Lviv Polytechnic National University
SCIA: Outline of academic disciplines Right way to your future
In this catalogue you will find all the information about knowledges and opportunities we will share with you during the years of studying at SCIA.
Content Bachelor degree
Subjects of the 1st year of studying
Subjects of the 2nd year of studying
Subjects of the 3rd year of studying
Subjects of the 4th year of studying
Student's feedbacks
Masters degree
Subjects of the 1st year of studying
Subjects of the 2nd year of studying
Student's feedbacks
Why we decided to create this catalogue? Nowadays institutions of higher education offer many specialties with varied, often incomprehensible names. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a faulty of higher education it is not enough to have general knowledge about it. It is necessary to understand the skills and qualifications which can be obtained during the learning process and the way how they can be applied in professional life. So, in this catalogue we gathered all the subjects you will learn and the qualifications which you will obtain during the studying process. How it can help YOU? On the one hand, if you already know which profession you like - you can understand if you will have needed skills. on the other hand, knowing the skills that you own will help you get the most suitable job.
Introduction to the specialty Compulsory subject in the first semester. Role of Professionals, libraries and archives in society. Legal basis of training in information, library and archives. The main components of the specialist training IBASE. Objects and professional activities of specialist information, library and archives. Ethical regulation of professional professionals, library and archives. The current legal framework in the field of information, library and archives. Learning outcomes: Student must be able: to know the basic social functions, tasks, main directions, types, content, forms and ethical foundations of information workers; use of the various forms of classroom, independent, scientificresearch work of students, current and final control in higher education to gain knowledge and strong professional development; search for sources and channels of information, tailoring the structure and material for the solution of certain issues, topics or issues orally or in writing; to be familiar with legal documents regulating information, library and archival.
The theoretical basis of the information Compulsory subject in the first semester.
In this discipline studied basics of set theory and mathematical logic. Served sample data with theory of limits, differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, probability theory. It is based on “Algebra” and “Geometry” classes in the high school but the course is more about getting students to know more about work with data and making machines calculating and do other activities with computer data. Learning outcomes: Student will have the theoretical and practical skills qualified to conduct research data, processes and phenomena in their professional activities, lay the foundation needed to study special courses.
Information Activity Terminology Compulsory subject in the first semester. The term theory. The history of formation and development of Ukrainian scientific terminology. Content and structure of Ukrainian scientific terminology. Terminological derivation. Every professional must know all the terms and official names of subjects and activities he works with. It says about professional intelligence of the worker, his qualification and experience. That is why this course is called “Information Activity Terminology” and it is one of the most important subject in the process of preparing informational professionals.
Learning outcomes: Student must be able: knowledge of history and specifics of Ukrainian terminology formation; knowledge of the term theory; ability of considering Ukrainian terminology lexical and semantic specifics; ability of using specialized structural and derivation terminology building resources
Computer Science and computer Engineering (2 parts) Compulsory subject in the first semester. In this discipline studied, different number systems, coding information, basic principles of the computer. The structure of the personal computer. Classification and designation PC software ,basics in a text editor Open Office. org Write, basics in a spreadsheet Open Office. org Calc, electronic presentations Open Office. org Impress.
Learning outcomes: Obtained during training knowledge and skills should form the basis of information culture of students, unleash the possibilities of using computers to solve applied problems, the study of other disciplines and deepening knowledge through self-study, allow actively use modern information technology to execution of design and calculation works , course projects, explanatory notes to dissertations, etc., to lay the foundation needed to study subjects in the specialty, and additional chapters on science and so on. As a result of the discipline the student should know: Different number systems and information coding Structure, principles of operation and types of computer software; System software, operating system shell utilities; Application software: text editor, spreadsheets, software for creating electronic presentations.
Documentation science (2 parts) Compulsory subject in the first semester.
Document as the system. Methods and means of documentation. The social document-communication system. Classification of documents. Learning outcomes: Student must be able: structure, properties and characteristics of documents, methods of analysis and evaluation; specifications of document as system object; methods and means of documentation; implementation of the documentary form of communication; document communication system; classification and typology of documents; types of publications
Business communication Compulsory subject in the second semester.
The nature and specifics of business communication. Corporate business communication. Organization of effective verbal communication business. Features nonverbal transfer of information in the business interaction. Organization and individual forms of business communication. The organization and collective forms of business communication. Features of external business communications. Organizing and conducting campaigns of public relations. Learning outcomes: Student must be able:  To know the nature, functions and objectives of business communication, forms and means of verbal and nonverbal communication; Composite features business market; basic forms of oral and written business communication;  be able to use the tools of business verbal and nonverbal communication;  be able to organize and conduct individual, collective forms of business communication and public relations campaigns.
The organization of exhibition activities Compulsory subject in the second semester.
Exhibition activity as an academic discipline and its relationships. The impact of modern innovative technologies for the organization of exhibition activities. Stages of work on exposure. Technology in the field of fundraising of exhibition activities. PR exhibition project. The organization space.
The opening of the exhibition. Evaluating the effectiveness of the exhibition project. Staffing exhibition activity. Learning outcomes: Student must know: Current trends in the field of exhibition activities; Specific features of preparation and holding of exhibitions in Ukraine; The basis of management and organization of exhibition activities of staff at the exhibition; The use and implementation of fundraising mechanisms; PR basics exhibition project. Prepared specialist should be able to: Logically represent mastered material from exhibition activity; Navigate the stages of the exhibition project;
Technology of information materials layout design Compulsory subject in the second semester. The concept of information, information materials and information technology. Types of sources of information materials (paper, verbal, electronic). Information materials as a result of information modeling. Methods and means of layout design information materials. Methods and means of layout design hypertext information materials to create Web-site.
