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Page 44

While other business class members are involved in various distortions, Jim Snyder casts a dubious eye at the reference book Dr. Danskin has suggested.

E c o n. o iD i c s Patsy Teas becomes a study in concentration as a problem in intermediate typewriting disappears beneath fleet fingers and flashing keys.

an d BII s i:n e s s Economics is more than the favorite pastime of a handful of college professors and government officials. It is the sum total of the plants and facili­ ties which help make the goods we buy and use. Economics is the basis of that system which is commonly known as business. At B.N.C. the two departments are combined, linking together closely related subjects in the desire for better compre­ hension. The department of business strives to present those essential facts about this economy of ours-what it consists of and how its compon­ ents work together to turn out the highest stand­ ard of living in the world. A department of in­ terest to every student, since our personal for­ tunes are inextricably tied to what happens in the economic area. The business department, headed by Dr. Donald Danskin, not only deals with type­ writers and adding machines but with the basic reasons for their existence.


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