A Special Edition from Sokol Media
Amanda Carroll Jennifer Busch Linda Christensen Marlena Demenus Cara Faske Skye Gruen Madeline Julian Jennifer Murphy Melissa Pessin Amy Rosenthal Jenifer Steig Ritu Vij
JENNY FREEMAN Hunter Roberts Construction Group
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New York’s Leading Electrical Contractor
Congratulates Honoree Jenny Freeman Hunter Roberts Construction Group
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Island Acoustics Is pleased to Honor:
Jenny Freeman of Hunter Roberts Construction Group As a ‘Pioneering Woman in Real Estate’ 2016
518 Johnson Avenue Bohemia, NY 11716 Tel: (631) 234-4500
Contents 4
COVER STORY Jenny Freeman As Senior Vice President and Director of Healthcare at Hunter Roberts Construction Group, Jenny Freeman is undertaking some of the most intricate hospital projects within a firm that is also committed to encouraging a stronger community for women in the construction industry.
PIONEERING WOMEN HONOREES Amanda Carroll Skye Gruen Jennifer Busch Jennifer Murphy Linda Christensen Amy Rosenthal Marlena Demenus Jenifer Steig Cara Faske
COVER STORY Ritu Vij As the Associate Director – Project Management for Turner & Townsend, Ritu Vij’s corporate real estate projects, from Time Warner to the New York Marriott, represent some of the most notable in New York City
Pioneering Engineering Firm for Women
Gensler proudly supports the 15th Annual ‘Pioneering Women in Real Estate’ Awards Gala and congratulates our very own Amanda Carroll, and all of this year’s honorees.
Langan Engineering’s launch of Women@Langan has created a culture of mentoring and support for women at all levels.
Pioneering Construction Firm for Women Come learn how Lendlease is increasing its firm-wide dedication to promoting women to higher levels of leadership. Gensler is a leading architecture, design, planning, and consulting firm with 46 offices across five continents. gensler.com
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P blisher s Page
The Last Frontier t is clear that while the real estate ind str is still one that is maledominated, particularly in the areas of construction, architecture and engineering, strides are being made, and successes are being parlayed, into an increasing number of programs to promote women into higher positions. Just consider Hunter Roberts Construction Group, Langan Engineering, and Lendlease, three major rms that are spearheading dedicated e orts to support and promote women within their ranks, understanding that one’s abilities and accomplishments should not be based on gender.
rther, there are man bene ts to pairing those who are newer to the eld with those who are more seasoned, as demonstrated when mentors are paired with mentees. It is for this reason that o r rm is la nching a Mentoring Program where more e perienced professional women will mentor recent college grad ates to help them na igate the eld, toward ma imi ing their s ccess
ACCOUNTING Citrin Cooperman
o han o to all of the indi id als and rms that s pport, and e emplif , progress for women in our industry. We are pleased to honor each of you, and know that this is only the beginning.
Sokol Media, Inc. 75 West End Avenue, #P15F New York, NY 10023 Ph: 973-769-7012 www.sokolmediaonline.com
We hope you enjoy the issue!
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Lori o ol, Ph D o nder P blisher
We care. We listen.
We deliver. We communicate.
Jenny Freeman 55 Water Street , 51st Floor New York, NY 10041 T 212.321.6800 F 212.321.6990
P I O N E E R I N G W O M E N I N R E A L E S TAT E 2 0 1 6 H O N O R E E
w w w . h r c g . c o m
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Pioneering Women in Real Estate HOWARD WECHSLER
Jenny Freeman
PE, LEED AP, Senior Vice President, Director of Healthcare Operations, is responsible for operations and sales related to Hunter Roberts’ healthcare practice in the New York metropolitan area. 6 2A • www.sokolmediaonline.com • www.sokolmediaonline.com
With a proven track record developing healthcare projects from pre-constr ction thro gh occ panc , enn is responsible for carr ing o t nter oberts mission and message to bring a streamlined, e cient and fresh approach to b ilding healthcare projects ealthcare constr ction is ni e in that we are highl concerned with its impact on adjacent patient pop lations e ha e to be m ch more caref l, and the process ta es longer, b t we feel we are adding al e to the comm nit ith o er ears of professional e perience in the New or metropolitan area, two of enn s most recent and notable projects demonstrate her tremendo s attention to detail, as well as her abilit to e ceed her client s e pectations
NORTHWELL HEALTH HUNTINGTON HOSPITAL esponsible for the pre-constr ction and constr ction of this hospital s new emergenc department in ntington, New or , this , s are-foot project is d e for completion this ear
No small feat, this department c rrentl recei es , isits per ear, and is projected to increase to , per ear b his project will also e pand its - ear-old hospital s emergenc department b mo ing it from the northern part of the camp s to the so theast Additionall , the e isting , s are-feet n rse administration area will be decanted and mo ed into c rrent shell space tensi e infrastr ct re pgrades will also be re ired to accommodate the new department, which incl de two new air handling nits two water cooled chillers three hot water boilers, p mps, and piping a , emergenc generator e new a tomatic transfer switches relocations of e isting air-cooled condensers and , A transformers feeders partial relocation of domestic water ser ice feet of new sanitar and storm water ser ices new sprin lers with tie-in with the e isting re ser ice and tie-ins with the e isting so thwest wing s medical air, ac m, and o gen e ipment his project re ired a tremendo s amo nt of pre-planning to ens re that we did not disr pt the e isting ser ices for an of the sh tdowns or tie-ins r team has been o tstanding and all sta eholders protected, reeman sa s
Northwell Health Huntington Hospital