Learning outcomes: Student must know: methods and means of presentation materials; layout features text information; basic use of hypertext technology for making up information materials on the WWW
What our students say:
Thanks to the “The theoretical basis of the information” I understood and fell in love with math. Now, I use it in my everyday work and happy that this subject helped me to find my path in life (Julia)
Clerical Work is a necessary kind of work in any office or company. I think everyone should know its basics as well as Documentation Studies. (Anna).
Business communication – a cool subject that helps us to behave and communicate with partners. These skills of business communication etiquette are extremely needed for all kinds of workers especially for company executives and their assistants (Vlada).
The organization of exhibition activities is a discipline that helps and teaches all the aspects of successful presentation of the product, project, and so on. The organization of exhibition activity teaches the correct organization of exhibitions projects that is absolutenecessary to know for any organizer or a manager. (Nazar)
Office Computer Networks Compulsory subject in the third semester. The history of computer networks. Data transmission environments. Network equipment. Topologies of computer networks. The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model). LANs technologies. LAN Ethernet. Intelligent interconnection. Wireless networking technologies. Wi-Fi and WiMAX. Interconnection application layer protocols and Internet services. Domain Name System servers and DNS. HTTP, FTP, e-mail protocols.
Learning outcomes: Student must know: major architectural principles of computer networks building; computer networks topologies; network hardware and interconnection tools; network protocols; means and major network technologies; be able to organize the exchange of information between computers; practically solve the basic problem of setting up and operation of computer networks.
Systems of Database Administration Compulsory subject in the third semester. Academic discipline highlights questions about the features of data consolidation, database management systems. Simulation of the dynamics of the domain in the database model of the time-dependent data. Algebra relations time-dependent data. Functional dependencies time-dependent data normalization information circuit relations time-dependent. Uuse of query languages for data consolidation. Management of access to data, verbal means of consolidating data. Methods for reporting in XML, access to XML-data using XMLoriented query languages. Generate SQL-scripts via XSLTtransformations generate XMLdocuments using XSLTtransformations of evaluation of consolidated databases. Learning outcomes: Student must :  know - the main goal of building consolidated databases, search methods and process data description language tools and data manipulation.  be able - practically solve the basic problem of designing structures and consolidated databases.
Applied Computer Technologies Compulsory subject in the third semester. The principles of operation and characteristics of fixed and enhancements PC. The relationship between hardware and software PC. Species composition and purpose operating systems. Purpose, characteristics and types of text editors. Appointment, classification and description of service programs. Create and edit spreadsheets spreadsheet editor. Learning outcomes: Student must: know the capabilities of modern operating systems and software packages know the possibilities to use application software to solve management problems be able to apply computer technology in the field of professional activity be able to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems during professional work in the field o f information, library and archives
Clerical Work Compulsory subject in the third semester.
Unified state records management system. Workflow organization. Management documentation. Nomenclatures and files forming. Controlling of the document implementation. Records management department labor organization. Learning outcomes: Student must will know: knowledge of Ukrainian law, state standards, the other normative and methodological documents on government documentary providing; knowledge of structure, tasks, functions of government documentary providing departments; ability of matching the requirements of office documents unified system, the rules of documenting; ability of using the records management rules in Ukrainian offices.
Information Support of Organization Functioning Compulsory subject in the third semester. Concept and types of information support of the institution and its major requirements. The software for realization of communication in the process of institutional information activities. Information resources as result activities of information institutions in society. The choice of technical solutions for the realization of informational implementation of institutional activity. Learning outcomes: Student will have: Knowledge of basic requirements for informational implementation of institutional activity; Theoretical bases of information processes in institutional activity; Specifics of communication in the process of informational activity and ability to use the specialized software for its implementation; Ability to use methods and technical means for informational implementation of institutional activity.
Modern Software Compulsory subject in the fourth semester.
The principles of operation and characteristics of fixed and enhancements PC. The relationship between hardware and software PC. Species composition and purpose operating systems. Purpose, characteristics types of text editors.
Appointment, classification and description of service programs. Create and edit spreadsheets spreadsheet editor. Learning outcomes: Student must: know the capabilities of modern operating systems and software packages know the possibilities to use application software to solve management problems be able to apply computer technology in the field of professional activity be able to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems during professional work in the field of information, library and archives
Humanization of Information Exchange Compulsory subject in the fourth semester.
Practical psychology and problems of human relations. Dichotomous couples and their classification. Main principles for determining human mentality. Peculiarity of mentality of the basic types of information metabolism. Intertypes relations Groups interaction and evolutionary processes in society. Learning outcomes: Student must: know the basic techniques and methods for determining the type of information metabolism; be able to study the types of information metabolism, their features; establish the correct psychological distance; be able to use methods for selection personel to fulfil individual and collective tasks; wield to employ practical experience theoretical knowledge.
Analytical and Synthetic Information Processing Compulsory subject in the fourth semester. The concept of the analytic-synthetic dues document, its essence and types. Bibliographic description of the documents. Special Method of bibliographic descriptions. Annotate documents. Methods annotating documents. Indexing is a process of analytical and synthetic processing of information. Abstracting documents. Basic scientific information products processing documents. Preparation of survey instruments. Learning outcomes: Student must be able:  To minimize makroanalitical information (bibliographic description, annotation)  To minimize mikroanalitical information (abstracts, abstract and analytical reviews, indexing)
Social Communication Technologies Compulsory subject in the fourth semester.
The theory and philosophy of NLP during the information war. Methodic of NLP usage during the information war. NLP technologies during the information war. Hypnotic metaphor as suggestive means of influence on social unconscious during the information war. Learning outcomes: Student will have: knowledge of the theory and philosophy of NLP; ability of the methodical usage of NLP; ability of using and resisting the NLP technologies; ability of using and resisting the technologies of suggestive influence on social unconscious during the information war
Business Document Stylistics Compulsory subject in the fourth semester.
