How To Be The Perfect Disney Star

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How To Be The Perfect Disney Star!

g an urin Feat lusive exc w ith iew ro m v r e int ef ! ie Le ld Cass e’s Wor i s s a C

First published by Steel Publishing in 2019 by Steel Publishing in 2019 Steel Publishing Disney London 3 Queen Caroline Street Hammersmith, London W6 9PE Copyright 2019 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanlical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright holder. Printed in United Kingdom

o m c l e e! W First of all, welcome and congratulations in getting your part on the Disney Channel! You are now a member and representative of the Walt Disney Company but before you start filming, there is a code of conduct we expect you to adhere to at the company to be the perfect role model. In this book you will find a step-by-step guide on how to be the perfect Disney representative brought to you by Cassie from the hit Disney Channel show Cassie’s World. You will learn things from how to have the perfect look, to how to conduct yourself in public. Good Luck!

Contents! Page 1: Page 3: Page 7: Page 9: Page 11: Page 15: Page 17:

Behaviour Dress Code Social Media Work Ethics Cassie’s Story Your Future Contract


! r u o i v a h e


You are representing a true American brand, which means you need to represent those values as well as the values of the company, here are a few examples to lead by.

Do’s! Always be positive, happy and out going in public, you are representing Disney which means ensuring the viewers look up to a positive role model. No one likes a negative Nancy. Remember a core member of your audience will be 13 years old and younger, so to be more relatable, try to pick up on trends and mannerisms they display, effectively making yourself appear younger so they are not intimidated by an older actor.


Don’ts! Obviously, no smoking, drinking or drugs and to abstain from swearing in public. Again as viewers will be watching your every move and will be influenced by the actions you make. No public relationships, especially of a sexual nature; abstinence is key. If you do have a relationship, keep it strictly private and away from the public eye, and/or keep it platonic only in public. Try to refrain from nontraditional American Values, especially those of ones of a particular sexual orientation. If you do express these behaviours it is best to keep them hidden from public view to ensure parents trust you and your morals. Do not act brashly or express ‘extreme’ political views. You need to be relatable to everyone which means you cannot address opinions or behaviours that others would disagree with or could take offence to.


! e d o C s s e r


What To Wear! Now that you are a star of a Disney Channel programme, you will be gaining a young fan base, that will want to be like you in every way, including the way you look. Here bellow we have a few examples of what Disney deem suitable for you to wear whilst on the show and out in public, for press reasons and social media. We highly suggest you constantly look at your fellow peers who are leading the Disney Channel brand as an example of how to dress with current trends and scenarios.

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Like in the example presented here, we like to keep a fun yet conservative look. Most items of clothing is acceptable but depending on the individual style; for example, graphic tees are encouraged especially when brightly coloured. Anything bright and sparkly are always welcome! Also things like skirts and shorts are allowed but if it is bellow a certain length (three fingers above the knee), you have to wear leggings underneath. If you are confused about specific items or outfts please ask your Disney Channel Representative.


! e d o C s s e r


What Not To Wear! Now you know what to wear, you need to know what items to avoid wearing. This is essential knowledge because even though you think you’re on a ‘day off’, with social media and paparazzi, what you look like will reach audiences, meaning you need to always be aware you are representing the Disney brand and need to look so. Here we name items we suggest you avoid but if you have further questions do not refrain from asking.


In the example bellow, this is an outfit that you SHOULD NOT wear. Now there is a couple things she gets right, layering a shirt over the romper to cover her shoulders, wearing sensible shoes and wearing bright colours. What she does wrong is the low cleavage and the short romper exposing her thighs. At first glance this outfit looks fine but in the details, it is not a Disney Channel Fo certified outft. Simple rE xa ways to fix this is mp avoid the low cleavage le! with a top underneath and wear leggings or tights. Items To Avoid! Key items to avoid include; mini skirts, tube tops, explicit graphics tees, seethrough blouses and bikinis. Body modification is also ill-advised, which means keeping piercings to a minimum, always be clean shaven, and absolutely no tattoos.


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An actor’s social media presence has never been more important than it is now; fans will follow their favourite actor/ actress on every platform possible, liking every post they make, and often sharing it on fan accounts and on other platforms. This means that from now on, what you put on social media is crucial, as you will have great influence over your audience. So, you need to treat your social media as an extension of your on screen role. Be yourself but also be aware as we are always monitoring everything.


Good Example! This is an example from Cassie Lee’s I n sta g ra m , the reason it is a good example is because she is promoting the Disney brand, specifically her show, and that it is friendly to all audiences.

Bad Example! Here is a bad example from Cassie’s Instag ram, which has now been deleted. It is a suggestive pose, with a compromising bikini which is not the image we want our stars to promote. Even Cassie is not immune to the rules.


