SJU #12

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―It would not be possible to pull off such a hoax without a little outside help,‖ Dr. Henderson answered. ―Let‘s just say that I will have to go through the proper channels. ―As for you, your physical features, most notably your face, will have to be altered so that you cannot be recognized. This will be completed long before you resurface from the extraction process. I will make arrangements with my cosmetic surgeon, as well as contact a resource that will provide you with the paperwork for a new identity. Driver‘s license, social security card, birth certificate, so on and so forth.‖ ―How can you do all this?‖ Richard asked in disbelief. ―As I said before, all it takes is the proper channels. Believe me, Richard, I‘ve been involved in this practice for quite a while now, and I have yet to achieve anything other than a desirable result. Upon awakening from the procedure, you will be informed by one of my associates that you have just undergone the final phase of a radical new treatment to combat the tumor in your brain. Although it was a success, the loss of your memory was an inevitable side-effect. He or she will help familiarize you with your newly created identity.‖ ―And point me in the right direction as to where to go?‖ Richard surmised, knowing full well that he would not be allowed to return to his apartment. The doctor nodded, regarding him with a look of profound appreciation. ―That is absolutely correct, Richard. On the day of your procedure, you will come to my office with no possessions other than the clothes you are dressed in. These will be removed while you are being treated, and I will outfit you in a new set of attire. To help you start your new life, I will provide you with a cargo bag containing a few more clothes, and a wallet with some money in it.‖ ―How much?‖ Richard had to ask, his eyes widening as he leaned forward in the chair. Dr. Henderson shrugged. ―It‘s not going to be a substantial amount, just enough to get you by on your way home.‖ ―And where, by chance, is that going to be?‖ ―Unfortunately, I‘m not able to tell you right now, for the simple reason that I myself don‘t know yet,‖ the doctor explained. ―Provisions will be made for a suitable living environment, as well as an appointment with a job placement facility. Wherever this takes place, I can promise you that it will be far away from here.‖ ―I see,‖ Richard submitted, stealing a furtive glance toward the door. His headache had intensified; he could feel the relentless pressure of it pushing against his eyeballs. ―And how much do you charge for doing all of this?‖ Dr. Henderson wordlessly tore a blank page from his notepad, writing a figure down. He slid it across the desk to Richard, who erupted in laughter when he saw it. ―You must be kidding me,‖ he said. The doctor‘s expression remained stolid. ―I know the amount seems to be quite exuberant, Richard, but look at what I am giving you. The foundation to start a whole new life, with the freedom to build upon it whichever way you see fit. Surely you could not expect such a thing to be cheap.‖ ―Surely,‖ Richard mocked, ―but there‘s no way in the world I would be able to afford that.‖ ―Don‘t let the price scare you,‖ Dr. Henderson reassured him. ―I will take a small down payment, and the rest would be subtracted from your future wages, under the guise of a supplementary tax.‖ ―For how long?‖ Richard sneered. ―For as long as it takes,‖ the doctor responded. ―Well, thank you, Dr. Henderson. It‘s been a pleasure,‖ Richard started, rising out of his chair. ―I take it you‘re not interested?‖ ―You take it correct. Thanks for the booze.‖ Richard turned to leave, making his way toward the door. He could feel the doctor‘s eyes on his back. ―Oh, Richard?‖ Richard lunged for the doorknob, ignoring him. His hand barely brushed against it before he fell to his knees, surrendering to a sharp pain in his leg. ―What...‖ he muttered, his lips suddenly going numb. Richard

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