SloVino Vinsko kulinarični trendi - Slovenian Wine News - 2015

Page 55

Sirarna Gligora – 100 % spoštovanje tradicije Slovit Paški sir Paški sir je svetovno znana delikatesa, avtohton proizvod iz 100 % ovčjega mleka ovac z otoka Paga, dobitnik številnih nagrad na raznih svetovnih ocenjevanjih. V družini Gligora sire proizvajajo na tradicionalni način od leta 1918. Z ustanovitvijo lastne sirarne leta 1995 sta Ivan Gligora in njegov sin Šime razvila Sirarno Gligora od domače obrtne proizvodnje v mednarodno cenjeno blagovno znamko, ki danes predstavlja kar nekaj renomiranih vrst sira. Ivan Gligora je s svojim sirarskim znanjem, ki ga je pridobil na Srednji mlekarski šoli v Kranju, proizvedel sir Žigljen. Tako je nastal sir iz mešanice kravjega in ovčjega mleka. Šime je kreator zelo cenjenega Dinarskega sira, narejenega iz mešanice kravjega in kozjega mleka. Gligora ponuja preko 50 različnih vrst in variacij sirov. To, kar je mogoče nekoč bilo utopija, danes predstavljajo siri s popolnoma naravnimi dodatki, kot so siri z rožmarinom, s sivko na skorji, črnim istrskim tartufom, črnim poprom, praženimi bučnimi semeni ali z mediteranskimi začimbami. Izpod rok sirarskih mojstric in mojstrov danes prihaja tudi pestra paleta sirov iz kozjega (Kozlar) ter kravjega mleka (Kolan, Težački). Vsi siri so brez umetnih barvil in arom, antioksidantov, konzervansov in imajo tudi popolnoma užitno skorjo. Siri Gligora so z ljubeznijo in strastjo proizvedeni v moderni sirarni, ki je svoja vrata odprla leta 2010 in velja za najmodernejšo na tem območju.

“Gligora Cheese Dairy - 100% Respect for Tradition”? The famous Pag Cheese Pag Cheese is a globally-known delicacy, an autochtonous product made from 100% sheep’s milk from Pag Island and the recipient of numerous awards at various cheese competitions around the world. The Gligora family has been making its cheese in a traditional way since 1918. Following the founding of their own cheese dairy in 1995, Ivan Gligora and his son Šime developed their Gligora Cheese Dairy from a local artisan cheese dairy into a globally recognised brand that nowadays stands for quite a few renowned types of cheese. Ivan Gligora used the cheesemaking knowledge gained at the Kranj Middle School of Dairy to create the Žigljen cheese, which is made from mixed cow’s and sheep’s milk. Šime created the highly recognised Dinarski cheese also from mixed cow’s and sheep’s milk. The Gligora Cheese Dairy creates over 50 types and variations of cheese. Cheese that might have been thought of as utopian in the past is now offered in the form of cheese with completely natural additions, such as cheese with rosemary, with lavender on its crust, with black Istrian truffles, with black pepper, with roasted pumpkin seeds or with Mediterranean spices. The hands of cheesemaking masters also create a wide range of cheeses made from goat’s (Kozlar) and from cow’s milk (Kolan, Težački) without any artificial colourings, flavours, antioxidants or preservatives. The cheese crust can be eaten. Gligora cheese is created with love and passion in a state-of-the-art cheese dairy that opened its doors in 2010 and is regarded as the most cutting-edge cheese dairy in the region.



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