNG, Do ALD WEILER, E.T. An Apprai al of the Summer Research Training In titute on Monetary and Credit Policy, 1957. 12(1):4-5, March 1958 WEINER, MYRON. See LAPALOMBARA, JOSEPH WHEELER, STANTON. See LIPSON, LEO WHITI G, AlJ..EN S. Chine e Foreign Policy. 31(1-2):1-3, March-June, 1977 WILSO ,ROBERT N. The Undergraduate Social Scienti t. 8(3):25-29, Sept. 1954 WI CKLER, EDWIN A. Authoritariani m and Dependency in East A ia. 35(1-2):14-16, June 1981 WI NER, ELLEN, and DAVID PARISER. Giftedne in the Vi ual Arts. 39(4):65-69, Dec. 1985 WOLF, C.P. The Accident at Three-Mile I land: Social Science Perspective. 33(3-4):56-61, Dec. 1979 WOLF, MARGERY. Half of China: A Report on a Conference. 27(3):25-27, Sept. 1973 WOLFLE, DAEL. America' Re ource of Specialized Talent. 8(4):45-46, Dec. 1954 ___. Plan for Studie of America' Trained Talent. 5(1):1-8, March 1951 WOOD, BRYCE. The Conference on the Near East: Social Dynamic and the Cultural Setting. 7( 1): 1-7, March 1953 _ _ . The Conference on Problem of Area Re earch in Contemporary Mrica. 7(4):42- 46, Dec. 1953 _ _ . Con tituent Meeting of the Provi ional International Social Science Council. 6(4):50-52, Dec. 1952 ___. Report on the Conference on National Security Policy: Problem of Re earch and Teaching. 11(3):2932, Sept. 1957 ___. Social Science in Latin America. 21 (2): 13-17, June 1967 ___. See a/so CRAIG, GORDO ; KALvEN, HARRY, JR.; WARD, ROBERT E. WOOD, BRYCE, and CHARLES WAGLEY. The Social Science : Parochial or Co mopolitan? Reflection on the Inter-American Conference on Research and Training in Sociology. 15(4):41-45, Dec. 1961 WORCESTER, KENTO W. First Round: The International Di ertation Field Research Fellow hip Program. 51(2-3):37-41, June-Sept. 1997 ITEMs/II
_ _ . Rethinking European Studie . 48( 1):23-26, March 1994 ___ . Survey of International Field Re earch Fellow hip, 1990-1995.50(1):8-14, March 1996 ___ . Seeal 0 BRO 0 , Su A WORTIlMA ,CAROL. Ethnopediatric : A Beginning. 49( 1):6-10, March 1995 WRIGHT, MARY C. Source for Study of Contemporary China: Foreword to a Forthcoming Re earch Guide. 17(4):41-42, Dec. 1963 y You G, Do ALD. First Step toward an International ocial cience Council. 6( 1): 1-3, March 1952 _ _ . Loui Wirth. 6(2):21, June 1952 You G, Do ALD, and PAUL WEBBI K. Current Problem of Council Concern in Re earch Organization. 1(3): 1-5, ept. 1947 Yo G, FRA I A. The Fulbright Program in A ia. 15(3):29-32, September 1961
Title lode A Acce to Re earch Site Abroad. 40( I): 12-16, March 19 6. BARBER, Ell OR, and GRET HE G. EL WORTH Accident at Three-Mile I land: Social cience Perspective , The. 33(3-4):56-61, Dec. 1979. WOLF, C.P. Activitie of the Committee on Comparative Politic , 1954-70.25(1):6-9, March 1971. PYE, L CIA W., and KAy K. RYLAND Activitie of the Committee on Mathematical Training of Social Scienti t , 1952-57, and Sugge tion for the Future. 11(4):44-47, Dec. 1957. MADOW, WILLI MG. Admini tration of the Law of Tort ,Interrelation of Law and Other Social In titution . 16( 1):2-6, March 1962. KALVE ,HARRY, JR., and RICHARD D. S HWARTZ Adulthood and Aging in Cro -Cultural Per pective. 31-32(4-1):1-5, Dec.-March 1977-1978. LEVI E, ROBERT A. Adulthood and Aging in Cro -Cultural Per peetive. 3132(4-1):1-5, Dec.-March 1977-1978. LEVINE, ROBERT African Cultural Tran formation. 31 (1-2): 10-14, MarchJune 1977. FER A DEZ. JAMES W. African Dia pora in African Studie , The. 43(2):30-31, Jun 1989. loDGE, TOM African Material Culture. 42(4):92-94, Dec. 1988. AR OLDI, MARY Jo, CHRISTRAUD M. GEARY, and KRI HARDI
Agenda for Tran national and Comparative Re earch, An. 46(2-3):27-30, June-Sept. 1992. HER HBERG, ERI Agricultural Development: Problem and I ue. 20(3):2934, ept. 1966. JOH TO, BRUC F., and HERMAN M. SOUTHWORTH Agricultural Economic Re earch in the United Kingdom. 1(4): ,Dec. 1947. BRES LER, R.G., JR. Alternative Perspective on ational ecurity. 49(4):89-93, Dec. 1995. KATZEN TEl ,PETER J. Alumni of the Council' Undergraduate Re earch Training Program, The. 15(4):46-4 ,Dec. 1961. SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE America' Re ource of Specialized Talent. 8(4):45-46, Dec. 1954. WOLFLE, DAEL American Foundation and the Social Science. 39(4):5764,Dec. 1985.SUTTO ,FR CI X. American Glimp e of the Children of China, An. 28(3):4144, ept. 1974. KES ,WILLI M American Soldier, 40 Years Later, The. 43(3):71-73, Sept. 19 9. CLA EN, JOH A. American-Japene e Partnership in Re earch in the Social cience and the Humanitie ,An. 29 1): -9, March 1975. C RTI ,G RALD L., and S A J. PHARR Annual Meeting of the Canadian ocial Science Re earch Council, The. 1(3):5-6, Sept. 1947. POFFE BERGER, A.T. Application of Mathematic in ocial P ychological Re earch. 11(4):41-44, Dec. 1957. MILLER, GEORGE A. Apprai. al of the Summer Re arch Training In titute on Monetary and Credit Policy, 1957, An. 12(1):4-5, March 1958. WEILER, E.T. Area Re earch Training Fellow hip and Travel Grant for Area Re earch. 7(4):37-42, Dec. 1953. CA AGRA DE, Jo EPH B., and ELBRIDGE SIBL Y A pect of Contemporary China: Chine e Language. 33(2):34-36, June 1979. FERG 0 , CHARL A. A pect of Contemporary China: Chine e Children. 33(2):33-34, June 1979. KES EN, WILLIA 1 A pect of Contemporary China: Economic Development. 33(2):27-30, June 1979. DERNBERGER, ROBERT F. A pect of Contemporary China: Environmental Management. 33(2):32, June 1979. BOXER, BAR H A peets of Contemporary China: Women. 33(2):30-32, June 1979. WOLF, MARGERY Augu t Revolution and Soviet Studie , The. 45(4):69-74, Dec. 1991. HUBER, ROBERT T., and S A BR 0 Authoritariani m and Dependency in East A ia. 35( 12):14-16,Jun 19 I. WI KLER,EDWI A. 8 Basic Re earch Objective a a Strategic Factor in th Advancement of the Social cience. 5(2): 15-18,
51, N lBER 4, P RT 2
June 1951. COTrRELL, LEO ARD S., JR. Basic Re earch in the Science of Behavior. 23(4):49-54, Dec. 1969 Ba ic Social Science Development. 4(3):25-26, Sept. 1950. HERR I G, PE DLETO Becoming American! America Becoming. 50 2-3):41-47, June/Sept. 1996. DEWI D, Jo H, and CHARL HIR HM Behavior and Health: Mechani m and Re earch I ue. 35(1-2):1-6, June 1981. KRANTz, DAVID S., DAVID C. GLA S, RI HARD CONTR D ,and NE L E. MILLER Berkeley Seminar on Old Age Re earch, The. 4(3):26-29, Sept. 1950. Jo ES, H ROLD E. Bibliography of Publication of the Center for Coordination of Re earch on Social Indicators 1972-1983.37(4):9599, Dec. 1983 Biology and Giftedne . 39( 1-2): 1-6, June 1985. GARD ER, HOWARD, and YADI D DAI Biology and the Social and Behavioral Science . 23(3):3337, Sept. 1969. MCLEAR, GERALD E. Bio ocial Per pective on Child Abu e and Neglect. 38(23):41-43, Sept. 1984 Black Studie , Mu1ticulturali m, and the Future of American Education. 49(2-3):49-56, June-Sept. 1995. MARABLE, MA I G Book for Europe Program, The. 1(2):3-5, June 1947. Mo ELY, PHILIP E. Book on China: A Selection of 21 Council Publication of the 1970s. 33(2):36-37, June 1979 Bridging the Divide. 47(4):87-91, Dec. 1993. MIGDAL, JOEL S., and JOH T.S. KEELER Bringing the State Back In: A Report on Current Comparative Re earch on the Relation hip between State and Social Structure . 36( 1-2): 1-8, June 1982. SKOCPOL, THED
C Career and Life Cycle in Japan. 34( 1):8-11, March 1980. PLATH, DAVID W. Cen u Volume on the American Indian. 44(2-3):37-40, June-Sept. 1990. SA DEFUR, G RY D. Charle Edward Merriam 1874-1953. 7( 1): 1, March 1953. CRA E, ROBERT T. Child Development in Life- pan Per pective. 38(4):72-75, Dec. 1984. SHERROD, Lo NIE R. China' Population: An Approach to Re earch. 18(2): 1319, June 1964. TAEUBER, IRENE B. Chine e Computer Technology. 33(2):32-33, June 1979. SIMO ,HERBERT A. Chine e Economy in Hi torical Per pective: Report on a Conference, The. 28(1):8-10, March 1974. PERKl , DWIGHT H. Chine e Economy in Hi torical Per pective, The. 33(2):25-
27, June 1979. PERKI ,DwIGHT H. Chine e Foreign Policy. 31(1-2):1-3, March-June 1977. WHm G, ALLE S. College Influence on Per onality Development. 12(3):2730, Sept. 1958. MARQ I ,Do ALD G. Commentary: The Role Played by the "National Staff' to the Social Science. 37(2-3):48-49, Sept. 1983. PREwm, KEN ETH Committee on Economic Growth, The. 28(2):24-28, June 1974. SPENGLER, Jo EPH J. Committee on Learning and the Educational Proce ,The. 18(4):54-55, De . 1964. CRO BACH, LEE J. Committee on Migration Differential and it Relation to Other Council Activitie , The. 6(2): 18-20, June 1952. THOMA ,DORUfHY S. Committee on Per onality Development in Youth, The. 15(3):32-34, Sept. 1961. TYLER, RALPH W. Committee on Political Behavior, 1949-64, and the Committee on Governmental and Legal Proce e, 1964-72, The. 28(3):37-44, Sept. 1974. RA EY, Au TI Committee on the Economy of China: A Review of its Work, 1961-70.24(1):1-6, March 1970. GALE 0 , W LTER Committee on the Economy of China: Fir t Report of the Director of Re earch. 16(3):29-30, Sept. 1962. GALE 0 , WALTER Communicating Social Science Finding to the Public. 37(4):99-101, Dec. 1983. DAVI ,JAMES A., and JOH MODELL Comparative Politic: Method and Re earch. 6(4):45-49, Dec. 1952. MACRIDI , Roy C. Comparative Re earch on Ethnicity. 28(4):61-64, Dec. 1974. BELL, WE DELL C. Comparative Re earch on Social Security Sy tem in Latin America. 30(2): 18-21, June 1976. MESA-LAGO, CARMELO Comparative Role of Group in Political Sy tern , The. 15(2):18-21, June 1961. LAP LOMBARA, Jo EPH Comparative Sociology. 20(4):46-51, Dec. 1966. U EEM, JOH ,and ALLE D. GRIM HAW Comparative Study of Long-term Record of Economic Growth, The. 9(4):42-46, Dec. 1955. KUZNETS, SIMO Comparative Study of Mu lim Societie , The. 40(1):2-6, March 1986. METCALF, BARBARA DALY Computer-A i ted In truction, Te ting, and Guidance, Conference on. 22(4):43-48, Dec. 1968. HOLTZMA , WAY E H. Concern about International Exchange with the Soviet Union. 45(1):11, March 1991. SILVER, BRIA D.â&#x20AC;˘ and BARB RA ANDER 0 Continuity and Change in Ru ian and Soviet Thought, The Conference on. 8(2): 15-16, June 1954. SIMMO , ITEMS/I 3
