July 2016

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WORK Solution

Visit artofpeople book.com and take the quiz to find out how your people skills stack up.

How can you make a good impression while networking? “If you want to be memorable, don’t spend a lot of time on small talk. Ask meaningful questions right off the bat, something like, ‘What projects are you working on that you’re most passionate about right now?’ Not only will you differentiate yourself from everyone else, but you’ll get the person talking about things she cares about. Another great question, and one that’s not often asked sincerely: ‘How can I help you?’”

Lend an Ear

Entrepreneur Dave Kerpen divulges what it really means to be a people person. What’s the first step to improving your people skills? “Self-awareness,” says Kerpen, author of The Art of People: 11 Simple People Skills That Will Get You Everything You Want. “A lot of people jump in and try to understand others when they haven’t really done the work themselves. What are your own strengths and weaknesses, and how can you improve? You have to understand yourself if you hope to influence others.” 46 southwest july 2016

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What other tips do you have for creating positive interactions? “Sometimes you’ll get your way and sometimes you won’t. While you can’t control the outcome, you can control your attitude. Choose positivity. Choose gratitude. As a leader, you want people to want to be around you, and enthusiasm is contagious. Secondly, follow what I call the Platinum Rule: Do unto others as they would have done unto themselves. In other words, really put yourself second and walk in the other person’s shoes before taking action.” Any final words of wisdom? “Most of us think we’re better listeners than we actually are, but there’s a huge difference between truly listening and just waiting for your turn to talk. If you’re listening, you’re not formulating what to say next. Ultimately, people just want to be heard, so open your ears—you might just connect with someone.”


6/2/16 9:11 AM

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