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JUNIOR The junior is undoubtedly the happiest person on the campus. He has passed that dumb stage, the strutting stage, and is now here for his third year, delighted to see everyone. He has come back all primed and ready to make a success of the last two years, now that he has that nasty requirement in science and math all worked off. So far he has played around made good and bad grades, but at the junior stage realizes that college really is a place to go for an education and that that education may some day be important to him so he determines to make excellent grades for his last two years. Yes, undoubtedly the junior year is the most enjoyable. He doesn't have the cloud hanging over him that he must leave at the end of the year. He discovers that some professors' classes are really fun, sessions in the dorm are a delight, but the old delight at heckling the matron is gone. Yes, the junior has settled to a happy existence of really making his college career a success as well as a pleasure. The activities of the junior year are enjoyed more than any other year. First, the junior play, then the junior-senior banquet, the breakfast the seniors return, and last but not least, the Ivy Ceremony at which time they will receive the challenge from the seniors to come back and match their activities. They are now in the upper half of the bracket.

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