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MSK Laboratory Medicine Building
“We have to be sure that the load on the patients is reduced as much as possible.” —Jenny Freeman
8 • www.sokolmediaonline.com
MSK LABORATORY MEDICINE BUILDING Memorial loan ettering M has been e panding treatment ser ices as patient olme contin es to grow, and as the need for laborator ser ices has do bled o er the past decade o meet this demand, M is b ilding a new state-of-the-art laborator medicine facilit on ast th treet between irst and econd A en es he new b ilding, which will allow M to consolidate c rrent labs in m ltiple locations into a main clinical lab b ilding, will accommodate central accessioning, hematolog , ow c tometr , cell therap , mass spec, clinical chemistr ,
microbiolog and infectio s disease, a blood ban , and se eral other departments nter oberts responsibilit for this project incl des the planning of months of pre-constr ction, demolition of an e isting b ilding, e ca ation to create a -foot deep fo ndation with three below-grade basement le els, and constr ction of the medical laborator b ilding ith a sched led completion date of , this , s are-foot project is one that reeman sa s reflects the wa healthcare contin es to be a d namic ind str with an emphasis on nding the model to s pport best care and least costs Projects li e this, reeman adds, allow s to e ceed o r own e pectations
Pioneering Women of MSKCC
s a Senior Project Manager, Design + Construction at Memorial loan ettering Cancer Center M in New or Cit , Madeline manages a portfolio of appro imatel Million Dollars he is c rrentl leading the constr ction of the new Laborator Medicine ilding on th t between st nd a en e ith o er ears of e perience she has mainl foc sed her profession in designing, managing and de eloping world-class health and science facilities both nationall and internationall his is a personal and professional f l llment for Madeline he is sensiti e to the possibilit that an one of s can be a patient at an time, or a famil member, friend, neighbor, etc and therefore is mindf l that the spaces are designed and constr cted in a wa that pro ides the highest alit of care he contin es to f l ll this at M , the rst Cancer Center in the nited tates and one of the top rated hospital nationwide speciali ing in cancer ome pre io s highlights in Madeline s career prior to M incl des wor ing at idmore wens and Merrill M As an Associate at M, she speciali ed in healthcare design and planning he was deepl in ol ed in the hei h halifa Medical Cit in Ab Dhabi A , a new million , -bed medical camp s and tertiar care center comprised of a f ll-ser ice ac te care hospital, speciali ed women s center and pediatric facilities Madeline tra eled and li ed in Ab Dhabi d ring the planning design phase to nali e the program and design with the clients ther healthcare e pertise incl des the Center for n asi e Cardiolog at ac ensac ni ersit Medical Center in New erse he phased re-opening of Pascac alle ac ensac ni ersit Medical Center the constr ction of Long sland ni ersit New chool of N rsing facilit in ings Co nt ospital Center camp s and the ni ersit of Connectic t chool of Dental Medicine A pro d grad ate of La ardia igh chool of M sic Art and Pratt nstit te, chool of Architect re in roo l n, N Madeline is a L D Accredited Professional, a member of NCA , and the American nstit te of Architects he is a nati e of the Dominican ep blic and resides in nwood Manhattan with her h sband, obert lian and her three ear old twin bo s, Ma and M les
Madeline Julian
Senior Project Manager, Design + Construction, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
“The new MSK Laboratory Medicine Building can be summed up in three words; Resilient + Sustainable + Flexible. With JFKM leading the N+1 MEP resilient system, Perkins + Will spearheading the sustainable design, from the exterior envelope to the paint selection; MSK, in particular Dr. Melissa Pessin emphasizing the importance of a flexible design and Hunter Roberts building this vision in a constrained site. It takes a great core team and lots of collaboration to ensure that this new facility is equipped to lead the industry and provide all of our patients the highest quality of care with rapid results and the latest technology in automated systems.â€? www.sokolmediaonline.com • 9
P Pioneering Women of MSKCC
Melissa S. Pessin Chair, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
“The new MSK Laboratory Medicine Building will enable our staff to provide the most accurate, innovate, and sophisticated diagnostic services to support our patients in their fight against cancer.�
10 • www.sokolmediaonline.com
elissa S. Pessin was appointed as Chair, Department of Laboratory Medicine at MSKCC in 2011. Dr. Pessin is recognized as a leader in the a tomation and e cienc of laborator operations Prior to joining Memorial loan- ettering, she ser ed as Vice Chair for Operations in the Department of Pathology at Mount Sinai Medical Center where she led the updating and replacement of the laboratory automation system. She has directed many laboratories, led consultation ser ices in laborator medicine, and is often called pon to share her e pertise in the e al ation and implementation of new technologies Dr Pessin also has been acti el in ol ed in all le el of ed cation of Laborator Medicine Professionals, and she c rrentl ser es on an American oard of Pathology Chairs Committee to establish competencies for medical students in laboratory medicine topics. Dr Pessin obtained in lectrical ngineering and Comp ter cience from Princeton ni ersit , and her MD and PhD degrees from he ohns op ins chool of Medicine he did a post-doctoral fellowship at the oc efeller ni ersit , which she followed b a residenc in Patholog at College of Ph sicians and rgeons of Col mbia ni ersit Dr Pessin is board certi ed in clinical patholog and blood ban ing transf sion medicine and is a fellow of both the College of American Pathologists and the American Society of Clinical Pathologists.