Unified state records management system. Workflow organization. Management documentation. Nomenclatures and files forming. Controlling of the document implementation. Records management department labor organization. Learning outcomes: Student will have: knowledge of Ukrainian law, state standards, the other normative and methodological documents on government documentary providing; knowledge of structure, tasks, functions of government documentary providing departments; ability of matching the requirements of office documents unified system, the rules of documenting; ability of using the records management rules in Ukrainian offices.
What our students say:
Humanization of Information Exchange – extremely interesting discipline that helps people to analyse and interact with each sociotypes for having the best possible work results, thereby building relationships in the team in such a way that as a result, the work of the team will be extremely productive. In addition, the skills we get while studying this subject can help us to succeed not only in work, but also in personal life (Nazar).
I love all the subjects of second year of studying! There were a lot of interesting information about modern software, networking online and offline and interesting facts about documents. I will carry all that knowledge during whole life (Oleh).
Knowledge of Ukrainian law, state standards, the other normative and methodological documents on government documentary providing is very important for all people. Its great that we had a chance to get to know more about in on Business Document Stylistics (Anastasia).
Humanization of Information Exďƒ change was my favourite subject of the second studying year. IT differs from all the other things that one learns to understand not a computer, but a person. (Marta)
Social Communications on the Internet Compulsory subject in the fifth semester.
Information Society as a stage of civilization development. Types of virtual communities, their advantages and disadvantages. Architecture of virtual communities. Performance measures of virtual communities. Methods of virtual communities’ popularization. Scenarios of Web communities’ development. Methods of web community participants’ registration. Organization of communication in forums and blogs. Social networks. Professional social network. Social network Facebook. The Wikipedia project. Wikipedia rules and advices. Editing Wikipedia. Creating an article in the Wikipedia. Learning outcomes: Student must have: Practical skills of social networks usage. Performing actions in social networks. The main principles of virtual community development; Virtual communities registration and rules; Technologies of content popularization in social media. information search in social media communications on the given topic; To know how to organize and moderate a discussion on the given topic among the community;
E-library and E-archive Technologies Compulsory subject in the fifth semester. Libraries as an alternative to traditional libraries. Using the tools, budget planning, the development of a single electronic book storage environment. Fund Formation electronic library resources. Access control and promotion of electronic resources. Learning outcomes: Student must:  know the basic technology of preservation of scientific, cultural, historical and legal heritage in digital media technology and presentation of such information; methodology of environmental electronic information content; software that implements conservation and presentation of relevant content; technology combining digital libraries, archives;  be able to analyze current trends and support the creation of digital libraries and archives; to model the structure of digital libraries and archives; use software for creating digital libraries  have an understanding of international projects and initiatives on the development of digital libraries and archives.
Electronic Document Flow Compulsory subject in the fifth semester.
Electronic Office. Information model organization. Principles of construction and operation of electronic document. Document management system. The main procedures of processing output. The organizational structure of documentation for management. Workflow Technology Learning outcomes: Student must: know the basic requirements for electronic document know technology of electronic government and electronic document management be able to search, process and analyse information from different sources for the implementation of electronic document be able to apply knowledge of electronic documents in practical situations be able to assess and maintain the quality of the electronic document
Technologies of Information Search (2 parts) Compulsory subject in the fifth and sixth semester. In this discipline studied basics of set theory and mathematical logic. Served sample data with theory of limits, differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, probability theory. The fastest and most productive ways to find different kinds of information in the Internet. The technology of online researches. Learning outcomes: Student will have derivation theoretical and practical skills qualified to conduct research data, processes and phenomena in their professional activities, lay the foundation needed to study special courses.
The Document Communications within Social Systems Compulsory subject in the fifth semester. Document communication and their importance for the functioning of social systems. Legislature document-information activities in social systems. Technologies Document communications in social, political, scientific, educational, library, archive, social and economic systems and institutions. Learning outcomes: Student must: know the tasks and functions of social institutions in the system of documentary communications and guidelines, forms, documents the use of social institutions; be able to organize of document communication in the sociopolitical, socio-cultural and socio-economic systems; be able to identify problems in the documentation service of sociopolitical, socio-cultural and socio-economic systems; have an idea about the scope of document-effective communications system state and application of the latest technical and technological achievements in the development of document-communications systems.
Library Science Compulsory subject in the fifth semester. Essence, functions and structure of the modern library. Library as the science; social function of library. classification and typology of libraries. Basic principles of organization and functioning of library. Laws of formation of Library Systems; Library system of Ukraine. International Library cooperation. Library Collections organization; serving of readers. Bibliographic activity as a basis for functional and technological structure of library. Science and methodological library activities. Learning outcomes: Student must: know the structure, object and subject of library science; library sciences within other science systems; relation between library science and other sciences; basic methods of research; library terminology and history; basic kinds and types of libraries and their functions; cooperation between libraries of different systems and departments. be able to analyse the basic principles and concepts of librarianship; be aware of the state policy in the field of library
Organization of the State Machine of Ukraine Compulsory subject in the fifth semester. The theoretical basis of the organization and activities of state power in Ukraine. Documentation of the interaction of the legislative, executive and judiciary. Documentation and information support of interaction between local government bodies with local governments and local communities. Learning outcomes: Student will: know the theoretical foundations of the subject as a separate branch of science; the structure of the state apparatus and its functions; the order of formation and activity of the legislative, executive and judiciary in Ukraine; be able to organize of documentation cooperation between the executive, legislative and judiciary; be able to organize information interaction of the executive, legislative and judiciary; have an idea about the scope of document-efficient communications system of the state apparatus of Ukraine.
Documentation Support of Institution Activity Compulsory subject in the fifth semester.
