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THE BIBLE CO NFERE NCE One o f the outstanding proj ects sponsored by Bethany-Peniel College this year was a Bible Conference conducted by Dr. J . B. Chapman. Ministers f rom several districts of the educational zone were present. The l ectures o f Dr. Chapman inspired his listeners to go forth and present the f undamental doctrines o f the B ible with greater enthusiasm. Dr. Chapman emphasized the necessity of having a vital experience of sanct i fication that mani­ fests itself in holy l iving if we are to stop the mouth of gainsayers. The fi rst obj ective was accompl i shed by an analytical presentation of the modern trends o f doctrinal i nterpretation. The subj ects discussed i n this category were the non-doctrinal tabernacle attitude, the current revival of ancient heresies, and the central thesis o f the Church o f the Nazarene-sanct i fi cation by faith. The second obj ective was attained by a care ful and detailed treatment of the ethics and propagation o f holiness. The foundation of the ethical lectures was centered around dangers and warnings to the sanctified. Every source o f possible danger that Dr. Chapman considered was followed by an exhortation to keep moral integrity, righteousness, and uprightness foremost. The lectures represented a pro found i nsight i nto spiritual truths. The scholarly presentation o f these truths inspired the l isteners to concentrate their efforts i n propagating the doctrine of holiness through a definite, positive, and lucid message ; and to direct their energies into achi eving a " holy life." I n fact, the con ference accomplished the obj ective o f its existence to such extent that the audience unanimously agreed to have a convention annually.

FEB RUARY REVIV AL Our February revival was conducted by Reverend J. W. S hort, the Di strict Superintendent o f Western Oklahoma. His spirit-filled l i f e and spirit- honored ministry resulted in the edifi cation of the saints, sanctification o f the bel i evers, and conversion o f the unsaved. He placed major emphasi s upon heart purity. A large group was definitely sanctified because he presented the doctrine of hol iness in a clear and forceful manner. In fact, all of his messages were vital, inspi ring and upbuilding. The spi ritual condition o f the church was greatly i mproved by the revival.


J'age Ninety-Two

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