Ruttura and Sons congratulates honoree Jenny Freeman.
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Congratulations and best wishes to
and ALL THE HONOREES for being Recognized as Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Perry Cohen Carpentry
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Barrett Roofing Congratulates Jenny Freeman!
Jenny Freeman on your night of recognition, from all of us at
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The partners of Sky Lake congratulate
Marlena Demenus and her fellow honorees as pioneering women in real estate 2016
Sky Lake Partners is a private equity firm managing client and partner capital investments in multifamily real estate in New York City.
Lend Lease (US) Construction LMB Inc. | 200 Park Avenue | New York, NY 10166 | 212 592 6700
Lendlease supports Pioneering Women in Real Estate and the 15th Annual Awards Gala We congratulate all of the honorees, including our very own Linda Christensen, and are proud to be recognized as a Pioneering Construction Firm for Women.
Jennifer Busch
Madeline Julian
Amanda Carroll
Jennifer Murphy
Linda Christensen
Melissa Pessin
Marlena Demenus
Amy Rosenthal
Cara Faske
Jenifer Steig
Jenny Freeman
Ritu Vij
I. Buss & Allan Uniform
Sky Lake Partners, LLC
Pace Advertising
Hunter Roberts Construction Group (cover story)
The Cheshire Group
Turner & Townsend (cover story)
Skye Gruen Bright Power
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Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Jennifer Busch I. Buss & Allan Uniform
ennifer Busch is the CEO and lead designer of I. Buss & Allan Uniform Company, a leading supplier of uniforms to the real estate and hospitality industries. She is the fourth generation of the Busch family to run this business. She has substantially grown the company, adding a creative division that works with its clients to design unique looks to promote and enhance their brand. Her client list includes many of New York’s prominent real estate owners and developers as well as landmarks including Carnegie Hall and The Metropolitan Opera. Jennifer studied writing at NYU and psychology at Hunter College, earning degrees in English and Psychology. Prior to joining the family business, Jennifer worked in the eld of ps chological research and also o rished in the creati e ind stries A born and bred New Yorker, Jennifer leads with an innate understanding of New York’s storied history and culture, infusing her work with her love of fashion, music, travel and art. She is currently working on launching her own fashion line.
“I truly believe in building a great team and giving people an opportunity to grow beyond what they might have envisioned. Sometimes this entails suggesting and other times pushing a bit, but if people are willing and able, amazing things can be accomplished.” 16 • www.sokolmediaonline.com
My Mentor:
My father was my strongest role model. Though we have very different management styles, and I run a very different company than he did, he taught me to work and work HARD. He set an example for me by doing so himself. He also taught me to play to people’s strengths and this has helped me to cultivate my staff members to be the best employees they can be. And most importantly, he taught me the value of integrity. Making an excellent product, providing great service, fixing mistakes and standing by your word.
Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Amanda Carroll Gensler
s a leader of Gensler’s Firmwide Technology Practice Area, Amanda identi es and creates trends and dri ers that impact b siness strateg , design philosoph and inno ations within some of the most so ghtafter brands in the world n , Amanda was named to Lin ed n Ne t a e the top professionals nder globall who are transforming their ind stries A licensed nterior Designer and L D Accredited Professional with a bac gro nd in pre-lease strateg , Amanda speciali es in helping fast-growth companies na igate challenges and milestones in their real estate portfolios he leads a st dio of architects and designers at the forefront of New or s creati e class s rge, wor ing with clients s ch as ts , D, l e Apron, o , anD el and l Amanda s projects ha e also been feat red in nterior Design and Contract, and as a top nalist in the Metropolis or place of the t re competition er wor on the Con ene conference center on Par A en e was recogni ed b Architect ral ecord as one of the top ood Design is ood siness projects, a testament to the impact design can ha e on the bottom line, adding essential al e for start ps and large companies ali e
My Mentor:
My mentor is Robin Klehr Avia, Gensler’s first female chairman, for her unparalleled ability to recognize talent and sponsor their leadership development and for her pioneering efforts as a female leader in our industry.
“We are focused on our clients’ growth and to advance the mission of their business and core beliefs. Essentially, we are like the speedboat that runs alongside the cruise liner -- our clients are at the forefront of world class thinking and we are their partner.”