Office document as Paper of the kind that are not published. Organizational documents. Regulatory documents. Reference and Information documents. Documents personnel. Personal official documents. Documents from the economic and contractual activity. Documents economic and claim activity. Documents in research activities. Documents to intellectual property. Documents in the business. Accounting and financial documents. General requirements for text and language of diplomatic documents. Documents diplomatic nature. Learning outcomes: Student will: know the basic requirements for the preparation and processing of documents in accordance with applicable standards; compose and edit text information and business documents; record and execute documentation information base on different media management apparatus for use in the performance of its functions. use of modern information technology support document
Information Products and Services Marketing Compulsory subject in the fifth semester. Introduction to Information Marketing. History, concepts, nature, purpose, characteristics, types, objects and subjects. Marketing environment. Research marketing activities, methods, rules, problems. Marketing Mix. PLC. Manage marketing activities, structure. Marketing strategies. Industrial policy: classification of information products. Distribution and advertising market policy. Market segmentation and positioning. Internet marketing. Pricing and planning of marketing activities. Learning outcomes: As a result of the discipline specialist must know: the basic principles of marketing services companies in the information sphere. Prepared specialist must be able: to analyze marketing environment, to create the organizational structure of marketing, to conduct research marketing information.
Multimedia Support of Information Management Compulsory subject in the fifth semester. Multimedia as a phenomenon of culture. Multimedia concept and main directions of its development and practical application. Text: encoding, fonts, hypertext. Image: raster and vector graphics, 3Dgraphics, digital photography, color in visual communications. Sound: the nature and role in media, analog-to-digital conversion. Videos in the media. Creation of multimedia products. Multimedia presentations. The use of global information environment for the creation and positioning of multimedia products. Learning outcomes: Student will: know the main directions of multimedia development and the perspective of its application in information science; know the nature and features of multimedia components: text, still images, audio- and video-content etc.; be able to work with multimedia components and combine them in order to create coherent multimedia products; be able to use the global information environment to acquire relevant information assets as well as present and promote own multimedia products.
Archival Science Compulsory subject in the fifth semester. Archival system as a scientific and academic disciplines. Archive system and network of archival institutions. National Archives Foundation (NAF) Ukraine, its structure. Foreign archives and archival foreign Ucrainica. Organization of archives; Classification of archival documents; Examination of the documents and completing public records; Archival description and registration-search tools archives. Ensuring the safety of documents; Computerization in archival affairs; Electronic archive as part of electronic documents. Research and methodical work of archival institutions; Using archival documents and archival heuristics. Learning outcomes: As a result of the discipline specialist must know: A system of archival institutions; The structure of the National Archival Fund of Ukraine; The organization of archives; Classification of archival documents; Archival description and registration-search tools archives; Provided that the safety of documents; Ways of automation of archives; Fundamentals of Electronic Archives in SED Form using archival documents; Archival heuristics.
Technologies of Information Needs Fulfilling Compulsory subject in the fifth semester.
Classification of information. Subjects of information relationships and forms of information work in society. Information needs and information cycle. System of information needs evaluation. Features of information needs and factors of meeting them. Technology of meeting information needs and characteristics of their design in the light of systems thinking. Feasibility study of information science and technology projects. Learning outcomes: Student will be able: know the nature and classification of information, concept of information relations of their subjects, forms of information work in society; know the concept of information needs, factors of their satisfaction and evaluation system; be able to use the basic approaches of systems and feasibility analysis for the design of information systems targeted to meet the needs of users; be aware of trends in the development of information science and technology in application to society.
E-Government Fundamentals Compulsory subject in the fifth semester.
Basic concepts of e-government. E-government as part of the information society. International experience in e-government implementing. Legislation regulating the system of egovernance. Main types of e-interaction of the state and society. Schemes of electronic interaction between state and society. "Government-to-Citizen» (G2C). "Government-to-Business» (G2B). Main requirements to the portals of public authorities. Problems of implementation of e-government. I nformation security in e-government system. Main principles of information security. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: Knowledge of architecture and components of e-government; Knowledge of types of information e-government systems, electronic document management systems; Ability to work with e-government systems; Ability to manage information flows in e-government systems and electronic document management systems.
What our students say:
Library Science was my opening of the year. There are a lot of stereotypes about boring work with books for a little amount of money. But in 21st century it is all gone. Nowadays, librarian work is full of emotions, events and both paper and electronic books. And for me its exciting! (Olena)
Marketing was the favourite. Adverďƒ tising today is a very important and interesting area. This subject provides the student the ability and understanding to evaluate, present and sell the product (Nataliia).
Technologies of Competitive Intelligence Compulsory subject in the sixth semester.
The main stages of the methodology search. Information needs. Semantic information retrieval performance. Information retrieval language, structure and main characteristics. Indexing information resources. Types of indexing. Stages indexing. Formation search image document.
Learning outcomes: Student will: be able to harness the power and resources of the global search engine for solving search problems; formulate queries that reflect information needs; use advanced search engines to solve this problem; be able to analyse the search received information necessary to search for refinement
Internet Technologies and Resources Compulsory subject in the sixth semester.
The Internet. General concepts. Information technology network INTERNET. Overview of services Internet. Technology email. Technology and Services World Wide Web (WWW). Architecture building WWW. Information technology Hypertext markup. Cascading Style Sheets CSS. The global search engines. The complex Web 2.0 technologies. Standards and protocols used by Web services 2.0. Applied use of Internet technologies and resources. Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline student must know: principles of the Internet and its technologies, services and resources; peculiarities of the global system of World Wide Web and current trends in its development; basic use of hypertext technology and basic types of modern social communications in the WWW.
Special Websites Development Compulsory subject in the sixth semester.
Classification of specialized websites. Basic approaches to goal-specific websites. The use of cloud services for the construction of a specialized website. Using a content management system for building a specialized website. Learning outcomes: As a result of study of discipline a student must:  know - the main goal of building specialized websites approaches to the development, implementation and support of specialized websites.  be able - practically solve the main problem of building specialized websites.
Social Networks in Business Compulsory subject in the sixth semester.
