1990 06

Page 39

1910-12 yılları


Alman MAN fi rmas ı nın

i nşa ettiğ i

köprünün boyu 462, eni 25 metre.

Constructed by the German MAN company between 1910-12, the bridge is 462 metres long and 25 metres wide.


BRIDGES ALSO RETIRE The hisforic Goloto Bridge, one of the symbols of Istanbul, is scheduled to refire in two years ot the lotesf. 1 never said "no " fo its guests for o good BO years. Be it o cosuol passer-by, or sameone who has come to drink o gloss of rok1 of one of the restouron/s or relox over o cup of tea ot the cofes underneoth, it fostered but one feeling: hospitolity. Bul jusf ot o time if wos preporing to celebrote ils 7 4th birthdoy in 1986, come the news that o new high-tech bridge wos going be built nexf to if. In o los/ ol/em pt it prop<J sed to stoy by the side of the new bridge. Bul this proposol wos turned down, foo. Goloto Bridge wos to/d, "This is not possible either, for your pontoons are obstructing the water flow between the Golden Horn and the Mormara Sea." The only thing


Stomboulites could do was fo lake if awoy from !here and leove if fo spend the rest of i/s life elsewhere. For the post severol years, the Golofo Bridge - o symbol of Istanbul, built between 191 Q-1 2- has been watching the rise of the new Golata Bridge by ifs side. /ts only wish is that the consfrucfion work takesas long as possible. /udging from the failure of initial plans for the completion of the new bridge in mid-1989, if seems as though the curse of the aged hod ifs effect. Nonetheless, the old Galata Bridge wi/1/eove its place to its young colleogue. That is for sure, bul the quesfion is, what wi/1 become of /stanbul's beloved bridge? PROPOSALS ... PROPOSALS ... lznik Moyor Erdoğan Savas, probably thinking that Stamboulites would not indulge tFıe old one after having found "o new love", onnounced his plan os soon as he heard that o new bridge would be built between Eminönü and Karaköy: "/ wi/1 sit at the negotiation tab/e with the mayor of Istanbul in order to buy the bridge. If we can reach an agreement 1wi/1 put the bridge to use as o floating casino." The lznik Moyor's plan to carry the brid-

ge lo lznik wos os much o fantasy as the proposal ifself. He was planning fo pul o sliding carriage under the bridge and pul/ if info lznik . Mr. Bedre/lin Dolan, then mayor of Istanbul, however, said thatthe idea of taking the Golata Bridge away from Istanbul was out of the queslion. "This is unthinkable," said Mr. Dolan. "We wi/1 use the bridge for tourism. We wi/1 put it in o bay, which we have not yet identified. The historic Galata Bridge is o symbol of Istanbul. lt is not for safe." Mr. Dolan clarified the issue further in March 1988: "The old bridge wi/1 be placed further down the Golden Horn between Eyüp-which accommodates the traditional hat manufacturing center, soon to be converted in to o textile exhibition center- and Süt/üce, where o cu/tura/ center wi/1 be established. The shops and restaurants under it wi/1 be kept as they are." However, the indecision concerning the future of the bridge confinued after Mr. Nurel/in Sözen was elected mayor of lstanbullast year. Mr. Sözen agreed with his predecessor that -+ SKYLIFE 6/ 90 39

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