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Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Linda Christensen Lendlease
“My father was one of five survivors of a merchant ship blown up outside of Murmansk. When I asked him how he had survived, he said that he just kept swimming. That’s what he did his whole life and what he taught me to do. He made sure I knew that there was nothing I couldn’t do if I tried hard enough.” 18 • www.sokolmediaonline.com
fter almost 20 years as General Counsel of another major NYC constr ction rm, Linda joined o is Lend Lease now Lend Lease Americas in as eneral Co nsel n April , Linda was named Chief thics and Compliance cer for Lend Lease Americas ased on peer ratings of legal abilit and ethical standards, she has achie ed the stat s of A Preeminent ated Law er and is certi ed as an thics Compliance Professional b both the thics Compliance nitiati e and the Compliance Certi cation oard he is a past recipient of Professional omen in Constr ction s Professional Achie ement Award and was honored b the New or Law ers Association as an tstanding oman of the ar he is a c rrent member of the ordham Law Dean s Ad isor Co nsel, a oard Member of the omen ilder s Co ncil, Co-Chairperson of the Minorit omen s siness Leadership Co ncil of the ilding rade mplo ers Association and a member of the thics Compliance nitiati e and the ociet of Corporate Compliance thics Professionals Linda started her legal career with M dge ose thrie Ale ander before going in-ho se with Pan American orld Airwa s and its s bsidiar nter-Continental otels Corporation he recei ed an A in nglish from assar College followed b grad ate st d in ld nglish and Paleograph at ni ersit College London before earning a D from ordham Law he is admitted to practice in N and before the preme Co rt Linda li es in hite Plains with her attorne h sband, Michael jogren, and has three grown children and three grandchildren with another on the wa
My Mentor:
My initial mentor in this industry was John Tishman. His door was always open to me. I think that, like my father, John was truly gender blind and that certainly helped me in what is a male dominated industry. Also, Bob McNamara, former CEO of Lend Lease Americas and now Global Head of Risk, who was instrumental in giving me the courage to set out in my current career.”
Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Marlena Demenus
Sky Lake Partners, LLC
arlena and her partners founded Sky Lake, a private equity real estate rm that in ests in m ltifamil and mi ed- se b ildings in the gentrif ing areas of New or Cit , in Along with her ears of capital mar ets e perience on all treet, Marlena brings lifelong e pos re to New or real estate to La e her famil r ns one of the largest pl mbing and heating contractors in New or Cit As C of La e, Marlena manages all aspects of the rm s b siness operations incl ding propert selection, b ilding management and b siness de elopment er in-depth nowledge of the New or real estate mar et co pled with her senior leadership and anal tical roles with all treet rms s ch as Morgan tanle and ear tearns, ha e bro ght La e and its a liates to the position toda of owning and managing a portfolio of properties in arlem and the ron rowing p in a New or real estate famil has gi en Marlena a ni e insider s nderstanding of the most comple and competiti e real estate mar et in the world alwa s new wo ld somehow wor in real estate All of it was alwa s interesting to me the people, the properties, the deals, sa s Marlena of her decision to la nch La e La e in ests in m ltifamil and mi ed- se b ildings thro gho t New or Cit f their portfolio Marlena sa s, ach b ilding is a completel indi id al project onto itself No two b ildings are the same and no two tenants are the same e dedicate o rsel es to gi ing indi id ali ed attention to each propert in order to ma imi e its potential Marlena recei ed an M A in inance from he harton chool of siness and grad ated Phi eta appa from Colgate ni ersit
My Mentor:
Zoe Cruz, former co-president of Morgan Stanley, had tremendous impact on my personal and professional development. In my 12 years at Morgan Stanley, Zoe was a consistent and visible model of the drive, intelligence and integrity critical for success and happiness in one’s professional and personal life. I am grateful to Zoe for the example she provided.
“Our strategy is to make decisions based on sound financial and economic sense.”
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Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Cara Faske Pace Advertising
“To see a building go from just an idea on paper to one that I’m actually standing in is very exciting for me.”
ara Faske’s career spans over 25 years and has been dedicated to marketing real estate in New York City and nationally. In an industry not known for conceptual advertising and innovative design, Cara has built a reputation for exceptional creativity with real estate marketing ideas and campaigns that always break the mold. Over the years, she has spearheaded strategies and campaigns for residential and commercial developers including Silverstein Properties, SL Green, and Boston Properties among many others. Cara’s expertise includes branding, marketing strategy, integrated marketing, traditional and digital advertising, email marketing, and much more. She is adept at new business development, as well as strategic alliances and partnerships, to bring together multiple parties with highl speciali ed capabilities in order to pro ide a tr l f ll-ser ice o ering for clients Cara fo nded and ser ed as President of Cara Martin, a s ccessf l f llservice advertising and branding agency that was launched in 2003. In 2011, she merged her rm with Pace and became part of the PP famil , a transaction that expanded the agency’s capabilities with a full complement of services across all disciplines. In 2014, Cara was named President of Pace. Under her leadership, Pace has continued to expand and evolve, including a major rebranding initiative in 2015 that brought new talent, new technologies, new service lines and new capabilities to the agency, to better serve the rm s clients Cara has been involved with a number of philanthropic organizations incl ding niting Against L ng Cancer and Creati e Art or s CA She holds a degree in marketing from Syracuse University and resides in estchester Co nt , N hen she s not wor ing, Cara can be fo nd gardening, binge watching the Food Network and spending time with her kids and adorable Shih Tzu.