ERNEST J. Conflict in Po twar Japan. 32(2):21-26, June 1978. KRAuss, ELLIS S., THOMAS P. ROHLEN, and PATRICIA G. STEINHOFF Con tituent Meeting of the Provi ional International Social Science Council. 6(4):50-52, Dec. 1952. WOOD, BRYCE Contemporary Re earch on the Urban Underclas .42(12): 1-10, June 1988. GEPHART, MARTHA A., and ROBERT W. PEAR ON Contribution of the Joint Committee on Slavic Studie to the Advancement of Re arch in Its Field. 9(4):40-42, Dec. 1955. BLACK, C.E. Council Initiate New Fellow hip Program in International Security. 38(4):61-65, Dec. 1984. PREwm, KENNETH Council Marks the 50th Anniverary of It Committee on Social Security. 39(3):39-40, Sept. 1985. SILLS, DAVID L. Council Reorganize Its Work in Social Indicators. 37(4):74-78, Dec. 1983. PREwm, KENNETH Council Sympo ium on Individual and Social Change. 33(3-4):61-62, Dec. 1979 Council' International Program, The. 34(3-4):50-54, Dec. 1980. PREwm, KENNETH Council' 1937 Monograph on the 1930' Depre ion are Rei ued. 30(1):12, March 1976. Council' Role in Re earch on Child Development, The. 37(1):8-17, March 1983. SHERROD, LoNNIE R. Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politic . 50(4):77-85, Dec. 1996. TEn.ocK, PHn.IP E., and AARON BELKIN Critical Period of Development. 15(2): 13-18, June 1961. PALMER, FRANCIS H. Cro -Cultural Education Projects: A Progre Report, The. 7(3):26-32, Sept. 1953. SMITH, M. BREWSTER, and Jo EPH B. CA AGRANDE Cro -Cultural Research on Personality Development, The Conference on. 9(3):27-31, Sept. 1955. SMITH, M. BREWSTER Cultural and Political Con ervati m in Modem China. 26(4):44-47, Dec. 1972. FURTH, CHARLOTTE Cultural Practice : Toward an Integration of Development and Culture. 49(1):2-6, March 1995. Mlu..ER, PEGGy, and JACQUELINE GooD ow Culture of Fear, The. 40(1):7-12, March 1986. DASSlN, JOAN Culture, Consciou ne ,and the Colonial State. 44(4):6971, Dec. 1990. FREITAG, SANDRIA B. Culture, Identity, and Conflict. 49(1):11-16, March 1995. SHWEDER, RICHARD, and HAZEL MARKU Culture of Biomedicine. 49( 1): 19-22, March 1995. LocK, MARGARET Current Problem of Council Concern in Re earch
Organization. 1(3):1-5, Sept. 1947. YOUNG, DoNALD, and PAUL WEBBlNK D Dartmouth Conference on an Econometric Model of the United State, The. 15(3):34-36, Sept. 1961. KLEIN, LAWRENCE R. Dartmouth Conference on Learning Theory, The. 4(4):3739,Dec.1950 David L. Featherman Named Pre ident of the Social Science Research Council. 43(2):21-22, June 1989 David L. Featherman to Leave SSRC. 48(4):81, Dec. 1994 Decade of Re earch by Project LlNK, A. 33(3-4):49-56, Dec. 1979. HICKMAN, BERT G., and LAWRENCE R. KLEIN Delu ion and Nece ity: Election and Politic in Southeast A ia. 48(4):81-85, Dec. 1994. TAYLOR, R.H. Democratic Politic in Africa and the Caribbean. 44( 1): 1718, March 1990. LoDGE, TOM Democratization Revi ited. 51(1):6-11, March 1997. PRzEwORSKI, ADAM Demographic and Economic Trends in the Developing Countrie . 17(4):43-44, Dec. 1963. SPENGLER, JOSEPH J. Differential Culture Change. 11(1): 1-3, March 1957. BRU ER, EDWARD M. Direction in Sociolingui tic . 19( 1): 1-4, March 1965. FERGUSO ,CHARLES A. Di rtation Work hop on Mu lim Societie .42(1-2):2829, June 1988. ROFF, WILLIAM Di olution of Committee on Problem & Policy (P&P). 50(2-3):40, June-Sept. 1996. Donald Ram ey Young: 1898-1977. 31 (1-2):24, MarchJune 1977 E
Early American Political Behavior, Conference on. 11(4):49-50, Dec. 1957. McCORMICK, RICHARD P. Eastern European Economie , The Conference on. 22(1):78, March 1968. BERG ON, ABRAM Economic Efficiency: It Meaning, Measurement, and Application to Agricultural Problem. 4(4):39-41, Dec. 1950. SCHULTZ, THEODORE W. Economic Hi tory of Latin America, The. 31(1-2):7-10, March-June 1977. CORrts-CONDE, ROBERTO, LoU! WOLF GOODMAN, and STANELY J. STEIN Economic Trend in the Soviet Union. 17( 1): 1-4, March 1963. KUZNETS, SIMON Economy, Culture, Public Policy, and the Urban Underclas . 43(2):23-29, June 1989. PEARs<> ,ROBERT W. Education and the Political Scienti t. 19(1):5-7, March 1965. COLEMAN, JAMES S. Education in Social Science and the Selection of Students for Training as Profe ional Social Scienti ts. 5(3):2529, Sept. 1951. SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE VOLUME
51 , NUMBER 4, PART 2
Effect of Spon orship upon Social Science Re earch, The. 37(2-3):43-46. Sept. 1983. BROOK, HARVEY Elbridge Sibley Die. 48(4):94, Dec. 1994 Eleanor Bernert Sheldon Elected Pre ident of the Council. 26(2):13-14, June 1972. Environmental and Spatial Cognition in African Societie . 29(3):37-40, Sept. 1975. STEA, DAVID, and EDWARD SOJA Environmental Di course and Human Welfare in South and Southeast A ia. 48(4):95-99, Dec. 1994. GREENOUGH, PAUL, and AN ATSI G Environmentali m and the Poor. 46( I): 1-5, March 1992. MARTI EZ-ALlER, JUA ,and ERIC HERSHBERG Ethnopediatric : A Beginning. 49(1):6-10, March 1995. WORTHMA ,CAROL European Reflection on U.S. Social Science Re earch Funding, A. 45(4):78-82, Dec. 1991. NOWOTNY, HELGA European Re earch Training Seminar in Experimental Social Psychology, University of Louvain July 31Sept. 2, 1967, The. 21(4):41-45, Dec. 1967. lJITl, JOZEF M., JR., and Jo EPH M. F. JA P R European Seminar on Learning and the Educational Proce , The. 23( I ):6-10, March 1969. CARROLL, JOH B. Experimentation as a Method for Planning and Evaluating Social Intervention. 25(3):31, Sept. 1971 Experimenting with Scale: Change in the Units of Production, Culture, and Governance in We tern Europe. 37( I): 1-7, March 1983. SCHMllTER, PHILIPPE C. Experiment on Ma Communication. 3(2): 13-14, June 1949. HOVLA 0, CARL I., ARTHUR A. LUM DAI E, and FRED D. SHEFFIELD Explaining the Po twar Baby Boom. 34(4):57-63, Dec. 1981. CHERLI ,A DREW J. Explanation of Fertility Decline in Latin America. 40(2):31-36, June 1986. ParrER, Jo EPH E. Exploration in Social P ychiatry. 11(3):26-29, Sept. 1957. LEIGHTO ,ALEXA DER H. Exploring Re earch on Science and Technology. 38(4):6671, Dec. 1984. PE R 0 ,ROBERT W.
F Federal Funding for the Social Science . 36( 1-2): 14-15, June 1982. MILLER, ROBERTA BA TAD Federal Funding for the Social Science : Threat and Re pon e .35(3):33-47, Sept. 1981. PREWllT, KE ETH, and DAVID L. SILLS Fellow in Employment and Training, Conference of. 35(4):68-71, Dec. 1981. PEAR 0 ,ROBERT W. Fellow of the Social Science Re earch Council, 19251951: Some Stati tic . 6(2): 13-17 , June 1952. CASAGRA DE, Jo EPH B., and ELBRIDGE SIBLEY
Fifth Annual Conference on Project LINK. 27(4):46-48, Dec. 1973. KLEI ,LAWRENCE R. 50th Anniver ary of the 1930 Hanover Conference. 34(2): 35-37, June 1980 Financial Aid for the Individual Scholar: Preliminary Report of a Study of the Statu of Self-Directed Re earch. 4(2):13-17, June 1950. SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE First European Summer School on Social P ychology, The Hague, July 15-Augu t 11,1965, The. 19(4):50-54, Dec. 1965. VAN GILS, MAARTE R., and JAAP KOEKEB KKER Fir t Open Meeting: Human Dimen ion of Global Environmental Change. 48(2-3):50, June-Sept. 1994. MAJOR, DAVID C. Fir t Round: The International Di ertation Field Re earch Fellow hip Program. 51(2-3):37-41, June-Sept. 1997. WORCESTER, KENTo W. First Step Toward an International Social Science Council. 6(1):1-3, March 1952. YOUNG, Do ALD Food and Famine in China. 35(1-2): 11-14, June 1981. LI, LILLIA M. Foreign Area Fellow hip Program to Merge with Other Area Program of the ACL and the SSRC. 26(4):4144, Dec. 1972. THOMPSO ,JOH M. Foreign Area Studie and the Social Science Re earch Council. 28(4):53-58, Dec. 1974. W RD, ROBERT E., and BRYCE WOOD Fortieth Anniversary of the Council' 'The Pre-Election Poll of 1948." 42(4):90-91, Dec. 1988. SILLS, DAVID L. Fourth Annual Conference on Project LI K, The. 26(4):4749, Dec. 1972. KLEI ,LAWRENCE R. Free Exerci e of Culture: Ethnic Cu tom ,A imilation, and American Law, The. 51(4):61-67, Dec. 1997. SHWEDER, RI H RD, HAZEL R. MARKUS, MARTHA L. MI OW, and FRA K KEs EL Frontiers of Hou ing Re earch: Report on a Sympo ium. 2(4):4-6, Dec. 1948. BREESE, GERALD Frontiers of Social Science and the SSRC. 46(2-3):32-34, June-Sept. 1992. FEATHERMA ,DAVID L. Fulbright Act, The. 2(1 ):7, March 1948. HOLLAND, KE ETH Fulbright Program in A ia, The. 15(3):29-32, Sept. 1961. You G, FRA CI A. Functional Economic Areas and Con olidated Urban Region of the United State. 21(4):45-49, Dec. 1967. Fox, KARLA. G G. William Skinner and Chine e Bibliography Produced under Hi Direction Honored at SSRC Luncheon. 28(1):10-11, March 1974 Genetic and Social Behavior. 21(1):1-5, March 1967. GLA ,DAVID C.
Genetic and the Social Science . 18(3):29-35. Sept. 1964. LINDZEY. GARD ER Geography as a Social Science. 24(2):13-16. June 1970. TAAFFE. EDWARD J. Geography of China: Report on a Seminar. The. 28(3):4446. Sept. 1974. BOXER. BARUCH Giftedne in the Vi ual Art .39(4):65-69. Dec. 1985. WINNER. ELLEN. and DAVID PARISER Gorbachev' First Five Year : Pa t Debate • Current Echoe • and the Intellectual Challenge for Soviet Studie .44(2-3):25-30. June-Sept. 1990. HUBER. ROBERTT. Government Audits of Social Experiments. 32(3-4):47-50. Dec. 1978. ABELES. Ro ALD P. Grants for Field Studie of Political Group : A New Program of the Committee on Comparative Politic . 10(1):1-2. March 1956 Grant to Minority Scholars: A Three-Year Report. 30(1): 7-8. March 1976. MITCHELL. ROWLA D L.• JR. Growing Old in China. 39(3):33-38. Sept. 1985. ROSSI. ALICE S. Gupta, Gujarat. and Guha: Re tating the Case for South A ia. 44(4):61-63. Dec. 1990. GREENOUGH. PAUL H Half of China: A Report on a Conference. 27(3):25-27. Sept. 1973. WOLF. MARGERY Herbert A. Simon Awarded 1978 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic. 32(3-4):41-42. Dec. 1978 Hi torical Per pective on International Security Analy i • A. 42(1-2):11-15. June 1988. O'NEILL. ROBERT Hi torical Politic : American Election • 1824-1970. 25(4):46-50. Dec. 1971. CLUBB. JEROME M. Hi tori cal Stati tic of the United State: Colonial Time to 1957. 14(2):16-18. June 1960. EVAN. G. HERBERTO • JR. Hi tory and Sociology of Science. The. 10(2): 13-16. June 1956. SHRYOCK. RICHARD H. Hi tory as Social Science. 25(1):1-6. March 1971. LAND • DAVID S.• and CHARLES TILLY Hi tory of American Military Policy: A New Program of Grant. The. 8(2): 13-15. June 1954. CRAIG. GORDO A.. and BRYCE WOOD Hi tory of Quantification in the Science. The. 14(1):1-5. March 1960. MERTO • ROBERT K. Hi tory of Social Scientific Inquiry. The. 40(3-4):53-57. Dec. 1986. STOCKING. GEORGE W.• JR .• and DAVID E. LEARY Human Proce e in Earth Tran formation. 42( 1-2): 16-18. June 1988. ROCKWELL. RICHARD C. Human Proce se in Earth Tran formation: A Proposed Council Program on the Social Science and Global Environmental Change. 42(1-2):16-21. June 1988.