Theoretical foundations for creation professional teams. Team as an alternative organizational structure. Psychological basis of teambuilding. The effectiveness of team activities. The management team as the form of the professional team. Technology of forming a professional team. Learning outcomes: Student will: know how to distinguish between the working group and team, various forms of teams; be able to analyze and design the scheme of organization, optimal for building teams; possess methods of wellmatched people in the team, depending on the assignment and future activities; be able to determine the effectiveness of team activities; elaborate machinery to come to group decision in team.
IT-Management Compulsory subject in the sixth semester. The history of information technology. Information marketing: origin, goals, objectives, methods, objects and subjects. Information Management: origin, goals, objectives, methods, objects and subjects. The levels of management. Market Analysis. Effective tools. Benchmarking. Assessment of trends and developments (Delphi method, the technique of nominal group). Strategic planning. Business plan: the nature, purpose items. The business plan innovation project. Standards ISO: nature, specificity purposes. Total quality management (TQM). Audits marketing and information management (internal audit ISO). Modern theories of leadership. Startup Management. Learning outcomes: Student will have: the possession of knowledge and understanding of the principles of organizing information marketing and management, how to improve them; the ability to generate theoretical and practical solutions in the management and marketing information; the ability to use the knowledge and skills to conduct data collection, modeling appropriate resources and the analysis of the competitiveness of the institution; the ability to apply the knowledge and practical skills of analysis relevant regulations applicable standards and specifications in the field; the practical application of knowledge of the current state of affairs and new technologies in the field of system analysis; to obtain skills in teamwork and conflict resolution.
The Teamwork Organization Compulsory subject in the sixth semester.
Theoretical foundations for creation professional teams. Team as an alternative organizational structure. Psychological basis of teambuilding. The effectiveness of team activities. The management team as the form of the professional team. Technology of forming a professional team. Learning outcomes: Student will: know how to distinguish between the working group and team, various forms of teams; be able to analyse and design the scheme of organization, optimal for building teams; possess methods of well-matched people in the team, depending on the assignment and future activities; be able to determine the effectiveness of team activities; elaborate machinery to come to group decision in team.
Organizational Support or Project Management Compulsory subject in the sixth semester. Standard project management, area of knowledge in project management, project manager, documents for project management, project portfolio management and project office, Gantt chart, Microsoft Project. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: possession of knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles of organization, modernization, process improvement information, library and archival affairs; deep knowledge of the theory and practice of information regarding the implementation and use of technology in social documentary communications systems, marketing information products and services, social communications on the Internet, of information of multimedia technologies and Web design; knowledge and understanding of relevant regulations applicable standards and technical conditions in the area; knowledge of the basics of management, marketing and project management; work effectively both individually and within a team; to combine theory and practice, and to make decisions and to develop a strategy for solving problems of specialty (specialization) subject of human values, community, state and industrial interests.
What our students say:
Knowledge of how to distinguish between the working group and team, various forms of teams, how to crate a good team of professionals and lead them during the time they work together is an integral role of a great manager. We get all the needed knowledges when study Social Networks in Business (Anna)
Technologies of Competitive Intelliďƒ gence helped me to know about all the instruments of Internet search so now my research work gives best results after a shorter period of seeking (Ivan).
Web Design Compulsory subject in the seventh semester.
The concept of web-technologies. Theoretical and practical basis of creating of web-sites using a variety of web-technologies. Methods and means of web-sites administration. Basics of design and the principles of creating web-sites. Technique of web-graphics.
Functions and appointment w eb - g ra p h i c s (exhibition graphics, banner, visual graphics and infographics). Methods of creating webgraphics. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: knowledge of the principles of creating web-sites; knowledge of the techniques for creating web-graphics; knowledge of the basic methods and tools for the development and administration of of web-sites; ability to use modern web-technologies; ability to use tools for creating web-content.
Office Programming (2 parts) Compulsory subject in the seventh and eighth semester.
Technology visual programming. The main components of Basic and their purpose (project document language, elements Basic, a class of objects and events in the language of Basic). Understanding the structure of the program, syntax, data types, standard mathematical functions of language, writing rules of arithmetic operators operations. Major language operators: assignment, conditional, cyclical. The concept of massives. Dialogue. Working with dialogue. Access to certain controls. Learning outcomes: As a result of the discipline the student should be able to: Create program - information systems management and economic purposes; Debug and combine specialized and universal software tools are part of the Open Office ( Writer, Calc), to create effective software - information systems; Use objects and methods of protection office system Microsoft Open Office; Create new software features with specific methods for various specific problems that may arise during the operation of office systems Open Office in diverse enterprises; Create templates of documents by master type .
Organization of Assistance and Office Activity Compulsory subject in the seventh semester.
Abstracting documents. Methods of abstracting documents. Partially method of creating a reference document. Office activities. Working with client databases. Exhibitions. Ratings. The corporate culture of the company. Learning outcomes: Student should know: characteristic of referent’s role in the management process and characteristics of the referent’s work; content of referent’s work with primary documents; abstracting system various kinds of primary documents; abstract system maintenance; practices of management and organizational office work, as well work rules for employees, which are necessary in the performance of the duties of the head office.
Library and Archive Management Compulsory subject in the seventh semester.
Basic concepts and categories of archival, library management. The legislative and regulatory framework of libraries, archives Ukraine. The development of archival, library management in Ukraine; Strategy and tactics of archival, library management. The concept of managing archives, libraries in Ukraine. Psycho-pedagogical foundations of archival, library management. Learning outcomes: As a result of the discipline specialist must know: Conceptual-categorical apparatus libraries, archives management and its regulatory support; Structure of the system library, archive management, their purpose and objectives, principles, subjects, objects, tools and technology; Key management functions To form the skills of organizational documents of the library and archives. Prepared specialist should be able to: Use special terminology in scientific activities; Apply theoretical knowledge during the passage of workshops and in their future careers; Develop a strategic plan of (development) library, archive analyze and evaluate its implementation; Define the mission and priorities of libraries, archives; To analyze the strengths and weaknesses of libraries, archives
Information Management Compulsory subject in the seventh semester.
