1984 Petrean

Page 78

DRAM ATICS IN H E R IT THE WIND C onsistency is often taken for granted, but this is not the case with St. P e te r’s D ram atic Society. P arents, students, and faculty m em bers who are trea ted to many fine perform ances, continually praise the efforts o f this hardw orking cast. This group, w hich includes budding actresses from St. D om ’s and St. A l’s have m ade P rep plays very successful. H ow ever, if it was not for the guidance and endless toil of D irector Ja ck Casey, all would be for naught.

Clockwise from above: “C’mon guy! W hat’s wrong with Darwin?”; The star of the Play: Cahill manipulates another poor soul.; Moose the savior receives a jovial greeting from May­ or Lou and Father Tom.; The pinnacle of suc­ cess: Cast and Crew pose after the finale.


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