ROCKWELL. RICHARD Human Re ource Need in A ia in the Next 25 Years. 51(4):68-71. Dec. 1997. AMBLER. JOH Humanitie and Social Science in China: Report of a Fact-finding Trip. 34(3-4):57-58. Dec. 1980 Humanitie and the Social Science : A Sympo ium. The. 34(3-4):54-57. Dec. 1980. SZANTO • DAVID L. Humanitie in South A ian Studie .44(4):81-82. Dec. 1990. POLLOCK. SHELDON I Identifying a Site and Funding Source. 51(2-3):42-44. June-Sept. 1997. BARRETf. CHRJSTOPHER B.• and JEFFREY W. CASO Implication of Political Behavior Research. The. 5(4):3739. Dec. 1951. TRUMAN. DAVID B. In Tribute to We ley Clair Mitchell. 2(4):1. Dec. 1948. CRA E. ROBERT T. Indian Law as an Indigenou Conceptual Sy tern. 32(34):42-46. Dec. 1978. GALANTER. MARC Indu trialization and Auth ritariani m in Latin America. 31132(411):5-13. March 1978. COLLIER. DAVID Intellective Development in Children. 14(3):25-30. Sept. 1960. KESsEN. WILLIAM Intellectual Hi tory and Comparative Studie . 24( 1):6-8. March 1970. CURTIN. PHILIP D. Inter-university Summer Re earch Seminar on Statu and Stratification. 5(4):42. Dec. 1951. SEEMA • MELVI Interaction. Collaboration. and Engagement. 49(2-3):5860. June-Sept. 1995. McDoNNELL. MARY BYRNE. and SHERJ H. RANIS Interdi iplinary Summer Seminar on Lingui tic and P ychology. The. 5(4):40-42. Dec. 1951. CARROLL. JOHN B. Interdi ciplinary: The First Half Century. 42(3):73-78. Sept. 1988. FRANK. ROBERTA lntere t Group and the Govemability of European Society. 35(4):63-68. Dec. 1981. BERGER. SUZANNE D. International Conference on Comparative Social Science Research. April 22-24. 1965. 19(3):29-31. Sept. 1965. ROKKA • STEIN. and GABRJEL A. ALMo D International Conference on Social P ychology in Prague. October 7-11. 1968. The. 23(2):26-29. June 1969. JANOUSEK. JAROMIR. and HENRI TAJFEL International Conference on the Study of Urbanization. The. 19(4):49-50. Dec. 1965. GI SBURG. NORTON International Economic Hi tory A ociation. An. 16(4):4042. Dec. 1962. COCHRAN. THOMAS C. International Research and Exchange Board Appointed by the American Council of Learned Societie and Social Science Research Council Staff. 22(3):31-32. Sept. 1968 International Social Science Council Conference. 9( I): 1-4.
51. NUMBER 4. PART 2
March 1955. HERRING, PENDLETON Internationalization of the Social Science and Humanitie : Report on an ACLS/SSRC Meeting, April 4-6, 1997. 51(2-3):23-30, June-Sept. 1997. ABRAHAM, IlTV, and RONALD KASSIMJR [PFP: Re ults of the First Competition, The. 45(2-3):3233, June-Sept. 1991. PERECMAN, ELLEN I olation, Measurement, and Control of Interviewer Effect. 3(2):15-17, June 1949. HYMAN, HERBERT Items 50th Anniversary, March 1947-March 1997.51(1):1, March 1997
J Japanese Organization and Decision Making. 27(1):4-6, March 1973. VOGEL, EzRA F. Japane e Indu trialization and its Social Consequence . 28(2):28-35, June 1974. PATRJCK, HUGH Japane e Studie .30(3):42-43, Sept. 1976. PHARR. SUSAN J., and ROBERT J. SMITH Joint Area Committee of the Two Council , The. 36(4):58-65, Dec. 1982. SZANTON, DAVID L. June Fourth Movement in China, The. 43(3):57-64, Sept. 1989. WAKEMAN, FREDERIC E. K Kenneth Prewitt Elected Pre ident of the Social Science Research Council. 33(1): 1-2, March 1979 Kenneth Prewitt Named Pre ident of the SSRC. 49(23):41-42, June-Sept. 1995 Kenneth Prewitt, Frederick Mo teller, and Herbert A. Simon Te tify at National Science Foundation Hearing . 34(1): 1-7, March 1980 Knowledge and Security in a Po t-Cold War World. 49(23):43-48, June-Sept. 1995. LATHAM, ROBERT L Labor and Development Strategy in the East A ian NIC . 40(3-4):64-68, Dec. 1986. Koo, HAGEN, STEPHAN HAGGARD, and FREDERJC DEYO Labor and Lei ure in Traditional African Societie . 22(1):1-6, March 1968. JONES, WIlLIAM O. Landed Property Rights and Global Environmental Change. 47(1):12-15, March 1993. RICHARDS, JOHN F., and DAVID C. MAJOR Language and Area Studie Review. 27(2): 17-20, June 1973. LAMBERT, RlCHARD D. Language as Ob tacle and as Data in Sociological Research. 23(2): 17-21, June 1969. GRIMSHAW, Au..EN D. Language Use in Japan and the United State. 29(4):49-51, Dec. 1975. JORDEN, ELEANOR H. Latino Poverty Research: An Agenda for the 1990 . 47(1):7-11, March 1993. MASSEY, DoUGLAS S. Law and Social Relation. 11(1):4-5, March 1957. HOEBEL, E. ADAMSON
Law and the Social Science . 38(2-3):25-32, Sept. 1984. uPSo ,LEON, and STANTON WHEELER Lawrence R. KJein Win Nobel Prize: Council Board Member and Founder of Project LINK. 34(3-4):49-50, Dec. 1980 Legal A peets of the Foreign Trade of the People' Republic of China. 25(4):42-44, Dec. 1971. LI, VICT'OR H. Lingui tics Serve the People: Le on of a Trip to China. 29(1):5-8, March 1975. FERGUSON, CHARLES A. Linkage of National Econometric Model : Project LINK. 23(4):54-56, Dec. 1969. HlCKMAN, BERT G. Linkage of National Econometric Models: Second Annual Conference on Project LINK. 24(4):46-48, Dec. 1970. KLEIN, LAWRENCE R. Look Who' Talking: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea. 51(2-3):31-36, June-Sept. 1997. SIGAL, LEON V. Loui Wirth. 6(2):21, June 1952. YOUNG, DoNALD
M Mao's China in 1972.27(1): 1-4, March 1973. SIMO , HERBERT A. Market Culture: Entrepreneurial Precedent and Ethical Dilemmas in East and Southeast A ia. 48(4):86-89, Dec. 1994. TAl, HUE-TAM Ho. Ma Communication and the 1976 Pre idential Election. 29(2):13-18, June 1975. PATTERSO ,THOMAS E., and Ro ALD P. ABELES Mathematical Model for Behavior Theory. 5(3):32-33, Sept. 1951. MOSTELLER, FREDERJCK Mathematical Science and Social Science . 24(3):25-30, Sept. 1970. KRuSKAL, WILLJAM H. Matrilineal De cent Sy tern : A Preliminary Statement About the Summer Seminar. 9(1):5-8, March 1955 Middle East and the Political Economy of Development, The. 48(2-3):41-49, June-Sept. 1994. CHAUDHRY, KJRJN Az.Iz Military in American Society, The. 17(4):45-47, Dec. 1963. JA OWITZ, MORRIS Military Occupation and Political Change. 21(3):25-29, Sept. 1967. WARD, ROBERT E. Mi ion-oriented Basic Research. 45(4):75-77, Dec. 1991. FEATHERMAN, DAVID L. Modem Chinese Short Storie. 38(1):3-8, March 1984. BERNINGHAUSEN, JOHN Modem Japane e International Relation . 28(1): 11-12, March 1974. DINGMAN, ROGER Moments of Tran formation: SSRC-MacArthur Foundation Program. 48(1):1-8, March 1994. LATHAM, ROBERT Monetary Policy and the Rate of Economic Activity. 18(3):36-38, Sept. 1964. MODIGLIANl, FRANCO Moot Points in the Theory of Labor Commitment in Developing Areas. 14(4):37-42, Dec. 1960. FELDMAN, ITEMs/I 7
ARNOLD S., and WILBERT E. MOORE Mo cow Roundtable on Soviet Economic Refonn. 42( 12):18-21, June 1988. LEVINE, HERBERT S. Muroma hi Age in Japane e Hi tory, Th .27(4):41-46, Dec. 1973. HALL, JOH W. Mu eum and Archive in Africa. 45(2-3):21-25, JuneSept. 1991. LoIXiE, TOM Narrowing the Gap Between Field Studie and Laboratory Experiments in Social P ychology. 8(4):37-42, Dec. 1954. National Implementation and Compliance with International Environmental Accord. 44(2-3):31-32, June-Sept. 1990. JACOB 0 ,HAROLD K., and EDITH BROWN WEISS ational Science Foundation and the Social Science , The. 37(2-3):39-42, Sept. 1983. RIECKEN, HENRY W. National Security Education Program, The. 46(2-3): 17-23, Jun -Sept. 1992. HEGI BOTHAM, STANLEY J. Natural Re ource and Econ mic Growth, The Conference on. 14(2):13-16, June 1960. HOOVER, EIXiAR M. Near and Middle East Re earch and Training Act, The. 46( 1):6-8, March 1992. HEYDEMA ,STEVE Near Ea t: Social Dynamic and th Cultural Setting, The Conference on the. 7(1): 1-7, March 1953. WOOD, BRY E Neighborhood and Communitie in Concentrated Poverty. 43(4):84-92, Dec. 1989. GEPHART, MARTHA A. New Committee for the Intellectual Development of the China Field, A. 36(3):35-38, Sept. 19 2. OK E BERG, MI HEL New Committee on Gifted Children, A. 30(3):44-47, ept. 1976. BRAN H, ALVIA Y. New Council Committee on Stati ti al Training. 21(4):4951, Dec. 1967. TAEUBER, Co RAD, FREDERICK MOSTELLER, and PA L WEBBI K New Direction in Indochina Studie .42(1-2):22-24, June 1988. VOLKMAN, TOBY A. New International Context of Development, The. 47( 1): 16, March 1993. STAW G , BARBARA New Media and Religiou Change. 44(4):72-76, Dec. 1990. BABB, LAWRENCE A. New Opportunitie for Re earch in China. 33(2): 13-25, June 1979. THURSTO ,AN E F. New Per pective for the Study of We tern Europe. 29(3):34-37, Sept. 1975. BERGER, SUZANNE D., GERALD D. FELDMAN, GUDMU D HERNES, Jo EPH LA PAWMBARA, PHrLIPPE C. SCHMITTER, and ALLAN A. SILVER. New York City a Re earch ite. 42(3):65-69, Sept. 1988. MOLLE KOPF, JOHN H. ew York City: ote on the Fonnation of a Research
Planning Committee. 40(3-4):57-61, D c. 19 6. KATZNELSO ,IRA 1948 Meeting of the Canadian SSRC, The. 2(3):7-8, Sept. 1948. Jo ES, HAROLD E. Ninth Pacific Science Congre ,The. 12(2):13-15, June 1958. &NAN, FRED Nonintellective Detenninants of Achievement, Conference on. 7(2): 13-18, June 1953. SMITH, M. BREWSTER Note on the Me urement of Social Change, A. 12(4):4243, Dec. 1958. MOORE, WILBERT E. Note on the Origin of Interdi ciplinary, A. 40(1):17-18, March 19 6. SILLS, DAVID L. ote on Field Development. 49(4):94-98, Dec. 1995. FELDMA ,SH LLEY, and ITTY ABRAHAM Note on Re earch Training Fellow hip Policie .3(2): 1819, June 1949. SIBLEY, ELBRIIXiE Note on the Report of the Commi ion on Human Re ource and Advan ed Education. 24(2): 17-18, June 1970. SIBLEY, ELBRlIXiE Note on the S cond National Conference on the Study of World Area. 4(3):29-32, Sept. 1950. TAYLOR, GEORGE E. ote on the Sociological tudy of Language. 17(3):29-31, Sept. 1963. U EE 1, JOH Note on the Study of Economic Growth. 13(2): 13-16, June 1959. KUZNET, IMO
o Occupational Choice: A Brief Report on the 1954 Seminar. 8(4):42-45, Dec. 1954. PAR , HERBERT S. On Culture, Health, and Human Development. 46(4):6572, Dec. 1992. KES EL, FRANK On Culture, Health, and Human Development: Emerging Pro pective II. Introduction and Conclu ion. 49( 1): 110, March 1995. KES EL, FRA K On Making Social P ychology More U eful. 30(1): 1-6, March 1976. DEUT CH, MORTO On S ience and the Polity. 15( I): 1-6, March 1961. HERRING, PE DLETO On StUdying the Hi tory of Anthropology. 16(3):25-27, ept. 1%2. HYM ,DELL H. On Studying the Hi tory of Anthropology: Reflection of a Hi torian. 16(3):27-29, ept. 1962. MITCHELL, ROWLAND L., JR. Open the Social Science . 50( 1): 1-7, March 1996. WALLERSTEIN,IMMA UEL Ottoman Turkey and the Maghreb in the 19th and 20th Centurie .30(4):61-66, Dec. 1976. MARDl, ERIF, and l. WILLIAM ZARTMAN Ou iders and In ider : Entrepren urial Minoritie and Conflicting Ethnic Identitie ... Southeast A ia and Central Europe. 48(4):90-94, Dec. 1994. CHIROT, DANlEL
