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Participating students

5. The participating students shall be a national of a participating country or recognised by the country in which he/she is resident as refugee, stateless person or permanent resident according to national legislation. The participating students shall be registered in one of the participating institutions. The number of students travelling from countries other than the country where the IP takes place must not be less than 10. 1.5.2.

IP selection and contracts Call for proposals

6. The selection of IP may take place on the basis of a Call for Proposals published by the NA in addition to the general LLP Call for proposals. The national priorities may not refer to the planned location of the IP, i.e. the NA may not give priority to IP which take place in their country. 7. The eligibility/validity period of IP is 1 September N to 31 August N+1. Exceptionally, the end date of the IP may be after 31 August N+1, provided that the starting date is within the above defined eligibility period. 8. The coordinating HEI for the IP will apply to the NA of their country using the official application forms (to be completed by the NA with its specific national information). 9. When there is a change of coordinator between years, but in the same country, the 2nd/3rd year's application shall be considered a renewal. However, if the coordination moves to a different country, the application shall be considered a new application.

Application procedure and selection

10. The NA organises the grant award procedure in line with section 3.6 of the Guide for NAs and using the IP assessment handbook for NAs and experts as well as the IP assessment form provided in annex to this Guide. 11. After the end of the grant award procedure the NA of the country of the coordinator sends electronic copies of the applications of the approved projects to the NA of the participating countries for information. The NA also publishes the grant award results on its website in line with section 3.6 of the Guide for NAs and sends a list of approved and rejected projects to the Commission for information. The Commission will publish a consolidated list of IPs on the Europa website.

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