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Not only did Glenn listen to his mother but he also watched his father answer the call to serve his community. Glenn’s dad was very active in McCamey. As Glenn shares, his father was the oldest Certified EMT in the state of Texas at one time. Having a great example to follow propelled Glenn to serve in so many aspects of the community and for his industry. He is currently Vice-Chair of the board for Habitat for Humanity Kerr County. His goal over the past three years has been to provide a steady stream of income for the organization. He notes the Comanche Trace Golf Tournament is huge and adds that Comanche Trace related events have provided nearly $85,000 in donations this past year. The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation is another organization Glenn has been involved with for over 15 years. They provide $2 million plus in scholarships to students attending Methodist affiliated colleges across the US. He also served on the External Advisory Committee of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department for 18 years for his and Leta’s alma mater, The University of Texas at Austin. However, it wasn’t Leta’s plan to attend UT. One fateful call changed her direction. Out of the blue, in the early 1960’s, a representative of West Texas Utilities called Glenn’s father and

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offered a full scholarship if Glenn would study engineering at The University of Texas. Glenn’s father said, “He wants to be a pharmacist”. “But I’ll pay for his education”, insisted the gentleman. Then the man added, “Do you know of anyone else that might want to go to UT?” “Yes, Glenn’s girlfriend” says his dad. “She’d love to go to UT and she’s the graduating valedictorian.” Before it was over, Leta was going to UT as well, instead of Texas Tech as she had planned. Glenn says, “It was an absolute blind blessing.” However, Leta’s dad was not as happy. Their first day on campus was August 1, 1966, the darkest day in The University of Texas history. Glenn and Leta were to meet at noon at the South Mall on campus. Fortunately, both were released late from freshman orientation. Whitman (the UT Sniper) was already in the Tower, his shooting rampage underway. As Glenn recalls, there were citizens getting their deer rifles, helicopters shooting at him and an airplane full of police trying to take him out overhead. Leta remembers that students were hiding behind any permanent structure they could find. Glenn remembers the image of the sun glistening off the gun. “I snuck out the back,

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