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Being apart of the Disney family is no walk in the park, “With great power, comes great responsibility.� Spider Man (2002). It takes a lot of hard work to become a star like Cassie Lee or Zendaya, this means we expect a lot from you whilst at your time with Disney to do your part as well as getting as much from the experience as possible, because, used correctly, Disney can be a great launching pad for your future career, if you take what we suggest for you seriously.




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These are just some of the opportunities you can get while apart of the Disney family. But these do not come to all, you need to prove you want to work hard for the company as well as be 100% dedicated to the channel, which means working solely for the Walt Disney corporation. Your dream career does not come without hard work and sacrifice, and that is what we expect from you.



y r ! o t S s ’ e i s s a

By Cassie Lee! Hi Guys! My name is Cassie Lee and I play Cassie Young from Cassie’s World. I have been working for Disney Channel for almost 5 years, starting working when I was 15! Being on Disney Channel has changed my life and I am so grateful to be apart of the Walt Disney Company. I want to talk to you about my experience working for Disney and how I have got to where I am now. I will also give you my tips and tricks that I have learned on the way to becoming a Disney Star!



Audition Tape!

A question I get a lot is “am I actually British?” and yes I am, I grew up in Kingston-Upon-Thames which is next to London. I loved watching Disney Channel myself as a kid and always wanted to be on Lizzie McGuire. I started going to theatre groups and always being in the school plays, knowing my dream was to be an actress. I heard Disney was looking for British actors when I was 14 and knew this was my shot to make it. So my mum drove me to the head office in London and the rest is History! I was so nervous at my audition and thought I wouldn’t get a call back but to my surprise, Disney saw my potential.



y r ! o t S s ’ e i s s a

By Cassie Lee! Being the leading actress of Cassie’s World is not easy, I am a role model for so many young fans and this is a big responsiblitly that I do not take lightly. I know every move I make on Social Media as well as anything that is caught by the paparazzi, is closely followed by my fans, so it is my personal responsibility to be a good example for them. I know there is certain things I cannot wear, do and say to ensure I am being a perfect role model for my fans, and I am happy to do so! I am getting this amazing opportunity to work with Disney so if that means I cannot wear a certain dress then act! Fun F ner vo us o so be it! I couldn’t s y of as I w st da ha d r fi y be happier! on m I actually own d g filmin o us break v a ner bathro o m! e h t in


Here is a picture of me with my crew on Cassie’s World! I could not do this job without them as they have become a second family, so do not believe what those tabloids say, we all love each other so much! I am often asked by many new actors joining the Disney family advise on how to deal with being a Disney star, the responsibility of it and what that entails. So bellow I am going to list my top tips for how to be the perfect Disney star! Be hardworking and compliant! Disney want people who are willing to go that extra mile, to sacrifice so you can dedicate your time to the Disney Company. Better safe than sorry! If you have any doubts about if you should or should not be doing or wearing something, I have learnt it is best to not be doing it, because if you’re wrong, you’ll pay the price. Be relatable to your fans! Most of your fans will be younger so I encourage you to ‘adopt’ their mannerisms so you appear reachable.


! e r u t u F r You Your future means a lot to us at Disney Channel and so we want to support you as much as we can, especially when you are first starting at Disney. During your orientation, you will be partnered up with a manager and agent, who will be helping you excel your success. You will also be guided to our PR team if any issues arise, and/ or you need their help after a bad ‘story’. If you are successful at Disney Channel, you will have longevity and will become a profound member of the Disney family. This is what you should aim for as this will guarantee your career will have better prospects.


As mentioned in the Work qBe prep Top uic ar T Ethics chapter, we at the thrusktlsy. Beinegd to bilpo!w on ins yo Walt Disney Company youtrasent gruatinto famDeisney uCph very i a lf b ut e fication w ith a nnel lmos njoy expect the most from you, s o t it w pr hile it la ep dedicating yourself to the sts! company, and staying loyal with us. Due to the different studios the Walt Disney Company own, after your time with Disney Channel, if we see your potential and dedication, we can give you opportunities to further your career that you otherwise would not have access to; but this is no guarantee, this is only if you prove yourself to the company, as we do not give this opportunity to anyone. This must all seem intimidating to you, but if you follow all these simple rules in this guide, as well as from the instructional video you were shown during orientation, you will have a smooth journey at the Walt Disney Company. But always remember that any opportunity we give you can also be taken away, as everything mentioned here you have to abide by in your contract.

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Now we have gotten through all the fun stuff, we have to talk about contracts. Obviously, you cannot work without having an actors contract. This is standard practice and just relays all the basic information in this pamphlet, and also additional information that you do not need to worry yourself with. When you are happy and ready to sign the contract, please tear it out and sign it, with a witness, and hand back to your Disney representative. If you do not sign the contract or are not happy with it you cannot continue your opportunity with us. If you also breach the contract in any way, it will be terminated effective immediately with no prior warning. Other than that welcome to the Walt Disney Company!