My Mentor:
My mentor is my mom, Sky Albert. She married at the age of 18 and never completed college. When I was 12 (and she was 39), she realized she wanted more for herself and went back to college, and then went on to obtain her masters degree and began a career as a social worker helping developmentally disabled adults find jobs. The most important advice my mother gave me was that I should never be dependent on anyone else.
20 • www.sokolmediaonline.com
Pioneering Women in Real Estate
kye Gruen, Director of New Construction & Sustainability, has been with Bright Power since 2010. She comes from a diverse background including chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and architecture, and is now leading a team dedicated to helping developers and building owners create better buildings. This means buildings that are more energ e cient, comfortable, maintainable, and resilient ne partic lar foc s of e s team is a ordable ho sing, something that she believes to be critical to creating and sustaining a livable, resilient city for e er one A ordable ho sing pro ides homes to pop lations that might otherwise go homeless, and keeps them housed. Energy and sustainability measures that reduce utility bills, create a healthier living environment, and integrate the residents into the community are crucial to that mandate. To that end, Skye’s team is actively involved in working with city, state, and go ernmental entities to create and inform policies aro nd energ e cienc in low income housing. Skye’s role has recently expanded to include running Bright Power’s On Site Generation team, focusing on combining solar PV, cogeneration, batteries and other demand management technologies to reduce operating costs, and, arguably more importantly, ensure that a building’s critical systems will remain operable in the event of a sustained blackout. She is excited about the opportunities this opens up to her new construction and rehabilitation projects, particularly when it comes to resiliency. “Hurricane Sandy was a game changer for the way we design and maintain buildings, because it showed us how vulnerable our communities are. We learned that a backup generator is not enough, and we need to be implementing more diverse and e ible meas res to ens re we are prepared for emergencies
My Mentors:
Matthew Talty at Dougert Management was the GC on my first gut renovation. Being on site with him was an inspiring introduction to the construction industry. Sadly, Matthew passed away in 2014, just days after the project was complete. He was a man who saw things through.
Skye Gruen Bright Power
“Solar on affordable housing is helping owners lower their utility costs, enabling workforce training opportunities, and decarbonizing the grid one building at a time.”
Andrea Mancino at Bright Power was the first person to join the New Construction group after I took it over and began to expand it. She has been with me since the beginning, and while I am technically her manager, I feel that we’ve mentored each other along the way, and I couldn’t have done it without her.
www.sokolmediaonline.com • 21
Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Jennifer Murphy STV
“Responsible for expanding STV Construction, Inc. into the Commercial Project Management Services business, I am committed to forming teams that allow everyone to do their best work.”
22 • www.sokolmediaonline.com
ennifer Mackenburg Murphy has more than 25 years of experience in project management and owner s representati e ser ices he c rrently serves as regional director with STV|DPM, a leading provider of owner’s project and move management services. STV|DPM is a part of , a national award-winning rm Murphy is overseeing STV|DPM’s growth in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area for a wide ariet of commercial o ce, healthcare and mi ed- se facilities he has an e tensi e res me of shepherding projects from inception to completion and recentl directed the t o t of , s are feet of o ce space for a global e it rm in Midtown Manhattan along with serving Mount Sinai Beth Israel hospital on some enabling projects critical to the facilities planning. “My personal approach to owner’s representative services is to focus on assembling the best team and enable them to do what they do best by removing obstacles and solving issues that arise along the way,” Murphy said. “This is a people business so everyone on the team is very important to a project’s success.” Among the many mentors, Murphy credits for her success are Julia Monk, AIA, a renowned hotel designer who currently leads HOK’s hospitality practice in Hong Kong; and Anita Corey, president of CHS Planning & Design Corp, and she sites Sabrina Kanner as an important role model as a woman in construction at the highest levels. “When I was just 24, Anita trusted me to run her business for a month while she went on a sabbatical,” Murphy said. “It was an amazing learning experience and helped me get to where I am today.”
My Mentor:
While I have been lucky to have many mentors, Jack Whalen of Fisher Brothers was probably the most consistent throughout my 26 years in New York. His door has always been open, and he has been a resource for navigating the industry, the relationships, the historical information that you just can’t google. He always helped me take the long term perspective, while arming me with the insight I needed. And he always reinforced that I could do it…whatever “it” was.
Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Amy Rosenthal
my’s career in accounting really began in high school where she was the treasure of every club she joined. That was followed by a job performing bookkeeping services while in college. Amy has practiced in accounting for more than 30 years. Her career started in Dallas Texas. After working as a general tax accountant for se eral ears, she wor ed for a large, p blicl traded di ersi ed real estate compan for ears he compan had a portfolio of o er After the corporation led for Chapter ban r ptc , Am re-entered p blic acco nting Amy now focuses on tax consulting, compliance and planning for clients across the real estate spectrum. She has extensive experience in federal and state iss es foc sing on partnership and ow-thro gh entities Am relocated to New or Cit fo r ears ago where she is now a enior Director in the eal state a gro p at D er clients incl de de elopers, lessors of commercial and residential properties, mortgage and equity REITs, and low income housing developments. Her clients have properties in the New York Cit area and in man di erent states and se eral co ntries
My Mentor:
“I measure my success by how successful my staff and my clients become. Helping my staff soar and my clients grow are what I enjoy the most about my job.”
An important mentor in my career was Charles Edwards, Vice President - Tax for Southmark Corporation, the real estate conglomerate. He taught me how to be more assertive on all aspects of my career and gave me opportunities that developed my leadership skills.
www.sokolmediaonline.com • 23
Pioneering Women in Real Estate
Jenifer Steig The Cheshire Group
“I particularly love selling to new home buyers. The excitement of knowing that they will soon be stepping into their first home is so refreshing.”
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enifer Steig is a partner in The Cheshire Group, a real estate inestment compan speciali ing in New or metro-area m ltifamil properties. Cheshire owns and operates rent regulated apartments, mar et rate rentals, and cooperati es and condomini ms o ered for sale. The Cheshire Group, LLC is recognized for its depth of knowledge with respect to value add investments and provides advisory services to real estate owners, lenders and investors. The Cheshire Group has an accomplished history with their own investments which a ords a ni e prospecti e incl ding rsthand e perience as both investor and developer at The Devonshire House and Philip House. er ices incl de ac isition assessment, pre-de elopment cons lting, project management of aspects incl ding mar et positioning, design speci cation and selection and construction. The Cheshire Group has a proven track record for creating re en e in di c lt mar et sit ations heir e pertise is available on an advisory basis to groups seeking similar results. Ms. Steig brings to Cheshire a diverse background in real estate sales and mar eting, in estment, appraisal, interior design and project management After graduating from Cornell University in 1985, Ms. Steig worked for Cooper-Lec Architects, a local architect re rm in ashington, DC and later for nternational Monetar nd, as a project manager in the acilities Management Department. ince joining he Cheshire ro p in and becoming a partner in , Ms. Steig has created and implemented marketing strategies for the portfolio. Ms. Steig supervises all of the sales and marketing activities of the Cheshire ro p his incl des o erseeing on-site sales programs and all creati e wor related to mar eting, repositioning and rebranding of e isting properties, managing resale brokers, coordinating renovations of sales inventory, working with banks and lending institutions to insure properties are bank approved, supervising attorneys, negotiating purchase agreements and insuring that all Cheshire o erings remain compliant with Attorne eneral reg lations
My Mentor:
Adrienne Albert, CEO of the Marketing Directors, has always been an inspiration to me. I remember her telling me that I should always remember “you have to have something the buyer want.” This “something” carried me throughout my career — once a buyer has the emotional connection to a new home, chances are that you will make the sale.
Congratulations Jenny Freeman Pioneering Woman in Real Estate 2016 A.S.R. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING
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Louis L. Buttermark & Sons, Inc. is Pleased to Honor JENNY FREEMAN of Hunter Roberts Construction Group as a ‘Pioneering Woman in Real Estate’ 2016 Louis L. Buttermark & Sons, Inc. Plumbing, Heating & Fire Suppression Contractor 16 New Dorp Lane Staten Island, NY 10306 718-351-4220 www.louislbuttermarkplumbingny.com
making the differencce
One team making the difference the world over. Program/Project Management
Estimating & Cost Management
Project Controls
Congratulations to our own Ritu Vij, a 2016 Pioneering Women in Real Estate 11 East 26th Street Floor 5 New York, NY 10010 www.turnerandtownsend.com
Pioneering Women in Real Estate
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Ritu Vij
an Associate Director of Project Management at Turner & Townsend Inc.’s New York office, and currently in the role of Program Manager Americas for a leading Global Asset Management Firm’s Corporate Real Estate Design & Construction group, Ritu Vij has demonstrated herself as an accomplished, results-oriented corporate real estate management professional with over 20 years of experience managing projects globally for Fortune 1000 companies.
Her deep expertise in strategic real estate planning, project controls & management, risk management, consultant & contractor management, workplace planning & architectural design, and regulatory compliance is an e cellent t for rner ownsend, the largest independent Project and Cost Management organization globally.
Leading Global Asset Management Firm n an e ort to meet ongoing growth the rm s Design Constr ction ro p restr ct red last ear itself into a Regional Project delivery Model with each regional PM Program Management ce being managed by an outsourced provider. At the same time, a Project Controls Group was created to standardize and drive consistenc across the rm s project management and project deli er processes globall he rm hired rner ownsend to r n the PM for the Americas region as well as pro ide a team to f ll s pport the Project Controls Group. Ritu leads this important assignment onsite with the client along with her team.
Top: View of open staff area; Center: Reception area; Bottom: Cafeteria at offices under construction in Mexico City
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Views of recent y comp eted offices in ew ersey
“Over the past year we have made key contributions in driving consistency in design standards & project implementation processes in the region as well as significantly improving the group’s budget management and forecasting abilities.”