System of staff management. Key management culture. Basic principles of management; HR. Planning and formation personnel in enterprise. Systematization work time. Personnel management at the current stage of development. Learning outcomes: Student will have to: know the theoretical and methodological foundations of personnel management; possess principles of the personnel policy, forms and methods of planning and management of the staff; be familiar with the system of professional advancement of collaborators mechanism vocational qualification growth of managers and professionals; know peculiarities of national business culture, its part and place in the system of management personnel; know the psychological and technological principles of selection and testing personnel.
Image Strategies Compulsory subject in the seventh semester. The Internet. General concepts. Information technology network INTERNET. Overview of services Internet. Technology email. Technology and Services World Wide Web (WWW). Architecture building WWW. Information technology Hypertext markup. Cascading Style Sheets CSS. The global search engines. The complex Web 2.0 technologies. Standards and protocols used by Web services 2.0. Applied use of Internet technologies and resources. Learning outcomes: As a result of the studying student must know: principles of the Internet and its technologies, services and resources; peculiarities of the global system of World Wide Web and current trends in its development; basic use of hypertext technology and basic types of modern social communications in the WWW.
The System Analysis of Information Activity Compulsory subject in the seventh semester. Development of system concepts and the necessity of systems approach. Basic concepts of system analysis. Classification and features of systems. Modelling in system analysis. Analysis and synthesis in systems thinking. Features of methodologies and methods of system analysis of information work. Features of information systems design. Learning outcomes: Student will have to: know the basic stages of system concepts development and systems research areas, basic concepts of system analysis and system approach principles; know the methodology and methods of system analysis, be able to distinguish problems that require systems approach to be solved; be able to interpret the basic concepts of system analysis and principles of systems thinking to information work; be able to apply analytical and synthetic approaches to information modelling as well as organize the information acquisition process for system analysis under the principles of systems thinking.
Research Work Compulsory subject in the seventh semester. The concept of students’ research work. Scientific research. Methodological foundations of scientific knowledge. The choice of direction and planning of research. Information support of scientific research information search, storage and processing. Culture research. Basic requirements for writing, design and presentation of students’ scientific works. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: Knowledge of basic techniques and methods of collection, processing and presentation of results of scientific research. Knowledge of genres and varieties of scientific instruments and their specificity. Ability to formulate a working hypothesis and choose the method of research. Ability to plan and organize scientific research and the main stages of its implementation. The ability to identify the object and purpose of the study, its goals and objectives and accurately draw conclusions of scientific research. Ability to clearly, consistently and competently in a written form formalize the results of theoretical and applied research. Ability to format research papers according to pattern. Ability to conduct design and publication of the main types of scientific documents in accordance with regulatory requirements. Ability to present the results of research in public scientific events.
Information Security in the Virtual Space Compulsory subject in the seventh semester.
Services of information networks. Security policy. Evaluation of the security of information systems. Standards for information security. Means of protection operating systems and application software. Protection of operating systems (Linux and Windows). Websites security. Security of network protocols. Virtual private network. Firewall. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: Knowledge of architecture and service information networks; Knowledge of security of information networks; Ability to work determine the structure and services of information networks; Ability to solve basic tasks of administration and protection of information in information networks.
Practice on the theme of the Bachelor’s Thesis Compulsory subject in the eighth semester.
Analysis scientific and educational sources. Analysis of laws and regulations. Analysis of Internet resources related to the subject of the master's work. Analysis of domain objects and the relationships between them. Analysis of regulations establishment. Learning outcomes: Student will have to: know the methodology to ensure coordination of internal management activities between the manager and the enterprise, organization; know the methods and techniques of functional information and drafting of decisions; be able to carry out information and analytical support base of problem situations; be able to design documents for the information support management decisions
Human Resource Management Compulsory subject in the eighth semester.
System of staff management. Key management culture. Basic principles of management; HR. Planning and formation personnel in enterprise. Systematization work time;. Personnel management at the current stage of development. Learning outcomes: Student will have to: know the theoretical and methodological foundations of personnel management; possess principles of the personnel policy, forms and methods of planning and management of the staff; be familiar with the system of professional advancement of collaborators mechanism vocational qualification growth of managers and professionals; know peculiarities of national business culture, its part and place in the system of management personnel; know the psychological and technological principles of selection and testing personnel.
Fulfilment of Bachelor Thesis Compulsory subject in the eighth semester.
Introduction. Analytical review sources. Analysis of the subject area. Documentation and information solving the problem. Choice of technological solutions of the problem. Description of task implementation. Analysis of the results. Conclusions operation. Learning outcomes: Student will have to: know the methodology to ensure coordination of internal management activities between the manager and the enterprise, organization; know the methods and techniques of functional information and drafting of decisions; be able to carry out information and analytical support base of problem situations; be able to design documents for the information support management decisions
Defence of Bachelor Thesis Compulsory subject in the eighth semester.
Introduction. Analytical review sources. Analysis of the subject area. Documentation and information solving the problem. Choice of technological solutions of the problem. Description of task implementation. Analysis of the results. Conclusions operation. Learning outcomes: Student will have to: know the methodology to ensure coordination of internal management activities between the manager and the enterprise, organization; know the methods and techniques of functional information and drafting of decisions; be able to carry out information and analytical support base of problem situations; be able to design documents for the information support management decisions
Information Networks Administration Compulsory subject in the eighth semester.
Services of information networks. Security policy. Evaluation of the security of information systems. Standards for information security. Means of protection operating systems and application software. Protection of operating systems (Linux and Windows). Websites security. Security of network protocols. Virtual private network. Firewall. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: Knowledge of architecture and service information networks; Knowledge of security of information networks; Ability to work determine the structure and services of information networks; Ability to solve basic tasks of administration and protection of information in information networks.