1.1 The particulars recorded herein shall be read with the Standard Terms and Conditions, which are attached as Schedule A to this agreement. The Standard Terms and Conditions, this Schedule and the Additional Language shall constitute the entire agreement between the Company and the Artist. 2 THE COMPANY 2.1 NAME:

Walt Disney Company Limited



2.3. ADDRESS PHYSICAL AND POSTAL: 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank CA 915210001 3 THE ARTIST 3.1 LEGAL NAME: ______________ ____ (please print) ______________________________________ 3.2 PROFESSIONAL NAME: ______________________________________


At Producer’s discretion ________________________________

3.5 ARTIST’S TELEPHONE CONTACT NUMBERS: 4 THE ARTIST’S AGENT It is hereby recorded that the PERFORMER is contracted exclusively on a freelance basis for the purpose of fulfilling the specific function as set out in the agreement. Should the performer make use of an AGENT as a FACILITATING PARTY, the relationship between the PRODUCER and the PERFORMER is not altered in any way. The AGENT does not take on the role of Principal for either Labour or Tax purposes. 4.1 NAME: 4.2 CONTACT: 4.3 ADDRESS: 4.4 AGENT’S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 4.5 AGENT’S FAX NUMBER: 4.6 AGENT’S AFTER HOURS NUMBER (S): 4.7 AGENT’S E-MAIL ADDRESS: 5 SERIES 5.1 The PERFORMER will be fulfilling the role set out in the agreement between the PRODUCER . This will be contract to change and vary on consensus from the PRODUCER to which the

PERFORMER is expected to fulfil. 6 PART IN SERIES 6.1 The PERFORMER will be facilitating a role within the series to which the PRODUCER and PERFORMER have already confirmed. 6.2 WARDROBE REQUIREMENTS: Wardrobe to be supplied by the company 9 SHOOTING OF FILM: 9.1 BASE CITY/TOWN AREA: Burbank CA 9.2 PERIOD OF SHOOT (SUBJECT TO CHANGE): est. 10 weeks 10 SERVICES (PERIOD OF AGREEMENT): 10.1 COMMENCEMENT DATE: 10.2 TERMINATION DATE: 11 REMUNERATION: Payment due to Performer: Fee per Call Rendered US Dollars___________________( Non – Vatable service, Taxable) The total payment due in terms of this agreement will amount to US Dollars________________, per call. It is recorded herein that the amount which as accrued to the performer as their remuneration (as defined) only amounts to what is noted above as being due to the performer. The facilitation fee is a separate arrangement between the producer and the facilitator and has in no way accrued to the performer and therefore is excluded from his remuneration.

14 PAYMENTS TO BE MADE: (On receipt of a detailed invoice from Agent/Artist) 14.1 MONTHLY ON THE LAST DAY OF THE MONTH IN ARREARS(*), OR 14.2 PAYMENT(S) TO BE MADE TO THE AGENT, CONTRACTORS, who will provide the company with a detailed invoice, a certified copy of the Artist’s ID number and any Tax Directives or additional Tax related paperwork, as required. 14.3 COMPULSORY TAXES As per SARS requirements. 15. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The PERFORMER is contractually obligated to obtain specific standards her-in stated bellow made by the PRODUCER to which if found in breach, will result in termination effective immediately. 15.1 The PERFORMER agrees to obtain a specific standard of grooming and wardrobe, avoiding provocative items at all times, including days off, whilst contracted with the PRODUCER. List of items banned goes as follows; bikinis, tube tops, explicit graphic tees, shorts or skirts 3 inches above the knee, low cleavage, as well as facial hair, un-natural dyed hair and provocative make-up. 15.2 The PERFORMER will uphold the Walt Disney Company values, conducting oneself to a high standard including no explicit language on set or in public, refraining from public relationships, especially ones that are not of traditional family values, always having a positive disposition when in public and abstaining from having extreme political views. 15.3 The PERFORMER is expected to fulfil any extra duties set by the PRODUCER, including but not limited to more projects within the company, going on tour to promote ones project. If the PERFORMER fails to fulfil extra duties, the PRODUCER has the rights to terminate

the contract instantaneously. 15.4 The PERFORMER does NOT own any creative rights to the likeliness of the character or show, including ones physical attributes as well as personality traits. The PRODUCER holds all the rights, able to distribute merchandise without PERFORMERS permission including after the PERFORMERS contract has terminated. 16. AGREEMENT: The Company engages the Artist who accepts the engagement subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions recorded in the document headed “Standard Terms and Conditions� attached hereto and which has been signed by both parties fro identification purposes. Signed at ________________________ on this _____ day of ____________________ 2019 ________________________________________ for and on behalf of PRODUCER Witnesses:

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________ Signed at ________________________ on this _____ day of ____________________ 2019 ________________________________________ for and on behalf of THE ARTIST who warrants his/her capacity to contract ________________________________________ Legal Guardian if Artist is a minor.



Season 5 of Cassie’s World premiering on the 15th of September only at Disney Channel

We wish you good luck but most importantly, we welcome to the Walt Disney Company!

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