p Pacific Coast Activitie of the Council. 3(3):28-31, Sept. 1949. Jo ES, HAROLD E. Pan-European Re earch Agenda, A. 49(2-3):56-57, JuneSept. 1995. BRO 0 , SUSAN, and KENTo W. WORCESTER Pattern in the Scholarly U e of Quotation. 46(4):75-76, Dec. 1992. SIU-S, DAVID L., and ROBERT K. MERTO Paul Webbink and Elbridge Sibley to Retire on Dec. 31, 1970: The Council Pay Tribute. 24(4):41-44, Dec. 1970 Peace and the Future of Middle East Studie .47(4):73-78, Dec. 1993. HEY DEMAN ,STEVEN Pendleton Herring Feted on Hi 80th Birthday. 38(1): 1-3, March 1984. SILLS, DAVID L. Pendleton Herring Receive the Merriam Award. 33(3-4): 62-63, Dec. 1979 Pendleton Herring to be Succeeded by Henry W. Riecken a Pre ident of the Council. 22(4):41-43, Dec. 1968 People of the United State in the Twentieth Century: Continuity, Diversity, and Change. 25(2): 13-18, June 1971. TAEUBER, IRENE B., and Co R DTAEUBER Perception of Per on : Report of the InterUni ersity Summer Re earch Seminar. 10(1):2-5, March 1956 Per onal Te timony: Narrative of the Self in the Social Science and Humanitie .40(2):25-30, June 19 6. CRAPANZA 0, VI ENT, YA MI E ERGA , and JUDITH MODELL Per pective on Latin American Population Re earch. 37(1): 17-21, March 1983. MERRICK, THOMAS W. Pidgination and Creolization of Language : Their Social Context . 22(2): 13-18, June 1968. HYMES, DELL H. Plan for Studie of America' Trained Talent. 5( I): 1-8, March 1951. WOLFLE, DAEL Plan of the Commi ion on Human Re ource and Advanced Education. 19(3):31-32, Sept. 1965. FOGLER, JOH K. Political Economy of National Stati tic , The. 36(3):29-35, Sept. 1982. ALO 0, WILLIAM, and PAUL STARR Political Modernization and Re earch on the Proce of Political Socialization. 13(3):25-28, Sept. 1959. PvE, L CIA W. Political Partie and Political Development. 20 I): 1-7, March 1966. LAPALOMBARA, Jo EPH, and MYRO WEINER Political Theory and the Organization and Proce se of Modem Democracy, Conference on. 11(4):47-48, Dec. 1957. PENNOCK,J.RoLAND Population Cen u and Monograph. 14(3):31-32, Sept. 1960. KIRK, DUDLEY Population Change that Affect Federal Policy: Some Sugge tion for Re earch. 33(1):3-8, March 1979. PARKE, ROBERT D
Population of the United State in the 1980 : Six New Cen u Monograph. 42(1-2):37-39, June 1988 Po t-Cold War "International" Scholarship: A Brave New World or the Triumph of Form over Sub lance? (The Future of International Scholarship: An Exchange). 49( I):30-35, March 1995. HUBER, ROBERT T., BLAIR A. RUBLE, and PETER J. STAVRAKI Po tchildhood Modification of Lingui tic and Social Competence. 30(3):33-41, Sept. 1976. GRIM HAW, ALLE D., and LEAH HOLDE Pre chool Education. 20(2): 17-21, June 1966. MORRI ETT, LLOYD N. Pre ident' Commi ion on Federal Stati tic .24(4):44-46, Dec. 1970. RATHB ,DA IEL B. Pre identialltem . [New Architecture]. FEATHERMA , DAVID L. 44(2-3):33, June-Sept. 1990 Pre identialltem . [New Architecture, Dual Mandate]. FEATHERMAN, DAVID L. 45(1 ):4-5, March 1991 Pre identialltem [NSF, Separate Directorate]. FEATHERM ,DAVID L. 44(1):15-16, March 1990 Pre idential Item [The New International Program]. 50( I): 15-18, March 1996. PREWITT, KEN ETH Pre idential Item [The New International Program]. 50(2-3):31-40, June-Sept. 1996. PREWITT, KENNETH Pre idential Item : Graduate Training in Economic , Adding Value. 51(1):3-5, March 1997. PREWITT, KE ETH Pre identialltem : International Di ertation Field Re earch, A New Fellow hip Program. 50(4):91-92, Dec. 1996. PREWITT, KEN ETH Private Live, Public Policie .48(1):9-12, March 1994. OKRA A, WLODZIMIERZ Problem of ocial Science Personnel: Recruitment or Training?, The. 1(4):1-7, Dec. 1947. SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE Problem of Area Re earch in Contemporary Africa, The Conference on. 7(4):42-46, Dec. 1953. WOOD, BRYCE Progre Report on New Direction for Interarea Re earch, A. 27(4):48-49, Dec. 1973 Project LINK at 20. 43(1):4-6, March 1989. HICKMA ,BERT G., and LAWRE E R. KLEIN Project LI Kin 1976.31(1-2):5-7, March-June 1977. KLEIN, LAWRENCE R. Project LI Kin 1977.31-32(4-1):13-15, March 1978. KLEI ,LAWRE CE R. Project LI Kin 1977.31-32(4-1):13-15, Dec.-March 19771978. KLEI ,LAWREN E R. Project LINK: Entering a New Phase. 27(2): 13-16, June 1973. KLEI ,LAWRENCE R. Project LI K: Forecasting Economic Events. 29(1):3-5, March 1975. KLEIN, LAWRE CE R. Project LI K: The Seventh Year. 29 4):48-49, Dec. 1975. KLEIN, LAWRENCE R. Propo ed Reorganization of the National Science ITEMsl19
Foundation. 34(3-4):58-59, Dec. 1980 Pro peets for Research in China by American Humani ts and Social Scienti ts, The. 36(1-2):8-12, June 1982. PREwm, KENNETH P ycholingui tic : A Sketch of the Area and Some Activitie of the Council' Committee on Lingui tic and P ychology. 8(3):29-34, Sept. 1954. Public Culture in Late 20th Century India. 44(4):77-80, Dec. 1990. APPADURAl, ARJUN, and CAROL A. BRECKENRIDGE Public Library Inquiry, The. 1(2):5-6, June 1947. LEIGH, ROBERT D. Publication of the Center for Coordination of Research on Social Indicators, 1972-83.37(4):95-99, Dec. 1989. Pursuit of Knowledge and Protection of Privacy. 43(3):6570, Sept. 1989. PEARSON, ROBERT w., GEORGE T. DUNCAN, and THOMAS B. JABINE Puzzle of Global Environmental Change. 44(1): 1-9, March 1990. ROCKWELL, RI HARD C.
Q Que tion of Modernity. 47(4):79-83, Dec. 1993. MITCHELL, TIMOTHY, and LILA ABU-LuGHOD R Rationality, Development, and Scholarship. 36(4):49-57, Dec. 1982. StrITON, FRAN IS X. Re-Figuring the Family in the Middle East 47(4):84-86, Dec. 1993. LAYOUN,MARY Recent Developments in Project LINK. 39(1-2):7-11, June 1985. HICKMAN, BERT G., and LAWRENCE R. KLEIN Recollection and View of Key Figure in the Social Indicators Program. 37(4):78-89, Dec. 1983. SHELDON, ELEANOR BERNERT, ROBERT PARKE, and MURRAY ABORN Recommended Policie for the Mathematical Training of Social Scienti ts: Statement by a Committee of the Council. 9(2):13-16, June 1955 Recon tructing the Hi tory of Imperial Ru ia.46(I):9-1O, March 1992. BURBANK, JANE Recruitment, Selection, and Training of Research Workers. 1(1):7, March 1947. SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE Relevance of China' Development Experience for Other Developing Countrie , The. 31(3):25-34, Sept. 1977. DERNBERGER, ROBERT F. Renewal of the Council' Inter-University Research Seminar Program. 8( 1):4-6, March 1954. WEBB INK, PAUL Reorientation in Research in Agricultural Economic . 13(1):1-4, March 1959. BRINEGAR, GEORGE K., KENNETH L. BACHMAN, and HERMAN M. SOUTHWORTH Report on the Behavioral and Social Sciences Publi hed: Council Collaborate with the Stanford Center and the National Academy of Science. 46(1-2):25-27, 20\ITEM
June 1988 Report on the Conference on National Security Policy: Problems of Research and Teaching. 11(3):29-32, Sept. 1957. WooD,BRYCE Report on the Work of the Committee on Cro -Cultural Education. 12(4):40-42, Dec. 1958. SMITH, M. BREWSTER Report on the Work of the Committee on Urbanization. 13(4):40-42, Dec. 1959. HAUSER, PHlUP M. Report on the Work of the Council' Committee on Hi torical Analy i . 12(3):25-27, Sept. 1958. Go1TscHALK, LoUTS Requiem for P&P, A. 50(4):94-97, Dec. 1996. SIU.5, DAVID L. Research Ethic and the Spirit of Intemationali m, The. 51(4):55-60, Dec. 1997. APPADURAJ, ARJUN. Research in Cro -Cultural Education. 6(1):3-6, March 1952. BENNEn, WENDELL Research in the Field of Torts. 14(4):42-44, Dec. 1960. KALvEN, HARRY, JR., and BRYCE WOOD Research on College Influence on Personality. 13(3):2830, Sept. 1959. MORRISETI, LLOYD N., JR. Re earch on Comparative Politics: Plan of a New Council Committee. 8(1): 1-4, March 1954. ALMOND, GABRIEL A. Re earch on Economic Stability. 13(4):37-39, Dec. 1959. GoRDO ,R.A. Research on Expectation , Uncertainty, and Bu ine Behavior, The Conference on. 10(3):32-38, Sept. 1956. BOWMAN, MARY JEAN Research on Political Behavior. 3(4):41-44, Dec. 1949. HEARD, ALExANDER Re earch on Social Behavior: Impact of Council Committee . 28(1):4-8, March 1974. SMITH, M. BREWSTER, and GARD ER LrNDZEY Research on State Politic ; A New Program of GrantsIn-Aid. 9(3):25-27, Sept. 1955 Research on the Behavior of Small Group. 93):31-34, Sept. 1955. KATCHER,ALLAN Research on the Links Between Monetary Policy and Economic Activity. 20(1):7-9, March 1966. MODIGUANI, FRANCO Research on the Socioeconomic Life Cycle. 32(2):27-31, June 1978. PETERsoN, JAMES L. Research on Urban Poverty. 23(3):38, Sept. 1969. REES, ALBERT Research Planning in the Field of Marriage and the Family. 2(4):1-3, Dec. 1948. BURGESS, ERNEST W. Research Support and Intellectual Advance in the Social Science: A Sympo ium. 37(2-3):33-49, Sept. 1983 Research Support and Intellectual Advance in the Social Science: Introduction. 37(2-3):33-35, Sept 1983. MlLLER, ROBERTA BALSTAD VOLUME
51, NUMBER 4, PART 2
Re earch-Doctorate Program in the United State. 47(23):35-37. June-Sept. 1993. FLAITAU. PAMELA EBERT Re earchers' Acce s to U.S. Federal Stati tic .41(1):6-11. June 1987. PEARSON. ROBERT W. Re earching Sexuality. 50(4):86-90. Dec. 1996. OJ MAURO. DIANE Re olution Honoring Gardner Lindzey. 30(4):53. Dec. 1976 Re ponse to Recent Cut in Federal Budgets for Stati tic . 36(1-2):12-14. June 1982. PARKE. ROBERT Re urrecting the Common : Collective Action and Ecology. 44(4):64-68. Dec. 1990. HERRING. RONALD J. Rethinking European Studie . 48(1):23-26. March 1994. WORCESTER. KENTON W. Rethinking International Scholarship: The Challenge of Tran ition from the Cold War Era. 48(2-3):33-40. June-Sept. 1994. HEGINBOTHAM. STANLEY J. Review E ay on Michael B. Katz' The "Underclas .. Debate: View from Hi tory. 47(1):16-18. March 1993. O'CONNOR. ALICE Ri e of a New Ethnic Group: The Unhyphenated American. The. 43(1):7-10. March 1989. LIEBERSON. STANLEY. and MARY C. WATERS Robert Treat Crane 1880-1962. 16(4):37. Dec. 1962. HERRJ G. PENDLETON Role of Technological Change in Social Science Re earch. The. 37(2-3):46-48. Sept. 1983. JUSTER. THOMAS F.. and ROBERTA BALSTAD MILLER Role of the Mas Media in Pre idential Campaign : The Le on of the 1976 Election. The. 34(2):25-30. June 1980. PATTERSON. THOMAS E. Role of the Private Foundation • The. 37(2-3):35-39. Sept. 1983. ROBI SON. MARSHALL Role of the Social Science Re earch Council in the Advancement of Mathematic in the Social Science • The. 28(2):17-24. June 1974. MOSTELLER. FREDERICK
S Sacred and Secular in Mu lim Societie .43(1):1-3. March 1989. SZANTON. DAVID L. Scholarly Exchange with the People' Republic of China. 27(3):27-29. Sept. 1973. KEATLEY. ANNE. and ALBERT FEUERWERKER Scholarly Exchange with China. 31 (1-2):3-5. March-June 1977. BUllOCK. MARY B. Science and Technology in China' Development. 26(1):46. March 1972. RIFKIN. SUSAN B. Scope of Sociolingui tics. The. 26(2):14-18. June 1972. HYMES. DELL H. Second Summer Conference on an Econometric Model of the United State . 16(4):37-40. Dec. 1962. KLEIN. LAWRE CE R. Seminar on Comparative Politic. June 1956. 10(4):45-48.
