Confolio user guide

Page 9

Confolio Tool Usage Guide

Language Again, the Language element (Figure 2.4) can take multiple values since the languages of the LO can be multiple. For example, a document that maps agricultural terms from English to Greek and Spanish. In the case of annotating the learning resources of your organization, most probably, the language will be your native one. This is not the case when it comes to public resources that are mainly available in English.

Figure 2.10: The “Language” element

Description The Description element (Figure 2.5) can take multiple descriptions in different languages. You can add/remove descriptions with the use of the “+” and “-” buttons.

Figure 2.11: The “Description” element

Copyrights and Other Restrictions As far as copyrights are concerned, the only thing that the content annotators have to provide is whether or not there are copyrights and other restrictions on the LO. If the value is “Yes” then the field with the description of the copyrights should also be filled.

Figure 2.12: The “Copyrights and Other Restrictions” element


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