What our student say:
As all of us are Internet users and we post many different personal data in social networks in can be unsafe and have different consequences. So Information Security in the Virtual Space helps us to minimise risks to get in a paws of gamblers when we share our personal or corporative data through Internet (Olha).
If we want to get some success in profeional life in universities or other educational institutions we have to know all the methods and strategies of Research Work (Roman).
Also, you will keep fit and your health during the Physical Education 3 years’ course; discovering more about the history of our Motherland and its culture on History of Ukrainian State and Culture; exploring its modern life with the help of Political Science and Social Policy. And, you will have a great chance to improve your skills of Foreign Language.
Studying on Information, Library and Archival Studies Is an unique possibility to be an fully developed person and well-qualified professional!
Document resources Compulsory subject in the first semester. Document resources and arrays as elements of documentary communication. The dynamics of the documentary flows and arrays in society. Formation of library resources. Formation of archival resources. Formation of museum resources. Formation of information resources. Learning outcomes: Student will: Know basic categories subject area "document resources and arrays," "funds"; science-based approach to assessing the documentary flows as information systems; patterns of evolution and stages of document resources; the regulatory framework of funds (library, archive, museum, information); document supply system, composition, structure, and accounting requirements for preservation of library, information, archive and museum collections; • be able to analyse and assess Document flows and resources as information systems; apply rational methods of search, collection, acceptance and use of documentary information; • have an understanding of the current state of information work with foundations and prospects of their development
Modern technology of management of document Compulsory subject in the first semester. The discipline covers issues of document management in the control system, the basic procedures for outgoing documents, organizational structure of document management. Electronic office, an information model of organization, electronic document, the principles of construction and functioning of systems of electronic document management. Workflow technology, organizational and technological approaches to electronic records management, analysis, enterprise document workflow as a basis for automation, the evaluation criteria of electronic document management system, informatization of public administration, information and technological space of the state control model electronic control. . Learning outcomes: Student will have the:  ability to generate theoretical and practical solutions in the management of the documentation using the documentation aspects of the operations of the agencies, electronic document management and control, organization of the state apparatus of Ukraine, organization of reference and office activities;  ability to apply knowledge and practical skills of the analysis of relevant regulations, standards and technical conditions in industry;  to practically apply the knowledge of the current state of Affairs and latest technologies in the field of information, library and archives;
Management of the project activity Compulsory subject in the first semester. Standard project management of knowledge areas of project management, requirements management (Requirements Engineering). Mathematical models of project management, project portfolio management and project office, managing projects to create information systems.
Learning outcomes: Student will have the: ability to generate theoretical and practical solutions in the management of the documentation using the documentation aspects of the operations of the agencies, electronic document management and control, organization of the state apparatus of Ukraine, organization of reference and office activities; to practically apply the knowledge of the current state of Affairs and latest technologies in the field of information, library and archives; apply knowledge of the fundamentals of management, marketing and project management; systematically develop and apply creative skills to the formation of fundamentally new ideas; make calculations for the effective operation, setup of a standard computer and office equipment for the selected specialization; effectively manage the team to achieve the set objectives.
Business Information Resources Management Compulsory subject in the first semester.
Theory and practice of business information resources management. Documentation system. The politics of business information resources management. Business documents. Documentation workflow processes control. Tracking and checking. . Learning outcomes: Student will have the: knowledge of business information resources management politics planning methods; knowledge of the business functional analysis methodic; ability of documentary systems forming; ability of management information documentation process controlling; ability of nomenclature development methodic usage; ability of documents secure providing rules and procedures
Language Technologies of Documental Implementation Compulsory subject in the first semester.
Text as the basis of document. General requirements for the establishment of the official document text. The composition of the official documents text. The content of the text composition. Linguistic composition. The concept of connectors. Architectonics of the text. Graphic and font design of the official documents. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: Understanding of lexical, semantic and syntactic principles of texts' ordering. Knowledge of formatting and structuring texts of official documents. Knowledge of geographical information systems using for professional problems solving.
e-Democracy Compulsory subject in the second semester.
Basic concepts of electronic democracy. Forums and blogs. The use of forums and blogs in government. Personality in the information space. Social networks. The social actions in global networks. Wikipedia as a form of electronic democracy. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: knowledge of the basic concepts of e-democracy; ability to use forums and blogs in governmental institutions . ability to conduct social actions in online communication media.
Imagology Compulsory subject in the second semester. Image-Making. History, Objectives, Image's Kinds and Types. Functions and Principles. The Technology Of Creating An Image Of "Self-Concept" (Including Types Of Intelligence), Facebilding, Hairstyle And Appearance, Coloring, Makeup, Kinesics, Gestures, Clothing Design, Fashion, Fluid Radiation. The Image of The Leader. The Image of Politicians. Policy's Symbolization. Pre-Election Technologies. Corporations' Image. Conflicts. Types of Conflict. Conflict Resolution. The Image of the Family. Celebrity's Image. Business-look Image. Learning outcomes: Student will have to:  To know: the theoretical foundations imageology, its elements and types, methods of image formation, the basic principles and conditions for creating a positive image, the specificity of a positive image of the person corporation.  to be able to: create your own image and adjust it according to the needs of the environment. Students must be able to present the same image in their professional relationships and control their own image.
Methods and Means of Information Documenting Compulsory subject in the second semester.
The concept of information and information documentation. Electronic document. The structure of the document information technology. Information modeling. Basic model documentation and their applications. Documenting information using CASE-tools. The concept of electronic office. Learning outcomes: Student will : know the concept of information resources and information theory, basics of documenting information models and methods of documentation and their applications; understand and solve problems and tasks of documenting information; conduct research in documenting information; apply methods and tools to document information in practical situations and consolidation of competitive intelligence information;
Online Services Compulsory subject in the second semester.
