Charity Girl by Georgette Heyer - Free Excerpt

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charity girl

As little as Lady Emborough resented the quiet checks her husband imposed upon her exuberance did she resent a deserved snub. She replied, laughing: ‘That’s the hammer! Quite right to give me a set-down, for what you do is no business of mine! Emborough is for ever scolding me for being too wide in the mouth! But, wit-cracking apart, Desford, isn’t it time you were thinking of matrimony? I don’t mean Hetta, for if you don’t fancy each other there’s nothing to be said about that, but with Horace still in France, and Simon, from all I hear, sowing even more wild oats than your father did, in his day, I can’t but feel that you do owe it to your father to give him a grandson or two – legitimate ones, I mean!’ This made the Viscount burst out laughing, and effectually banished his vexation. ‘Aunt Sophronia,’ he said, ‘you are quite abominable! Did anyone ever tell you so? But you are right, for all that, as I’ve lately been brought to realize. It is clearly time that I brought my delightfully untrammelled life to an end. The only difficulty is that I have yet to meet any female who will both meet with Papa’s approval, and inspire me with the smallest desire to become riveted to her for life!’ ‘You are a great deal too nice in your requirements,’ she told him severely; but added, after a moment’s reflection: ‘Not but what I don’t wish any of my children to marry anyone for whom they don’t feel a decided preference. When I was a girl, you know, most of us married to oblige our parents. Why, even my bosom-bow in those days did so, though she positively disliked the man to whom her parents betrothed her! And a vilely unhappy marriage it was! But your grandfather, my dear Ashley, having himself been forced to contract an affiance which was far from happy, was resolute in his determination that none of his children should find themselves in a similar situation. And nothing, you will agree, could have been more felicitous than the result of his liberality of mind! To be sure, 31

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