Unit 1 human settlement planning

Page 35

In Nature evolution work towards a compression of circles and the gradual formation of polygonic systems, the clearest form of which is the hexagon. In evolution of human settlements we see two courses: 2. Primitive human settlements Organised settlements

On the micro-scale, where man must divide the land, construct one or more shells (rooms and houses), and circulate within a built-up area (neighbourhood), the solution leads to a synthesis at a right angle; On the macro-scale, where man must own and use space but not build it, and circulate within it, although to a much lesser degree than before (usually non more than one movement to and from every day), man continues to follow the course of nature towards hexagonal patterns. During this era of the development of human settlements the patterns or regional distribution of the settlements differ depending on the phase of evolution and the prevailing conditions of safety, the population still small, the villages can be found in the plains, near the rivers and near the sea. When the population becomes dense, new patterns develop, and the villages come over to cover the entire plain on the basis of the small hexagonal pattern and the hills and the mountains on a larger hexagonal pattern. The development of land cultivation, the population might be larger, but would still be smaller than that of the era of large population and full exploitation of the land, when it would reach five hundred thousand or even one million.

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