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As Program Managers for the Americas, Turner & Townsend is responsible for management of a m lti-million dollar ann al b dget spend for the implementation of all real estate projects across multiple locations in the region nder it s direction, her team f l ls all re ests for space alterations, o ce t-o t projects and mo es at both existing & new locations. In this role since Q1 2015, her team also pro ides project management ser ices as well as de elops and implements space design standards for all o ces in the region As part of the Global Project Controls Group, Turner & Townsend is responsible for capital planning, process standardization, data collection and nancial reporting for s pporting the rm s large global real estate portfolio which includes properties in most of the major business centres worldwide.
Time Warner, Inc. Another project Turner & Townsend is currently managing is the Time Warner NYC corporate headquarters relocation to Hudson Yards. Time Warner Inc., a global leader in media and entertainment with b sinesses in tele ision networ s, lm and entertainment interests and publishing, has acquired approximately million s are feet of o ce space at dson ards and plans to mo e appro imatel , emplo ees from its corporate operations as well as its HBO, CNN, Turner Broadcasting and arner ros entities - consolidating the di isions nder one roof for the rst time rner ownsend, ser ing as ime arner s o erall wner s epresentati e for their , person New or Corporate ead arters elocation, rst helped ime arner strategically evaluate its New York City real estate portfolio, and is now is providing Development/Core & Shell Advisory, Program Management, Project Management, Cost Management and Project Controls Services during the projects. “This project is e pected to be complete in the second arter of and will be a great new headquarters bringing together all New York operations nder one roof – it s an e citing project for o r team to be in ol ed in, it sa s
Right: View of 30 Hudson Yards from the North. Bottom: View of the shops and restaurants at Hudson Yards from the public square.
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New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge Hotel
Turner & Townend is also currently managing Muss Development s signi cant hotel reno ation of the New or Marriott at the roo l n ridge otel his project is planned for completion in mid, and has been operational thro gho t constr ction nce completed, the lobb , bar, M-Cl b, g estrooms, and e ent rooms incl ding ballrooms, will be transformed into a new modern design standard e ha e been wor ing on this project for se eral ears and are pleased to be pro iding Project Management, Cost Management and Project Controls ser ices on this important hotel commission, it sa s
Top: Seating in the new M Club Lounge for Marriott Elite members Left: Front desk reception pods with Brooklyn Bridge mural as feature wall; Guestroom with Brooklyn Bridge graphic headboard feature Bottom: Newly designed lobby bar experience, includes full service bar and coffee ra n o
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Congratulations! Honoree Jenny Freeman For Your Accomplishments in Real Estate
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We are proud to support the 15th Annual ‘Pioneering Women in Real Estate’ Awards Gala & Honoree Jenny Freeman, Senior Vice President & Director of Healthcare, Hunter Roberts Construction Group
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Top Engineering Firm for Women
LANGAN ENGINEERING t is no secret that women represent a minority in the engineering profession. But success stories do exist, and at Langan Engineering, those successes are increasing in numbers.
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Much of this is due to the culture of inclusion fostered at Langan. It is not s rprising, therefore, that the rm formed omen Langan, an emplo ee reso rce gro p where sta can comfortabl networ , learn from women leaders, and achieve professional and personal success. Michele Connor la nched omen Langan in eptember alongside two senior women leaders of the rm Connor rst joined Langan in as one of the few women engineers at the rm hile at Langan, she has risen from ta ngineer to Principal and c rrentl co-heads the site ci il practice in the rms New or Cit o ce er professional s ccess in a eld dominated b men inspired her to create omen Langan with Cristina on ale , enior Principal who leads the Miami o ce, and Car n arnes, the Principal who leads the n ironmental Practice in Philadelphia Connor sa s the primar foc s of omen Langan is professional de elopment, networ ing and mentoring e been in this mar et for o er ears, Connor sa s, and it s still hard to nd female senior role models ith close to , emplo ees, women represent of Langans wor force omen are loo ing for other women to help them achie e their career and personal s ccess, and we do that b pro iding a comm nit within the rm where women can meet, gather, and share e periences, Connor adds omen Langan promotes Langan women being highl isible o tside of the o ce A n mber of Langan women hold leadership positions with ind str women ad ocac gro ps and other professional organi ations, where the fre entl participate as s bject matter e perts or e ample, Connor recentl spo e at the th Ann al eal state omen s or m in New or Cit As C New or President lect, she is also helping to organi e the C Networ Con ention Mar etplace, which is being held in Manhattan in ctober Langan s c lt re has alwa s been res lts oriented and performance dri en, which is an ideal en ironment for both genders to o rish, sa s Connor ith omen Langan, we want women to now that the can ha e great careers here at Langan as engineers, en ironmental scientists, and technical professionals, and am li ing proof
WOMEN@LANGAN MISSION The Mission of Women@Langan is to foster an atmosphere of mentorship and support to empower women to achieve career and personal success.