Dec. 1956. ALMOND. GABRIEL A. Shaping the Course of Area Studie . 45(2-3):26-31. JuneSept. 1991. SZANTON. DAVID L. Shoring Up the Man ion-Hou e. 46(2-3):24-26. June-Sept. 1992. MARREn. CORA B. Short and Happy Life of Social Indicators at the NSF. The. 38(2-3):32-41. Sept. 1984. ABORN. MURRAY Simon Kuznets. Recipient of 1971 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science. 25(4):41-42. Dec. 1971. WEBBINK. PAUL Simulation of Cognitive Proce e. 12(4):37-40. Dec. 1958. SIMO • HERBERT A.. and ALLEN NEWELL Social and Natural Science Conjoined: The View from the Program on African Studie . 47(2-3):29-34. June-Sept. 1993. STO E. M. PRISCILLA. and PAUL RICHARDS Social Behavior and Personality: Contribution of W.I. Thomas to Theory and Social Re earch. 5(2): 13-14. June 1951. VOL KART. EDMUND H. Social Con equence of the AIDS Epidemic. The. 41(34):33-39. Dec. 1987. ERGAS. YASMINE Social Experimentation. Conference on. 28(4):58-60. Dec. 1974. RIECKEN. HENRY W. Sociallmplication of Technological Change. 3(3):31-34. Sept. 1949. BROZEN.YALE Social Indicators at the Council. 37(4):90-94. Dec. 1983. ROCKWELL. RICHARD C. Social Indicators of the Statu of Children. 36(3):39-41. Sept. 1982. WAITS. HAROLD W. Social Science and Contemporary Social Problem . 23(1):1-6. March 1969. RIECKEN. HENRY W. Social Science and UNESCO: Report on the Ninth General Conference in New Delhi. 1956. 11(2):13-16. June 1957. MARQUIS. Do ALD G. Social Science in Latin America. 21(2): 13-17. June 1967. WOOD. BRYCE Social Science in the Mental Health Field. 9(4):37-40. Dec. 1955. CLAUSEN. JOHN A. Social Science in the National Science Foundation' FiveYear Outlook on Science and Technology. 35(1-2):710. June 1981. MILLER. ROBERTA BALSTAD Social Science Quotation : Who Said What. When. and Where. 45(1): 1-3. March 1991. SILLS. DAVID L.. and ROBERT K. MERTO Social Science Re earch in Britian. 3(4):37-41. Dec. 1949. NICHOLS. Roy F. Social Science Re earch on Latin America. 18(4):49-53. Dec. 1964. WAGLEY. CHARLES Social Science in a European Perspective. The. 2(3): 1-7. Sept. 1948. HERRJ G. PENDLETO Social Science in Cuba, The. 30(4):54-61, Dec. 1976. GOODMAN, loUIS WOLF Social Science in Latin America, The. 16(2): 13-16, June
ience in Modem ociety. The. 1(1):2-6. March 1947. HERRI G. PENDLETO [Reprinted March 1997] Social cience in South America. The. 4( I): 1-5. March 1950. BEALS, RALPH L. Social Science : Parochial or Co m politan? Reflection on the Inter-American Conferen e on Research and Training in Sociology. The. 15(4):41-45. Dec. 1961. WOOD. BRYCE. and CHARLES WAGLEY ocial Suffering. 49(1):13-16. March 1995. KLEI MA • ARTHUR Social Trend in the United State. 35(4):72. Dec. 1981. PARKE. ROBERT Socialization for Competence. 19(2): 17-23. June 1965. SMITH. M. BREW TER Socialization Re earch Revi ited. 34(2):31-35. June 19 O. READ. PETER B. ocialization Through the Life Cycle. 18( I): 1-5. March 1964. BRI 1. ORVILLE G.• JR. ociolingui tic A pects of Communication between Studen and Teachers: Report on a Work hop. 25 3): 30-31. Sept. 1971 ociolingui tic at the Council 1963-1979. 34(1):12-18. March 1980. GRIM HAW. ALLEN D. orne Com pari on of Latin Am rican and A ian Studie with Special Reference to Re earch on Japan. 17(2): 13-20. June 1963. DORE, Ro ALD P. ource for Study of Contemporary China: Foreword to a Forthcoming Re earch Guide. 17(4):41-42. Dec. 1963. WRIGHT. MARY C. outh and Southeast A ia: ew Concern of the Coun il. 30(2):13-17. Jun 1976. SZANTO, DAVID L. outhwe t Project in Comparative P ycholingui tic • The. 10(4):41-45. Dec. 1956. CA GRA DE. Jo EPH B. oviet Economic Growth. The Conference on. 6(3):29-33. ept. 1952. BERG 0 • ABR M Space and Social Proce e. 43(4):81-83. Dec. 1989. ZANTO • DAVID L. SSRC Archive Open for Re earch. 51(1): 12-14. March 1997. KJRCHHEI 1ER. GLORI S RC Center for Coordination of Re earch on Social Indicators Open in Washington. 26(3):25-26. ept. 1972
SRC. Then and Now. 4 (1):13-22. March 1994. FEATHERMA • DAVID L. State and Society in the Middle East. 44(1): 10-14. March 1990. OWE • E. ROGER State of Economic • The. 3(3):25-28. Sept. 1949. SLI HTER. S 1 ER H. Strategie in Re earch on Public Affairs. 10(3):29-32. Sept. 1956. KEy. V.O .• JR. Stru tuml Equation Model . 26(3):26-28. Sept. 1972. G LDBERGER. ARTHUR S. 22\JTEM
Studie in Sampling under the Committee on Measurement of Opinion. Attitude • and Con umer Wants. 1(2): 1-3. June 1947. STEPHAN. FRED RICK F.• and PHILIP J. McCARTHY Studie in Social P ychology in World War II. 3( I): 1-4. March 1949.0 BOR • FREDERI K. LEO ARD S. COTTRELL. JR .• LELA D C. D VI NEY. CARL I. HOVLA D. JOH M. Ru ELL, and SAMUEL A. STO FFER
Studie of Economic Growth in Indu trialized Countrie . 18( I ):5-6. March 1964. ABRAMOVITZ, Mo Study of Inequalite in African Societie • The. 30( I): lOIl. March 1976. BERRY. SARA S. Study of Policy Content: A Fmmework for Choice. The. 22(3):25-31. ept. 196 . RA EY. AUSTI Study of South A ian Conceptual Sy tern. The. 31(3):3436. Sept. 1977. HEGI B<YTHAM. STA LEY J. tudy of Support for Individual Re earch Activitie . 2(4):6-7. Dec. 194 . SIBLEY. ELBRIDGE Study of Urbanization. The. 19(4):45-48. Dec. 1965. SHORE. LEO F. Study of World Areas: A Report on the National Conferen e. The. 2(1):1-6. March 1948. WAGLEY. CHARLES Studying Inequality in Am rican Citie . 46(4):73-74. Dec. 1992. O'CO OR. ALICE Studying the Impacts of Public Policie . 26(1): 1-4. March 1972. RA EY. Au I ummer Workshop in Sociolingui tic . 23(2):22-26. June 1969. ERVI -TRIPP. S AN Survey Method in Re earch on Health Problem . 11(2): 16-19. June 1957. HART. CLYDE W. urvey of International Field Re arch Fellow hip.• 19901995.50(1):8-14, March 1996. WORCESTER. KENro W. Survey of the Behavioral and Social Science. 20(4):45-46. Dec. 1966. RI KEN, HE RY W. Sy tematic Re earch in Political Behavior. 5(3):29-32. ept. 1951. LEI R • AVERY
T Technological Change and Atomic Energy. 3( I ):5-6. March 1949. HERR I G. PENDLETO. Ten ion Affecting International Understanding. 2(2):5-7. June 1948. KLI EBORG. OTTo Theory and Re earch on Metropolitan Political Leader hip. 15(1):1-4. March 1961. TRUMA • D VID B. Theory of Organzation. The Conference on. 6(4):41-45. Dec. 1952. MOORE. WILBERT E.• and RICHARD C. S YDER Third Annual Conference on Project LI K. The. 25(4):4446. Dec. 1971. KLEI • LAWRE R. Toward a Momtorium on Litmu Te t (The Future of International Scholarship. An Exchange). 49( I):35-38. VOLU 1E
51. Nu
4, P
RT 2
March 1995. HEGINB<YI'HAM, STANLEY J. Traditional Korean Society. 29(4):45-47, Dec. 1975. WAGNER, EDWARD W. Training for Research on Organization. 12(1):1-3, March 1958. SlMON, HERBERT A. Tran national and Comparative Re earch. 42(4):85-89, Dec. 1988. WAKEMAN JR., FREDERJC E. Tran national Religion and Fading State . 50(2-3):25-30, Jun -Sept. 1996. RUDOLPH, SUSANNE HOEBER Tran national Social P ychology. 21(3):30-32, Sept. 1967. LANzETTA, JOHN, HENRI TAJFEL, and LEON FESTlNGER Tribute to a Di tingui hed Career [D.L. Sill ].42(4):97-98, Dec. 1988. MERTON, ROBERT K. Tribute to Bryce Wood, on Hi Retirement, September 30, 1973.27(4):52, Dec. 1973 Two Decade of Council Activity in the Rapproachment of Lingui tic and Social Science. 28( 1): 1-4, March 1974. ERVlN-TRIPP, SUSA
U Undergraduate Social Scienti t. The. 8(3):25-29, Sept. 1954. WILSO ,ROBERT N. United State -Japan Joint Bibliographical Project on the Allied Occupation of Japan, The. 23(3):37-38, Sept. 1969. WARD, ROBERT E. University Organization for Social Science Re earch. 2(2): 1-5, June 1948. WEBBlNK, PAUL Urbanization in Africa. 25(3):25-29, Sept. 1971. DESHLER, WALTER W. U e of Survey Method in the Study of Political Modernization. 18(1):6-7, March 1964. VERBA, SIDNEY U of Computer Simulation in Human Population Studie . 26(3):28-30, Sept. 1972. DYKE, BENNE1T, and JEAN W. MAcCLUER V
Vietnam Studie : An Uphill Climb. 45(1):6-10, March 1991. MARR, DAVID G. Violence, Political Agency, and the Self. 49( 1): 16-18, March 1995. DAS, VEENA
W Wendell Clark Bennett 1905-1953. 7(3):25, Sept. 1953 What Doe Society Need from Higher Education? 47(23):38-43, June-Sept. 1993. FEATHERMAN, DAVID L. Work and Personality in the Middle Years. 29(3):29-33, Sept. 1975. BRIM, ORVlLLE G., JR., and Ro ALD P. ABELES Work of the Social Science Re earch Council, The. 1(I): 12, March 1947. POFFENBERGER, A.T. [Reprinted March 1997] World With No Color Line: A Re earch Agenda. A. 41 (34):40-44, Dec. 1987. FARLEY, REy OLD, and WALTER R. ALLEN DECEMBER
Chronological Index 1947
March The Work of the Social Science Research Council. POFFENBERGER, A.T. The Social Science in Modem Society. HERRING, PENDLETON Recruitment, Selection, and Training of Research Workers. SIBLEY, ELBRJDGE
June Studie in Sampling under the Committee on Measurement of Opinion, Attitude , and Con umer Wants. STEPHAN, FREDERICK F., and PHIUP J. McCARTHY The Books for Europe Program. MOSELY, PHruP E. The Public Library Inquiry. LEIGH, ROBERT D.
September Current Problem of Council Concern in Research Organization. YOUNG, Do ALD, and PAUL WEBBINK The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Social Science Re earch Council. POFFENBERGER, A.T. December The Problem of Social Science Personnel: Recruitment or Training? SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE Agricultural Economic Re earch in the United Kingdom. BRES LER, R.G., JR. 1948 March The Study of World Areas: A Report on the National Conference. WAGLEY, CHARLES The Fulbright Act. HOLLAND, KEN Ern
June University Organization for Social Science Research. WEBBlNK, PAUL Ten ion Affecting International Understanding. KLINEBORG, 0IT0
September The Social Science in a European Perspective. HERRl G, PENDLETO The 1948 Meeting of the Canadian SSRC. Jo ES, HAROLD E. December In Tribute to We ley Clair Mitchell. CRANE, ROBERT T. Re earch Planning in the Field of Marriage and the Family. BURGES, ERNEST W. Frontiers of Hou ing Research: Report on a Sympo ium. ITEMs/23
and Application to Agricultural Problem . SHULTZ, THEODORE W.
