The Magic of the Earthstar

Page 14

Jenny’s mind off the wish she almost knew wouldn’t come true. When her daughter-in-law came to pick Jenny up, Granny was relieved when the magic egg wasn’t mentioned. Perhaps Jenny has forgotten she thought, but deep in her heart, she knew she hadn’t. Back at home, Jenny’s Mummy surveyed her daughter’s hands and knees. ‘Jenny my dear, you’re a mess. Come on, let’s clean you up and get ready for tea. Daddy is coming home tomorrow instead of Thursday. That’s nice, isn’t it? He says he has a surprise for us’ Jenny’s face lit up. ‘Hooray! Can I wear my best frock, and will you brush my hair ‘till it shines? I want to surprise him too.’ ‘Of course I will my love. Off you go and wash now.’



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