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New What’s up 5 Progress tests (paket med två pdf:er samt ljudfiler) ISBN 978-91-523-5357-8 © 2019 Maria Göransson, Agneta Hjälm, Karl-Erik Widlund, Andy Cowle och Sanoma Utbildning AB, Stockholm Första upplagan Kopieringsförbud Detta verk är skyddat av lagen om upphovsrätt. Kopiering utöver lärares rätt att kopiera för undervisningsbruk enligt Bonus Copyright Access, är förbjuden. Sådant avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsanordnare, t.ex. kommuner/universitet. För information om avtalet hänvisas till utbildningsanordnares huvudman eller Bonus Copyright Access. Den som bryter mot lagen om upphovsrätt kan åtalas av allmän åklagare och dömas till böter eller fängelse i upp till två år samt bli skyldig att erlägga ersättning till upphovsman/rättsinnehavare. Undantag från kopieringsförbudet: De sidor som är märkta Kopiering tillåten får kopieras för användning i den egna undervisningen.


Unit A


Unit B


Unit C


Unit D


Unit E


Progress test

1 A Work in pairs. Interview your friend, student B.

Unit A

Student A

1 Hello! – name? 2 weather – today? 3 weather – in the autumn? 4 have – breakfast? 5 want to do at an amusement park like Brighton Pier?

1 B Work in pairs. Ask your friend about the people in the pictures.

1 doing?




Joseph Lynn

2 How many? 3 How much?




New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.


Progress test

1 A Work in pairs. Interview your friend, student A.

Unit A

Student B

1 Hello! – name? 2 weather – today? 3 weather – in the winter? 4 have – breakfast? 5 want to do at an amusement park like Brighton Pier?

1 B Work in pairs. Ask your friend about the people in the pictures.

1 doing?





2 How many? 3 How much?




New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.


Progress test

Unit A

1C Work in groups. Discuss the statements.

It’s OK to skip breakfast.

It’s a good idea to spend your pocket money in an amusement park.

Youghurt and fruit is a better snack than hot chocolate and some sandwiches.

Summer is a nicer season than winter.

There are real monsters.


New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.

Progress test


Unit A

Read the email from Tom. Answer the questions.

To: sarah.riley@email.co.uk Sarah Riley From: tom.williams@email.co.uk Tom Williams Sent: Saturday 12.46 Subject: Greetings from Nice Hi there! I love Nice. I’m wearing my new sunglasses so I look very cool – I think. Right now I’m sitting on the beach, under a parasol, reading a guide book about the south of France. I’m here with my family for two weeks. There are lots of tourists here. I hear people speaking English, German, Spanish and even Japanese. I can see my little brother coming towards me now. He’s holding an ice cream in his hand. He doesn’t notice the big seagull that is flying right behind him. Seagulls don’t care about people – some just try to grab food out of your hands. It’s like Brighton! Oooops! Now it happened. That’s why I don’t buy ice cream on the beach. The water is very warm, 26 degrees, and I just love swimming. I’ve been snorkelling and diving since I was five. The promenade along the beach is so long, and it’s great for watching people. There are all kinds of hotels and many have great sea views. There are also lots of shops and cafes. I love eating crepes with chocolate and banana. Mmm! We’re always hungry, so we’ve got snacks with us. We have crisps, cheese, biscuits and apricots. We’ve got juice and water, too, because everything is so expensive on the beach.

1 Why doesn’t Tom buy any ice cream?


New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.

Progress test

Unit A

2 Why do Tom and his family take snacks to the beach? a

There is no place to buy snacks.


They must walk a long way to get snacks.


It’s expensive to buy food and drink on the beach.


They don’t like the French crepes.

3 What kind of snacks have they got? Give two examples. •

4a What season is it?

4b How do we know what season it is? Give two reasons for your answer in 4a. •


New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.

Progress test

Unit A

My older sister is playing volleyball. She doesn’t like to swim. She thinks the waves are too high. My parents are playing boules with some people from our hotel. They’re terrible players all of them, but they laugh and have a good time. There’s a strong wind today and I can see lots of people kitesurfing. It looks difficult but I’m going to try that sometime next week. I’m quite good at windsurfing so I hope I can learn kitesurfing quickly. This afternoon we’re going to a water park called Aquasplash. It’s an enormous park, and there is a giant tank with sharks. There is also an area with turtles, and you are allowed to pick them up. So cute! I can’t wait to go there! I love giant water slides. There’s also a lagoon and the big wave pool. There are so many things to try for both adults and teens, like the Rainbow Canyon, the Lazy River, the Space Boat and the Sidewinder. I really don’t know what it all means and what you can do there, but tonight I’ll know all about it. So cool!

5 What is Tom’s sister doing on the beach?


New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.

Progress test

6 What does Tom want to try another day?

7 What activities are there for tourists on the beach? a

They can go waterskiing, play volleyball and play boules.


They can fly kites, play badminton and play boules.


They can go kitesurfing, play volleyball and play boules.


They can go windsurfing, play volleyball and play badminton.

8 What can you do in the water park? a You can swim with sharks. b You can play with turtles. c You can snorkel with giant fish. d

You can dive with dolphins.

9 What else can you do in the water park? Give two examples. •


New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.

Unit A

Progress test

Unit A

Another place I want to go to is la Colline du Château which means the Castle Hill. The castle disappeared 300 years ago, but the park is one of the top tourist attractions in Nice. It is almost 100m above sea level! They say that the views from the top are amazing and the park is one of the best viewpoints in Nice. I think there is a waterfall worth seeing on the way up. Mum and Dad want to go up in a lift as Dad’s got a problem with his heart. Tomorrow the weather is going to change. So maybe I’ll go shopping. I hope I can borrow an umbrella at the hotel. I need to buy some souvenirs. I’m going to buy a fridge magnet because I collect them. My aunt Beth asked me to buy a box of French biscuits called Callissons but I don’t know where to get them. I also want to buy a present for my best friend Pamela. Maybe I can buy her a cool T-shirt. There are also sightseeing boat tours. We have to do one. I’m going to check if there are tours for snorkelling, too. I read in my guide book that there’s a sightseeing boat tour on the day after tomorrow. That’ll be perfect! Oh, and my brother has a new friend. He’s from Germany. His English is not very good. So they talk to each other using their hands. It seems to work! Lots of love, Tom

10 Why do people visit la Colline du Château? a

They admire the views from the top.


They take a shower in the waterfall.


They want to see the castle.


They can play boules with people from the hotel.


New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.

Progress test

11 Why is tomorrow a good day for shopping?

12 What is Tom going to buy for his aunt?

13 Which day are they going to go on a sightseeing boat tour? a









New What’s Up 5. Progress tests pupil. © Sanoma Utbildning. Kopiering tillåten.

Unit A

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