BREESE, GERALD Study of Support for Individual Re arch Activitie . SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE
1951 1949
March Sturlie in Social P ychology in World War II. 0 B RN, FREDERI K, LEO ARD S. COITRELL, JR., LELA DC. DEVI EY, CARL 1. Ho LA D, JOH M. Ru ELL, and SAMUEL A. STO FFER Technological Change and Atomic Energy. HERR I G, PENDJ.ErO
June Experiments on Mas Communication. HOVLA D, C RL I., ARTH R A. LUM DAINE, and FRED D. SHEFFIELD I olation, Measurement, and Control of Interviewer Effect. HYMA , H RBERT Note on Re earch Training Fellow hip Policie . SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE ptember The State of Economic . SUCHTER, S 1 ER H. Pacific Coa t Activitie of the Council. Jo ES, H ROLD E. Social Implication of Technological Change. BROZEN, YALE December Social Science Re earch in Britian. I HO ,RoY F. Re earch on Political Behavior. HEARD, ALEXA DER
Plan for Studie of America' Trained Talent. WOLFLE, DAEL
June Social Behavior and Per onality: Contribution of W.1. Thomas to Theory and Social Research. VOLKART, EDMU D H. Basic Re earch Objective a a Strategic Factor in the Advancement of the Social Science . CCJITRELL, LEO ARD S., JR. eptember Education in Social Science and the election of Student for Training Profe ional Social cienti t . SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE Sy tematic Re arch in Political Behavior. LEI AVERY Mathematical Model for Beha ior Theory. MOSTELLER, FREDERI K December The Implication of Political Behavior Re earch. TRUMAN, DAVID B. The Interdi ciplinary Summer Seminar on Lingui tic and P ychology. CARROLL, JOH B. Interuniversity Summer Re earch Seminar on Statu and Stratification. SEEMA ,MELVI
1950 March The Social Science in South America. BEALS, RALPH L.
June Financial Aid for the Individual Scholar: Preliminary Report of a Study of the Statu of Self-Directed Re arch. SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE
1952 March First Step Toward an International Social Science Council. You G, Do ALD Re earch in Cro -Cultural Education. BEN ElT, WENDLL
The Berkeley Seminar on Old Age Research. Jo ES, HAROLD E. Note on the Second National Conference on the Study of World Are . TAYLOR, GEORGE E.
Fellow of the Social cience Re earch Council,19251951: Some Stati tie . CASAGRA DE, Jo EPH B., and ELBRIDGE SIBLEY The Committee on Migration Differential and it Relation to Other Council Activitie . THOMAS, DoROTHY S. Loui Wirth. You G, Do ALD
December The Dartmouth Conference on Learning Theory Economic Efficiency: Its Meaning, Mea urement,
September The Conference on Soviet Economic Growth. BERG 0 , ABRAM
eptember Ba ic Social Science Development. HERRI G, PENDJ.ErO
51 , NUMB
December The Conference on Theory of Organzation. MOORE, WILBERT E., and RICHARD C. SNYDER Comparative Politic : Method and Re earch. MACRIDIS, RoYe. Con tituent Meeting of the Provisional International Social Science Council. WOOD, BRYCE
December Narrowing the Gap Between Field Studie and Laboratory Experiment in Social P ychology Occupational Choice: A Brief Report on the 1954 Seminar. PARNES, HERBERT S. America' Re ource of Specialized Talent. WOLf1..E, DAEL
Charle Edward Merriam 1874-1953. CRA E, ROBERT T. The Conference on the Near East: Social Dynamic and the Cultural Setting. WOOD, BRYCE
International Social Science Council Conference. HERRl G, PENDLETO Matrilineal De cent Sy tern : A Preliminary Statement About the Summer Seminar
June Conference on Nonintellective Detenninants of Achievement. SMITH, M. BREWSTER September
Wendell Clark Bennett 1905-1953 The Cro -Cultural Education Project : A Progre Report. SMITH, M. BREWSTER, and JOSEPH B. CASAGRANDE December
Area Re earch Training Fellow hip and Travel Grant for Area Re earch. CASAGRA DE, JOSEPH B., and ELBRIDGE SIBLEY The Conference on Problem of Area Re earch in Contemporary Africa. WOOD, BRYCE
1954 March Re earch in Comparative Politic : Plan of a New Council Committee. ALMO 0, GABRIEL A. Renewal of the Council' Inter-Univer ity Re earch Seminar Program. WEBBI K, PAUL
June The Hi tory of American Military Policy: A New Program of Grants. CRAIG, GoRDO A., and BRYCE WOOD The Conference on Continuity and Change in Ru ian and Soviet Thought. SIMMO S, ER EST J. Social Science Re earch Council Receive Lord and Taylor Award September The Undergraduate Social Scienti t. Wu-so ,ROBERT N. P ycholingui tic : A Sketch of the Area and Some Activitie of the Council' Committee on Lingui tic and P ychology
D EMBER 1997
June Recommended Policie for the Mathematical Training of Social Scienti ts: Statement by a Committee of the Council September
Re earch on State Politic ; A New Program of Grant In-Aid The Conference on Cro -Cultural Re earch on Personality Development. SMITH, BREWSTER M. Re earch on the Behavior of Small Group . KATCHER, ALLA December Social Science in the Mental Health Field. CLAU E , JOH A. Contribution of the Joint Committee on Slavic Studie to the Advancement of Re earch in It Field. BL CK, C.E. The Comparative Study of Long-tenn Record of Economic Growth. KUZNETS, SIMO
1956 March Grant for Field Studie of Political Group : A New Program of the Committee on Comparative Politic Perception of Person : Report of the InterUniversity Summer Re earch Seminar
June The Hi tory and Sociology of Science. SHRYOCK, RICHARD H. September
Strategie in Re earch on Public Affair. KEy, V.O., JR. The Conference on Re earch on Expectation ,
Uncertainty, and Bu ine MARY JEAN
Behavior. BOWMAN,
College Influence on Personality Development. MARQUIS, Do ALD G.
The Southwe t Project in Comparative P ycholingui tic . CASAGRANDE, Jo EPH B. Seminar on Comparative Politic, June 1956. ALMOND, GABRIELA.
Simulation of Cognitive Proce e. SIMON, HERBERT A., and ALLEN NEWELL Report on the Work of the Committee on Cro -Cultural Education. SMIlli, M. BREWSTER A Note on the Measurement of Social Change. MOORE, WILBERT E.
1957 March Differential Culture Change. BRUNER, EDWARD M. Law and Social Relation . HOEBEL, E. ADAMSO
1959 March Reorientation in Re earch in Agricultural Economic . BRINEGAR, GEORGE K., KENNETH L. BACHMAN, and HERMAN M. SO\.J11iWORTH
Social Science and UNESCO: Report on the Ninth General Conference in New Delhi, 1956. MARQUIS, DoNALD G. Survey Method in Re earch on Health Problem . HART, CLYDE W.
Exploration in Social P ychiatry. LEIGIITO , ALEXANDER H. Report on the Conference on National Security Policy: Problem of Research and Teaching. WOOD, BRYCE
Political Modernization and Re earch on the Proce Political Socialization. PYE, LUCIAN W. Re earch on College Influence on Personality. MORRI Err, LLOYD N., JR.
Application of Mathematic in Social P ychological Re arch. MILLER, GEORGE A. Activitie of the Committee on Mathematical Training of Social Scienti ts, 1952-57, and Sugge tion for the Future. MAOOW, WILLIAM G. Conference on Political Theory and the Organization and Proce e of Modem Democracy. PENNOCK, J. ROLAND Conference on Early American Political Behavior. McCORMICK, RI HARD P.
Re earch on Economic Stability. GoRDON, R.A. Report on the Work of the Committee on Urbanization. HAUSER, PHILIP M.
1958 March Training for Research on Organization . SIMO , HERBERT A. An Apprai aI of the Summer Research Training In titute on Monetary and Credit Policy, 1957. WEILER, E.T.
June The Ninth Pacific Science Congre . EoGAN, FRED September
Report on the Work of the Council' Committee on Hi torical Analy i . GOTTSCHALK, LoUIS
Note on the Study of Economic Growth. SIMON
March The Hi tory of Quantification in the Science . MERTO , ROBERT K.
June The Conference on Natural Re ource and Economic Growth. HOOVER, EDGAR M. Hi torical Stati tic of the United State : Colonial Time to 1957. EVANS, G. HERBERTO ,JR. ptember
Intellective Development in Children. KEsSE , WILLIAM Population Cen u and Monograph . KIRK, DUDLEY December
Moot Points in the Theory of Labor Commitment in Developing Areas. FELDMAN, ARNOLD S., and WILBERT E. MOORE
Re earch in the Field of Torts. KALVEN, HARRY, JR., and BRYCE WOOD
An International Economic Hi tory A ociation. COCHRAN, THOMAS C.
1961 March Theory and Re earch on Metropolitan Political Leadership. TRUMAN, DAVID B. On Science and the Polity. HERRlNG, PENDLETON
June Critical Period of Development. PALMER, FRANCIS H. The Comparative Role of Group in Political Sy tem . LAPALOMBARA, JOSEPH September
The Fulbright Program in A ia. YOUNG, FRANCIS A. The Committee on Personality Development in Youth. TYLER, RALPH W. The Dartmouth Conference on an Econometric Model of the United State . KLEIN, LAWRENCE R. December The Social Science : Parochial or Co mopolitan? Reflection on the Inter-American Conference on Research and Training in Sociology. WOOD, BRYCE, and CHARLES WAGLEY The Alumni of the Council' Undergraduate Re earch Training Program. SIBLEY, ELSRIOOE
1962 March
Admini tration of the Law of Torts, Interrelation of Law and Other Social In titution . KALVEN, HARRY, JR., and RICHARD D. SCHWARTZ
June The Social Science in Latin America. HERRING, PENDLETON September
March Economic Trend in the Soviet Union. KUZNETS, SlMON
June Some Compari on of Latin American and A ian Studie with Special Reference to Re earch on Japan. DoRE, RONALD P. September
Note on the Sociological Study of Language. USEEM, JOHN December
Source for Study of Contemporary China: Foreword to a Forthcoming Research Guide. WRIGHT, MARY C. Demographic and Economic Trend in the Developing Countrie . SPENGLER, JOSEPH J. The Military in American Society. JANOWITZ, MORRIS 1964
March Socialization Through the Life Cycle. BRJM, ORVILLE G.,JR. Stuwe of Economic Growth in Indu trialized Countrie . ABRAMOVITZ, MOSES U e of Survey Method in the Study of Political Modernization. VERBA, SIDNEY
June China' Population: An Approach to Research. TAEUBER, IRENE B. September
Genetic and the Social Science . LINDZEY, GARDNER Monetary Policy and the Rate of Economic Activity. MODlGLlANI, FRANCO
On Studying the Hi tory of Anthropology. HYMES, DELL
On Studying the Hi tory of Anthropology: Reflection of a Hi torian. MITCHELL, ROWLAND L., JR. Committee on the Economy of China: Fir t Report of the Director of Research. GALENSO ,WALTER December
Robert Treat Crane 1880-1962. HERRJNG, PE DLETO Second Summer Conference on an Econometric Model of the United State . KLEIN, LAWRENCE R.
Social Science Re earch on Latin America. WAGLEY, CHARLES The Committee on Learning and the Educational Proce . CRO BACH, LEE J.
1965 March Direction in Sociolingui tic . FERGUSO ,CHARLES A.
Education and the Political Scienti t. COLEMA , JAM S.
June Socialization for Competence. SMITH, M. BREW TER ptemb r
International Conference on Comparative Social cience Re earch, April 22-24, 1965. ROKKA , STEI ,and GABRIE A. ALM D Plan of the Comrni ion on Human Re ource and Advanced Education. FOOLER, JOH K.
The European Re earch Training Seminar in Experimental Social P ychology, University of Louvain July 31-Sept. 2, 1967. NUTTI ,JOZEF M., JR., and JOSEPH M. E JA PARS Functional Economic Area and Con olidated Urban Region of the United State . Fox, KARL A. New Council Committee on tati tical Training. TAEUBER, Co RAD, FREDERI K MOSTELLER, and P UL WEBBI K
The Study of Urbanization. H ORE, LEO E The International Conference on the Study of Urbanization. GI BURG, NORTO The Fir t European Summer School on Social P ychology, The Hague, July 15-Augu til, 1965. VA GIl..s, MA RTE R. , and J AP Ko KEBAKKER
Labor and Lei ure in Traditional African Societie . Jo ES, WILLIAM O. The Conference on Eastern European Economie . BERG 0 ,ABR M
June Pidgination and Creolization of Language : Their Social Context. HYM ,D LL H.
1966 ptember
March Political Partie and Political Development. LAP LOMBARA, Jo EPH, and MYRO WEI ER Re arch on the Link Between Monetary Policy and Economic Activity. MODIGLI I, FR co
Jun Pre chool Education. MORRI
Agricultural Development: Problem and I ue. JOH TO, BR E E, and HERMA M. SOUTHWORTH December
Survey of the Behavioral and Social Science . RIECKE , HENRY W. Comparative Sociology. U EEM, JOH ,and ALLEN D. GRIM HAW
The Study of Policy Content: A Framework for Choice. RA EY,A STI International Re earch and Exchange Board Appointed by the American C uncil of Learned Societie and Social Science Re earch Council Staff December
Pendleton Herring to be ucceeded by Henry W. Riecken as Pre ident of the Council Conference on Computer-A i ted In truction, Te ting, and Guidance. HOLTZMA , WAY E H. 1969
March Social Science and Contemporary ocial Problem . RIECKEN, HENRY W. The European eminar on Learning and the Educational Proce . C RROLL, JOH B.
March Genetic and Social Behavior. GLA ,DAVID C.