Provide forum for women to develop a community, share experiences, and form an identity as a professional.
Provide opportunities for networking, mentoring and support for the development of our careers both internally and within the industry.
Promote advancement of women to leadership positions at Langan through advocacy and increased visibility.
www.sokolmediaonline.com • 9A
Top Construction Firm for Women
Lendlease WITH
approximately 12,600 employees across Australia, America, Asia, and Europe, Lendlease values a diverse employee and customer base. Understanding the importance of offering a safe and inclusive workplace to all employees, and enabling everyone to bring their whole selves to work, Lendlease has been able to maximize both productivity and innovation. It is for this reason that Diversity & Inclusion is part of the Lendlease DNA.
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“We are focusing on how to get women to higher ranking positions in the firm, and we are driving this support through grassroots efforts.” –Joanna Dimitrion, Outgoing Chair of New York Women @ Lendlease Employee Resource Group
egarding gender e it , speci call , Lendlease contin es to ens re that women s de elopment is a priorit , as demonstrated thro gh their ann al omen at Lendlease Conference, where participants are pro ided the opport nit to networ with leaders and each other, learn more abo t the b siness and be inspired b women leaders Lendlease s commitment is also demonstrated thro gh their ongoing s pport of the N ro ndbrea ing omen in Constr ction Conference, which foc ses on b ilding career s ccess and inspiring and empowering women omen Lendlease mplo ee eso rce ro ps s in Charlotte, Chicago, awaii, Los Angeles, Me ico Cit , Nash ille, New or , and an rancisco pro ide opport nities to learn and de elop s ills thro gh l nch and learns, mentoring programs, panel disc ssions, project site to rs and comm nit o treach acti ities Lendlease is foc sed on enhancing gender e it and is committed to attracting, de eloping and retaining women, sa s Carol errero, who heads p Di ersit ncl sion e orts in the Americas his foc s incl des nding the right people for the right roles, and ma ing s re o r women ha e the s pport and enco ragement to be their best
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT rther attesting to Lendlease s commitment to enhancing women s leadership in the compan are their leadership de elopment programs Among these are Aspire, a -month accelerated talent de elopment program aimed at f t re leaders, the highest achie ers across all regions possessing ambition and dri e to grow in their career he Management De elopment Program MDP foc ses on operational and people leadership, awareness of self and others and consists of two mod les he enior Leadership De elopment Program LP f rther enhances leadership capabilities and strategic thin ing b co ering s ills s ch as negotiation, in ence, change leadership, b siness ac men and growing an entreprene rial mindset here is an incl si e process to ens re representation of female talent in these programs, which are attended b women and men hereas in the past, the compan often recr ited e ternall to ll e management roles, there is now a foc s on b ilding an internal talent pipeline of e perienced female and male emplo ees to draw from Accordingl , gender di ersit is part of the fabric of talent re iew and s ccession planning disc ssions
“At Lendlease our vision is to create the best places to work and to do that Lendlease has to be the best place to work for all. We have incredibly talented, driven and inspiring women working for us at Lendlease. Our commitment is to give women and men an equal chance to succeed.” –Aole Ansari, Executive General Manager, Healthcare Development; and Chair of Americas Diversity & Inclusion Council
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RAISING AWARENESS AND INSPIRING WOMEN Supporting the #ILookLikeAnEngineer movement that aspires to break the stereotypes placed on the engineering industry, Lendlease has featured stories on LinkedIn and Twitter in celebration of their women engineers. Lendlease has also continued to celebrate International Women’s Day across the United States and Mexico by sponsoring weeklong activities focused on raising awareness of gender equity and stories of inspiring women. Lunch and breakfast events included guest speakers, seminars, clothing drives and discussions on gender equity in the construction industry.
PARENTAL LEAVE Another way Lendlease is raising the bar on gender equity is through its paid parental leave policy. Understanding that parental leave has traditionally been treated as women’s business, Lendlease is also leading the way in recognizing that true gender equity means
12A • www.sokolmediaonline.com
recognizing fathers as parents too. Therefore, Lendlease pro ides Parental Lea e -- of p to wee s, with the rst wee s as paid -- for the primar caregi er parent, and Partner Lea e – p to wee s paid -- for the non-primar parent
FLEXIBILITY AT LENDLEASE Lendlease is building a greater place to be part of, so the are pro iding the s pport and e ibilit that their employees and their families need at each stage of their lives. Lendlease encourages employees and their managers to discuss creative and practical solutions for when and where wor can be done when e ibilit is needed. To support these discussions, Lendlease provides tools and discussion guides and has rolled o t leadership brie ngs on Lendlease s commitment to e ibilit o reinforce a c lt re s pporti e of e ibilit , as part of str ct red one-on-one con ersations with direct reports throughout the year, managers are sched led to ha e wellbeing and e ibilit con ersations in all
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A Special Edition from Sokol Media
Turner & Townsend
Amanda Carroll Jennifer Busch Linda Christensen Marlena Demenus Cara Faske Jenny Freeman Skye Gruen Madeline Julian Jennifer Murphy Melissa Pessin Amy Rosenthal Jenifer Steig