1 minute read
What is possibly going on
from I take it personally: deciphering the ethical responsibilities in journalistic practices
by Sofia Topi
“...Human rights groups are sounding the alarm...” Helena Smith, 2015 IDEOLOGICAL CONS I S TENCY “For half a year they have sat in their sevent-floor o ce, probing the murky depths of Europe’s most violent political force...” Helena Smith, 2014G E OPOLITICAL MENACE “...Such was the brazenness of tactics that across Europe the WARLIKE TENSIONS “...While an alarming rise in attacks on migrants elicited condemnation from international human rights groups, Greek parties and intellectuals remained eerily quiet...” Helena Smith, 2014 ABDICATION OF RESPON S I B I LITY “...Now allowed to roam freely, in an atmosphere of growing austerity-driven poverty and despair...” Helena Smith, 2015 SOCIA L E XHAUSTION right, including Marine Le Pen’s Front National, looked on with thinly disguised dain...” Helena Smith, 2020
“The country hopes for epoch-defining catharsis this week as a five-year trial of neo-fascist party concludes” NATIONAL GRIEF Helena Smith, 2020 “...the rise and fall of the fascist outfit o ers a cautionary tale...” Helena Smith, 2020 N E E D FOR PROTECTION
12 This was inspired by Felix Mendelssohn’s lyrical compositions, for example, Song without Words in F sharp minor Op 67 No 2, from “Songs without Words”, 1843-45. 13 Pavlos Fyssas was a popular Greek musician, rapper, and anti-fascism activist. He was murdered on the night of 17 September 2013 by Giorgos Roupakias, a member of the Neo-Nazi criminal organization Golden Dawn (previously recognized as a national political party). Following the incident, protests took place throughout Greece, aiming to fight Golden Dawn and the associated rise of the far-right, and many of them ended violently. On 7 October 2020, sixty-eight members of Golden Dawn were declared to be involved in a criminal organization and fifteen out of the seventeen members, that were accused in Pavlos’s murder, were convicted. 14 Hannah Arendt, Between Past and Future: Eight Exercise in Political Thought (Penguin Books, 1977), 243. 15 Helena Smith, “Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn goes global with political ambitions”, The Guardian, April 1, 2013, https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2013/apr/01/greece-golden-dawn-globalambitions. 16 Macaulay, as quoted by Joseph Pulitzer, The School of Journalism in Columbia University: The Power of Public Opinion (Sagwan Press, 2018), 34.