Spa Journal 03/2013

Page 14


Bourgogne, Provence, Rhône, Vallée de la Loire and Alsace. Besides the wines, the Le Bouchon company offers a number of sommelier accessories, gadgets for wine storage and professional literature.

Pochoutky k vínu

Деликатесы к вину | Goodies To Go with Wine Roquefort AOC

Foie Gras

CZ Roquefort AOC je sýr pocházející ze střední Francie, konkrétně z městečka Roquefort, které má privilegium na zrání tohoto sýra v místních jeskyních. Značka Roquefort je oficiálně chráněná a tento sýr jako první získal ve Francii označení AOC. Vyrábí se z nepasterizovaného ovčího mléka, má čistě bílou barvu, je spíše máslové než drobivé, jeho aroma je jemně oříškové s plísní a s vůní ovčího mléka. Jeho chuť je slaná až mírně pikantní.

Pod názvem Foie Gras se skrývají játra vodních ptáků a to především hus a kachen. Tato játra jsou velmi ztučněná. Jsou totiž získávána díky překrmování zvířat a bránění jim v pohybu. Právě proto je prodej Foie Gras v některých zemích zakázán. Tato pochoutka pochází z Francie a její chuť je zcela jiná než chuť obyčejných jater. Jsou jemně máslová a krásně voňavá.


Рокфор AOC это сыр, производимый в Центральной Франции, конкретно в городке Рокфор, который владеет привилегией созревания этого сыра в местных пещерах. Марка Рокфор официально зарегистрированная, и этот сыр первым получил во Франции обозначение AOC. Он производится из непастеризованного овечьего молока, имеет чисто белый цвет, и скорее масляный, чем крошащийся, его аромат тонкий ореховый с плесенью и с запахом овечьего молока. Его вкус соленый до слегка пикантного.

Под названием Фуагра скрывается печень водоплавающей птицы, причем, прежде всего, гусей и уток. Эта печень очень жирная. Она получается благодаря перекармливанию животных и предотвращению их передвижения. Именно поэтому продажа Фуагры в некоторых странах запрещена. Этот деликатес производится во Франции, а его вкус совершенно иной, чем вкус обычной печени. Она слегка масляная и замечательно ароматная.

EN Roquefort AOC is cheese from Central

France, namely from the town of Roquefort, which has the privilege of ripening the cheese in local caverns. Roquefort is an officially protected trademark and its cheese was the first to attain the AOC designation in France. It is made from unpasteurized sheep milk. It is white, having a buttery more than crumbly texture, its flavor being slightly nutty, with mold and the smell of sheep milk. It has a salty and tangy taste.

The Foie Gras appellation denotes the liver of waterfowl, especially of geese and ducks. The liver is especially fattened. It is produced by overfeeding animals and preventing them from moving about. This is why selling Foie Gras is banned in some countries. The delicacy comes from France originally, its flavor being quite different from the taste of ordinary liver. It´s slightly buttery and beautifully fragrant.

What wine should you purchase if you are after a luxury wine but not one that is too expensive? The Le Bouchon wine shop suggests Sauternes Générique AOC. Sauternes AOC originates during the final stage of bottling of Château d‘Yquem in separating 15% of the production. Wine connoisseurs seek it primarily for its ratio between quality and price that is often a mere tenth of the original price of the first off wine Premier Cru Classé Supérieur. This wine is naturally sweet and very delicious. The acronym AOC guarantees high quality. After all, it is a registered trademark designating the origin of agricultural products as regions in France and Switzerland. The designation serves as an official quality certification, guaranteed by a subsidiary unit of the Ministry of Agriculture in either state, and it is used not only for wines, but also for cheese and butter. You can get Sauternes Générique AOC at the Le Bouchon wine shop in the very spa center of Karlovy Vary. The wine shop is located in between the five-star hotels Carlsbad Plaza and Grant Hotel Pupp. However, the current storage capacity of the shop is only 120 bottles. If you truly want to savor the wine you have purchased, you shouldn´t forget about the delicacies that go well with the wine. We encourage you to try, for example, Roquefort cheese or, rather controversial, Foie Gras. Part of the Le Bouchon wine shop is the Gourmet Club, which runs wine tasting events. The wine tasting comes in many forms. You may encounter so-called „blind“ wine tasting, when you are given the possibility to form a thoroughly objective view on individual sample wines. Or, to give you another example, a wine tasting event that has participants exploring how to match wines to gastronomic specialties. Regardless of whether you are a great lover of wine or just looking for some good wine for a nice evening, do not hesitate to visit the Le Bouchon wine shop. Here you will always be attended to by a keen and professionallytrained staff.


03 | 2013 SPA Journal

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