Basic technologies of electronic services and information transfer. Internet friendly. Mail services. Instant messaging. Electronic documents management systems and planning. Services e-learning. E-Commerce Services Learning outcomes: Student will: know the concept and classification of e-services, the basic principles of the organization of electronic documents and planning, conceptual foundations and basic definitions of e-learning processes; understand and solve problems and tasks of e-services; conduct research into the selection of electronic services in trade; apply the methods and means of electronic services Web 2.0;
Library-Information Services Compulsory subject in the second semester. Basic technologies of library and information services. Library and information systems. Studying Library and Information Services can lead to a career in both the public and private sectors, including business, media, government, museums, galleries and in education institutions. Learning outcomes: Student will:  know the concept and classification of library and information services, the basic principles of library and information systems organization;  understand and solve problems and tasks of library and information services.
Technologies of Information Management Compulsory subject in the second semester. Basic concepts of information management, information model and the concept of information modeling, the basic concepts info dynamics, probabilistic approach to measure the information content of the Shannon entropy, IDEF0 standards and IDEF1, data flow diagram (DFD), diagram "entityrelationship" (ERD), logical types of information models of electronic information sources, key management model and its scope, the principles of corporate information systems. Learning outcomes: Student will: know the basic objectives of information management, models and methods of information modeling, evaluating the quality of information models; understand and solve problems and problems of information management; conduct research in information modeling; apply theoretical knowledge of information modeling in practical situations and consolidation of competitive intelligence information;
Technologies of Knowledge Management Compulsory subject in the second semester.
Knowledge engineering. Knowledge representation using graphs. Hierarchical knowledge representation. Models of knowledge representation. Methods of ontologyіcal engineering knowledge mining from databases and text. Knowledgebase and WWW. Ontologies and ontologіcal engineering. Learning outcomes: Student will have the: Knowledge of technologies of production, accumulation, structuring, formation, processing of data and knowledge; Knowledge of knowledge engineering and ontological engineering.
Institution Communicative Strategies Compulsory subject in the second semester. The Image of the Institution, Global Communications, Market Organization And Communication, Communication and Marketing Policy, Means of Identification, Social Media, Direct Promotion of Products, Services, Promotion, Communication Measures Engineering Internal Communication Strategy of Commercial Communication, Communication Strategy for a Company, Strategy Internal Communications Strategy for Social Communications Analyze The Effectiveness Of Communications. Learning outcomes: Student will have the knowledge of: formation of students' theoretical knowledge about the origin, structure, models of communication and basic communication strategies institution; the role of communication tools of communication strategies; development of basic communicative and professional competence to satisfy the information needs of the organization and creation of a positive image in the community.
Internet-Technologies of Consolidated Document Compulsory subject in the second semester.
Information content and audience sites. Methods communities effectively positioning system WWW. Methods and algorithms for building effective virtual communities. Extraction of the user experience on social media communication. Personification content virtual communities Learning outcomes: Student will: know the basic principles of designing online systems and methods of building information system based on web technologies able to perform complex tasks of search, analysis and consolidation of information on the Internet, be able to create, fill and secure operation of websites and web communities on the Internet administer web servers and web sites be able to assess and maintain the quality of the operation created websites and web communities.
Cultural Heritage: Interpretation and Communication Compulsory subject in the second semester.
Basic technologies of distance education services and information transfer. Internet friendly. Distance tems.
Services technologies of distance education learning.
Learning outcomes: Student will:  know the concept and classification of distance education services technologies, the basic principles of the distance education systems organization, conceptual foundations and basic definitions of distance education technologies learning processes;  understand and solve problems and tasks of distance education services technologies;
Fulfilment of Master Thesis Compulsory subject in the third semester.
Introduction. Analytical review sources. Analysis of the subject area. Documentation and information solving the problem. Choice of technological solutions of the problem. Description of task implementation. Analysis of the results. Conclusions operation. Learning outcomes: Student will: know the methodology to ensure coordination of internal management activities between the manager and the enterprise, organization; know the methods and techniques of functional information and drafting of decisions; know the methods and technologies of electronic document be able to carry out information and analytical support base of problem situations; be able to design documents for the information support management decisions; be able to monitor internal information environment agencies to monitor changes in the basic process activities.
Master Thesis Related Internship Compulsory subject in the third semester.
Analysis scientific and educational sources. Analysis of laws and regulations. Analysis of Internet resources related to the subject of the master's work. Analysis of international experience in solving problems in the master's work and standards of ISO. Analysis of domain objects and the relationships between them. Analysis of regulations establishment. Learning outcomes: Student will: know the methodology to ensure coordination of internal management activities between the manager and the enterprise, organization; know the methods and techniques of functional information and drafting of decisions; be able to carry out information and analytical support base of problem situations; be able to design documents for the information support management decisions
Management of the Quality of Library and Archival Studies Compulsory subject in the second semester.
Areas of quality management. Aspects of quality management. Integrated quality management. The methods of statistical control and quality management. Improving quality through innovation. Archived standards and recommendations. Library and Library Network. Library Information Resources. Analytic-synthetic processing of documents. Information technologies in library activities. Information service library users. International Council on Archives and the International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standartization - ISO) - the worldwide association of national standardization (ISO member bodies). Learning outcomes: Student will know: Domestic and international standards in the field of library and archives; Possession of knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles of organization, modernization of library and archives; Legal and contractual-legal regulation of activity in information institutions; Technological content of library and archival institutions; Basic requirements for information support of library and archival institutions
Department of Social Communication and Information Activities Welcomes you!
Lviv, 3 Mytropolyt Andrei str., Building 4, Room 523 responsible for the publication Solomia Fedushko SCIADepartment
By Nataliia Kaniuka & Olha Trach