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10 MANILA UP! Twenty years down memory lane, I am still dreaming to take the bar exams and culminate my dream of becoming a lawyer. In the meantime, while preparing myself for this and to regain momentum, I enrolled in a Masters Degree in Hospital Administration at the University of the Philippines, College of Public Health. In between my continuing education, often interrupted only by my schooling, we have established our trading and pharmaceutical business and confounded at least six other medical centers and hospitals. Surely, this MHA will come in handy someday.

I believe that life is full of opportunities…these can be turned into success if we develop a clear sense of direction and with a greater precision to use our goals, strategies, priorities and actions. Success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident, either. Careful thinking and proper management and planning before taking an action, can better control one’s success in the future. It’s all about a dream. I believe

dreaming is so powerful. Dreaming makes me move, act, learn, focus, and do whatever it takes to make it come true. One of the thoughts that I learned in my life’s journey … “Life is the Best School, hardship is our Best Teacher, Problem is the Best Assignment and Failure is the Best Revision.” Always aim for high standards and commit to excellence. As Vince Lombardi has said, “The quality of your life will be determined by the depth of your commitment to excellence, no matter what your chosen field is.”

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