June Social Science in Latin America. WOOD, BRYCE ptember
Military Occupation and Political Change. WARD, ROBERT E. Tran national Social P ychology. LANZETTA, JOH , HENRI TAJFEL, and LEO FESTI GER 2
June Language as Ob tade and as Data in Sociological Re earch. GRIM HAW, ALLEN D. Summer Work hop in Sociolingui tic. ERVI -TRIPP, Su A The International Conference on Social P ychology in Prague, October 7-11, 1968. J 0 SEK, JAROMIR, and H RI TAJFEL ptember
Biology and the Social and Behavioral Science . VOL M
MCCLEAR ,GERALD E. The United State -Japan Joint Bibliographical Project on the Allied Occupation of Japan. WARD, ROBERT E. Re earch on Urban Poverty. REES, ALBERT December Ba ic Re earch in the Science of Behavior Linkage of National Econometric Model : Project LI K. HICKMAN, BERT G.
1970 March Committee on the Economy of China: A Review of it Work, 1961-70. GALEN 0 ,WALTER Intellectual Hi tory and Comparative Studie . CURTI , PHILIP D.
June Geographya a Social Science. TAAFFE, EDWARD J. Note on the Report of the Commi ion on Human Re ource and Advanced Education. SIBLEY, ELBRIDGE September Mathematical Science and Social Science . KRUSKAL, WILLIAM H. December Paul Webbink and Elbridge Sibley to Retire on Dec. 31, 1970: The Council Pays Tribute. Pre ident' Commi ion on Federal Stati tic . RATHBU DA IEL B. Linkage of National Econometric Model : Second Annual Conference on Project LJ K. KLEI , LAWRE CE R.
1971 March Hi tory a Social Science. LA DES, DAVID S., and CHARLES TILLY Activitie of the Committee on Comparative Politic , 1954-70. PYE, LUCIA W., and KAy K. RYLA D People of the United State in the Twentieth Century: Continuity, Diversity, and Change. TAEUBER, IRENE B., and CO RAD TAEUBER September Urbanization in Africa. D HLER, WALTER W. Sociolingui tic A pect of Communication between
December Simon Kuznets, Recipient of 1971 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science. WEBBINK, PAUL Legal A peet of the Foreign Trade of the People' Republic of China. LJ, VICTOR H. The Third Annual Conference on Project LI K. KLEI , LAWRE CE R. Hi torical Politic : American Election , 1824-1970. CLUBB, JEROME M.
1972 March Studying the Impact of Public Policie . RA EY, AUSTI Science and Technology in China' Development. RIFKI ,SUSA B.
June Eleanor Bemert Sheldon Elected Pre ident of the Council The Scope of Sociolingui tic . HYMES, DELL H. eptember SSRC Center for Coordination of Re earch on Social Indicator Open in Washington Structural Equation Model . GOLDBERGER, ARTHUR S. U e of Computer Simulation in Human Population Studie . DYKE, BEN ETT, and JEA W. MACCLUER December Foreign Area Fellow hip Program to Merge with Other Area Program of the ACLS and the SSRC. THOMPSO ,JOH M. Cultural and Political Con ervati m in Modem China. FURTH, CHARLOTTE The Fourth Annual Conference on Project LJ K. KLEI , LAWRE CE R.
1973 March
Student and Teacher : Report on a Work hop Experimentation a a Method for Planning and Evaluating Social Intervention
Mao' China in 1972. SIMO ,HERBERT A. Japane e Organization and Deci ion Making. VOGEL,
EzRAF. June Project LJ K: Entering a New Phase. KLEI ,LAWRENCE R. Language and Area Studie Review. LAMBERT, RICHARD D.
ITE 1s/29
ptember Half of China: A Report on a Conference. WOLF, MARGERY Scholarly Exchange with the People' Republic of China. KEATLEY, ANNE, and ALBERT FEUERWERKER December The Muromachi Age in Japane Hi tory. HALL, JOHNW. Fifth Annual Conference on Project Lr K. KLEIN, LAWREN E R. A Progre Report on New Direction for lnterarea Research Tribute to Bryce Wood, on Hi Retirement, Sept. 30, 1973
1974 March Two Decade of Council Activity in the Rapproachment of Lingui tic and Social Science. ERVIN-TRIPP, SUSAN Re earch on Social Behavior: Impact of Council Committee. SMITH, M. BREWSTER, and GARD ER LI DZEY The Chinese Economy in Hi torical Perspective: Report on a Conference. PERKINS, DWlmrr H. G. William Skinner and Chinese Bibliography Produced under Hi Direction Honored at SSRC Luncheon Modem Japane e International Relation . DINGMAN, ROGER
Jon The Role of the Social Science Re earch Council in the Advancement of Mathematic in the Social Science . MOSTELLER, FREDERICK The Committee on Economic Growth. SPENGLER, Jo EPH J. Japene e lndu trialization and it Social Consequence . PATRICK, HUGH
September The Committee on Political Behavior, 1949-64, and the Committee on Governmental and Legal Proce e, 1964-72. RAN EY, AUSTIN An American Glimp e of the Children of China. ICEs EN, WILLIAM The Geography of China: Report on a Seminar. BOXER, BARUCH December Foreign Area Studie and the Social Science Re earch Council. WARD, ROBERT E., and BRYCE WOOD Conference on Social Experimentation. RIECKEN,
HENRYW. Comparative Research on Ethnicity. BELL, WENDELL C.
1975 March Eleanor I bell to Retire April I. ELBRIDGE, SIBLEY Project LINK: Forecasting Economic Events. KLEIN, LAWRENCER. Lingui tic Serve the People: Le on of a Trip to China. FERGU ON, CHARLES A. An American-Japene Partnership in Research in the Social Science and the Humanitie . CURTIS, GERALD L., and SUSAN J. PHARR June Mas Communication and the 1976 Pre idential Election. PAlTERSON, THOMA E., and RONALD P. ABELES ptember Work and Personality in the Middle Years. BRIM, ORVILLE G., JR., and Ro ALD P. AoELES New Perspective for the Study of We tern Europe. BERGER, SUZANNE D., GERALD D. FELDMAN, GUDMUND HERNES, JOSEPH LA PALOMBARA, PHILIPPE C. SCHMI1TER, and ALLA A. SILVER. Environmental and Spatial Cognition in African Societie . STEA, DAVLD, and EDWARD SOJA December Traditional Korean Society. WAGNER, EDWARD W. Project LI K: The Seventh Year. KLEI ,LAWRENCE R. Language Use in Japan and the United State. JORDEN, ELEANOR H.
1976 March On Making Social P ychology More U eful. DElITSCH, MORTO Grants to Minority Scholars: A Three-Year Report. MITCHELL, ROWLAND L., JR. The Study of lnequalite in African Societie . BERRY, SARA S. Council' 1937 Monograph on the 1930' Depre ion are Rei ued June South and Southeast A ia: New Concern of the Council. SZANTO ,DAVLD L. Comparative Re earch on Social Security Sy tern in Latin America. MESA-LAGO, CARMELa
51, NUMBER 4,
September Po tchildhood Modification of Lingui tic and Social Competence. GRIMSHAW, ALLEN D., and LEAH HOLDEN Japenese Studie . PHARR, SUSAN J., and ROBERT J. SMITH A New Committee on Gifted Children. BRANCH, ALVlA
December Resolution Honoring Gardner Lindzey The Social Science in Cuba. GOODMAN, LoUIS WOLF Ottoman Thrkey and the Maghreb in the 19th and 20th Centurie . MARDIN, SERJF, and I. WILUAM ZARTMAN
1977 March-June Chine Foreign Policy. WHmNG, Au..EN S. Scholarly Exchange with China. BUUOCK, MARY B. Project LINK in 1976. KLEIN, LAWRENCE R. The Economic Hi tory of Latin America. CoRrtsCONDE, ROBERTO, LoUIS WOLF GooDMAN, and STANELY J. STEIN African Cultural Tran formation. FERNANDEZ, JAMES W. Donald Ram ey Young: 1898-1977 September The Relevance of China' Development Experience for Other Developing Countrie . DERNBERGER, ROBERT F. The Study of South A ian Conceptual Sy tern . HEOINBOTHAM, STANLEY J.
1978 March Adulthood and Aging in Cro -Cultural Per pective. LEVINE, ROBERT A. Indu trialization and Authoritariani m in Latin America. COLLIER, DAVID Project LINK in 1977. KLEIN, LAWRENCE R.
Government Audits of Social Experiments. ABELES, RONAWP.
1979 March Kenneth Prewitt Elected Pre ident of the Social Science Research Council Population Change that Affect Federal Policy: Some Sugge tion for Research. PARKE, ROBERT
June New Opportunitie for Research in China. THURSTON, ANNE F. The Chinese Economy in Hi torical Perspective. PERKINS, DwiGHT H. A pects of Contemporary China: Economic Development. DERNBERGER, ROBERT F. A pects of Contemporary China: Women. WOLF, MARGERY A pects of Contemporary China: Environmental Management. BOXER, BARUCH Chinese Computer Technology. SIMON, HERBERT A. A pects of Contemporary China: Chinese Children. KESSEN, WILLIAM A pect of Contemporary China: Chine e Language. FERGUSON, CHARLES A. Books on China: A selection of 21 Council Publication of the 1970 December A Decade of Research by Project LINK. HICKMAN, BERT G., and LAWRENCE R. KLEIN The Accident at Three-Mile I land: Social Science Perspective. WOLF, C.P. Council Sympo ium on Individual and Social Change Pendleton Herring Receive the Merriam Award 1980
Conflict in Po twar Japan. KRAuss, ELLIs S., THOMAS P. ROHLEN, and PATRICIA G. STEINHOFF Re earch on the Socioeconomic Life Cycle. PETERSON, JAMES L.
March Kenneth Prewitt, Frederick Mo teller, and Herbert A. Simon Te tify at National Science Foundation Hearing Careers and Life Cycle in Japan. PLATH, DAVID W. Sociolingui tic at the Council 1963-1979. GRIMSHAW, Au..EN D.
December Herbert A. Simon Awarded 1978 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Indian Law as an lndigenou Conceptual Sy tern. GALANTER, MARC
The Role of the M Media in Pre idential Campaign : The Le on of the 1976 Election. PAITERSON. THOMAS E. Socialization Research Revi ited. READ, PETER B.
50th Anniversary of the 1930 Hanover Conference December
Lawrence R. KJein Win Nobel Prize: Council Board Member and Founder of Project LINK The Council' International Program. PREWrIT, KENNEni The Humanitie and the Social Science : A Sympo ium. SZANTON, DAVID L. Humanitie and Social Science in China: Report of a Fact-finding Trip Proposed Reorganization of the National Science Foundation 1981
ptember The Political Economy of National Stati tic . ALON 0, WILLIAM, and PAUL STARR A New Committee for the Intellectual Development of the China Field. OKSENBERG, MICHEL Social Indicators of the Statu of Children. WAITS, HAROLDW. December Rationality, Development, and Scholarship. SUTTO , FRANCIS X. The Joint Area Committee of the Two Council . SZANTO ,DAVID L. 1983
Behavior and Health: Mechani m and Research 1 ue. KRANTZ, DAVID S., DAVID C. GLA ,RI HARD CONTRADA, and NEAL E. MIlLER Social Science in the National Science Foundation' Five-Year Outlook on Science and Technology. MILLER, ROBERTA BALSTAD Food and Famine in China. LI, LILLIAN M. Authoritariani m and Dependency in East A ia. WI CKLER, EDWIN A.
Experimenting with Scale: Change in the Uni of Production, Culture, and Governance in We tern Europe. SCHMITIER, PHIUPPE C. The Council' Role in Re earch on Child Development. SHERROD, loNNIE R. Perspective on Latin American Population Re earch. MERRICK, THOMAS W.
ptember Re earch Support and Intellectual Advance in the Social Science : A Sympo ium Re earch Support and Intellectual Advance in the Social Science : Introduction. MILLER, ROBERTA BALSTAD The Role of the Private Foundation . ROBINSON, MARSHALL The National Science Foundation and the Social Science. RtECKEN, HENRY W. The Effect of Spon orship upon Social Science Re earch. BROOKS, HARVEY The Role of Technological Change in Social Science Re earch. JUSTER, THOMAS F., and ROBERTA BALSTAD MILLER Commentary: The Role Played by the 'National Staff to the Social Science. PREWrIT, KENNETH
Bringing the State Back In: A Report on Current Comparative Re earch on the Relation hip between State and Social Structure . SKOCPOL, THEDA The Pro pects for Research in China by American Humani ts and Social Scienti ts. PREWrIT, KENNETH Re ponse to Recent Cuts in Federal Budgets for Stati tic . PARKE. ROBERT Federal Funding for the Social Science . MlLLER, ROBERTA BALSTAD
December Coun iI Reorganize Its Work in Social Indicators. PREWrIT, KENNETH Recollection and View of Key Figure in the Social Indicators Program. SHELDON, ELEANOR BERNERT, ROBERT PARKE. and MURRAY ABORN Social Indicators at the Council. ROCKWEU.., RICHARD C. Bibliography of Publication of the Center for
Federal Funding for the Social Science : Threats and Re pon e . PREWI1T, KENNETH, and DAVro L. SILLS December
Explaining the Po twar Baby Boom, CHERUN, ANDREW J. Intere t Group and the Governability of European Society. BERGER, SUZANNE D. Conference of Fellow in Employment and Training. PEARSO ,ROBERT W. Social Trend in the United State. PARKE, ROBERT 1982
Coordination of Re earch on Social Indicators 1972-1983 Communicating Social Science Finding to the Public. DAVIS, JAMES A., and JOHN MODELL 1984
March Pendleton Herring Feted on Hi 80th Birthday. SILLS, DAVID L. Modem Chine e Short Storie . BERNlNGHAUSEN, JOHN September Law and the Social Science . LIPSO ,LEON, and STANTON WHEELER The Short and Happy Life of Social Indicators at the NSF. ABORN, MURRAY Bio ocial Perspective on Child Abu e and Neglect December Council Initiate New Fellow hip Program in International Security. PREwm, KENNETH Exploring Re earch on Science and Technology. PEARSON, ROBERT W. Child Development in Life- pan Per pective. SHERROD, LoNNIE R. 1985
June Biology and Giftedne . GARD ER, HOWARD, and YADLN DUDAI Recent Developments in Project LI K. HICKMA ,BERT G., and LAWREN E R. KLEIN September Growing Old in China. ROSSI, ALICE S. Council Marks the 50th Anniverary of Its Committee on Social Security. SILLS, DAVID L. December American Foundation and the Social Science . SUTTO , FRANCIS X. Giftedne in the Vi ual Arts. WINNER, ELLEN, and DAVID PARI ER 1986
March The Comparative Study of Mu lim Societie . METCALF, BARBARA DALY The Culture of Fear. DASSLN, JOAN A Note on the Origin of Interdi ciplinary. SILLS, DAVID L.
Acce to Research Site Abroad. BARBER, ELI OR, and GRETCHEN G. ELLSWORTH
June Personal Te timony: Narrative of the Self in the Social Science and Humanitie . CRAPANZANO, VI CENT, YASMINE ERGAS, and JUDITH MODELL Explanation of Fertility Decline in Latin America. POTIER, JOSEPH E. December The Hi tory of Social Scientific Inquiry. STOCKJNG, GEORGE W., JR., and DAVlD E. LEARY New York City: Note on the Formation of a Research Planning Committee. KATZNELSO ,IRA Labor and Development Strategy in the East A ian NIC . Koo, HAGEN, STEPHAN HAGGARD, and FREDERIC DEYO 1987
June Re earchers' Acce ROBERTW.
to U.S. Federal Stati tic . PEARSON,
December The Social Con equence of the AIDS Epidemic. ERGAS, YASMLNE A World With No Color Line: A Research Agenda. FARLEY, REYNOLDS, and WALTER R. ALLEN 1988
June Contemporary Re earch on the Urban Underclas . GEPHART, MARTHA A., and ROBERT W. PEARso A Hi tori cal Perspective on International Security Analy i . O'NEILL, ROBERT Human Proce e in Earth Tran formation: A Propo ed Council Program on the Social Science and Global Environmental Change. ROCKWELL, RICHARD C. Mo COW Roundtable on Soviet Economic Reform. LEVI E, HERBERT S. New Direction in Indochina Stuwe . VOLKMAN, TOBY A. Report on the Behavioral and Social Science Publi hed: Council Collaborate with the Stanford Center and the National Academy of Science The Population of the United State in the 1980 : Six New Cen u Monograph. September New York City as a Research Site. MOLLENKOPF, JOHN H.
Interdisciplinary: The FlfSt Half Century. FRANK, ROBERTA December Tran national and Comparative Research. WAKEMAN JR., FREDERIC E. Fortieth Anniversary of the Council' '''The Pre-Election Poll of 1948." SILLS, DAVID L. African Material Culture. ARNOLDI, MARY Jo, CHRISTRAUD M. GEARY, and KRls HARDIN Tribute to a Di tingui hed Career [D.L. Sill ]. MERTON, ROBERT K. 1989
March Sacred and Secular in Mu lim Societie . SZANTON, DAVID L. Project LINK at 20. HI KMAN, BERT G., and LAWRENCE R.KLEIN The Rise of a New Ethnic Group: The Unhyphenated American. LlEBERSON, STANLEY, and MARY C. WATERS June David L. Featherman Named Pre ident of the Social Science Research Council Economy, Culture, Public Policy, and the Urban Underclas . PEARSON, ROBERT W. The African Diaspora in African Studie . LoDGE. TOM September The June Fourth Movement in China. WAKEMAN, FREDERIC E. Pursuit of Knowledge and Protection of Privacy. PEARSO ,ROBERT w., GEORGE T. Du CAN, and THOMAS B. JABI E The American Soldier, 40 Years Later. CLAU EN, JOHN A. December Space and Social Proce se . SZANTO ,DAVID L. Neighborhood and Communitie in Concentrated Poverty. GEPHART, MAR11IA A. 1990
March Puzzle of Global Environmental Change. ROCKWELL, RI HARD C. State and Society in the Middle East. OwEN, E. ROGER Pre idential Item [New Architecture]. FEATHERMAN,
DAVID L. Democratic Politic in Africa and the Caribbean. LoDGE. TOM June-September Gorbachev' First Five Years: Past Debate , Current Echoe , and the Intellectual Challenge for Soviet Studie . HUBER, ROBERT T. Nationallmplementation and Compliance with International Environmental Accord . JACOBSON, HAROLD K., and EDrIlf BROWN WEISS Pre idential Item [New Architecture, Dual Mandate]. FEATHERMAN, DAVID L. Cen u Volume on the American Indian. SANDEFUR, GARY D. December Gupta, Gujarat, and Guha: Re tating the Case for South A ia. GREENOUGH, PAUL Re urrecting the Common : Collective Action and Ecology. HERRING, Ro ALD J. Culture, Consciou ne ,and the Colonial State. FREITAG, SANDRIA B. New Media and Religiou Change. BABB, LAWRENCE A. Public Culture in Late 20th Century India. Al'PADURAI, ARJUN, and CAROL A. BRECKENRIDGE Humanitie in South A ian Studie . PoLLOCK. SHELDON 1991
March Social Science Quotation : Who Said What, When, and Where. SILLS, DAVID L., and ROBERT K. MERTO Pre idential Items [NSF, Separate Directorate]. FEATHERMAN, DAVID L. Vietnam Studie : An Uphill Climb. MARR, DAVID G. Concern about International Exchange with the Soviet Union. SILVER, BRIAN D., and BARBARA ANDERSON Juoe-September Mu eum and Archive in Africa. LoDGE, TOM Shaping the Course of Area Studie . SZANTO ,DAVID L. The lPFP: Re ults of the First Competition. PERECMAN, ELLEN December The Augu t Revolution and Soviet Studie . HUBER, ROBERT T., and SUSAN BRON 0 Mi ion-oriented Basic Re earch. F'EATHERMAN, DAVID L. A European Reflection on U.S. Social Science Re earch Funding. NowOTNY, HELGA
51 , NUMBER 4, PART 2
March Environmentali m and the Poor. MARTlNEZ-ALlER, JUA , and ERI HERSHBERG The Near and Middle Ea t Re earch and Training Act. HEYDEMA ,STEVEN Recon tructing the Hi tory of Imperial Ru ia. BURBA K, JANE Native American Research, DAVID L. FEATHERMA June- eptember The National Security Education Program. HEGI BarHAM, STA LEY J. Shoring Up the Man ion-Hou e. MARRETT, CORA B. An Agenda for Tran national and Comparative Re earch. HER HBERG, ERI Frontiers of Social Science and the SSRC. FEATHERMA , DAVID L. December On Culture, Health, and Human Development. KEs EL, FRA K Studying Inequality in American Citie . O'Co OR, ALICE Pattern in the Scholarly U e of Quotation . SI DAVID L., and ROBERT K. MERTO
March The New International Conte t of Development. STALLI G , BARBARA Latino Poverty Re earch: An Agenda for the 1990 . MA EY, Do GL S. Landed Property Right and Global Environmental Change. RICHARD ,JOH F., and DAVID C. MAJOR Review E ay on Michael B. Katz' The "Undercla " Debate: View from Hi tory. O'Co OR, ALI E June- eptember Social and Natural Science Conjoined: The View from the Program on African Studie . STO E, M. PRI CILLA, and PAUL RICH RD Re earch-Doctorate Program in the United State . FLATT U, PAMELA EBERT What Doe Society Need from Higher Education? FEATHERMA ,DAVID L. December Peace and the Future of Middle Ea t Studie . HEYDEMA , STEVE Que tion of Modernity. MITCHELL, TIMarHY, and LILA ABU-LuGHOD
Re-Figuring the Family in the Middle East. LAYOU , MARY Bridging the Divide. MIGDAL, JOEL S., and JOH T.S. KEELER
March Moment of Tran formation: SSRC-MacArthur Foundation Program. LATHAM, ROBERT Private Live , Public Policie . OKRA A, WLODZIMIERZ SSRC, Then and Now. FEATHERMAN, DAVID L. Rethinking European Studie . WORCESTER, KENTO W. June-September Rethinking International Scholarship: The Challenge of Tran ition from the Cold War Era. HEGI BOTHAM, STA LEY J. The Middle Ea t and the Political Economy of Development. CHAUDHRY, KJRI AZIZ Fir t Open Meeting: Human Dimen ion of Global Environmental Change. MAJOR, DAVID C. December David L. Featherman to Leave SSRC Delu ion and Nece ity: Election and Politic in Southeast A ia. TAYLOR, R.H. Market Culture : Entrepreneurial Precedent and Ethical Dilemmas in East and Sou thea t A ia. TAl, HUE-TAM Ho. Out iders and In iders: Entrepreneurial Minoritie and Conflicting Ethnic Identitie ... Southeast A ia and Central Europe. CHIROT, DA IEL Elbridge Sibley Die Environmental Di course and Human Welfare in South and Southeast A ia. GREE OUGH, PAUL, and A A TSI G
March On Culture, Health, and Human Development: Emerging Pro pective II. Introduction and Conclu ion. KEsSEL, FRA K Cultural Practice : Toward an Integration of Development and Culture. MILLER, PEGGY, and JACQUELI E GOOD oW Ethnopediatric : A Beginning. WORTHMA ,CAROL Culture, Identity, and Conflict. SHWEDER, RICHARD, and HAZEL M RKUS Social Suffering. KLEI MA ,ARTHUR Violence, Political Agency, and the Self. DA , VEE A Culture of Biomedicine. locK, MARGARET Po t-Cold War "International" Scholarship: A Brave ITEMsl35
New World or the Triumph of Fonn over Sub tance? (The Future of International Scholar hip: An Exchange). HUBER, ROBERT T., BLAIR A. RUBLE, and PETER J. STAVRAKIS Toward a Moratorium on Litmu Te t (The Future of International Scholar hip, An Exchange). HEGI BOTHAM, STA LEY J.
December Counterfactual Thought Experiment in World Politic . TETLOCK, PHILIP E., and AARO BELKI Re earching Sexuality. 01 MAURO, DIANE Pre idential Item: International Di ertation Field Re earch, A New Fellow hip Program. PREWITT, KEN ETH A Requiem for P&P. SilLS, DAVID L.
June- eptember Kenneth Prewitt Named Pre ident of the SSRC Knowledge and Security in a Po t-Cold War World. LATHAM, ROBERT Black Studie , Multiculturali m, and the Future of American Education. MARABLE, MANNI G A Pan-European Re earch Agenda. BRO so ,SUSA , and I<ENTo W. WORCESTER Interaction, Collaboration, and Engagement. McDo ELL, MARY BYR E, and SHERI H. RANIS
1997 March Items 50th Anniver ary, March 1947-March 1997 The Work of the Social Science Re earch Council. A.T. POFFE BERGER [Reprinted from March 1947] The Social Science in Modem Society. PE DLTO HERRING [Reprinted from March 1947] Pre idential Item : Graduate Training in Economic , Adding Value. PREWITT, KENNETH Democratization Revi ited. PRzEwOR KI, ADAM SSRC Archive Open for Re earch. KIRCHHEIMER, GLORIA
December Alternative Per pective on National Security. KATZE STEI ,PETER J. Note on Field Development. FELDMA ,SHELLEY, and Irrv ABRAHAM
March Open the Social Science . WALLERSTEI , IMMANUEL Survey of International Field Re earch Fellow hip , 1990-1995. WORCESTER, I<ENTo W. Pre idential Item [Th New International Program]. PREWITT, KENNETH
June-September Internationalization of the Social Science and Humanitie : Report on an ACLS/SSRC Meeting, April 4-6, 1997. ABRAHAM, Irrv, and Ro ALD KASSIMIR Look Who' Talking: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea. SIGAL, LEO V. Fir t Round: The International Di ertation Field Reearch Fellow hip Program. WORCESTER, KENTO W. Identifying a Site and Funding Source. BARRETT, CHRISTOPHER B., and JEFFREY W. CA 0
June-September Tran national Religion and Fading State . RUDOLPH, Su A E HOEBER Pre idential Item [The New International Program]. PREWITT, KEN ETH Di olution of Committee on Problem & Policy (P&P) Becoming American/America Becoming. DEWI 0, Jo H, and CHARLES HIR CHMA
December The Re earch Ethic and the Spirit of Internationali m. ApPADURAI, ARJUN The Free Exerci e of Culture: Ethnic Cu tom , A imilation, and American Law. SHWEDER, RICHARD, HAZEL R. MARKUS, MARTHA L. MI OW, and FRANK KES EL Human Re ource Need in A ia in the Next 25 Years. AMBLER, JOH
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51, NUMBER 4,